• Published 2nd Feb 2016
  • 1,787 Views, 32 Comments

Dazzling Rainbow - VitalSpark

When Rainbow Dash opened the door to see Adagio Dazzle standing there, she could have never predicted the adventure, romance and pain that went with it.

  • ...

I Can't Think of a Clever Name for Chapter Six

Author's Note:

There's a side-story/prequel for this chapter called Sunset Shimmer Shower Sex Story but I can't link to it because M-rated. Go to my user page and find it if you want to read it.

"Oh, there they are!" Pinkie pointed forward at the two walking away from the bathroom.

Rainbow's eyes widened for a split second, but soon she calmed down. They weren't going to find out. There’s no way the others would guess what she and Sunset had just been doing. "Hey guys. Sorry we were gone for so long."

"No prob— wait… why is your hair so wet?" Adagio asked.

As much as she wanted to, Sunset knew that Rainbow would absolutely kill her if she told the truth. She and Rainbow were going to be a couple, and Adagio had to find out, but this was not the time or the place. Sunset needed to give Rainbow time to sit down and talk with Adagio. "We were… on the water ride — the one with the boats that go down the waterfall thing," she covered.

Adagio glanced at Pinkie. Maybe she wasn't so crazy suggesting they look for Sunset and Rainbow there. "Oh, was it fun?" she enquired.

Sunset smirked. "More than fun. Life changing. I got so wet." She looked sideways at Rainbow and smiled. "Best ride I've had since Flash Sentry. I mean, including Flash Sentry."

Rainbow replied with an awkward grin. "Anyway, we should head back."

"Awww… but we've only been on a few rides!" Pinkie complained.

"Well, you can stay here," Rainbow said. "I just feel really tired all of a sudden," she partly lied, starting to walk off. "I'm sure Sunset will stay with you," she turned around and said, before continuing on her way, lost in thought and worry. Why did I do that?

"Yay! Let's go, Sunny! I wanna go on the water ride too!" Pinkie grinned and dragged her off before she had a chance to say anything.

"So, we're going back then?" Adagio asked. Dammit, she thought, we haven't even had lunch yet. Sunset was supposed to be supplying something for us to eat.

She started leading the way back to the theme park's front gate. "You really do look tired, Rainbow. Maybe you shouldn't have come out without your crutches today?"

Rainbow's mind froze for a second as she walked. What would she say? She thought about it for a few seconds. "Uh, yeah, maybe I shouldn’t've."

Passing through the gate, Adagio looked for the car. "There it is." It was right where they'd left it.

"You can lean on me for support, if you need it. You don't need to be too proud to ask. I'll still think you're awesome," Adagio said. Internally, she cringed at its cheesiness.

Rainbow winced slightly. "I–I'm fine," she replied, walking down the path, hands on top of one another in front of her. Goddammit, she thought, it's getting harder to say it every second. But, I have to do it for Sunset. I'll just wait ‘til I'm home, before she leaves.

Adagio thought Rainbow was acting a little odd… a little sad perhaps. She'd have to try to cheer her up. She opened the car door for Rainbow, waited for her to climb in, and then shut it behind her before scooting around to her side. Once in the car, she leaned over and kissed Rainbow on the cheek. "Whatever it is, you know I'll do anything to make it better," she promised. She started the car and the radio sprung to life too, still tuned into the same station as before.

Rainbow nodded, half smiling, but then turned around and faced out the window, her face falling back to it's sad state. Why? Just… why?

Adagio drove, trying to start conversations, but failing against a wall of one-word responses from her passenger. They soon pulled up outside Rainbow's house. She stopped the car and waited for Rainbow to get out.

Rainbow sighed as she gripped the door handle. "A–Adagio… I have something to tell you."

Adagio sighed with relief. "Good! Because I can tell there's something bothering you. And I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me. Whatever it is, we can face it together."

