The Tantabus merges with an unsuspecting human, who then finds himself in a time before even Sunset Shimmer had become Princess Celestia's student. As well, things are a bit more interdimensionally complicated... What will happen?
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This story was fun, then this chapter. This is Alternate Universe AND crossover stuff, meaning: A The fore mentioned tags must be used, or B This "extra dimensional" schtick needs to go. Option A is literally just adding tags, at least the crossover tag, as the (seemingly) main villain is from an existing and known universe. The "Twilit Messengers" is just redundant at this point. The biggest problem I face is how all this crossover thing came out of the blue. I went back and I couldn't find any hints to it in the previous chapters.
HOWEVER! I am just a reader stating his own opinion, you're the author, so you can do as you please, but I'm not reading this story anymore.
7809489 i kinda 50/50 agree/disagree with your thoughts
Think i'll stay neutral regarding what you said, and just say i still want to read more of this
great chapter.
You know, I was honestly rooting for the tentacle-covered monsters since I hoped for some sweet tentacle action.
I mean, let's be honest here, Nightmare Moon punishing her naughty, naughty daughter is a rather enticing thought after all!
Nice update
. It was well made and I do love how you are developing it. While Eclipse is a being of energy, will you change that allow her to become more. Like the Elements turning her into a real mare, maybe turning her into Luna's alicorn daughter, and become the Princess of Dreams. Its just an idea, its your story.
7810252 You Disgusting weird Per- Damn that's hot, I mean Shut up and go crawl down a ho- how is she that flexible? I mean crawl down that hole and stay there.
Yeah....Shits going to derail...
7813756 Alright then, guys. I'll try to fix it.
7821207 So....Fix what?
7822112 I mean the rush of the chapter. I jumped into action too fast. Realized I needed to set a sense of danger first.
7825121 true...
it has a sex tag... but i want to read it.... ehh fuck it
now i know what the sex tag is for...
Sooooooooo, is this story dead? Case I've been waiting FOREVER for an update......please respond.
Also, please update 'I am a bug' that story makes me Luagh so hard I cry.
8002672 I can't write anything pony-related for at least a few years. Dad's demands. I have to move out before I can write again.
Pfft. The Elements are ten times stronger than Celestia and Luna combined.
You're doing a lot here, crossing over with a lot of different things. You're doing too much though. You're giving Nightmare Moon so much power that she'll be unbeatable when the first episode comes, as she can summon minions that have a lot more power than anything in the MLP universe.
If multiverse exists...oh god...there are some worlds that would supercharge chryssy ALOT.
dude, that's fucking sad. Ever consider a ghost writer or something? Like, feed the story plans to them and let them write? I know it's not the best, but there are users on here that really enjoy your works, myself included, and it provides a structure for rewrites later on.
Good news, I can write again. Bad news, my co-authors dropped off the planet. Sorta. They've stopped contacting me for a while, and I'm beginning to doubt we'll ever talk again.
that's disconcerting. you could always put forward a call for new co-authors. Sure, the story structure will change but it will make it easier to write.
Maybe, if said coauthors didn't have their characters put into those stories.
More please
This was a fun little romp while it lasted. Had some potential, though I sorta lost the fic a little with all the Xavius and multiverse stuff.
Hope things get better, never stop doing what you love :)
Still waiting for more of your good work switchlock