Life After the Blitz

by Captain_Hairball

Hair of the Dog

Amateur military magazines were scattered all across the green.

Gleaming Shield was standing in a wide, braced stance, every muscle in her body clenched, her horn burning with purple light. Something huge smashed into her shield, distending it like a plastic bag.

“Holy Celestia, Twi, I really don’t think this is the time for an orgy.”

Twilight looked up from the magic circle she and Dusk were painting onto the grass of the green. “Not an orgy. A gangbang. A focus of emotional and erotic energy onto two individuals. It’s crude, but it should be more than enough to switch your souls back to your original bodies, and Dusk and I can use the excess energy to seal both sides of the gash.

I raised an eyebrow. “Two individuals. So you’re saying…”

Blitz walked up next to me, smirking. “…she wants us to go buck ourselves.”

I felt my blood pressure begin to rise. “Twi, where did you get this idea?”

She narrowed her eyes at me. Her saddlebags were lying on the grass near us; she slid a wood-covered book out of one with her magic.

I stamped in rage and frustration. “Twi, that book of unfriendly sex magic was what got us in this trouble in the first place!”

Twi rolled her eyes. “Okay, the Marquis de Saddles’ original spells are rubbish, but his theory is sound! Magic draws on mental and emotional energy. Sex should be a gem mine for that kind of thing.”

I stared at her.

“Sure, this will be the first time I’ve tested it under field conditions. And everypony in the spell is supposed to be a unicorn — but I think that’s because the Marquis was kind of racist; other ponies have magic, too, just not as focused.” She closed the magic circle with a last brushstroke. “Looking good, Dusk?”

Dusk’s magic flared. A beam of force snaked out from his horn and spread slowly out in a dome above the magic circle. “Yep. Looks great.”

Twi turned to address us all. “Okay, gather round, team. I’m going to need everyone we can get for this. The village has been evacuated, so we’ll have as much privacy as we can hope for. Once we get going, it won’t really be possible to withdraw consent, so I’m going to need to get everypony’s full buy-in up front. If you don’t think you can handle it, we can find something else for you to do. If you back out while the spell is going, it could wreck everything.”

Bubble Berry smirked. “It would hardly be the first time AJ and I have been in a sweaty outdoors snugpile with Blitz.”

Stallionjack grinned. “Eyup.” Our AJ was the straightest mare I knew. Was this AJ just Big Mac with an orange paint job?

Dusked blushed furiously. “You guys…?”

Bubble’s smile widened predatorily. “Sorry we haven’t invited you, Dusky. We didn’t think you’d want to play. Would you like to come next time?”

Dusk unconsciously backed up a couple of steps. “No. No, I’m good. I can… um, I think I can help with Blitz. Girl Blitz, I mean.”

“Are you sure?” asked Twi.

Dusk nodded firmly, once.

Elusive was frowning fiercely. “I will do my part with the male one. Though do I prefer more intimate settings.” He tossed his elegantly styled mane fussily.

“I don’t think this is anypony’s ideal situation.” The massive horror rammed the shield, sending a shockwave of sound through the air. We all shuddered.

I glanced sideways at Blitz. Her eyes met mine. I’d seen that face in the mirror a million times, and it wasn’t any less pretty on somepony else. Even with the lipstick and the eyeliner. Buck it. I leaned in for a kiss. She answered by opening her mouth and pressing her tongue hungrily against mine. My knees got wobbly, and my cock began to rise out of its sheath. I noticed Butterscotch glaring at us, repressed anger in his eyes. I felt sympathy — jealousy was a rough emotion, but he was going to have to get used to it, if he was going to be with one of me.

“And the Rainbows are already getting warmed up. Okay. Fluttershy? Butterscotch?”

Flutters and Butters were leaning against each other, white as sheets. “I don’t… I don’t know…” stammered Fluttershy.

“I don’t know if we can, Twilight,” finished Butterscotch. He ducked his head, ashamed, glancing sadly at Blitz and I again. “I don’t know if I can even watch.”

Twilight nodded. “Go into the castle. Get water and coffee. Oh, and some dairy products — more than one climax from all of us would be helpful. I can help with the stallions’ reload times, but I’ll need protein-rich foods as raw materials.”

Blitz and I were getting pretty hot and heavy. My hooves rolled down her ribcage and over her sides to her muscular haunches. It was fascinating to feel the muscles I’d worked so hard on, every one cut and clearly defined. I’d hated the slight softness to my tummy and hips when I was a mare but now I just wanted to keep squeezing them. Faint echoes of her sensations flickered through my head — my own hard muscles, hot breath, and apparently huge tongue.

