• Published 21st May 2016
  • 1,042 Views, 31 Comments

Correspondence - Bluegrass Brooke

‘I’ll keep in touch.’ Rainbow found it hard to believe Trenderhoof’s words. But then they came; one letter a week without fail. So she did the same for him. A genuine connection formed from that simple exchange and soon left her wanting more.

  • ...

Chapter Two — The Article

Pre-dawn. The time when the air grew still and mist rose off of the ground like dragon’s breath. Then and only then, conditions were perfect for flight. Ever since she discovered that fact, Rainbow Dash had not missed a day. Though, keeping flying become increasingly difficult as of late.

Just as she passed over Sweet Apple Acres for the “final push,” a familiar voice called up from the barnyard.

“Hold on, Rainbow!”

Groaning internally, she whipped back to stick a perfect landing atop Applejack’s parked hay wagon. Applejack trotted over from the yard, eyes narrowed. What now? “Yeah, Applejack?”

“Thought you said there wasn’t goin’ to be rain today.” Though outwardly friendly, Applejack’s words still managed an accusatory undertone.

“There isn't supposed to be.” Rainbow did a quick mental run-through of her latest weather chart. “Not till one-fifteen tomorrow.”

Applejack jerked her head towards the Everfree. Following her gaze, Rainbow immediately noted the source of her friend’s irritation—a rain-laden cirrus lazily drifting towards the fields. “What? Seriously? Those night shift guys are getting lazy.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “So it wasn’t your doin’?”

“No. I swear, Applejack, I want it sunny today too. We’ve got our lunch picnic and—” she dismissed the thought with a hoof. “Nevermind. I’ll just punch that guy back where he came from.”

“Thanks, I’d appreciate that.” Applejack held out a hoof before she could take off again. “It ain’t too much, is it?”


“You takin’ charge of the entire weather team. Do you need help from Twi or—”

“No!” The thought of handing over the reins of her precious team to anypony—even Twilight struck at her core. “I’ve worked hard to become Weather Captain, Applejack. I wouldn’t have been appointed if I didn’t know what I was doing. It was just a new recruit issue is all.”

“Right, well, you just let us know if we can help.”

“Sure.” She took off a little more forcefully than she intended, making clean distance between herself and Sweet Apple Acres. Applejack didn’t mean any insult with her words. Heck, to her, they probably sounded downright neighborly. That didn’t stop them from slicing at her confidence again and again.

Did her friends think her incapable of managing the team? They all had their own jobs, why couldn’t they leave her to hers. Once cloud. One stupid cloud and the entire morning flight went down the crapper.

Rainbow Dash walked slowly inside to her door, determined to shower off some of the residual failure before their picnic. All considering, it had hardly been a “failure,” though she had been forced to lecture the kids on their handling of the night shift. Nopony liked to work overnight, but somepony had to do it. Again and again the same spheal. Maybe someday it’d stick.

Just inside, her hoof lost traction on something slick. A quick glance revealed a glossy magazine lying on the floor just beyond the mail flap. It didn’t take somepony with her eyesight to see the lettering on the cover.

‘Mares’ Monthly’

She returned the fake smile of the cover mare’s with a scowl. Sporting the “latest in mane care products” if the caption was anything to go by. Her eyes however, rested on the words taking up most of the right margin.

‘Exclusive on Element of Loyalty and Flying Ace Rainbow Dash Inside!’

Flying Ace, eh? I like your style, Trend. Smirking to herself, she scooped up the magazine, carrying it over to her couch. Just a teesny peek then.

It didn’t take long to flip to the appropriate section as a full body pic of herself awaited. The high quality photo portrayed her latest performance in Seaddle. Trend couldn’t have taken it—he hadn’t been carrying a camera at least. Stupid as it was, that made her smile. Good to know Trend didn’t take creepy pictures of her without her consent. A good start to any friendship, she reckoned. Tearing her eyes away from the picture, she began to read.

‘The Makings of A Role Model

How one pegasus’ tale continues to inspire ponies of all ages

Her heart did an involuntary cartwheel. Me? A role model? “But I’m—I’m not ready to be a role model yet, stupid!”

‘When I stepped hoof in Seaddle that rainy day, I expected to see something truly spectacular. What I got was nothing short of life-changing.’

Rainbow did not just read the rest of the article, she inhaled it. Every sentence Trend had written drew up a new emotion from deep inside. Embarrassment. Excitement. Guilt. Pride. So many competing for dominance that she felt as if she might explode. This had gone past an article, it was an ode from a friend.

Smiling to herself, she tucked the magazine neatly away in the rack. “Thanks. I needed that, Trend.” Now however, she had to get ready for the picnic. She only hoped something other than her article would be the hot topic for the afternoon.