Rainbow bit her lip and shook lightly, turning around. "I–It's not like that… see, this is… we can't face it together because… because…" — she sighed and looked down — "I love Sunset. W–When we left, we headed t–to the bathroom and kissed, then had sex and… I–I love her. S-So..." — she opened the car door and climbed out — "I-I'm afraid we're through."

And just like that, Adagio's world crumbled.

* * *

She didn't even know how she got there, but the next thing she knew, she was curled up at home on the sofa, with her head in Sonata's lap. Sonata stroked Adagio's hair, and wiped away her tears with a handkerchief.

Sonata sighed sadly and held back her own tears as she gently caressed Adagio's hair. She wasn't even sure what to say. She didn't think cheering her up was the option here.

Aria almost fell through the door, another snow storm was forming outside. "Ugh, stupid weather—"

"Shh!" Sonata said sharply, placing a hand to her lips.

Aria froze and stayed silent, shutting the door and heading upstairs.

Adagio grabbed the handkerchief from Sonata, blowing her nose and handing it back to her, the blue-haired siren looking somewhat disgustedly at the rag.

"Why? If… if she just wanted sex, she knew I was willing to give her that anytime she wanted," Adagio whispered, not really to Sonata, not really to anyone in particular. "I'm sure I would have been better than that pony girl anyway. What's her… thirty? years of experience compared to my millennium?"

Sonata placed the dirty handkerchief on the side table and still didn't say anything.

"I'm going upstairs," Adagio announced, standing up. "I need some time by myself." She walked to the bottom of the stairs, hesitated, went to the kitchen, and came out carrying a screw-top bottle of wine. She headed up the stairs to her room.

"Oh, okay." Sonata said, watching her leave. She turned to Aria and sighed. "I think we're going to need a bucket, just in case."

* * *

Rainbow lay across the bed, phone against her ear. "Of course I love you! But I don't know what to do now! I mean, I hate seeing people upset! And she was the worst I'd ever seen her!" she yelled at Sunset, then sighed. "Sorry. I shouldn't be worrying about this. Adagio will get over it and… find someone else," she added. Hopefully.

"Of course she will," Sunset answered. "I mean… she's pretty enough… in her own way… if you like hair. Lots of hair. She'll find someone else. I mean, I'd be surprised if she hadn't already. Those housemates of hers always seemed pretty close to each other, if you know what I—" She paused for a moment. "I mean, I didn't mean to cast aspersions. I'm sure you weren't just another one in a long line of girls for her. I didn't mean it like that." Sunset wasn't making things any better, so she decided to change the topic. "So, when are we going to tell the girls? I can't wait to make it 'official'!"

Rainbow thought about her words, then replied, smiling slightly, "We'll tell them together, on the first day back at school."

Sunset grinned from ear to ear thinking about that. She'd be so proud to have scored the hottest girl in class as her girlfriend. "I can't wait!" she gushed.

"So… now that we're an item… should we go on a date? I mean… after the Friendship Games of course. I don't want to be distracted from my training too much."

"Yeah, me neither. And, sure, I'd love to." She rolled over to face the ceiling, smiling, but her smile quickly faded at the thought of the look on Adagio's face. She shook her head and groaned silently. Stop haunting me!

"Bye then, I'd better get back to this maths homework," Sunset said. "You know there's a rumour that there might be a maths contest as part of the Games, so I'm gonna need to hit these books! Don't want to lose that part to whatever student Crystal Prep tries to put against me! Goodbye," she said happily and blew a kiss over the phone.

"Alright. Good luck!" Rainbow said, before hanging up.

Sunset put the phone down and sighed happily. She sat at her desk and gazed at the little collection of photos of Rainbow Dash she'd kept there for months. She picked up the old apple juice carton of Rainbow's that had formed the centerpiece of her Rainbow Dash collection, and threw it in the bin. She didn't need that any more… not now she'd swapped spit with Rainbow in person!

She smiled again and opened her textbook, turning to the page she was up to.

* * *

Rainbow walked down the road from her home to school. Her legs felt perfectly fine to her now, so she’d decided it'd probably be okay to head off without her crutches.

