• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 14,894 Views, 105 Comments

What Are These, And Why Are They In My Face? - dirty little secret

After irking the very spirit of chaos, Celestia gets shunted off to a new universe and meets a different version of herself. And also for some reason she's male now. This leads to its natural conclusion.

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Comments ( 105 )

It's been too long since I wrote something with best pony, so have this: double the best pony!

7372194 I don't even need to read this to know it deserved a like from me.

It's definitely worth a read, though!

7372278 It was, just finished it. Great stuff!

*whistles like a devil in disguise*:trollestia:

Kay then...

That was interesting.

>R63 Celestia not called Solaris


Well, (s)he didn't have much time to come up with a name, okay?

^.^ What was the most interesting part?

Comment posted by PlieRow666 deleted Jul 12th, 2016

It's at least partially about that...
It might not be the main focus, but it is a major plot point.

Why would she change her name?

I can understand why a character born as the opposite gender would have a different name, but why does this fandom insist that when an act of magic genderswaps a character they need to suddenly declare themselves having a different name? I can tell you right now that if someone genderswapped me I wouldn't change my name. It's my name.

Just because this story didn't have Celestia pointlessly change her name for a half hour encounter I'm giving it an upvote. Though I really did want to see Celestia get revenge on Discord.

seconded, for every upvote you dont give, I'm going to give three.


I think that was a joke.

Could be, but I've seen so many stories that include "I've had a spell cast on me that changed my gender. Now I'm gonna change my name for no reason!" Like, I've gone through my entire life being Twilight Sparkle, but just because I have a penis now I have to change my name to Dusk Shine. So I didn't assume it was a joke... though it's true, it might well have been one.

I knew I couldn't be the only one who'd immediately have sex with an alternate universe version of myself.

Wow... I never expected a reaction like this.

Especially if genderswapped!


When I said, "I think it's a Joke." What I was ACTUALLY saying was, "It is DEFINITELY a joke, and you should have been smart enough to realise that.


Hey, don't look at me, I LOVED the story. Solaris or no.

I really enjoyed this story. The afterwards part hints at a lot more shenanigans in the future, too. I only wish I could read it.

I dunno, non gender swapped would be safer.
Theoretical impregnation of the self would cause the incestiest incest babies that ever deficient-ed.

Did discord just impregnate celestia for a prank??!!
Where is he ?! I gonna kill him

7386350 7386380

When I said, "I think it's a Joke." What I was ACTUALLY saying was, "It is DEFINITELY a joke, and you should have been smart enough to realise that.

Queen couldn't have said it any better.

7386221 better question: what wasn't? :trollestia:

Sometimes there are reasons. Mostly if the character wants to hide their identity, but also if they are around an unswapped self to avoid confusion in conversation.

I also wish I could read that!

Oh, hell. Now I'm busy wondering about the genetics of self-impregnation.
Yes, yes it would be a terribly incest-baby. It wouldn't be a simple clone; no, it would inherit genes from each parent, and may inherit two recessives where each parent had a recessive and a dominant.
I spent way too long thinking about that.

Go ahead and try ... maybe he'll do the same thing to you!

Yeah, but none of those apply in this story.

7386829 nope nope meganope
Don t want genderswap + sex/rape + impregnation
But do that for a prank is extremly wrong

What Are These, And Why Are They In My Face?

Those are tits, and because the author wants to butter us horny throbbing blokes up in the hopes of attaining a lot of views for doing so.

Because sex sells.

7386829 I just realized that your name is a part of the lyrics for a song I used to listen to. I can't remember the name of it, but I know the lyrics are something like...

I'll tell you my dirty little secret,
Dirty little secret, dirty little secret
Because I know you'll promise that you'll keep it
My dirty little secret
Who has to know?

Or something like that.

7387002 I was thinking the same thing when I saw his name.

7387008 Are you being cynical or are you being serious?

7387019 In this case, serious.:ajsmug:

Now that I think about it, the long term effects of having this name could prove annoying, just like if you were to have sex up to a third round. At first it seems like a good idea, until you're the one who has to clean up the sloppy mess.

7387092 I wouldn't know.

I've been too shy to talk to women. Especially pretty ones. Cute women make me talk gibberish in an attempt to look cool.

Such is the curse of UniqueSKD. Loved by his fans, yet unable to find the one to truly love back.