“In the circle, you two!” nagged Twi. “It’s lucky you’re such a narcissist, but we can’t afford to waste any energy.”

Blitz got up and grinned over her shoulder at me. She lifted her tail up and aside and strutted towards the circle with the exaggerated sashay of a stallion in drag. It made me giggle, but I had to admit it was kind of hot watching my sturdy haunches sway like that. I pushed my nose in between those lovely blue cheeks and inhaled the familiar rich smell of my pussy. Blitz squeaked and laughed. I nipped her on the cutie mark and grabbed her barrel in my forelegs, pushing her down onto the ground in the middle of the magic circle.

Blitz reached back and thumped me in the ribs. “Hey, stupid. I need to be on top. So the others can reach.”

“Oh. Right.” I rolled onto my back in the middle of the circle. I glanced around. Everyone was watching. Bubble and AJ lustfully, Twi with detached attention, her horn glowing slightly as she measured the magical energies being generated. Dusk’s cheeks were bright red, but he was also sporting a raging erection. Elusive yawned.

I grinned. I loved having an audience, even if it was only a partially attentive one. Blitz stood on her hind legs over me and facing away from me, and squatted down. She was already dripping wet. I helped her guide my flare inside of her, gasping as I felt her warmth enveloping me. She pushed down to my balls in a single thrust, grunting in pleasure and pain as my flare slammed into her cervix. We were, unsurprisingly, a perfect match. She started riding me, cranking her hips up, then slamming them down, making the little bit of fat on that lovely tush bounce. I slapped her ass, and she arched her back languidly. I loved it. I was an amazing lay.

I heard Bubble Berry’s voice. “Can we…”

“Please do,” said Twi.

The next thing I knew, a massive pair of orange balls were being lowered into my face. I breathed in the musky scent of ball sweat and opened my mouth as wide as it would go. AJ guided one ball into my mouth. The other rested on my cheek, hot and covered in short fur. He started raising and lowering his pelvis, popping his balls in and out of my mouth. I could see that Bubble had his forehooves on Blitz’s shoulders, and was doing something wet-sounding to her face. I closed my eyes, and took a few deep breaths, and I could feel Bubble’s thick, perfumed cock moving rapidly in and out of Blitz’s mouth. I groaned into Stallionjack’s sack — yeah, for a desperate, last-ditch attempt to save two universes from a disaster I’d helped cause, this was pretty hot. There really was no justice.

AJ got bored of having his balls sucked and pulled away, but only for a second. A fat, drooling battering ram of a penis bumped into my face. I had some experience with Mac’s dick, and the only way this one was different was that it was light orange instead of dark magenta. Last time, I’d had a mare’s mouth, and hadn’t been able to get it in at all. With my new mouth, I could get the flare in, but that was it. I was afraid when his flare stiffened, he’d rip my jaw off.

“Hey, Lady Dusk, we got a problem,” rumbled Stallionjack.

“I’m on it!”

I felt something happen to my face, and suddenly AJ’s cock was sliding into me. I let out a muffled yelp of surprise. My deepthroat game has never been strong, but now the twin of the biggest dick I or Lightning Dust had ever seen felt like its head was up under my rib cage. I liked it, I just hoped whatever Twi had done to me was reversible.

An effeminate squeal and the second-hand taste of artificial strawberry told me Bubble Berry had come. AJ gave me a pat on the chest like I’d been a good dog, and slid out. My own spit dribbled out onto my muzzle. I groaned. Even with Twi’s spell helping me my throat already ached, and Elusive was on his way over.

“Well. Aren’t you a mess.” He wrinkled up his nose, but offered me his long, arched pink cock. I took the flare in my mouth — it had a diamond-studded ring piercing, which I immediately started twiddling with my tongue.

“I can see you’ve done this before. Oh, yes, that’s very nice.” Elusive started thrusting, slowly and sensually, gradually sliding deeper into my magically enhanced throat. “Oh, that’s right. Take it. Take it, you nasty, tacky little guttersnipe. Suck it, you dirty catamite, you.”

I cringed. Elusive really needed to work on his dirty talk routine. He was easy on the eyes, though, even up close and from below. Soft but not fat, strong thighs pumping, handsome pink balls bouncing closer and closer until they were bopping me in the nose. His dick was much slimmer and a little shorter than AJ’s, but it fit in my throat just as snugly as the bigger stallion’s had, which was a relief — whatever Twi’s spell had done, it was more elegant than just making my face huge.