Sunset met Fluttershy by the corner near her house. Despite being nearly a legal adult and not exactly living in the roughest part of town, Fluttershy still got a little nervous walking to school on her own, so was glad of Sunset's company most mornings.

Sunset greeted her with a huge smile on her face. "Good morning!" she beamed.

"Hi, Sunset," Fluttershy said, walking towards the school, but turning back when she noticed Sunset was still standing at the corner. "Sunset… are you coming?"

"I've got a secret!"

"Oh… well, that's nice," Fluttershy said.

“Don’t you wanna know?”

“Well… if it’s a secret, I wouldn’t want to—”

Sunset squealed. "I can't tell you. But I want to tell you. But I mustn't tell you! But you can keep a secret, right? But Rainbow would kill me! But you won't tell Rainbow you [i[know, will you?"

"Know what?" Fluttershy said. "I–I mean… I'm sorry to interrupt, but what do I know?"

"Rainbow and I are…" — Sunset took a deep breath — "DATING!"

Fluttershy raised her eyebrows. "Oh, I thought she was with… never mind. That's nice for you. Should we get going to school? And don't worry, your secret's safe with me."

Rainbow kicked a rock along with the way, huffing. Her eyes closed, she heard an "ow" come from in front of her and opened her eyes to see who she hit. "Oh, sorry, Applejack…" she said simply. "I didn't mean to." Having apologised, she kept walking, looking down.

Applejack blinked and grabbed her arm. "Come on now. If ya keep walking with your head down, you're gonna bump into something. What's wrong?"

Rainbow sighed. "Nothing! I just thought, you know… our argument…" She took a deep breath. "Sorry about that. I'll actually have you know I'm not with Adagio anymore. I broke up with her on Friday, because Sunset and I…"

"You and Sunset?" Applejack asked, her face falling, but she put on a smile. "That's great! Ahm happy for you two!"

"Just don't tell her I told you. We were meant to wait for each other," Rainbow said quickly.

"Just ‘cos Ah’m called the Element of Honesty, don’t mean I can’t keep a secret. Now, let's get to class," Applejack said, walking ahead.

Sunset and Fluttershy walked into their first class together — double English.

* * *

Adagio woke. The light hurt her eyes. She needed the toilet… desperately… so sprung out of bed quickly, the sudden movement prompting a splitting headache. She almost tripped over the two empty wine bottles on her bedroom floor and rushed to the bathroom across the hall. How come her mouth felt so dry the same morning her bladder felt so full?

Fully toileted, she went downstairs for a glass of water before noticing the time on the kitchen clock. Nearly midday?! How had she slept so late. It was Monday. Rainbow had said that she was going to talk to Celestia about her coming to help Rainbow get back to her biking on Monday.

Rainbow… she didn't know where they still stood. They weren't going out any more, but… they were still friends, right? Would she still be expecting Adagio to turn up at the school? Adagio supposed it couldn't hurt. Finishing her water, she grabbed the car keys and headed out.

* * *

"Fluttershy," Sunset said, as they queued up for food, "you can have my broccoli if I can have your meat."

"Deal," Fluttershy said. Though she wasn't really saving any animals through her vegetarianism if all she did was pass her meat to someone else. They collected their food and moved to the seating area, sitting with the other girls.

Rainbow smiled at Sunset and took a bite of her sandwich. For the time being, all thoughts of Adagio left her mind. She looked around the group and then at Sunset, hoping she got the message.

Sunset finished chewing her sandwich. "Girls, Rainbow and I have something to tell you."

Rainbow grinned slightly and stood up. Applejack leaned back on the chair, looking smug. Fluttershy held a small smile as well. Rainbow walked around to Sunset to stand with her and face the whole group. Rarity and Pinkie were eager to find out what they had to say.

"Girls, Sunset and I, we're…" Rainbow trailed off, as if something was telling her not to say it, but she shook it away. "Sunset and I are dating," she finished.

