• Member Since 7th Aug, 2016
  • offline last seen Dec 6th, 2022


Just a pegasister who likes art, fanfics, and perchance writing.



This story is a sequel to Tell Me Baby

After the events of Tell Me Baby, Sunset Shimmer has decided to continue staying in Los Pegasus with Jackie and the rest of Jackie's friends. Christmas has past and now it's time for her to join Jackie and her friends as they celebrate a second Christmas together. With a fresh start ahead of her and the whole Anon-A-Miss incident slowly disappearing behind her, things are looking up for Sunset Shimmer!

Although being a unicorn turned human that brought magic to this world and living in a city that's very different from Canterlot, perhaps this is going to be a more bumpy ride than she expected!

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The sequel to Tell Me Baby and I'm jumping right into things! If you couldn't tell yet, the naming theme and the cover art theme is based on a band and a specific song. Last time was Red Hot Chili Peppers with Tell Me Baby, and now it's Cake with Sheep Go To Heaven.

Edit: Also I am officially calling this the Guitars, Sugar, OCs, and Magik universe.

Chapters (9)
Comments ( 142 )

:rainbowlaugh: almost fell out of my chair laughing at this. This was great. :rainbowlaugh:

7493311 Yeah, thought I'd make the sequel a little lighter. There's definitely going to be more comedy in this one. :rainbowlaugh:

Though I wish I remembered to add that Jackie also had wings, had to go back and edit those in. :applejackconfused:

Are we gonna see the Mane 6 (or Mane 5) and the CMC in future chapters?

7493380 Yeah, I have vague plans for them to show up at least once, we need to see how the CMC are doing and the humane 5 are needed for plot.

So who is going to take Celestia's place at running the school?

7494013 Indeed, I do plan on addressing that in this fic.

Oh boy i have a feeling the school going to suffer badl, and it's their own fault rally, the CMC are a big part fo the reason the rest is the students.
The nail in the coffin was the Rainbooms.
What ever Principal Chrysalis planned got to be painful for all of them.


7496114 Yesssssss... if there is a Cadence and Shining Armor in this world, there is a Chrysalis...

And a history between parties. :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, that is going to end SO well! :D

Oh crap! Luna is so screwed. So now all we need to see is what became of Celestia after she left chs not to mention what becomes of the cmc and if the school finds out what they did to Sunset Shimmer.

Gonna fav and comment before I start just because I like the last one so much!
...wait...Cake? So...is Sunset? ...Going the Distance? :trollestia:

7496317 Oh you think Luna is screwed NOW. :rainbowwild:

And after the CMC did that little announcement in the cafeteria... it's pretty safe to say word has spread.

7496327 You... have earned five mustaches. Use them well. :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache: :moustache:

Liking this Chrysalis and her evilness. Are we gonna see the mc or the human 5 at all in this?

I wonder how bad the othr students feel for blaming Sunset and helping driving her away...pretty bad I bet sicne it broke Pinciapal Celestia.
I also wodner what does this mean for the Rainbooms, they each failed thier element.
Apple Jack I'm the most disappointed in, I meant element of Honesty...and she refused to listen to Sunset.

Well look forward to the next chapters and see what the new Principal has store for the shcool.


From what we're seeing with Jackie, I suppose their elements transferred to Jackie and her friend, who do seems worthy of them...

At least, that's my hypothesis!

As for Chrislias I would more than likely want to see her screw up bad enough to were the main five go after her with Celestia backing them up perhaps in some sort of fight that coast the bug b - - - - to lose her job and for the tirek to get his butt handed to him on silver platter. Very well written chapter can't wait to see what else goes down. I would love to see where Celestia has been for the past year or so.

7496676 I imagine so after the holidays, but I dunno if I wanna save it as reveal for the sequel or something. XD

7496717 I always wondered if being the element of honesty meant being a lie detector.

Either way yeah they fucked up but they haven't learned all the lessons their pony counterparts did. Plus this is basically a Canterlot Wedding all over again and the pony versions sucked handling that. XD

7496736 Well that's what makes the magic powers tricky in the human world since the writing staff in the movies basically made them deus ex mcguffins. I mean look at the previews to the new movies. BAM super powers.