I glanced sideways. Bubble was knocking back a cup of water and holding a half-eaten wedge of manchego. Twilight was pumping his floppy cock gently with her magic while she watched the magical flow of our gangbang. I didn’t think that ‘fluffer’ was really an appropriate role for even the number four ranked princess, but I wasn’t about to say anything.

I felt the sensation of Stallionjack’s cock buried deep in my throat, surging and pulsing. I heard him bellow. Blitz had been rubbing her clit, and AJ coming in her mouth was enough to make her come. I felt an electric, tingling orgasm rip through Blitz’s body. I arched and groaned around Elusive’s dick, pressing my nose up into his sack.

“Oh, you cheap little strumpet!” howled Elusive, and I felt his cock twitch in me as he came.

This was way too much for me. I felt the burning wave of an orgasm rip through me, and I began squirting inside Blitz, welling up against her cervix. We were such a close fit that there wasn’t really any room for cum in there, so in a few thrusts the excess was all over my belly and thighs, leaving me feeling sticky and matted and wonderful.

“Get off him, Rarity. I mean, Elusive.” Twi’s voice. The next thing I knew, Elusive’s cock was out of my mouth, and a purple hoof was shoving a chunk of brie into my face. Being force fed cheese has never been one of my fetishes, but I gulped that mushy, salty stuff down. Ugh. Cum tastes better. I felt something suspiciously magical-feeling happen deep inside of me, and I was hard and ready again, still buried inside of Blitz’s pussy.

“Woo!” shouted Blitz. “I could do this all day. Who’s next?”

Twilight had walked back over to Dusk, and stroked his shoulder. “We need you.”

Dusk gulped and stood up. He was hard, but clearly terrified. He whispered something to Twi I couldn’t hear.

“Well, this will make it six,” replied Twi with a slight smile. “Pony up. You can do it.” And she hugged him.

I didn’t see what happened next, because I had a pink ballsack pressed over my eyes. “Guess whoooo!”

I chuckled. “Adonis the studpony.” I haven’t mentioned this yet: Bubble Berry was cut. Every bit as much so as my stallion body was. It was an interesting contrast to Pinkie, who was a rather curvy mare. I slid my hooves over his muscular thighs and lapped at his ball sack. I inhaled — his male musk was complemented by a subtle, flowery perfume. His fur was neatly trimmed short and smooth everywhere, not leaving a single line of muscle to the imagination.

“That’s right, sexy,” purred Bubble Berry, sliding his dick back along my cheek. “You don’t know it, but you and I have done this a lot.”

I laughed, reaching around to squeeze his hard ass. “I seem to have forgotten. Remind me.”

I tilted my neck back, opened my mouth, and pressed on Bubble’s ass cheeks, gently pulling him into my mouth. I ran my tongue around his silky flare, and he groaned. “Mgh. Oh, gosh! You’re just at good at that as Blitzie is. Don’t stop. Faster, okay?”

My connection with Blitz was getting stronger. I could feel everything as Dusk placed his hooves hesitantly on Blitz’s shoulders. “I… I don’t want this to affect our friendship,” he mumbled, looking away from Blitz.

Blitz reached up and pushed on Dusk’s cheek, making him meet her eyes. “Dusky. Pal. It’s just for magic, okay? Tomorrow, we can pretend this never happened.”


“Promise. Now, those are some extremely full-looking balls. Let’s see if we can empty them out a little.”

I felt Blitz slide her mouth over Dusk’s flare and lap a drop of salty pre from his tip. I could feel her pussy squeezing my dick, and my dick sliding against her hot, silky flesh. Bubble was pounding my face with increasing enthusiasm.

I felt another orgasm building, but something larger than that was building as well. It was… okay, I just want to warn you in advance that this is going to sound really weird. I’m just going to say all of this is literally how it felt, I’m not getting all fancy on you or anything. The Dash does not do that.

Anyway, it was sort of like a bridge had formed between my and Blitz’s minds. I took a few tentative mental steps, then raced across the bridge into Blitz’s head. It was crowded in there, and also I noticed that the male Rainbow body had stopped breathing when I left, so I raced quickly back to it.

”Hey. Blitz. We gotta do this,” I said. It really felt like I was saying it, even though my mouth was still busy with Bubble’s cock.

”I’m afraid.”

”Seriously? One of us is afraid? Get out of my body right now, you bucking pansy. You’re not worthy of it.”

”He’s not really gay! Everything will be fine for a while, but then he’ll meet some mare, and he’ll fall in love, and it will all come crashing down.”