Rarity was the only girl to look genuinely surprised, but Fluttershy and Applejack faked it well enough, and Pinkie… nothing ever seemed to take Pinkie by surprise — the other girls barely even knew what her surprised face looked like.

Rainbow blushed a little and sat back down, knitting her fingers together. "So… yeah."

Adagio arrived at the school and parked the car. She supposed she should probably go see Celestia, but she didn't fancy walking through all the corridors. She remembered there was a side entrance to the school, just past the dining room, so walked around that way. Adagio pushed open the side door and walked towards Celestia's office. It wasn't far and thankfully she didn't see anybody she recognized.

"Well, ah think it's mighty swell!" Applejack said, smiling. She reached over the table to pat Rainbow on the back. As she did so, she spotted the orange haired siren running past at the back and tensed up a little, moving away. "Uh, if you'll just excuse me for a bit," she said, exiting the cafeteria.

Adagio peeked in the little window in Celestia’s office door and saw that the principal was on the telephone. She sat on one of the chairs outside the office and waited, hoping nobody she knew would see her.

Applejack went around to the back of the cafeteria and looked around a bit, before walking forward. She spotted Adagio around the corner, and thought to herself for a minute, before walking out behind. "Adagio, just what do you think you're doing?"

"I… umm… hello Applejack," Adagio said, turning towards her in surprise. "I'm… I'm just here to talk to the principal about getting that ban revoked? You know, where I was banned from ever setting foot on school property."

"Yeah, sure. That's gonna work," Applejack said sarcastically. "Look, you ain't going in there before I've had a few words with you." She pointed a finger at her. "Why is Rainbow suddenly with Sunset? What'd you do to her? Ah swear to god, if you hurt her…"

"Me?! Hurt her?!" Adagio said. She had an urge to slap Applejack, but restrained herself. Instead she got up and punched a nearby wall. "Holy fuck!" she muttered, shaking her hand in pain.

Applejack frowned and grabbed Adagio's arm. "What happened?" she demanded.

"I punched the wall, you idiot!"

"Not that, I meant what happened with Rainbow?" Applejack clarified.

"You… you've seemed so worried that I was going to hurt her… you didn't seem to consider the other possibility." Adagio sat down beside Applejack and leaned forward, her hair covering her face. "I… she dumped me the other day. For Sunset. That's not even the worst part. They had sex… while we were still dating… I mean literally during an actual date!" She raised her head and tears were visible in her eyes. "I mean, I know I've done bad things in the past, but did I really deserve that?"

Applejack stepped back. "Consarnit," she mumbled, bending down to her level, wiping a tear out of Adagio's eye. "A-Ah'm sorry. Ah didn't mean to. Ah know heartbreak, and nobody deserves it." And now ah wanna go over there and beat the hell out of Dash, she thought, without really meaning to.

Adagio buried her head in Applejack's shoulder. "And now… now I'm here to ask Celestia if I'm allowed back at the school to help Rainbow train for the Friendship Games, because that's what we talked about… but I don't even know if she still wants that and… I'm afraid to ask her because… well, because if I'm honest, I already know the answer," she sobbed. "I just don't want to hear it."

"Ah'll help ya," Applejack let out, before she could even process it. "Ah'll help ya with Celestia, then ah'll go talk to Rainbow Dash. FInd out if she still wants to be your friend." Yeah, after ah teach her a lesson. She rubbed her hand down Adagio's back. She was kinda worried this might not turn out well, but they could always do something about it if it didn't… Applejack honestly didn't want to leave her — or anybody — like this.

Adagio sniffed. "That's… that's very good of you." She looked up at the door. "Could you check if she's still on the phone?"

Applejack nodded, standing up. She peered inside and after a few seconds, turned back to Adagio. "Yeah, she's done. Do ya want me to go in first, or…?"

"Maybe it might be best if you did go in first," Adagio said. "After all, I am still technically not supposed to come within 50 yards of the school grounds."

