• Member Since 19th Feb, 2014
  • offline last seen July 19th


Sorry if I'm slow to upload. I'm more of a reader than a writer.


Hello again. · 12:57pm Sep 14th, 2022

It has been a while, hasn't it? It's been months since I last uploaded anything. Some of you may have noticed I canceled Celestial Disposition. I'm sorry to do that. I jjst feel no drive to continue it any longer.

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A change in profession, and now a Schedule. · 3:51am Jan 26th, 2020

So it's been a while. Several months. My updates are few and far in between. So sorry to everyone... But I've started pulling my life together.

I'm going to start streaming on twitch.


Tuesdays will be Terraria, Thursdays will be Storytime where I either read stories on Reddit, or talk to my viewers about stories.

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Change of Plans · 8:31pm Jul 6th, 2017

Okay, so you guys aren't getting an RP based fanfic so soon. Maybe not for a while. But instead, I've started working on a new fic based on a dream. A bit of a weird dream, but hey. It got you guys a story.
But here's the thing. It's gonna be a Displaced fic. I know I already tried and failed to do one once, but here's a new one revamped and set to only one specific ability. Power Copy.

I should be able to get this first chapter out by tomorrow at the soonest. I'll see you guys then.

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Complete Breakdown · 1:05pm Jun 25th, 2017

I am so sorry everyone. It's been far too long since I've updated anything, and to be honest, I've completely lost the drive to write anything at all lately... I've been considering canceling a number of stories to work on new ones, or even rewriting some. But the quality will have degraded, since for the longest time, I've been doing only Roleplays.

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Rewriting · 9:45pm Sep 14th, 2016

Hey guys, FC_Dracsemi here!

And Switch too. I’m proud to say, this story is getting a Reset.

Yeah, not really a great start, and that last chapter was frustrating...I definitely think we could do better. Don’t you agree?

Yeah, the whole story could be better. I mean, this is a story, not a roleplay. But we’ve treated it like a roleplay since the beginning.

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Story Helpers Wanted: Controling the Beast Within · 4:37am Jul 2nd, 2016

Heya, guys! You've been outstanding with your support, but I like to read too. Now the thing is, one of my favorite authors has been having a lot of trouble working on his fic, and as much as I enjoy it, I can't really spare any time. Many factors prevent me from helping directly, but I've volunteered my help in finding a friend to help him. This is where you come in. If you would like to, I ask that you please help this guy out, he is a really great author and the fic is by far one of the best

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I am a Bug: Chapter 4 Preview · 6:09am Jun 22nd, 2016

Yeah, it's been too long.. you guys deserve at least a sneak peak into what I've written for your patience though. Here ya go.

Chapter 4: Let’s Show Off.

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Moving the story, Making a rewrite · 4:35pm Jun 10th, 2016

So uh... yeah. This story kinda crashed, so I'm making big changes to it. I won't be updating this one anymore, but I'm doing a rewrite over on another separate story. It should be linked as a sequel, for convenience.

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Woot! New picture! · 9:32pm Mar 23rd, 2016

Guys, I just got a new picture for Celestial Disposition! I'm sorry it hasn't been updated in a while, but I've been buried under a mountain of homework. I'll channel my frustrations into the next chapter, I promise you that. But first, I gotta get it done.

Thanks to Blazing Archangel for pointing me to this picture. It really does scream Troll.


Incest? · 3:11am Mar 7th, 2016

Yo. I got asked a question on my story, and I feel it's up to all of you guys answer it. It's simple:

"Is there gonna be incest in this story?"

I have a sort of neutral stand on that, so I'm not gonna enforce it if you guys don't want it.

Report Switchlock · 446 views ·