• Published 5th Jun 2012
  • 9,100 Views, 226 Comments

Twidark - Isseus

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Twilight Sparkle let out a long sigh. She'd once been proud of this room. It had been her own personal space, her sanctuary. All that remained were the sooty walls and the dirty floor. Not even the stairs remained. She'd had to ask Spike to jury-rig a few planks to act as a makeshift slope for access from the upper library. The room was empty now, but the memories were still inside. So much had happened inside here, not even two weeks agos. The whole incident with the forbidden tome. It had also been the incident where she'd hurt several of her friends, one of them severely. She felt a lump rising once again in her throat.

Twilight walked over to the empty spot where her workbench had been. All the tools she'd painstakingly collected over the years were now gone. All the various chemicals, all the books on how to restore books, all of them just black soot on the walls now. In her mind's eye she could see herself, working diligently hour on end on some old tome or ancient manuscript, that would end up being a trashy love novel or a cookbook that was only useful for ponies in the tropical islands. Still, it had been, for a lack of a better word, fun. She'd have to start all over again from scratch. It would take several visits to Canterlot, and maybe some other cities too, to find the instruments she'd need. She wasn't even sure if she even wanted to start again. The whole thing felt sour in her mouth after what had taken place. Everything had been a mess ever since she'd opened that ancient leather-bound book.

That damned book! In agitation she punched her forehoof at the wall in front of her.

Night had fallen in earnest before her bawling receded into loud sobs, and then finally into tired weeps. Princess Celestia held her student tight to her chest, not letting go for a second. Twilight Sparkle had tried to speak through the emotional turmoil, but all she'd been able to tell the white alicorn had been "I'm sorry," over and over again. Neither of them was aware of the time, only that the sun had set long ago, and they were seated in near-total darkness in Twilight's bedchamber.
"Twilight... It is I who should be asking for forgiveness for the events that have transpired here in the last few days. If anything, you were the victim in the whole thing, not the culprit."

"Princess how can you say that?" Twilight was looking at her mentor with wide eyes. "You should be angry at me! I hurt my friends. What I did to... " She was once again overcome by the wracking sobs of guilt.

"As I tried to tell you, my most faithful student; It was all because of the book that you did what you did. No blame rests on your shoulders."

"You don't know that! You CAN'T know that! The things I thought and did! I'm a horrible pony and the book was just an excuse for me to let go!"

"Don't you dare say something like that, Twilight Sparkle. I've known you since you were an awkward little filly, and I know you'd never do the things that have happened here."

Twilight got up, pushing the comforting hooves away from her and backing away from the other pony.

"Please don't... try to defend me! I'm responsible for everything that has happened. Not you or anyone else. I need to be punished! I need to go to jail, or be exiled, or have my horn removed, or ANYTHING that'll stop me from hurting anyone ever again!"

She closed her eyes and lowered her head, as if subjecting herself to the will of the court right then and there. The princess only walked to her and spoke softly:

"You have just told me the only thing that matters. That you never want to hurt anyone again, and never have. That is the true Twilight Sparkle that I have known for all these years. If only I hadn't sent that accursed book to you, none of this would have happened."

"You don't understand, princess. I... I liked it! I've always wanted to use my magic to do what I want, with no care for the consequences or repercussions of my actions. And now I went all out with everything I could, and beyond that. It wasn't the book that made me want to do that. It was... me. Even when I was... Pinkie... " her voice trailed off as she heard the words coming out of her mouth. "Oh Pinkie... what have I done?"

"Your friend is badly hurt, but she will recover. I have visited her in the hospital, and I know that she is well taken care of. And your other friends are all right as well. You don't have to worry about them right now. All you have to worry about now is yourself."

"I'm... afraid of myself. How could I do the things I did? And how could I think those... things... "

"But you have never acted upon those thoughts? Anypony who has any power over others has those dark thoughts. Of how they could abuse their gifts for their own ends. It is only natural. "

"But... even you?"

"Of course! Not a day in court goes by without me thinking how much I'd like to scatter the whole upper crust of Canterlot society to the four winds and be done with them. But I never do. And I have so many other dark thoughts too, but I'd never act upon them. That is the difference between a good pony, and an evil one."

"But I did!"