"Sure," Applejack said, knocking on the door, before entering. "Principal Celestia? Sorry to bother you, but ah need to talk to you for a bit."

"Why, Applejack," Celestia said, "come in, sit down. I always have time for all of my students, especially one who is going to make the whole school proud at the Games."

"Uh, yeah," Applejack said and sat down. "But this is about an entirely different matter. You remember… the Fall Formal right?" she asked, but continued without waiting for a reply. "And how we gave Sunset Shimmer a second chance? Well, suppose we decided to help one of the Dazzlings… and she wanted to come back to school…"

"Hmm…" Celestia said thoughtfully. "But in the aftermath of the battle, it turned out they were all thousands of years old. I don't really know what benefit they'd get from coming to high school. Why attend history classes, if you've lived through half of it?"

"Uh, that's true, but school isn't all work, Principal Celestia. She could, you know, make some friends and live a normal life. It doesn't matter whether or not she knows what she's learning. Also, there's another reason. It involves the Friendship Games," Applejack said.

Celestia raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening."

Applejack felt she should tell her the truth: Adagio wants to help Rainbow Dash in her training, but felt it wouldn't be taken so easily as what she could say, and still allow Adagio to help Rainbow. "She wants to compete," Applejack lied, crossing her fingers behind her back.

"Compete, eh?" Celestia said, thinking. She had to admit that whatever the Dazzlings had done at the school, they certainly seemed fiercely competitive, and having even just one of them on the team might inspire the same competitive spirit amongst the other team members. "Okay, do you have her telelphone number? I'll speak with her."

"Actually, she's outside right now.," Applejack said, standing up and opening the door. She peered around the corner. "You can come in now."

Adagio stood and walked through the door, having used her time outside to fix her makeup and generally make herself look presentable again after her minor break-down. "Celestia," she said in greeting.

"Adagio?" Celestia said in surprise. "When Applejack said 'one of the Dazzlings' I assumed it would be Sonata. So you want to come back to school?"

Adagio was a little uncertain and looked towards Applejack.

Applejack nodded. "That's what she told me." She turned towards Adagio. "It'll be nice for you to get to know everyone and start anew. Ah know it might take a while, but I'll be there if ya need me."

Adagio shrugged at Applejack. So be it, she thought. It wasn't like she had anything better to do. "Yes, I'd like to come back," she announced. "And in time, I hope I can convince Aria and Sonata through my example."

Celestia seemed impressed. "You can go now. I think Adagio and I have some talking to do."

"Alright then," Applejack said and exited the office. She started to walk off, but then looked back for a second, before continuing on her way. Why am I helping her? she thought, placing a hand on her forehead.

Comments ( 6 )

Ohh so much drama and love dodecahedrons XD
I love it!

Cant wait for the next chapters ?

Is Sunset a changeling? Because i don't think Dash would leave Adagio in the middle of date and after she told Adagio she wants to be with her forever.

The course of true love never runs smooth.

Rainbow bit her lip and shook lightly, turning around. “It's not like that see, this is we can't face it together because" she sighed and looked down "I love Sunset. When we left, we headed to the bathroom and kissed, then had sex and I love her. S-So...” she opened the car door and climbed out "I-I'm afraid we're through."

And just like that, Adagio's world crumbled.

And just like that, I'm out of this story. I know RD is fast but 2 chapters ago RD is declaring her love for Adagio, now she's cheating on her AND saying she loves Sunset?

What the actual F***? Just...no!

Hey. Would you ever continue this story? It's wonderful.

I know you wanted drama but you did it so wrong. Even excluding you rushing this or even having the two get together in the first place there was no explanation on why. I mean, I thought Applejack and Sunset were a thing with how this was first going. Then the thing with cloud kicker, Rainbow Dash being disloyal, the fact that she was being fake, and you giving no reason why she even wanted to be her girlfriend if she's just gonna leave faster than pinkie on a cake high!!!


Yeah I'm just disappointed in how this was written. Sorry but you don't have my vote of faith in this story.

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