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Chapter 4: The Sovereign Empress (v1)

Author’s note:
I know that last time I wrote this story would receive a break for some time as I have an exam coming up plus that I wanted to write a one-shot Xmas story before Xmas, but it seems that I can’t leave this story alone *sad face* So here you go, here is chapter 4! BTW I’m still working on my Xmas story, I’m just having a writer’s block ATM with the plot >_<

Oh! Can anyone find the ‘Warhammer 40k’ and 'Star Trek' reference? :D

Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy this installment of PvsP (doesn’t that kinda mean the same as PvP?)!

The story:
Celestia had been standing there for what seemed like hours, though in reality she had merely been standing there for mere moments. Had it been okay that she let Luna go along with that prodigy of hers? Obviously referring to the dark empress. Maybe it had been some kind of trick to lure them apart, but that didn’t make much sense if Nightmare Moon could just freely transport them around as she desired. Nonetheless Celestia couldn’t help feeling that it probably was a pretty bad idea. She finally signed to herself as she turned around and closed the door; leaving behind her the strange endless darkness.

As soon as she had closed the door she noticed it was that time of the day where her sun has to make way for the moon. So Celestia closed her eyes and focused her magic for a moment, until she could feel the sun fading away for the skies.
Celestia then looked up for the first time since they had been teleported to their new (quarters). As the solar princess gazed at the scenery she thought to herself that the empress sure had her own ideas as how they decorate.

Then suddenly an evil and wicked laugh rang though the chamber, a laughter which she already knew whom it belonged to, even though she had never heard her laugh. ‘Nightmare Moon’ was all she thought as she narrowed her eyes once again that very day.

A bang was heard and a huge cloud of dark smoke started to spread though the room, and from within a starting cough could be heard. The coughing grew loader and uglier as suddenly a pitch black mare rushed out of the smoke coughing madly and gasping for air. “Bloody smoke bomb!” She cursed. “That’s the last time I’ll use one of those!” Nightmare Moon told herself with a hoarse voice.

The mare of the moon looked around herself as she gained some control over her coughing. “It would seem my prodigy moves more quickly than I had anticipated.” A wide smirk began to take form on her lips. “I have taught her well!” She then told herself proudly.

Celestia just dropped her head, there were truly no hope for the empress she thought. “I guess that Twilight had to teach herself some manners, because she surely couldn’t have gotten any of them from you.” Celestia told the empress as she had appeared into the room without permission.

“Shush my sweet.” Nightmare Moon told the princess. “Do not worry for my health as I’m a creature of immortality.” She then said, clearly ignoring what Celestia had just said, probably lost in some bizarre dream world where she thought Celestia was worried for her well being.

Celestia just rolled her eyes at the other mare.

“Could I perhaps get a glass of water?” She asked the sun princess with a pleading manner.

Celestia just gave her the ‘death stare’.

“What an uncaring wife.” Nightmare Moon then said with a humph.

“I’m not your wife.” Celestia told the empress firmly.

Nightmare Moon didn’t reply as she walked over to desk with a rather impressive collection of booze. As she started to use her magic to levitate different kinds of bottles around in the air, trying to make the two of them some drinks she said: “But you will be.” The she suddenly paused and turned her head just enough so she could see the celestial sister out of the corner of her left eye. “Right?”

The solar princess looked away from the empress. She really didn’t want to be forced into something like this and especially not with her!

The empress made a frown, but said nothing. She fixed the drinks and then turned towards the solar princess, walking over to her and offered her the drink she had made for her, hovering in the air.

Celestia muttered a silent thanks as she used her magic to grasp the blue liquid drink she was being offered, she could really use something strong right now and she wasn’t let down. In a matter of fact it was a bit too much for the poor ruler as she coughed hard. “What the hay is this?!” She asked the empress with her tongue hanging out of her mouth, as if she wanted to the air to dry it “Are you trying to poison me?!.

Nightmare Moon just giggled at her. “Its Romulan ale, my sweet.” Celestia just raised an eyebrow. “A medicine man told me how to make it once. Its quite effective to cure lesser diseases such as the common cold. He once said that one sip will make a stallions hair grow on his chest and the second would burn it away again. Ah, yes, he was such a silly little pony that one.” The empress told Celestia as she smiled to herself, probably remembering some joyful days she most have had at some point. “Such a shame that he died all those millenniums ago. Even today his knowledge would have been appreciated.” She added to her tale.