"Yes, you did, my most faithful student. And I am so sorry you had to go through all of that because of my mistake. But the fault rests with me, and that's final! It was I who sent you the book, I who was not here when your friends called me to help you, I who failed to send Luna here to help you in my stead, I who never taught you about geomancy and it's risks in the first place!"

"My... friends asked you to help?"

"Of course they did! As soon as you showed the first signs of your breakdown, they approached me. Ever since then they've been trying to find you and help you. It was just bad luck that they didn't get to you in time."

"But I thought... they aband—" Her mouth fell open at the mere thought. "But they'd never do that, would they? Why would I ever think that... " She seemed lost in thought, but her eyes were growing wider all the while.

"No. They wouldn't. Now do you understand how completely you were under the spell put on you by the book?"

"It could really make me think my friends abandoned me? That... was the thought that... all of this... "

"Yes. The curse was powerful enough to make you doubt your own friends. It also made you lose your conscience. You acted only on your base instincts, with no regrets or remorse. Only to satisfy yourself with no consideration to others."

"I... remember when that happened. I thought I was speaking to myself. The voice told me it was my self-preservation instinct. And I was so tired and sick that I... believed it." Tears were once again welling in her eyes, but they were not of sadness, but of anger. "How could it make me do something like that! How could I be so stupid... "

"The curse was powerful, and there is no mind in this world that could break it if it got in."

"But how could all of this happen?"

"I could explain better, if you would tell me, in your own words, what happened here."

"Everything? But... all the things I did... they make me feel so... sick."

"I understand. But I must know. You have all the time in the world, and I will be here for you."

It took her several hours to recount all the hazy memories she had of the last few days. With every sentence she spoke, she felt more detached from the person that had done all those evil deeds in her stead. It had been her, but not her, if that made any sense. All the thoughts and values she held dear had been twisted and mangled to resemble her own, but they were not really hers. All the while she talked, she could feel her heart growing lighter, ever so slightly. With every word she was confessing, she felt herself letting go of the guilt.

Princess Celestia had excused herself for a moment to go perform her morning ritual and raise the sun. Meanwhile, Twilight entered her bathroom.

Once again she was startled by her own reflection. Her eyes were red and puffy, and her tears had made dirty lines in the soot underneath her eyes. Her mane was a mess of off-colour strands of dark hairs. She turned the water on with her hoof, not even daring to think of using magic for the task. Her coat was singed in several places, and as she splashed some water on her face, she felt several stings where her skin was raw. Still, after all the things that had happened, she finally felt like she could at least look herself in the eyes.

When she returned to the study, she found Princess Celestia reclining on one of the soft pillows that she kept around. The princess had also pulled another one next to her and motioned for her student to take a seat. There were also two cups of...

"Tea? How did you have time to make tea? I mustn't have been gone for more than a few minutes," she asked incredulously.

"Do you think that a princess would start her day with nothing less than a cup of darjeeling? Even if I had to magically call it from the kitchens in Canterlot Castle, I simply wouldn't feel right without it." She gave a small chuckle, and somehow Twilight felt her own mouth turning into a small smile as well. After sitting down and taking the first sip of the hot drink, she felt as if there actually was a future ahead of her.

"There are so many questions I want to ask you, Princess."

The white alicorn just took a sip of her tea, and nodded.

"So first of all... how much was true?"

"Do you mean about Discord being my father and the planet itself being my mother? Or me and Luna making the Elements of Harmony from the lifeblood of the planet? Are you seriously even asking me about that?"

Twilight blushed deeply and quietly tried to look away from her mentor.

"I thought as much. The curse was an insidious one. It wove truth and lies together to make you believe everything it offered. It was masterful manipulation from a masterful manipulator, in this case, Abdul Al-Khamsa. I met him in his time. He was as mad as they come, but he was also well versed in magic. His talent lay in his understanding of how coterminous and coexistent dimensions affected our own. Too bad he went mad after years of studying them. He was also one of the last unicorns that used geomancy to power his spell matrixes that he used to create portals to those other dimensions"

"So... It is actually possible to open portals into other places and times?"

"Yes... and no. He could open portals, but most of them were unusable and all of them unsafe for anyone traveling through them. And they were so lacking in stability that one'd never be able to return to where they left. In the end I believe he stepped through one of his gates and never returned."

"So what about the book?"