But this is a genetic self-impregnation that transcends both dimensional, pheno-type, and genderswap incest baby...... holy shit. :rainbowderp:

Forget the idea that this is a baby that might have major incest issues, think about all the other factors. That baby is gonna be either super awesome or super fucked up. :trollestia:

Though, thinking about it. Maybe Discord did some magic to make sure the baby wasn't totally fucked up, he isn't a monster anymore. Cause he did do some phangling there.

7387138 You could always go to a brothel, or something similar. It wouldn't be so much talking to a girl, as in giving her the ol' in out in out.

Or, if you're feeling adventurous, you could pick up a drink you set down at a rave, and take a swig from it. Letting the random roofy someone placed in there do all the work. That is, unless you get a very forward male from the roofy, instead of a dominatrix. That could lead to a painful scenario, depending on who you are.:trollestia:

7387190 I may watch porn, but it doesn't mean I'm low enough to try and find love in a brothel. Besides, I only watch anime porn instead of real-life porn. I feel less...perverted that way.

Besides, I like colorful characters.

So thanks for the advice you probably followed to get your girlfriend, but no thanks, friend.

Can I call you friend? I did anyway so deal with it, yo.

7387285 This might be terrible advice to give but I can assure you it's not as bad as it sounds...
Fake it until you make it... Not saying you should lie to her face, but if confidence is what you lack then find every little thing you're good at, and let that fill you with confidence, then OWN that confidence and trust me, the whole problem with "Talking with cute girls" is gone.
It can be exhausting to hold up but once the woman and you are talking, you'll find that you can just be yourself, without the stuttering and the nervous mumbling.

It's how I got the courage to talk to my current girlfriend whom I've told the whole story to, she agrees that "It's not lying or faking as much as giving yourself a very big pep-talk" and in the end who cares... if you two really enjoy being around each other then is it not better to let your "Confidence get the better of you"

Remember... What you didn't say will never be heard, so better it be said ^^

PS: Some girls like to be treated like a lady despite the fact that they might only be around 20... I know it might seem awkward to take a girl out to dinner or whatever at that age but trust me, she'll appreciate it.
(You'll have to get WAAAAY past the "Can't even speak to them" thing first though)

Aw, you're no fun at all!

Let's hope for super-awesome!

That song did have some effect on my choice of name.


anime porn [...] less perverted

Where is this less perverted anime porn? I'd like to try some!


Remember... What you didn't say will never be heard, so better it be said ^^

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.

Really, as long as you're doing it at socially acceptable times and places, there's no harm that can come out of asking that cute somebody if they'd like to hang out sometime.

7387349 Now I'm curious, what were the other resources that influenced your name?

7387357 I feel that a lot of young guys' nervousness stems from holding pretty women on some pedestal or other... Which is strange considering we're all people... People with different needs and desires but people none the less.
The cute girl he's talking about... it's probably been a while since anybody has asked her out on a date. (Yes, dates' are still a thing, "Girls" and women can both still appreciate it)

Well, this alt is dirty (can't you tell?), is little (compared to my main), and is a secret (though a somewhat poorly kept one). :twilightsmile:

7387429 Ah, that's actually pretty clever.:trixieshiftright:

7387346 Well, the truth actually is that I can talk to women. I just...would have trouble asking them out. I had trouble talking to girls when I was younger, is what I should have mentioned before.

But the girl for me is out there somewhere. I need only find the right deodorant and she'll come to me. It worked in that one Lynx advertisement, after all.

interspecies? is it biped on quadruped that it's like that?

I really like how much it sounds like Celestia; the voicing is spot on!

Story doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but I got such a laugh out of the coverart and title that I have to leave an upvote.

now people are gonna think tirek is the father

Heh, I just came up with a perfect synopsis of this story: Discord tells Celestia to go fuck herself.

Well, they are different species, are they not?

^.^ That's always been a strength of mine.
But I'm surprised to hear it about this story. I thought I'd stretched the believability of the characters pretty far in this one.

That is some outstanding art! It sort of inspired the whole story.

Well, royals always have rumors about them going around.

Comment posted by Cynical Pony Writer deleted Jul 13th, 2016

After actually reading this, I only have one thing to say. Celestia is gonna scream like a bitch when she's giving birth to a fucking centaur!

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