Celestia just stood there lost in thought, saying nothing. It was pretty clear to her that Nightmare Moon were trying to warm up to her by the use of ‘small talk’ but Celestia didn’t really feel like making any kind of relationship with the pitch black goddess. But something had made her wonder.

“If you have lived for so long how come I’ve only heard of you though rumors and stories?” Celestia asked the nightmarish goddess.

“Oh, that’s an easy one!” Nightmare Moon said with a happy glee to her voice as she bounced around for a moment. “That’s because I lived on the moon where the nightmares couldn’t reach me.” She told her as she stopped hopping around like some sort of bunny, abruptly looking a bit gloomy, like she had just hurt herself with a memory.

Celestia’s eyes were wide, not quite sure about the piece of information she was just granted by the sovereign regent. It had only left the sun goddess with even further questions than the one the empress had just answered.

“Oh, don’t worry your little pretty head about that.” Nightmare Moon told her out of the blue as she was nervously rubbing one of her front legs with the other one; seemingly wanting to close the case that she had opened in her omission.

Celestia just signed, there were so many things she wanted to know. Like what was the Citadel really and why was it alive with a consciousness of its own? What had she meant by living on the moon to avoid the nightmares? And what were her true reasons for their dynastic marriage, Celestia knew all too well she could just roll over the ponydom is she so desired, so why? True she did mention that it would be easier the other way around but she wouldn’t be directly conflicted by that, so why would she care? But Celestia asked none of these questions, she was tired, her head hurt and the Romulan ale sure hadn’t improven on that and to be fairly honest she didn’t really want to share another moment with the dark empress whom was planning to steal her life away and threaten to destroy her and Luna’s ponydom and to enslave their people, their subjects.

And then she found herself leashing out at the regent. “I’ve had enough of this Nightmare Moon.” She spat at the empress. “First you ask me and my sister to travel all the way over here, forcing us to neglect our duties and only to force us into a marriage that we possible can’t disagree to as you hold our entire ponydom in your shackles. And then you have the audacity to mock us!” Celestia finally finish off, becoming more furious than she had planned to, breathing heavily.

Nightmare Moon didn’t look like she was very astonished by the swift show of hostility towards her, probably expecting the sun mistress to explode sooner or later. She took a big gulp of her drink before she put it to the floor with her magic, as if she needed to be a bit tipsier to summon up enough courage to face the angered princess.

“Well, if you truly think I’m such a bad pony, then why don’t you strike me down, right here and right now as I stand before you?” She asked the sun princess. “I won’t even resist! There is no way I could lift my lesser hoof against my heart desires. I’ll die for love!” She then finished off in a dramatic manner as she threw herself to the floor like some hamlet play. She couldn’t help herself, no matter how hard her mind pleaded for her to be somewhat serious fell to the ground with her; as she continuously teased and flirted with the mighty celestial sister.

Still angered, all Celestia said for a reply was her following words: “If I knew that killing you wouldn’t end up in the total annihilation of the celestial ponydom; then we wouldn’t be having this conversation.” She told the empress with a displeased tone.

“Do you really mean that?” Nightmare spoke with a voice shallow and sorrowful. “Do you really think that I’m that distasteful and undesirable?” She finished as she started to draw circles on the floor with one of her forelegs.

Celestia was actually a little doubtful if she was being sincere or mocking her yet again. So she just ended up with saying: “Whatever.” Not really giving a flying hoof at the other mare’s feelings, true or not. She turned her back to the empress, wishing she would just go away and leave her forever, but instead she heard hoofs walking softly and carefully across the room over to her, she felt the dark regent stop close to her.

“I’m sorry.” Nightmare Moon whispered in a voice Celestia had only heard her use towards her prodigy earlier that day.
Celestia turned around surprised. “Come again?” She asked without thinking, sounding rather blank.

But the empress made no attempt to insult the ruler of the sun this time around. She offered the sun princess her hoof, which Celestia just looked at questioningly. “Trust me.” The empress added with a sweet smile not before seen by the albino mare.