”I don’t know, he seemed pretty eager to please to me. Just have a lot of threesomes with mares and ease him into the gay, and let him have all the pussy he wants on the side, and you’ll be fine.”

There was a pause. Somewhere in there, Dusk came in one of our mouths.

”Are you sure?”

”Well, obviously not. I can’t see the future. But come on, grow a pair of ovaries. I thought stallions were supposed to be tough.”

”Not necessarily, or consistently, it turns out.”

”I’d noticed.” I felt Bubble pull out without finishing. Something was up.

”All right. Do you see what we have to do?”

”Yeah, it’s like, we can just… walk over.”

”All right. On the count of tree, we switch. One… two… oh, holy buck

The rush was like nothing I’d ever experienced. A blazing light filled my eyes, a ringing filled my ears, and a massive burst of tingling pleasure raced through every inch of my body. I kicked into the air, feeling Blitz’s cock flop wetly out of my body.

“Yeeehaw!” I whooped, punching the air.

Twi and Dusk’s eyes were glowing. “They’re out!” shouted Dusk. “Do it now!”

“I’ll get our side, you get yours!” said Twi.

A lot of things happened at once. The edges of the gash began to glow, and fuse together. Whatever was banging against Gleamy’s shield seemed to panic — it drew itself fully out of the bubble long enough for her to relax, then rammed through, shattering the shield and sending the muscular mare flying across the green from the magical backlash.

The gash hissed closed. The thing hovered over the Ponyville green. It was a vast, shapeless black mass at first, but quickly solidified into something like a six-winged dragon made out of a billion cockroaches. I saw that Fluttershy and Butterscotch were standing on the steps of the castle; that was probably where it’d gotten the dragon part from.

Dusk rushed over to the fallen form of his sister.

“I’m fine, Dusky! I’m fine!” She tried to push herself to her hooves and failed. Clearly ‘fine’ was relative. From the way she gritted her teeth when she tried to put weight on her left leg, I’d say broken cannon.

Dusk looked up at the horror, fury in his eyes. He looked at Twilight. “We can’t send it back.”

Twi nodded. “Not any more. This is your universe, Dusk. What do you recommend we do with it?” By the slightly psychotic look on her face, I could tell she already had a pretty good idea what he was going to say.

A flicker of orange and red flashed out of Dusk’s horn. “We kill it. We kill it with fire.”

The cockroach dragon looked at the two angry alicorns. I’m speculating, here, but I think it was realizing it’d made a mistake. Sure, it wanted to be in a universe where there was something to eat. But it was cut off now, with no escape or reinforcements. It had likely heard about the purple ones. And here they were both together.

So it ran. Twi and Dusk launched themselves after it.

I looked down at Blitz, who was still getting to his hooves, looking a little dazed. “We can’t let them go alone.”

He nodded. “And no one else can keep up.”

I grinned. “Let’s do this.”

“Wait!” wailed Fluttershy, pounding desperately towards me. She scooted to a halt right next to me. “Um. I’m sorry. I mean, um… Dashie, please come back to me? I mean, as in, don’t get killed? If you can do that for me?”

I squeezed Flutters hard and kissed her quickly on the lips. “I promise.” She smiled, and I saw her rushing over to see if she could help Gleaming Shield as I circled up into the sky.

Blitz had had a similar mushy scene with Butterscotch, so we were both well behind Twi and Dusk at first. We caught up pretty quick, though.

“It’s out of range,” Twi shouted to me, “and we can’t catch up! Can you two slow it down or lure it back here or something?”

Blitz and I saluted and took off at full speed, flying low over the treetops. To my surprise, Blitz had no trouble keeping up with me — he seemed to know how to use his greater wing strength to overcome his extra weight. It was okay. I would have figured it out eventually, too.

“Damn,” I said, “you’re almost as good as me. We seriously need to race, after this.”

Blitz smirked at me. “Only if you like losing.” He glanced ahead, and his eyes widened. “Heads up, soul sister!”

The thing had torn three hunks of itself free from its body, and they had grown wings, and were flying at us. What the buck?

I dodged one and dove hooves first into the other one, knocking it into slimy chunks. I shook the ichor out of my eyes and glanced back. I saw that Blitz had dodged the one that came after him. Seconds later, both the things were incinerated by Twi and Dusk.

The dragon horror was smaller now, and faster. It had managed to get far ahead of us, and was making its way past the Everfree Forest and towards Ghastly Gorge.

“Hey, look, Dash. It thinks it’s fast. Isn’t that cute?”