"The writer, Olaus Martingale, has been mentioned several times in the history of Equestria. I have personally never met him, and from what I gather, he was not even a real pony, just a pen name used by a group that imitated the teachings of Al-Khamsa. What you read was their interpretation of his work and their theories of ancient times. The curse was their way of making someone believe their writing and spreading their teachings. It must have been some brave pony who hid the book at that distant ruin just to make sure no-one would get hurt. The one hiding it must have been under the book's influence by the time, and couldn't destroy it."

The princess had to stop for breath for a while and tried to take a sip of tea. The dismay that furrowed her brow made it clear that she hadn't noticed herself draining the life-giving liquid earlier. With an unsubtle crackle of teleportation magic, she summoned a full teapot, still whistling, from the kitchen far away. All the while, Twilight was looking at her with a puzzled expression, finally bringing herself to ask one of the more personal questions she was worried about.

"Will I be able to use magic again?" she asked, with a clear quiver in her voice. Celestia lowered her cup down to the floor and patted her pupil on the horn. Twilight shied away from her touch, seemingly in pain.

"It still seems to have sensation in it, and the cracks aren't too deep. It will be a long while, but if you steer clear of any use of magic, it should be alright in it's time. But don't expect it to happen anytime soon. "

Twilight let out the breath she hadn't even noticed she was holding. The good news was enough for her to trudge on in her attempt to understand the goings-on from the last days.

"That's good to know. And you can be sure that I will not do ANY magic for a long while." After seeing the approving smile on the princess' face, she continued:

"What actually happened in the end? I just remember... fear and panic and... fire. It felt like the few times when I got really angry, but this was different. This time—"

"This time your secret friend pulled you out of the frying pan and into the fire. Only this time the fire actually saved you."

"The whodid whatnow?"

"I remember you always being very talented at magic, but especially in one specific style: That of pyromancy; The control of fire in all of its aspects. That is because of the spirit that resides in you. I also recall having to put several small fires out in the castle after some of your... should I call them tantrums? When your mane would turn to fire and you'd run around in anger, sometimes causing things to catch fire nearby, or even spontaneously combust."

"Well that explains a lot. So I have this evil fire demon inside me too? Great. How many things are possessing me at the moment?"

"Please don't misunderstand, my dear student. The spirit of Inferno is everything but evil. It has been protecting you since you were a foal. Most of the time it lies dormant inside you, but at times of great stress it comes out to protect you. That is why you've never gotten serious burns from miscast spells."

"So... Is my... talent with magic... from Inferno?" Her voice was a quiet whisper, as if dreading the answer.

"No, my dear," the princess said, as she leaned in to nuzzle the purple mare gently. "Your magnificent aptitude for magic is the result of your hard work and the talent you were born with, not from any other source. You are not my most faithful student because of something that is bound inside you, but because of who you are."

"I'm... very relieved to hear that," said Twilight, stifling a small sob that was trying to work it's way out of her throat. She felt like a small filly again, being comforted by the princess after some failure or mishap in her studies. "Can I ask one more thing, princess?"

"Of course. Ask as many things as you need to. Luna is taking care of the country, so I have all the time in the world just for you. Maybe if I had more time earlier, then all of this—"

"Please! Let's not start this again. I... I'm sure that it wasn't my fault but even thinking about facing my friends after all that has happened makes me want to throw up. Oh my gosh! I... I had some leaves from Zecora I was supposed to chew! Oh nonononono I stole those pills from her too! I have to apologize to her too... and all the workers at the dam? This is all too much!" Twilight was going through a plethora of emotions, until finally settling on the, by now, very familiar panic. She was about to start hyperventilating, when a white hoof pushed her nose with a little more force than was necessary.

"BEEP!" shouted the Princess of Equestria.

Twilight could only stare at the gold-shod hoof squishing her nose flat, and after finding no other proper way to conduct herself, ended up giggling hysterically on the floor, with the princess following her example. They laughed until they were both panting for breath and their cheeks were streaked with the tears of mirth. After they calmed down, Twilight finally spoke.

"I really needed that, princess. I think I'll be okay for now."

"Do not worry about all the problems that the book has caused. I'll help you work your way through them all. Just stop blaming yourself for what has happened. If you can't forgive yourself, how can you expect your friends to do so?"

"Forgive... myself? Yes I think I know what you mean. But I really think that when I get to explain everything to my friends, they'll stand with me too. And with them I can get through anything."