Celestia was a little hesitant about this offer she was presented with, but after looking at the so called ‘mare of the moon’ she felt as if it would be better to accept than not. Though for whatever reasons the regent had for this she was unaware of.
And as soon as she touched the other mare’s hoof and received a small subdued smile; Celestia almost instantly found herself shrouded in darkness, and yet embraced by a strange unfamiliar warmth in the vast dark void. She knew she had been teleported somewhere by the dark empress, for more than one reasons; being that she no longer felt the mysterious presence of the living citadel and the more obvious fact she knew what a teleportation spell felt like. But the place she had been teleported to she was unaware of, she couldn’t see a thing in front of her, even as she lifted her hoof and almost poked herself in the eye one would assume it should have been visible present in front of her, but still she could see nothing.

Celestia then heard a precipitously thump as if someone had walked into something, followed by a “Ouch!” Emitted by the sovereign ruler of the ponysty, Celestia just kept quite at this though she could swear she would probably have laughed if the circumstances had been different. Celestia listened closely so she could better hear the movement of the empress waltzing around wherever they were. But after a short moment all she heard was Nigtmare Moon giving up, sighing in defeated. “Screw this shit!” She said loudly. “I’ll just have to this the good old fashion way!” She told herself but loud enough for Celestia to hear clearly.

The Celestia saw her horn glow up in the darkness, a dark sinister purple glow lighten Nightmare Moon’s figure in a gloomy vile glow. Making the empress truly looking like an evil deity, but much to Celestia’s surprise she felt an unexpected warmth emanated from her dominance. There were no traces of malice, wickedness or corruption in the magic that she used. Celestia had imaged a bone chilling cold when she saw the empress’ glow in the dark, she found it kind of odd that something that looked so vile could feel so pleasant. But soon the both of them found themselves in a dim fervour light emanated by torches hanging along a cave like wall, litten by the magic of the regent.

“There we go!” She said with a happy voice, wondering why she hadn’t just done that from the start. She turned around so she was now facing her maybe soon to be wed. “Welcome to my secret lair!” She said in an evil manner as she began to laugh in a wicked way, like some sort of super villain, quickly leaving her softer and more side behind in the citadel.
Celestia just rolled her eyes at her, good old Nightmare Moon she assumed. “How far are we from your citadel?”

“Some three hundred miles, so we aren’t that far from the outer walls of the city. We always knew the mightiest of the ponysty houses would be our first target; so we decided to set up base not too far from the city.”

“It’s still rather impressive that you can teleport around with such ease over such vast distances and with such precision nonetheless.” Found herself saying, being rather surprised that she was praising her maybe soon to be conquer.
“I’ve had a lot of practice.” She replied as she thought back to her travels between the moon and Equestria.

Celestia not really knowing that she meant anything unusual about her statement just moved on to her next question: “So what is this place?” She asked the empress.

“This is where I, Twilight and Von Slemmer lived and did our research on the citadel stone,” She told Celestia. “before we… well you know, hostile takeover and all that.” She added as a joke.

“I see…” She simply said. “So, how come you brought me to this place?” She asked her.

“Because it isn’t safe to speak within the citadel.” Nightmare Moon replied.

“What do you mean that ‘it isn’t safe’?” Celestia asked a little bewildered.

“Well you see…” She said shortly, cutting herself off as she thought her next words over in her head. “I don’t really know the true origin of the ‘citadel stone’ I have absolute no idea as to where the baron has gained that power artifact from.” She held a short break, forming her next words in her mind. “He himself told me that he gained it from a demon, but I know for a fact that there isn’t such a thing as demons, or at least not of this realm.”

“Meaning?” Celestia asked confused and getting a little annoyed that everything she had questions about just ended up with bringing forth more questions.

“Demons are creatures made from nightmares,” She told the mistress of the day and the sun. “and I should know this as dreams and nightmares is sort of my specialty.” She added with a wink at the princess. “So if he were to summon one of those to our world; he would have to summon it from a very powerful being’s mind; at least that of an alicorn.” She said as she became lost in thought.

“So you’re saying that the ‘citadel stone’ is made from a dream?” Celestia asked as she rose an eyebrow.

“I can’t say for sure, but it is possible.” Was all Celestia got as a reply. “Did you notice Von Slemmer’s appearance?” The empress asked her.

“Not really, I only noticed his rather ominous and unpleasant aura.” Celestia said with shiver, recalling the terrible feeling.