“Hey, Blitz, can you do a sonic rainboom?”

“Can I?” Blitz flapped his wings hard, and went into a climb. I banked away from him, and followed suit.

We climbed sharply into the air, then looped into a dive, using gravity to build our momentum. My wings were a blur, the muscles burning. Below us, the dragon horror had stretched itself out long and narrow, and it slipped into the gorge. I don’t know why it thought it would be safer there. We quickly caught up with it and began to pass it.

On my mark!” screamed Blitz.

“No! On my mark!”

“Whose universe is this?”

I sighed. “Fine! On your mark!”

Blitz grinned, and rolled over to the far lip of the ravine. “Five… four… three… two… hit it, Dash!” The air cracked open. Twin rainbow shockwaves blossomed behind us, tearing into either rim of the gorge, and collapsing it right in front of the dragon horror. The shock of Blitz’s rainboom almost knocked me out of the air, but I recovered and spread out my wings to brake. I banked in a wide circle, looping back around to the smoking gouge our rainbooms had torn in the gorge.

The dragon horror was trapped under the rocks blocking the gorge, but alive and already struggling to free itself. When it saw us, it twisted its neck and tore off several more chunks off its body. The newborn horrors flapped towards us. There were seven of them. I began to climb, three of them on my tail. I’d lost a lot of speed braking and turning and had lost the main advantage I had over these things. The dragon horror seemed to have learned from his last attack — these horrors had heavy carapaces that would resist ramming attacks like I’d tried before. Below me, I could see that Blitz had also circled back and was trailing four horrors of his own.

“Rainbow! Other Rainbow! Over here!” Twi and Dusk had arrived. I banked sharply, turning towards them, then dove once I was in what I hoped was range. Orange light flashed behind me, and when I looked back, my pursuers were nothing but ash. Blitz’s horrors tried to flee, but they were too close, and Twi and Dusk rolled, dived, and roasted them, too.

The dragon horror had pulled itself halfway out of the boulders. It stretched out its neck and gave a deafening roar. Its hateful, fishlike eyes glared at us.

The alicorns hovered in midair, flapping, one on each side of it. Twi glanced at Blitz and me. “Stand back, Rainbows. This is going to get ugly.”

I’d never seen Twilight fight to kill before. Her goal was always a gentle takedown, followed by an attempt to reform or apprehend the enemy. This thing was too dangerous. It needed to go. I covered my eyes with a foreleg as bright beams of flame lanced down from Twi and Dusk’s horns, over and over. Crawling, chitinous limbs and wings flared with light and burned. The dragon horror’s roars turned to screams. Even when it had crumbled to ash, Twi and Dusk kept firing, until there was a smoking pit of melted rock in the middle of Ghastly Gorge.

“Think that’s enough there, guys?” asked Blitz, chuckling nervously.

“Probably,” said Dusk.

“Maybe,” agreed Twilight.

Then he and Twi fired off a final volley. Just to be sure.


It took Twilight and Dusk a week, working together, to convert his version of the Crystal Mirror so that we could use it to travel back to our world. During that time, they got a visit from Princes Solaris and Artemis. I got the impression it wasn’t a totally friendly visit, but Twi later told me that Dusk was able to convince the princes that the gash had not been entirely our fault, and we’d been instrumental in solving the problem. So yay Dusk, I guess.

Fluttershy and I were busy midwifing Butters and Blitz into their new relationship. We had some nice talks, and more than a few epic four-ways. I still miss those guys. I need to talk to Twi and see if we can go back to visit some time.

Anyway, long story short, they got the mirror working, and Bubble Berry threw a big party to see us all off. At three AM, when we ran out of cider, and AJ passed out in the bounce house, we decided it was time to go. Four or five group hugs later, we flew through the mirror.

Flutters and I stood there in the pre-dawn dark of Twilight’s lab while she fumbled around with a spark glowing over her horn, looking for a light.

“You look worried.” Fluttershy rubbed her cheek against mine.

“Oh… it’s just, powerful emotions have led to bad trouble, lately, and I’m about to be reunited with a bunch of friends who probably think I’m dead. I hope the sky doesn’t open again.”

Fluttershy smiled shyly up at me. “But that’s fixed now. You’re you again. And I, for one, am really glad of it.”

“But what if it’s not? What if there’s still a little connection, and when I get worked up, it all starts up again?”

“I don’t know. Let’s check.”

And Fluttershy kissed me. It was an amazing kiss, but the earth didn’t shake, and the sky didn’t open. And wasn’t that a relief.