"Just please remember that... one of your friends is with you here, right now." The voice of the alicorn princess was soft, and even sounded a bit fragile. Twilight gently trotted next to her and nuzzled the princess' neck. "Thank you," she whispered into her teacher's–and her friend's–ear.

After a long while, she broke off from the white mare, and moved back to her own pillow. She took a clumsy sip from her tea with only her hooves.

"Bleargh! When did this stuff get cold?" she asked, while holding her tongue out like a school-filly. She had to look away from the princess' smirk. After regaining her composure, she continued:

"So... I was about to ask... How did this spirit of Inferno end up with me? I don't remember anything about it from my foalhood."

"It happened a few months after you moved into Canterlot Castle to study in my school. Long story short, there was a fire that you got caught in, and in an attempt to save you from getting hurt, Inferno took residence inside you. She's been looking after you ever since."

"A fire? But I don't—"

"Because I used a memory alteration spell on you. I didn't want you to remember such a horrible experience as such a young filly. It could have been very traumatic for a young mind, especially one gifted with as much magic as yours."

"You actually erased my memory?" Twilight's voice was not as much angry as curious.

"I am sorry about the spell, and I have never used it on you after. It was only for your protection, and I can remove it at a later date if you so wish."

"No I think this is better. Maybe there are some things better left forgotten."

"Thank you. I have been meaning to tell you about it for years now, but I have never had the opportune moment for it. I also dreaded how you would take it. I for one hate even the thought of mind-alteration magic, but just this once it seemed like the right thing to do."

"I think so too, princess." They shared a common smile, before Twilight asked her next question:

"So who is this Inferno? Seeing as it is living inside me and protecting me, I think I ought to know a bit more about it."

"Actually, you might want to ask my sister about Inferno."


"Inferno was one of Luna's students over a millennium ago. The student got hurt badly in a fire, so in an attempt to save her life, Luna bound the elemental power of fire into the unicorn. It didn't succeed completely, and since then Inferno has been existing as an ethereal entity, protecting people from mishaps in the castle. The thing is that when it joins with someone, they become partners for life. Usually Inferno just hides inside the mind of the pony carrying her, but sometimes it comes out during a crisis. And you can also summon it if you need to willingly. As I remember, the unicorn that later turned into Inferno was a very nice and gentle pony, and I know she was a very good friend of Luna's."

"Seems to me I have to thank both Luna and Inferno properly. Inferno has now saved my life twice."

"That would be nice. Just remember that while she was once a unicorn, Inferno is now only a spirit of fire, and even though it carries the memories and thoughts of her former self, it is not truly alive."

"That's kind of sad now that I think about it."

"Don't worry about it. Inferno once told me that she wants to help and protect other ponies, and that will never change. In it's own way, I think it's content with its existence."

"But what about the other things the book taught me about? The monsters from beyond our dimension? The strange sigils and summoning spells? I know geomancy is true, because of how I repaired the dam."

"Most of it is true, but very dangerous to use. Several unicorns lost their ability to perform magic or even their sanity when attempting to use them. Some books still exist with information about them, such as the Ponykotic Manuscript and De Equiis Mysteriis. I have copies in my personal library, which I can send you, but I hope you will let the topic slide for the time being. They are not useful in modern times, and only should be read as a reference to arcane history, not as manuals on spellcasting."

"I think I'd best stay clear of them. I've gotten enough transdimensional horror for a good while, and that geomancy stuff sounds really dangerous, even if it was useful."

"Which reminds me, I have to go visit that zebra friend of yours some day. It seems she might know things that are not common knowledge in Equestria, and I would talk with her about their origins."

"But Zecora didn't do anything wrong! I was—"

"Of course she didn't. I just merely wish to ask where she got the information and Tass in the first place. And maybe correct her assumptions if she doesn't know the whole truth." She turned her eyes in a dangerous glare toward Twilight, who had to swallow a large lump that had risen to her throat. "Sometimes I wonder what my subjects think I would do to someone who does wrong without knowledge of it... " The princess' face quickly turned into a smile again and she let out a small chuckle.
Her amusement was cut short as a letter-scroll appeared in front of her. After having a quick read through it, she said: "Actually I think I might visit this Zecora right now. It seems that you will be having a few friends come over to visit you in a few minutes."