“His body is changing and I know he has an unnatural connection to the citadel, so one can only assume that…” But before she could continue she was cut off by an odd sound, coming from underneath her armor.

She took forth what looked like some sort of clock. Celetia could easily hear that it was what made the odd sound. Celestia jumped back as a living image spawned forth from the clock lookalike item Nightmare Moon had pulled forth.

“Relax dear, it’s just a hologram.” The empress signed as she shakes her head a bit at how silly the solar princess was for being startled by something as simple as a three-dimensional image created with photographic projection.
“A what?” Celestia asked unknowingly.

“Hol-o-gram. You know… science and stuff?” Nightmare Moon said mockingly, which Celestia just rolled her eyes at. But in truth she had no idea how it was put together, after all it was a creation of the combined brainpower of the two eggheads; Twilight Sparkle and Von Slemmer. “Anyway, sorry about that Herr Von Slemmer.” She then told the hologram. “You called?” She asked the miniature version of the baron.

“That I did.” He said superficially. “I couldn’t help noticing that both you and Twilight have vanished this evening, along with the celestial sisters.” He told his empress.

“We’re out on each of our respected honeymoons!” She told the baron; without a sec of thought and without any doubt. If Nightmare Moon was being cautious of the baron she sure could act her part. Not for a moment was there an uncertainty or a lose face as she continued a rather dull and stupid conversation with the baron; that neither Celestia nor the baron seemed to take very serious. The baron hardly said anything during her ramble, probably because he saw right though her many lies during her imagery honeymoon. “Don’t be so gloomy, take a day off or something.” Nightmare Moon told the baron and thus finically ending her ramble.

“And do what exactly?” Von Slemmer merely replied.

Nightmare Moon had in her rambling forgetting with whom she spoke with. This was the baron after all; he was one of those who only lived for the cause neglecting his own life. Or at least that was what Nightmare Moon had thought of him, but she knew why he did the things that he did, and she knew he would go any length to achieve his own goal, but at the same thing he was a respectful stallion, even though she and Twilight was probably useless to him at this point he still considered them allies and he still tried to buy favors form his empress.

“Sorry…” Nightmare Moon just said, in the same manner that she had with Celestia before they left the citadel behind. “I didn’t mean…“ She stopped mid-sentence as she couldn’t seem to find the right words, which the baron noticed and went on to help her out a little.

“I know.” He simply said, ending the now awkward dialogue going on between them.

Celestia got an odd look on her face, she was really unsure of what was going on. Hadn’t the regent more or less just told her that Von Slemmer wasn’t to be trusted? Then why this sudden understanding and equal respect they shared for each other? What had been as if Nightmare Moon was fearful of him listing in on what she wanted to speak with her of, but what did she want with her anyway that the baron mustn’t know? What was their connection to each other? But back to the topic, the talk they had just shared was as if the fear they had for each other vanishing in a moment of understanding, or at least for now.

“How is Twilight?” The empress asked, moving away from their seemly heart breaking chat.

“She’s with the lunar princess atop of the citadel, but I can’t tell you if she is fine or not as I’ve been unable to reach her.” He merely replied, sounding a bit uneasy, which Celestia caught onto.

“Don’t worry, Luna wouln’t harm a fly.” She told the two of them as if they needed some sort of reinsurance that Luna wasn’t some deranged mare.

“Then I’ll take my leave, be well my empress.” The baron then told her.

“And you as well Herr Von Slemmer.” The mistress of nightmares told the stallion before the living image vanished into the clock like device.

There was a short break before Celestia spoke once more. “Tell me Nightmare Moon and be honest with me.” She told the ruler of the ponysty. “Is it the baron whom wants to overtake me and my sister’s ponydom?” She asked her.

“Well…” Nightmare Moon began. “He is the one who has been pressing me into doing it, but it would have happened either way, seeing that we have sort of dried this land bare for its natural resources, in particularly metal.” She told her. “Beside to achive our objective all will eventually become a part of the ponysty, so like said, it would happen anyway, if not now then later. But Von Slemmer just wanted you to takeover your little ponydom, probably mostly because he wanted to test out our new steam-tanks and your flat land would be perfect for that and make a very easy conquest for us.” She told her. “But like I have told you, I’ll do anything within my power to minimize casualties thus I decided without your knowing to force you into a marriage which would cost not a single life, but I did this behind the baron’s back so it would be over and you would be our allies before he knew of it. I had no idea that he would return today, that totally ruined my whole plan.” She looked away for a little while as she thought over whether or not she should add more to the story or not as it would probably make the solar princess uneasy, but she decided to hold no secrets from her. “So right now I really can’t say for sure if the baron will attack your celestial ponydom or not.” She finished off.

