• Published 21st May 2016
  • 2,954 Views, 23 Comments

Pinkie Lie - PonyThunder

S6E9 CONTENT. Struggling to stay afloat in the city of Manehattan, a lonely clone of Pinkie Pie recalls her hardships over the years in her attempts to both stay undercover and live a happy life.

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There's Only Room For One Pinkie Pie


It had been years since her genesis, the birth of her existence in Equestria. Her and 49 others had been born into this world without any say from themselves and with one purpose: to be Pinkie Pie. Not a bad job, most ponies would say, but when the world can only tolerate one, it was only inevitable that the other would be cast into the shadows.

I am the last remaining clone, she thought. As far as she could tell, the 49 other clones had all been wrangled up to be exterminated against their will, but somehow she had escaped. Knowing that staying in Ponyville would inevitably lead to her ultimate demise, she left her roots to live in the bustling streets of Manehattan. Even still, she would have to remain relatively incognito to avoid detection by anypony who was knowledgeable of the events surrounding the Mirror Pool.

Every fiber of her being screamed inside to be energetic, out-going and exciting, but she knew that if the secret ever got out, her existence would come to a bitter end, and all of her hard work in disguising herself, making a new life, friends, occupation; it would all be lost forever.

She sat in the diner in Manehattan and ordered a hayburger and fries, wearing a purple hat with a black band around the rim and looked out of the window to observe the ponies walking outside in the busy streets. They all looked so happy with their own lives, with places to go and things to see. She sighed and turned her head to the food, but something vibrant caught the corner of her eye.

It was Pinkie Pie, and the rest of her friends. Panic shot through her body, causing her mane to stand on end. Instinctively, she got up from her seat to leave the diner before they could see her, but the only exit was blocked by their entrance. She had seen them too late. I've been careless, she thought. She'd become too comfy and slipped up by going out in public to enjoy a hayburger. They would see her and eliminate her on sight. She was an abomination and didn't belong in this world.

They walked into the diner with some other ponies she didn't recognize, and one was carrying a notepad and pencil. Thinking quickly, she pulled up the collar of her trenchcoat and buried her face in her food. They sat down in the booth directly behind her back, seemingly unaware of her existence. The pony began asking them questions one by one about something related to Rarity, but she didn't pay attention. Her mind had only one task in mind, and it was to get out of the diner and escape as quickly as possible.

She watched from the corner of her eyes as Pinkie Pie sat down directly behind her. The real Pinkie Pie. Oh, how she envied her. She was allowed to be herself, with no inhibitions or restrictions. She is Pinkie Pie, and I am just a hollow shell of an idea. A mirage. A copy. A fake.

The pink mare had ordered a fat stack of pancakes. Her stomach groaned at the thought, but she had to restrict her dietary intake to avoid anypony making ties to the real Pinkie Pie. Why must she have so many unique qualities? she questioned in thought. Why couldn't I be a copy of somepony ordinary? At least, then, she could blend in and be herself. But she was not. She was anything but ordinary. She was plagued by the curse of having infinite potential, but no way through which to express it. A cruel punishment of an existence, and an existence she had never asked for.

Suddenly, Pinky Pie ate the entire stack of pancakes in one bite, catching her off guard. A flash of panic overcame her as she instinctively turned towards the booth behind her and her eyes became wide with fear. Her heart raced. This was the moment that they would find her out and finish her once and for all. The worst thing about her inevitable demise was that she knew it would be from her friends.

The real Pinkie Pie's friends, at least. She was no friend. To them, she was an abomination, and she couldn't help but agree herself. She had no place in this world. There was only room for one Pinkie Pie, that much she knew. Perhaps, she thought, I should just turn myself in.

She opened her mouth and turned around to face the pink mare when a sudden thought entered her stream of consciousness. What if...I could be the real Pinkie Pie? Her mind raced at the possibilities. If she could somehow eliminate the real Pinkie Pie, she could become her. Nopony would ever be able to tell the difference. She had her memories, her thoughts, her life. As far as anyone was concerned, she was Pinkie Pie.

Pinky Pie continued talking to the reporter pony. She couldn't stop looking at his ugly chin. She needed to hatch a plan to eliminate the real Pinkie Pie, when she was alone. Suddenly, an opportunity presented itself.

"Okay," said the reporter, "who's next?"

