• Published 4th Dec 2015
  • 4,373 Views, 114 Comments

Life After the Blitz - Captain_Hairball

Twilight Sparkle accidentally transforms Rainbow Dash into a stallion. Chaos ensues.

Comments ( 21 )

Hey, yesterday was the Captain's birthday! Happy birthday, Cap; thanks for horses!

POWER ORGY :moustache:
This story was epic and an emotional rollercoaster. I like that the climax is at the end.


It's where climaxes belong, darling! :raritywink: And thank you!

This story was amazing. A rather silly storyline but with lots of really emotional stuff too. I thought it was wonderful, just one question though, what the hell is a catamite?

6813697 Catamite: In its modern usage the term catamite refers to a boy as the passive or receiving partner in anal intercourse with a man.

Of course it all ends with a power-gangbang, it couldn't have been any other way. This was a great ride! :rainbowlaugh:

Hope to see more from this universe.

Aburi #7 · Feb 1st, 2016 · · 2 ·

6891823 perhaps i just have higher standards than most. Both for myself and my partner.

I work long hours to provide for my family. If my daughter is up sick I sacrifice sleep to provide comfort. If my lover is distrought, I provide whatever support it takes to ease her troubles. And if my partner is unwilling to be there when I need her, then I know that she is not for me.

I understand that this sounds outlandish to most. But to me, love means to put the needs of your better half above your own. And this applies to both partners.

I think you are misunderstanding my intent. I am in no way advocating disregarding a no.

No means no, and there are no exceptions. No one is questioning this.

What I am saying is that if you need comfort and your girlfriend kicks you out, then she can't really claim to love you. Her comfort level is more important to her than your distress. And I'm not even talking about sex. There are a thousand ways Fluttershy could have tried to help, even if she could not bring herself to have intercourse with her lover. She did nothing but kick Dash to the curb.

So on your closing comment: If my significant other will not sacrifice a little bit of her comfort when I am in need and says no, then I accept it. Then I break it off with her and find someone who actually cares for me.


All right, I'm getting sick of this. I know my intervening isn't going to help, but I have to try to calm the flames. So:

I couldn't remember the sequence of events, so I went back and checked. The sequence of events was -- RD requests sex. Flutters refuses sex. RD becomes threatening. Flutters uses stare.

We had a rough time the first couple of years after we’d gotten together — I was always following her around like a lost puppy, begging her for sex and attention, and she was always trying to find excuses to sneak off for some alone time. Eventually, we’d settled on a setup that worked for us — I could sleep around as much as I wanted, as long as I always came back to her, and she got to be alone exactly as much as she wanted to.

So, RD and Flutters have a compromise in place for when their differing sex and social drives cause relationship problems.

Also, speaking as someone who has an anxiety disorder, you can't really control when something freaks you out.

Now, I hate, hate, hate morally judging my characters, but my opinion is it was totally okay for Flutters to refuse RD sex. Instead of suggesting cuddles or talking to her, RD (in the grip of unfamiliar hormones, in his/her defense) gets unquestionably threatening. I think Flutters could have been WAY more diplomatic about the situation, but overall she definitely has the moral high ground.

Later on, Flutters and RD forgive each other. I don't think Flutters really needs forgiveness, but she has low self esteem, so what are you gonna do? They recognize the extraordinary circumstances of the incident, and move on. So. Can we do that, too?

*braces for flames*

I think it was totally okay for both of them to do what they did. He didn't rape her. She didn't castrate him. They both simply got in an argument, with no malicious intent, then made up later, realizing how and why they were both wrong, and that it's perfectly okay.

I find it terribly amusing that Fluttershy has hysterionics about being with stallions, while Butterscotch is afraid of being with... stallions. :rainbowlaugh: Fluttershy is a lesbo no matter what gender she is!



I agree totally on all points.


My memories of this story are a little vague, but I think authorial voice here is they both fucked up in that scene.

Well that was an interesting ride. A fascinating premise that went in unexpected and interesting destinations instead of just being a "hey let me try out my penis" story. I must admit the first few chapters did feel a bit disjointed, like each one was an idea that was somewhat awkwardly bridged together with the other ideas, but I can see your vision come more clearly together in the latter half. It ended with excitement, and I do look back on what I read with a happy smile. Good job!

Huh. I just tried to read Hot Harvest, and found out it’s password-protected. What’s up with that?


The answer to questions like this will always be "I did something stupid while I was depressed". :facehoof: Luckily I just unpubished it, instead of deleting it. It should be back up shortly. Sorry! :twilightblush:

Really good mix of plot and, uh, "plot." I really admire the way you mixed the elements of both together and kept the pace of the story moving, really building up to what ends up being the more-pressing problem than Rainbow being body-swapped. I like the way you handled the relationships between everyone, especially the moments between Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash and their counterparts.


You're getting into the old stuff, now! :twilightsmile:


I've really been enjoying just digging through your library. You've done a lot of fantastic stories that have been a great way to relax and slow down and just... get away from the world for a little while. Reminds me why I used to love reading all the time.
You are a really fantastic writer and I hope you can find both the spark and the time to work on more writing, whatever it ends up being. I'll definitely be here to read it. Drives me crazy that you're both a great writer AND an amazing artist!


You flatter me! :)

My original goal was to be an indie comics artist. Which I was for a little while, pre-fatherhood. Not I COULD get back in, but the production schedule is brutal and the money is non-existent.* Another words-and-pictures medium might be better for an weary undead horse. :facehoof: Which is too bad; I love reading comics!

[Edit: *I have literally made more money writing fanfic than I did as a comic book artist because the comic book money was substantially in the negative.]

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