Once again that day she had been told something that only made up even more questions! And what the hay was a steam-tank?! Celestia thought harshly wanting to rip out the hair of her mane. “I don’t quite understand how you can be running dry on metal, seeing that your living fortress is overly massive and seems to keep expanding on its own.” Celestia told Nightmare Moon. “Couldn’t you just use some of that?”

“Sadly that is not possible, as all of our defensives are connected to the citadel, which is made by a living metal known as ‘necrodermis’ the most sturdy metal known to exist.” She informed Celestia. “And as to the citadel’s growth. Well, I’m guessing that on your tour you saw the hole which the citadel resides?” She asked her, which Celestia in turn nodded to. “That hole goes all the way into the core of Equestria, where it is supplied with an endless amount of metal and sadly we can’t go there, or else there wouldn’t have been any problems to our materiel needs.” She told her with a sign. “Nonetheless, there is something I want to show you.” She said as she made her way towards the princess in the obscure darkness. And before Celestia could act she found herself teleported to yet another place, but this time it had went much more quickly and she hardly got to feel the magic of the dark alicorn.

They now found themselves in another chamber, looking more like a living quarter than the previous room that had looked more like some sort of laboratory, but definitely still within the same cave like place. In the ceiling over a wooden bed were a skylight window where one now could see the vast night skies filled with millions of stars; Luna’s incredible craftsmanship.

Nightmare Moon noticed Celestia looking at the night sky. “This room belongs to my prodigy Twilight Sparkle.” She told here. “I made that skylight view especially for her, so she could always gaze upon her precious stars.” She said with a soft smile. “Did you know that your sister’s creation made all of this possible?” She asked Celestia, but before she would let her reply she continued onward, explaining in greater detail what she had meant by that. “Twilight always wanted to meet your sister, but the more she desired to meet her, the more fearful she also became of meeting her. She was worried that she might dislike her and that would totally ruin her life; as Luna’s night is the only confront she has ever known, the only friends she ever had were the stars of the night in her loathsome life.” She told the solar goddess with a hint of sadness. “I actually didn’t think she dared to confront her, I’m glad she eventually got the courage to face her greatest fear. But then again it also fills me with as much fear as joy. I really sincerely hope she isn’t disappointed. You see, it was only because of Luna that any of this was possible. Twilight would most likely have killed herself when she was a slave, if it hadn’t been for the comfort she found in the night that let her dream those wondrous and beautiful dreams. I saw her broken soul and painful existence, I saw the horrors, the torment and the sorrow that her soul and heart had to endure; I couldn’t believe anypony with such wicked lives could dream something so utterly stunning in beauty. It was so overwhelming that I saw a new hope in this world and I made up my mind on the spot; to save Equestria from all of its sorrow and suffering. So I returned from the moon to Equestria and saved her from slavery and alongside with our ally we did the impossible and united the entire ponysty! Something which no living creature had ever succeeded, just with the three of us; Von Slemmer the mislead, Twilight Sparkle the mistreated and I; the employment of nightmares; Nightmare Moon.”

Celestia had listened closely to Nightmare Moon’s every word and she seemed to understand better why she had done the things she had done, but still so many questions remained unanswered, but there was one the empress more or less had knocked her in the head with tonight, the whole thing about the moon, so she had to ask. “You keep mentioning that you were on the moon, why where you there?” She asked.