Rainbow Dash enjoyed picnics, really she did. They served as a time to chat with friends and catch up between their busy life schedules and local “disasters” that drew attention away from the simple life. However, after the food had been eaten, the conversation invariably drifted into the treacherous waters of gossip.

Most of the time, she could tolerate a little. Who didn’t enjoy a good story every once in awhile? But when that story was about yourself, then it became anything but amusing.

“I don’t believe it!” Rarity’s shrill exclamation hung in the air like the oppressive humidity. The entire picnic party ceased their animated discussion in an instant, all eyes turning to focus on her.

Rainbow twitched when she recognized the magazine held in Rarity’s magic. Mares’ Monthly. Its arrival in their conversation had been imminent. Still, did she have to make that big of a deal out of it?

Applejack raised an eyebrow, “What’s so interestin’?”

“Rainbow Dash had an interview,” an almost predatory smirk creased the corners of her mouth, “and you’ll never guess with who . . .”

Drop it! Please. Rainbow sunk lower onto the checkered blanket, willing the teasing to stop.

Fluttershy leaned towards Rarity. “Who?”

“Trend-er-hoof,” she articulated, letting loose a giggle to rival Diamond Tiara’s.

They all gasped and Twilight turned to Rainbow. “Seriously? After what happened with Rarity and Applejack, I thought you’d be more cautious around him . . . ”

“He’s not some criminal, Twi!” Rainbow spat before she could stop herself.

The entire group went silent, all eyes focusing in on her.

“He’s not a bad pony. Besides, it was for charity.” Yeah, it had been. Not like she had begged Trend for an interview. If anything, it had been the other way around. Poor guy needed his story.

Applejack snorted, “Yeah, but that no account Trenderhoof? He ain’t worth nopony’s time. Probably went an twisted yer words or somethin’.”

“Actually . . .” Rarity held up the article so the others read it. “The article’s more a reflective piece. Wouldn’t you say, Rainbow Dash?”

“Yeah. I mean, he just wanted to get a kind of biography reflection thing.”

“Seems odd to me,” Twilight murmured under her breath. “I mean, it’s great to be praised and everything, Rainbow, but isn’t he—I don’t know—sucking up to you a bit?”

“What, a pony can’t write something nice about me without having an ulterior motive?”

“It’s Trenderhoof,” Applejack snarled. “I reckon he’s got a crush on you, Rainbow an wanted to make an impression. Don’t fall for none of it.”

Fluttershy actually giggled. “I don’t think she’s in danger of that, Applejack.”

Rainbow had never had a conversation get so out of hoof in her life. It felt as if she were strapped to the back of a runaway train with no possible way out. For once, the words didn’t come. Something. Anything to get them to stop. That? Well, it was worth a try. “I talked to him for over an hour and he was crazy polite!”

Rarity took a sharp intake of breath. “You spoke to him for over an hour?”

“Yeah, well . . . we were having fun. Talking like friends,” she emphasized further, “just friends.”

“But he’s Trenderhoof,” Rarity moaned.

Thankfully, Twilight came to her rescue. “Rarity, everypony deserves to have a friend and we all know how much friendship helped us. If Rainbow wants to be friends with Trend, let her.”

Fluttershy nodded emphatically.

“Yup a doodles! Though you kinda have to admit, he’s tooootally her type.”

Rainbow felt all color drain from her cheeks at Pinkie’s words. How was that her type? Everypony else just gaped at Pinkie.

Pinkie just shrugged in a would-be-casual manner. “I got a feeling is all.”

Applejack shook her head.“Listen, it don’t matter none to me either. But, you promise you won’t go doin’ somethin’ crazy?”

“Promise.” Sheesh, we’re just pen-pals! Take a chill pill. Change of topic. Yes, that would be best. At that moment, Applejack commenced a not-so-riveting narrative of harvest prep that saved Rainbow from any further questioning.

As their time together dragged on, Rainbow felt her confidence leak away once more. So what if she had a pen-pal? So what if the others didn’t approve? He was just a friend like they were. A friend who listened in a way nopony else had before. She wouldn’t stop writing just because of one conversation. No way in Equestria.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I didn't write the whole article. This is one of those balancing act fics that you constantly debate about when/if you put something in. Here I felt the focus should be on Rainbow's reaction, not the article itself.

As always, comments are ever appreciated!

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Comments ( 8 )
Comment posted by Skye Mist deleted Jun 4th, 2016

Considering they befriended Discord, I think Trenderhoof deserves some slack

Lovely chapter as always.

Looking forward to reading more. Keep it up.

I'm really hoping for more on this one.

Add more please! It’s so good so far!

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