"Wait, what? In a few minutes? But what will I say? How can I... Oh princess what am I going to DO!?" She was visibly shaken by the abrupt forewarning.

"Do not worry, my precious student. I shall remain here for the time being, with you, and help you get over the worst part with your friends. But I also think that you should be the one talking to your friends about what has transpired, not I. You still have a few minutes, so I suggest taking a quick bath and maybe allowing me to brush your mane?"

"Oh I couldn't ask you to—"

"You don't have to. Now move your rump to the bathroom, Little Miss Sparkle!"

Twilight didn't even notice her feet starting to move towards the bath, and when her brain finally registered what was happening, she was already knee-deep in hot water.

It was spring in Twilight's stomach. That is to say, it was filled with butterflies, a few storms and maybe just one migration of geese. At least that is what it felt like to her. She kept reminding herself that these were her friends, and that she had nothing to worry about. She'd explain everything, and they'd solve the problems together as adult mares should, and everything would be just fine.

When she heard the knocking on the door, all of her resolution escaped her mind, leaving only the dull fear of rejection and panic.

"I... don't think I can meet them, princess! Could you just, maybe... tell them to go away? Maybe if I wrote a letter to them or... WAIT! What are you—"

The princess had walked over to the door and swung it open with a small nudge of her magic. Outside stood four mares and one small dragon, silhouetted in the shadows of the early dawn. Twilight couldn't do anything but try to put on a brave smile and meet her friends.

"Hello gi—"

A multicolored, but mostly blue, whirl swooped inside, and with a resounding SMACK slammed a hoof into Twilight's cheek, sending her flying backwards in a crumpled pile against a shelf. A few books fell down around her, some of them landing painfully on her back.

"That's for Pinkie and Scoots and Rarity, YOU JERK!" shouted Rainbow Dash, currently being held back by Fluttershy and Applejack. "How could you do something like that to them! I though you were our friend!"

The purple mare couldn't see straight. The whole room was tilting, and the few constellations spinning around her head weren't helping. She thought she recognized Cassiopeia.

"I think that is quite enough of that, Rainbow Dash," called out the authoritative voice of Princess Celestia.

"But she—"

"DID NONE OF THE THINGS YOU ARE ACCUSING HER OF!" came the deep booming voice from the princess, knocking the three ponies prone, and causing Rarity to hold her ears in pain. In a more collected, if still taut voice, she continued: "I was under the impression that my sister Luna had already explained what took place. "

"She... but... " stammered the cyan pegasus. "She told us that it wasn't Twilight who did it but... I couldn't help myself! I've been so pissed off and angry and worried and... stuff. When she was there just smiling like we was coming over for a sleepover, I kinda lost it."

"The last few days have been trying for all of you. But I will NOT be having any outbursts like that. Do I make myself clear, Rainbow Dash?"

With a loud gulp, the emotional pegasus managed a nod. In the ensuing silence, all that was audible were the loud sobs coming from the corner. Spike had ran to Twilight's side and was hugging her tightly, both of them in tears. The purple mare kept repeating "I'm forry" once again, with a thin streak of blood dripping from her mouth on the little dragon's scales. The small voice of the dragon could be heard saying:

"Please don't go mad again, okay?"

Twilight Sparkle couldn't help but give small chuckle through her tears at the sincerity of her number one assistant.

"I promife, Fpike."

That seemed to break the spell that was holding the room quiet. All of her friends surrounded the downed mare with their embraces and well-wishes. All except one. Rainbow Dash remained standing at the center of the room, with her head held low, not daring to approach her friend after just having hit her squarely in the face. Twilight finally got up on shaky legs and, supported by Spike, made her way to the rainbow-maned mare.

"If'f alrighf Daff. I kinda deferved fthaft. Before fthe prinfeff effplained what fad freally fhappened, I wouff haff fone a lot woff to myfelf."

"It's not alright! I don't deserve to be the Element Of Loyalty, if I can't even believe in my best friends!"

"Ifn't fat juft fthe reafon why you fit me? Becaufe you care for your friendf?"

"Yes well... I guess."

Twilight took the hesitant pegasus in a gentle embrace and stroked her unruly mane with her hoof. The moment was short-lived, before Rainbow Dash pushed herself away.

"Sorry but I can't do this! You shouldn't forgive me so easily!"