“To better explain that I’ll need to tell you whom am I.” The dark mare said. “You are the goddess of the sun and the day, Luna is the goddess of the moon and the night and I’m the goddess of dreams; both good and bad.” She told her. “At some point I was known as a pure being that let every living creature experience the joy of dreaming, but as I let them dream freely something happened, dreams were no longer the product of one’s pure desires but now they had also become the product of their fears, which was never my intention. Dreams were suppose to bring happiness to those who could not find it in life, dreams were supposed to make them chase their hopes and desires, but what happened in most cases were their fears taking hold and thus created ‘nightmares’ a power which I couldn’t control or undo. I lost my bright as I became this dark figure you now see stand before you, but before I was completely overtaken I decided to flee Equestria and sleep forever, never again feeling the endless torments of the dreams that I had shared with all and in my nativity creating much more pain than happiness.” She told the princess with a sorrowful voice, Celestia could swear that she saw what could only be teary eyes in the nightlight.

Nightmare Moon walked over to the wooden bed and laid down on her back, putting behind her two forelegs behind her head as she stared into the night sky above her. Celestia was a little hesitant but eventually did the same, laying down beside the empress but making sure to keep as much distance as possible to the other mare without falling over the side of the bed. Celestia noticed the bed had a sudden scent to it, it smelled like Lavandula? Celestia couldn’t help herself to smile at this, what a perfect scent for a lavender colored mare, she thought.

“So what made you come back?” Celestia then asked her as she found some comfort in the prodigy’s bed.

“Well…” The empress started, not taking her eyes from the sky, not even when Celestia had come to bed with her. “Twilight happened.” She then said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice. “It was her beautiful dreams that made me realize that there was still hope, in particularly when one lived such a horrible life. Just like I said before, she was the one that made all this possible but only because of Luna.”

Celestia wasn’t really sure what to feel, she was glad that Luna’s greatest creation had such a positive impact on others, which she would surely tell her as Luna always seemed to believe that only the sun and the day were appreciated.

“To think that I came to make you drunk and see what could happen would result in us star gazing instead in my students bed nonetheless!”

“You truly know how to win your price.” Celestia told her ironically, but the mistress of nightmares merely smiled at this.
“I’m glad that you deiced to come and grace my humble citadel with your stunning beauty. No stallion can compare to the beauty of a mare and you Celestia, you are one of the most beautiful of them all. You are a price anypony would desire, a collector’s greatest trophy and soon you’ll be mine! Literally!” She laughed at Celestia, which in turn just rolled her eyes over.

“I haven’t agreed to anything yet.” She merely told her, but as she received no reply she turned and looked at Nightmare Moon whom was now asleep.

Author’s note:
I hope you had as much fun reading this as I had writing it, I’m a little unsure what will happen in the next chapter (need to plan ahead once more), so you’ll just have to keep reading to see what I come up with next ;) But dear me this story is slowly progressing! And I’m even planning 2 endings for the story, a happy and a sad one. So this will probably take forever to finish! Oh well, better get to work I guess :3

And like always, please comment! <3

Comments ( 27 )

Really enjoyable chapter, Necrodemis is the WH40k reference and Romulan Ale is the super secret Star Trek Reference. So do I get a prize... maybe a new chapter :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:.

I Look forward to chapter 5, it'll be awesome I'm sure.:trollestia:

You are correct :3 and for your gift I'm working on it, but sadly I have promised a bunch of people that I'll finish my Xmas / new year thing first... currently working on that... hopefully it will be finished soon so I can carry on with my (at least to me) interest stories.

currently doing a bit of rewriting of chapter 1 and then I'm gonna patch up chapter 2 and then I'll see if I can finished chapter 5.
this story has been missing some loving and I feel like doing something for it before I'll go rewrite DwEw ^__^

Well knowing your doing re-writes and I already enjoy this story I have no choice but to re-read it :twilightsmile:. I'll give it a few days and begin my re-read of one of my Favourite Stories :heart:

is the hiatus tag coming of soon? i want more, why does all my favorites end up on hiatus or just simply being a one-shot that the author promises to continue one day :fluttercry:

Sorry guys, but I’m going to cancel this story.
Please click here to read my blog for more info.

still; that does mean it is not really dead right? as you will be rewriting it? and on that subject i would also like to ask what would be diffrent in the new story?