HOWEVER. That might support my hypothesis that there is human magic in the world, it's just that the conversion of Equestrian Magic to Human magic is kinda shitty and takes time. But since humans haven't used magic in forever, at the moment it needs a catalyst. Like say a magic crown or a unicorn human who is connected with the elements of harmony and so OBVIOUSLY an alicorn now so what the fuck Hasbro.

Anyways, if the new OCs are going to be like, a new set of elements of harmony then it's going to be a tad different in a way.

7496920 What? It hasn't been a year. I kinda thought I established that it's barely been two weeks since the Anon-A-Miss dealie and like, only half a week that she spoke to Twilight. I mean yeah I'm moving fast but I figure that can slide since the show and movies kinda play it fast and lose with time.

And UNLIKE the show, I'm going to make Chrysalis more competent so she's not going to be dethroned so soon. :rainbowwild:

7497213 Yeah, the Elements and their working aren't very well definitely in the show, and even less in the human world's version; my hypothesis is merely that they'd work the same as the Equestrian Elements of Harmony. Since their designated* owners (the Human5) showed themselves to be everything against what the elements represents during the Anon-a-Miss incident (and to be honest, even before, since they had a big fallout based on some flimsy evidence planted by Sunset), the elements would have followed the current owner of their version of "Magic" (Sunset) to new owners, owners who proved themselves to fit what they would represent (not taking their inner nature into consideration).

After all, the elements themselves defines vague concepts, and do not define the behavior of their recipients, just a profound part of their nature. I think that, for example, Jackie could be loyalty (or kindness for that matter) simply because it's deeply anchored in her nature. It would make sense that the Elements2 would be different in both behavior and history than the Elements1, but so long as their nature do represents what the elements entails, there's no reason that they shouldn't be worthy.

Additionally, the magic leylines of (...)

That's merely my theory of the EoH and their inner working. I still eagerly await to see what you're going to do with both Sunset's situation and Canterlot's!

And to be honest, I will deeply enjoy whatever Chrysalis does to this damned school. >:]

7497227 OOOPS sorry thought it had been a full year due to her spending a entire Christmas with her new friend Jackie. So yeah sorry about that. Any how hope to see where Celestia wound up after she left chs soon.

7497250 I like the thoughts bouncing around in your head. Very nice.

Although I think everyone comes down too hard on the humane 5. For one they've never been the elements before and they've only been the elements of harmony for like what, a couple months? And they've only had to learn like, two friendship lessons in two movies compared to what, the four seasons of lessons the mane 6 have had. Not to mention ponies and humans are different in terms of environment and stuff. I mean come on, as a human I can say compared to ponies, we suck.

But yeah, I have been thinking about elements and if it isn't obvious who gets what element already, here's what I think.

Jackie would be a fit for loyalty but as I think about the others, I would say she fits more to kindness. Then I would put Bobby as honesty, Tino as generosity, Poppy for loyalty, which would leave laughter for Sandy (which I'll have to justify but I can see it since she likes to do shows that make people feel happy).

But that's just my thought for now.

7497265 No worries, it's just that in the comic it happened before X-mas so that's the time frame I put it in.

7497290 I think that the reason most people come down as hard on them as they do is because of how quickly they turned their back on Sunset, no matter how she proved she was a different person; Ingratitude and the principle of betrayal is pretty much hated by (almost) everyone. Both her friends and Canterlot were quick to turn their back or even try to physically harm Sunset based on little to no evidence. So people (me included) want to see some sort of closure for Sunset, and some sort of karma for the H5.

But yeah, they ARE pretty new to this magic thing and to elements in general. However, Cyberbullying, framing, physical aggression, and all that ensued didn't need magic. Just three little girls, a phone, and the subsequent behavior didn't need to have anything magically induced (such as the Dazzlings' singing) to degenerate from. Which led Sunset to fleeing Canterlot half emotionally broken. They ARE human, and their actions were very human, in all its glory and flaw.

The fact that Sunny's seen as a bit of a martyr in this situation doesn't help people to appreciate the H5 there, even if they're not entirely bad. The student body, however, knew for a large part that it wasn't Sunset and kept sending secrets AND framed her along with the CMC.