"Daff if'f okay—"

"No it's not! I hit you and... now you gotta hit me back."

"Whaf? I fond want to hurf my friendf! Not affer all of thif!"

"Well I wouldn't feel right if you don't! Now sock me good!" She shut her eyes and braced for the punch.


"DO IT!"


"Eeeep!" Rainbow Dash whimpered as she shot upwards into the air. She ended up near the ceiling, a-hover on her wings, but instead of holding her face, she was holding her hindquarters.

"Maybe that will suffice for now," said the alicorn princess. Celestia waved her tail menacingly towards the flying begasus, who was now massaging her stinging rump, with her face coming a close second in redness. The princess' tail made another swift lash into the empty air with a sound not unlike a whip cracking. The rest of the ponies were giggling at the scene like little fillies. Princess Celestia walked to the front door that still stood open.

"I must unfortunately leave you for now. I still have many things to do today. Please try to play nice, and try to get some rest. And this goes for all of you. I will come visit when the sun has set once more."

Twilight trotted over to her mentor, and they shared an affectionate muzzle before the white alicorn walked out, and vanished in a bright flash of teleportation magic. The purple mare dreaded to turn around, to face her friends alone, but as she hesitated, a palomino hoof landed on her shoulder.

"Come on in, Twalaight. Ah think there's a lot o story ya wanna share with us, ain't that right?"

Twilight nodded, took a deep breath, and went inside with her friends, pushing the front door to the library shut behind her.

Twilight still couldn't believe her friends had forgiven her so easily. Sometimes she thought that she didn't deserve friends like that, and had to mentally buck herself to remember that it was okay to feel like that once in a while, as long as she remembered it wasn't true.

She looked once more around the empty cellar. To the blackened wall, where the shape of a shelf had been burned on the wall. The shelf she'd stolen from Sugarcube Corner. A similar darkened rectangle rested on the floor, where she'd moved her bed from upstairs. The bed where she'd read the cursed tome, hour on end, drunk with magic and confused by the words and images inside. And then the worst part had come: Discord, or at least it's resemblance, taunting her, making the words in the book come alive.

And shortly after... Pinkie.

That was the one part about this whole thing she couldn't get over. How could anything, curse or not, make her hurt a friend so deliberately, so systematically? The revulsion she felt in her mind was echoed by similar feelings in the pit of her stomach.


"I have to go see her!" For the hundredth time she insisted to visit her broken friend, and heard the same answer as every time before.

"Ya shouldn't, sugarcube. Ah know ya want ta go an make up an fix things, but Pinkie can't meet with ya. An the doctors told ya to stay awayh."

"This waiting is driving me CRAZY!"

She immediately regretted those words when the four mares around the café table took in a collective gasp. "Figuratively speaking, of course. Not going crazy, or feeling even the slightest bit of maniacal impulses, mental distress, or any sort of loss in coherence or cognitive function what so ever. I'm as stable as a roadside motel with fresh straw." She put on her best PR-smile and tried to win her audience over with her wit.

You could have cut the silence with a chainsaw, sold it to a lumber mill, and wait until it came out as cheap PONYKEA furniture, before someone finally spoke.

"Dahling honestly! There are just some things that you should not make light of!" The agreeing murmurs around the table made certain that the awkward librarian knew she'd stepped over a line. "Seriously, it has only been a week since EVERY! SINGLE! FRAGILE! BONE! of her body was CRUSHED!" The collective stare of distaste now had a new target in the marshmallow-white unicorn. "...In an occult accident. Which was not anyone's fault. At all. Ehehe... Would anyone wish to order something? My treat... "

This show of generosity soon dissolved the dense atmosphere around the table as the group of ponies, now missing only one of their number, ordered drinks. Several passers by made sure to stop and chat, making absolutely sure that the resident librarian of Ponyville was, indeed, doing well, and was not in any shape of form feeling unhinged at all. And to please tell them immediately if she felt another episode coming along, so they might lend a hand, or at the least, evacuate the area. After the fifth such encounter in just under as many minutes, Twilight was about ready to leave for the sanctity of the library.

"URGH! I'm starting to think that meeting in such a public place was a bad idea. I know it was Princess Celestia's idea to go out so ponies would see I was alright, but isn't this getting a bit... ridiculous?"

"Just take ah deep breath, applecakes. It ain't easy for y'all and that's why we're here with ya."