Yes and no. This version of the story is sadly dead. I began to do some heavy editing on it because there was some stuff I felt like was missing to make a deeper plot but it became a nightmare to edit and took much longer than to just write a new chapter plus some of the things I wanted to put into the story would change sudden elements of the story so much that it would be impossible to simply edit.
The rewritten version of this story will be given a new name and as for what will be different about the story is just that it will be written a bit better as I have become a bit better of a writer and all of the characters will have a deeper background story to them, which should give the reader a better understanding of their actions that I never got to explore in this story because I never made it beyond 4 (the story was suppose to be 7 or 8 chapters long and I also considered making an alternative ending as well). Also I hadn't preplanned a lot of what I was going to do with the story, which would result in some major plot holes later on.
So when I get around to rewrite the story I promise it will be better than this :) but sadly I have no idea when that will happen, I will probably finish 'The Demon Goddess' before I get back to this story, so it may take a while before I get around to rewrite it, sadly :( but this story was my love child so I will definitely do it justice in the future!

oki, is the new story going to retain the same concept (luna and NMM being seperate beings and twilight being on NMM's "side")?
still, whatever the case may be i still look forward to the new one (and frankly any other of your stories aswell), take your time and make them awesome :pinkiehappy:

Same story, just better :P and thanks for your support <3

great, im really looking forward to it now! and no problem :twilightsmile:

873629 well... that was the point... my rewrite of this story was/is going to be called "no life is perfect" which would include a sad past for all the characters in the story and yet they should find happiness in each other at the end, but if i'm ever going to make that rewrite? i dunno... maybe i'll see if i can try to add it to this one when i begin to edit it and also finish the next 2 chapters of it (that is around half done). and thanks for the comment :3

Ok potential new reader here. 1.2 is the edited and rewritten version while 1 is the original or?

1260035 *break fingers*
v1 is the original version
v1.x is still the original version but with some fixed grammars and spelling
v1.x.0 are edited versions (which sometimes also needs some grammar / spelling fixes)
v2 is with some different story elements, i'm currently editing the entire story into v2 and when i'm done with that i'll be updating it along with 2 new chapters that i'm working on, on the sideline.

I hope that answers your question :)

Sure, thanks. Will probably wait for this to be completed (is on my read later list now anyway).

But all i see are either 1 or 1.x (being 2) :rainbowlaugh: and will see v2

then just wait for the next chapter because it will be uploaded alongside the entire editing (ch1-4 v2).


i meant the whole story. Waiting for it to be complete before reading it.

Dont want to get hooked on a great story just to wait forever for it to update (or never like some :fluttercry:)

1263634 I know what you mean :/ but i would really have liked the comments in-between chapters as those feeds my will to write.


Ok ill see what i can do, first ill clean some finished stories that i watch. :pinkiesmile:

I guess this is TwiLuna shipping what is meh for me, but CelestiaMoon thats a interesting one :rainbowkiss:

well not every ship is in everyone's taste and i respect that and yes celestia and NMM should make for an interesting ship, i haven't seen to many of those around and i'll probably ship them again in another story.


Yay, and i dont mind twiluna, but i just LOVE Twilestia so Twi is bound to Celestia by fate :pinkiecrazy:


Also TwiLunEstia Moon isnt so bad either, maybe that could work in this story since they're all different entities? :rainbowkiss::rainbowwild::rainbowlaugh:

Moved from read later to fave, will read the first 3 chapters then and maybe the 4th to see what will be different from edits (saving it now on my comp for that )

1269554 thanks a lot for all the feedback, i'll definitely use it for my editing, or at least for those parts that'll stay in the story.

2263677 when i've finished two of my other stories :)

Just curious, What are you working on right now? The most recent thing I could find was late last year.
Oh, Really liking the story, by the way.:pinkiehappy:

2961611 Hello, currently I'm not working on anything, I'm currently taking some insane courses to get my last needed grades for my bachelor, when i'm done with those i'll probably have a 2 weeks time with nothing to do beside waiting for my bachelor to start, there i hope to do some writing and i'll probably finish off "twiluna and the invid" because it just annoys me that i haven't done that which should have been something i finished within a month or so when i started on it (which didn't happen), but for this story? well, this was the first thing i started on and my ideas for it have really escalated so there will be a MAJOR editing of this story. but i'm glad you like it and i hope you'll stay around for me to patch it up and continue on it after wards, but sadly i'm pressed for time and i have too many unfinished works on this site i really want to finish, believe it or not but this story will probably be like 11 chapters long when finished (maybe, not sure), so there is still some way to go with this one.

2962501 Alright cool, just seeing if you were still there.:rainbowwild: :pinkiehappy:

2962834 very much so :3

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