Twilight Sparkle sat down at the booth behind her and Pinkie Pie got up. "I'll be in the little mare's room," she said politely as she trotted hastily towards the other end of the diner. Now is my chance, the copy thought and silently rose up from the booth as Twilight began rambling on about something unimportant. Finally, I will get to live a real life, she thought as she walked towards the bathroom. She opened the door with a creak and saw the pink mare's hooves under the stall. She crept up next to it and peeked over the top.

She would make this quick and painless. There was no sense in dragging things on. It's not like she wanted Pinkie Pie to die, but it simply had to be done. It was the only way to get her life back. Now was the moment that she had been waiting for. The moment when she would retake what had been her's along.

Except, it hadn't been her's. It never was. Even if she could pass as the real Pinkie Pie, she would never be able to believe it herself. The guilt would haunt her for the rest of her life, and so she wouldn't be the real Pinkie Pie. She lowered herself back to the ground and sulked towards the door when suddenly, Pinkie Pie called out to her.

"Hello there!" she exclaimed as she opened the door and flushed the toilet.

She pulled her collar over herself and hastily made her way out of the bathroom.

"Hey, wait up!" Pinkie Pie called out.

She panicked at the door, trying to push it open but it wouldn't budge. She pushed harder and harder, but it was to no avail. She was trapped, and the pink mare would finally end her pathetic existence.

"Hey," Pinkie Pie said calmly. "The door says 'pull', silly!" She giggled and pulled the door open for them.

"Um, thanks," she muttered in a deep voice.

"Hey, do I know you? You look familiar."

"No, I d-don't think so. There's lots of ponies in Manehattan."

"Really? I could've sworn I've seen you somewhere before."

"Sorry, I don't think so."

"Alrighty then!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed and bounced out the door in front of her. It swung back slowly as she watched through the cracks. The pink mare bounced happily towards her friends. It could have easily been her and none would be the wiser. She breathed a sigh of relief as her heart slowly decreased its pace. She had narrowly escaped certain doom and felt the adrenaline pumping through her veins.

She may have gotten lucky this time, but there was no telling how long her luck would last. With Rarity's shop opening in town, it was only a matter of time until somepony would recognize her as the faux pony she was. She would have to relocate and create a new life in a new town. Maybe this time, she would take up wedding planning as a profession. But she quickly dismissed the thought, as it was too close to party-planning for her comfort.

I hope you can fully enjoy what you have, Pinkie Pie. Just give me that much, and I will be okay. We can't both be ourselves, but at least one of us can.

She breathed another sigh of relief and sorrow. She would go on to live another day, but was starting to wonder if the days were worth living anymore.

Comments ( 23 )

Ouch, this was surprisingly dark for a comedy story. To be honest, with that ending line I think it needs the dark tag.

7234914 Yeah I suppose the story could be considered dark. It's pretty tame though.

Wow! Much darker than I imagined.:pinkiegasp:

I'm not sure this is a comedy.


Yeah...you're right lol. I started this story with it being a comedy drama in mind...

Wow. That was cold. :rainbowderp:

That was surprisingly dark.


What can I say, it kinda just happened that way :applejackunsure:

Also, I edited the story with atmospheric music (How could i have forgotten?) and made some grammatical changes for style...

Comment posted by MJP deleted May 22nd, 2016

7235449 Are you just going to spam this on any fics from today's episode? You're getting really annoying.

So dark...I like it.

:pinkiehappy: Hello number 27
:pinkiegasp: What? who? How?
:pinkiesmile: easy silly me, We smell like numbers!
:pinkiecrazy: Are you sure my little cupcake?
:pinkiehappy: That only works on Dashy

7235789 Every so often I get the uncontrollable urge to write a dark fic...

And this one wasn't even supposed to be dark until I started to write it.

7234979 Eh.... a bit of morbid humor never killed anyone.

There's a difference between morbid humor and just morbid.


I had a comedy tag for some reason but removed it.

Ouch... dark.
Nicely done.


Thanks, I appreciate it :twilightsmile:

Quite welcome good sir or madam :pinkiehappy:

any plans for a sequal?

8066099 Nope. This was just a for fun story I wrote on the day that episode aired. Sorry! :twilightoops:

8066405 aww, much sadness
also wish I knew all of those pony emotes

I loved this! I am a sucker for sad versions of Pinkie Pie being happy for her happier versions, I guess.

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