I personally do wish a bit of karmic retribution to the H5 and the school in general, but I'm more interested in seeing a new Sunset bloom in her new life, with new friends, and if possible, even a tiny bit of happiness in this dark world. :P

Will Fluffle Puff be Chryssi's minion in this fix?

As a wise man once said:

"All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That's how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day."

That one bad day has happened and CHS will suffer the consequences of their actions.

7497437 True. But you also forget the second element that was out of the Humane 5's control. Shitty writing. XD

Anyways, I wanted to try and make it so that all around the situation was fucked. Yeah Sunset Shimmer had saved the school and made up for the fall formal, BUT she also tormented people and hurt them for three years running. The problem with the comic is that it could of been a beautifully complex story but they had to just cram it all into one issue.

And yeah, I'm hoping that I'm writing the west coast sort of experience well for Sunset Shimmer. It's definitely not Canterlot anymore, there are shades of gray instead of black and white.

7498126 Lol, I hadn't even considered Fluffle puff. But I could totally see her as the new secretary/secret spy that gets information passed along through crayon drawings to Chrysalis.

But yeah, I can't say I'm going to show a lot of CHS in this story, sort of want to keep it a surprise/shock for both you guys and Sunset Shimmer when she finally hears about... things. :pinkiecrazy:

Awesome! Love this chapter and laughed at Sunset being upset she has to make a new name for some attack she was thinking on. Heh.

7498824 Yeah, Jackie was saving Pony Breaker because it's like Limit Breaker from Final Fantasy.

But either way, DRAM-DUH-DRAM-DRAMA! In the future now that the humane 5 know where Sunset Shimmer is!

The battle for sunset shimmer is coming and sunset's rage at the rainboom

7498874 Well I do plan on a battle happening soon at some point. But it might possibly not be the one you're expecting. :rainbowwild:

Yep, Chryssie it is. Though I find it ironic she shows up at a place full of so much hate, but hey, the personality certainly fits...makes me wonder how Moony would fit into this world.

7499135 Hey master manipulator showing up in a school that's been way manipulated. XD

Moony? Sorry it's 1am, do you mean Nightmare Moon? Welll, that will be explain... IN THE FUTURE!

Poor Jackie, caught in moment of weakness. That's why you just shut off your phone whenever you're hell-bent on getting proper rest!

Are the RainBooms going with her or is it just her and Discord?

also nice bit on the Hang over lol!

This had me on the edge of my seat very well written so very excited to see the next chapter!:pinkiehappy: :twilightsmile:

7499307 Oh Jackie is just a big softie, you should know that. XD

7499380 Thank you! Personally I've only been hungover about twice in my life (badly) so I could draw on some experience. XD

And as for the Rainbooms going along, I really had not planned on it. I mean I know people (other people, clearly not myself) get in the car and just take off at times but I don't want the Pony Breakers and the Rainbooms to meet just yet. Besides, Applejack probably has chores AND has to watch Applebloom, Rarity has to watch her sister, Fluttershy's parents would probably say no and Fluttershy's chicken side would probably win out, Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would probably flout authority and go but I'd rather have all of them there to meet the OCs.


7499575 Thank you! Thank you! You're too kind! :pinkiehappy:


Aeseome again heh. I rather see the Rainbooms stew in the mess thier sister's caused for a bit longer.
But oh man Sunset going to be devasted when she finds out Celestia had to give up her position at the school because of the mess.

.............ooooooooooooohhhh:facehoof: I have a feeling Sunset going to be madder then ever at her exfriends and the CMC after that.

You are very most welcome.

Can't wait to see what Celestia says to Sunset and how Sunset will react to hearing that Celestia quit because of what the CMC did not to mention what Celestia is going to do when she learns what Tirek did and how Chyrialis is treating Celestias sister.

7499992 Yeahhhhhhh. This is why Celestia is going to say it's just her and Discord going alone. Maybe she doesnt' have thousands of years of wisdom like her alicorn counterpart but even she can see the possible shit storm on the horizon. :rainbowlaugh:

7500004 Yeah. Everyone at CMC is basically in the shit now and it ain't good. XD

7499182 I've gotten to a point where it's hard to see NMM as a villain anymore. The show not really giving a solid explanation added to that. Then there was this:
Yeah, this isn't a villain, don't care what canon says.

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