• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Sorry if I'm slow to upload. I'm more of a reader than a writer.

Comments ( 74 )

I'm intrigued, will read when I get a chance

Hmm... Ye~es, this some great potential.:pinkiecrazy:

You unlocked a Hidden Gift! You now have at least one Loyal Follower who will read this with enthusiasm! And as a Secret Bonus you may now summon The Ranger to aid you if you need help!

the Ranger's me, btw... Imagine an anthropomorphic Thestral wearing a set of this armor but the mask can be detached. Mainly for easier time getting the helmet off or to use the helmet without the mask. The mask is placed on in combat situations mostly or to intimidate someone. The Ranger is armed with an Anti-material rifle using either explosive, armor piercing, FMJ or incendiary rounds. Also a 10 millimeter pistol and an automatic combat rifle. The name you can see already :D oh, also the ranger has a liking to whiskey and salmiac candy:twilightsmile:

Interesting concept, I'm in.

If the OCs in this story were voiced, what would they sound like?

I hope there not to op that be boring without struggle or challenges to overcome for them.
like maybe their dream place is not perfect as they thought it was little problems made by them by accident or twilight tell Celestia or her parents i mean the magic is scary and maybe want a nightmare construct punishing children or ponies who annoy them contained and lock away forever or till luna comes to deal with it big nope there. or there another tantabus

Yes, a human turned Tantabus dream(EDIT: Opps, I meant "story"...) I shall watch you with anticipation in my heart...

Good beginning i will follow

He seemed a little too eager to blast those foals to death. Oh well :derpytongue2:

“...Was that my voice? Is this my voice?!”

Nice, i hoped a story with a human turned Tantabus would come:pinkiehappy:

When I first played dead space I was 7 or 8, couldn't sleep without a light on for a month.
And you put a kid in there....did the kid get a therapy?

7459145 Bastard didn't deserve it, not after what he did to Twilight...

Damnit Eclipse, I thought we talked about this. No spoilers, and no deciding who's worth what!

Fuck you, he should have gotten worse!

I made you, Eclipse, I can Unmake you.

... Fine. I'm sorry... that I didn't finish those kids off... OW SON OF A-
You're not allowed.

Indistinct grumbling...

this fic is perfect continue


Love the clop scene, very creative with the mind bodymass separation used for the womb! Good job!

I like it. I just hope there will be longer clop scenes. Especially with Chrysalis! :pinkiesmile:


Good to know I'm not the only one that has to deal with this crap.


(Gets a nuke out, making L.M. shrink back in fear...)

That's what I thought, ya little shit.


Story concept is good but the story comes off a bit fast paced.

7467041 Well there is a LOT to cover, and I'm not about to just cram a bajillion chapters into this. I'm doing the whole timeline.

This story is surely a gift from the holy god emperor of mankind

7468201 This is, without a doubt, one of my favorite stories thus far!:pinkiehappy:

I can't wait to see what happens next keep up the good work update more soon it getting very interesting to read :twilightsmile:

Yes. This.

Also, the cover art. The Tantabus has one of the most smug looks I have ever seen.

Interesting, i wonder if she'll found a new, empty body to inhabit.

finaly!!! a new chapter and i love it!!!:pinkiehappy:
but what have take your time to post this chapter?
(its only a question)

7767284 I've been grounded due to overexposure to this website and other pony related things. I only got this one out by sneaking it.

7767349 Heh. Not quite. My dad's sleeping behind me and I'm on the only computer I have access to.

do you mean you've been spending to much time doing pony related things?

I actually hoped for Chrysalis to moan out loudly or/and climax while regaining control, since she was tentacle-fucked up until the point she regained it. Well, I will just have to wait and hope for more saucy bits next time! :pinkiesmile:

I want more sweet dreams. Even though there is not much detail like others i've read, I still find enjoyment in it. So I want to read more... Please write more.....:twilightsmile:

I was surprise to hear about this story idea. The idea of someone in change of Tantabus, someone who brings peace, and not nightmares is unique :twilightsmile:. I look forward to see how you develop this story :pinkiehappy:, and see how Tantabus interacts with Twilight would be a nice twist, and maybe becoming her first friend. Still it would be unique to see how Tantabus and Luna would interact, it would be clear that when she is free, she would eventually encounter Tantabus as moves from dream to dream. So I wish you the best, and hope for a quick update :twilightsmile:!

This story was fun, then this chapter. This is Alternate Universe AND crossover stuff, meaning: A The fore mentioned tags must be used, or B This "extra dimensional" schtick needs to go. Option A is literally just adding tags, at least the crossover tag, as the (seemingly) main villain is from an existing and known universe. The "Twilit Messengers" is just redundant at this point. The biggest problem I face is how all this crossover thing came out of the blue. I went back and I couldn't find any hints to it in the previous chapters.

HOWEVER! I am just a reader stating his own opinion, you're the author, so you can do as you please, but I'm not reading this story anymore.

I agree. way to fast paced...like 20 times to fast. but its interesting...ill keep reading it but I'm kinda unsure.

7809489 i kinda 50/50 agree/disagree with your thoughts:applejackunsure:

Think i'll stay neutral regarding what you said, and just say i still want to read more of this:applejackunsure:

hulking, tentacle-covered body

You know, I was honestly rooting for the tentacle-covered monsters since I hoped for some sweet tentacle action. :twilightsheepish:

I mean, let's be honest here, Nightmare Moon punishing her naughty, naughty daughter is a rather enticing thought after all! :rainbowkiss:

Nice update :twilightsmile:. It was well made and I do love how you are developing it. While Eclipse is a being of energy, will you change that allow her to become more. Like the Elements turning her into a real mare, maybe turning her into Luna's alicorn daughter, and become the Princess of Dreams. Its just an idea, its your story.

7810252 You Disgusting weird Per- Damn that's hot, I mean Shut up and go crawl down a ho- how is she that flexible? I mean crawl down that hole and stay there.

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