"I just feel like I'm seated in the stocks for public humiliation," she fumed, and downed her glass of juice in one go.

"Want me to get you another one while I get myself something, Twilight?" quipped the cyan pegasus. "Seeing as how Rarity is buying!"

"Wait a mo—" called the white unicorn, but it was too late. "Honestly! Some ponies! She'd probably go for the town hall if someone told her it was free." She felt like adding an indignant harrumph, but was interrupted as Applejack got up from her seat in a hurry.

"Heya Appabloom! Why don'tchy'all come over here an say hi to Twilight?" She was waving to the three filly members of the CMC that were trying to weave their way through the quiet market, while most definitely not trying to avoid being spotted by the group of mares seated at the café. After checking that there was no obvious escape route, apart from full-on gallop into the alleyways (not that they'd need to run, of course not!), they sauntered over to the table.

"Oh... Hiya everypony. Didn't... erm... see you there?" called out Scootaloo, with the two other fillies close behind, trying to stay behind each other's backs and as far away as possible from the purple unicorn.

"Um... Hi girls?"

"Hello, Miss Sparkle," they chorused in unison, the practice of several years with Miss Cheerilee evident in their manner. Not sticking out from a group was a survival trait, especially if something had been broken in the classroom.

"So where are ya off to, Appabloom? Doin' sum Crusadin'?"

"Yes, Miss Applejack," they once again uttered as one, bringing on a suspicious squint from their interrogator.

"And what pray tell was the three of you going to do here at tha market?"

"Nothing, Miss Applejack," answered the chorus.

"Bah. Off with the lot of ya. Just don' go gettin' into trouble ya hear!"

"Oh we'll be sure to stay away from Miss Sparkle!" chimed Scootaloo, before getting a double-elbow to her ribs from both sides.

"Yeah we really hafta be off," piped in Sweetie Belle, while pushing the orange pegasus in front of her. "We hafta go an go do... erm... "

"STUFF! Lot's of... stuff," finished Applebloom. Without waiting for a response, they bolted for the security of someplace that wasn't near the Ponyville Psycho Pyromancer.

Twilight looked after the three fillies. It would be a long while before they would feel at ease near her. Looking around the marketplace, she couldn't help but notice that anyone she looked at quickly turned away to hide their stares. One pony walked into a lamp post in her hurry to make sure that she wouldn't catch her eyes. She did what any rational, self-respecting academic would do in a situation like that. She got up and shouted at the top of her lungs:


She sat down, planted her chin loudly on the table and slammed her forehooves on her face, and took a deep breath. When her pulse had calmed down to its normal frantic pace, she finally got up again, only to see see the awkward stares of her friends. They were now alone in the marketplace, with everypony else having skawkered off at full gallop as soon as she raised her voice, including all the other customers and staff in the café. She tried to grab for her new drink, but was only greeted with a splitting headache, as she once again forgot that using magic was a no-no. She slumped back on her pile of hay.

"Maybe that wasn't the best way to handle this situation, dahling?" asked Rarity in a trepidatious voice.

"You think?" the rainbow pegasus cut in. "Now everyone's too scared to even go shopping. Nice going there Twilight."

"RD! Shush! But ya gotta admit that ya might have gone just a mite overboard with that last one."

"I know, okay! You don't have to rub it in!"

"Now, now, Twilight. I'm sure everypony will come around once they get back to their lives." It was the first time that Twilight Sparkle had heard the yellow pegasus speak all day, and was glad to hear her voice offering support, and not criticism.

"Thank you, Fluttershy. I just don't know how to make everyone relax again. What if I become a local horror story? Or a crazy old cat lady that never leaves the house?"

"Oh don't worry about it Twilight. Just give it a little bit of time. And if you want, I have some really cute kittens that you can come and visit someday. If you're feeling lonely. And have the time, that is. And don't have anything else to do."

"I think I'll pass on the kittens. I have enough to take care of with Spike and Owloysious as is."

"Oh... " The yellow pegasus lowered her gaze back to her drink, which she had hardly touched.

"Hey Twilight," exclaimed Rainbow Dash, as her head perked up from her fourth drink. "Isn't that the deadpan doctor from Ponyville Hospital?"

Twilight turned around on her small pile of hay and noticed the unmistakable white-jacket-and-stethoscope -outfit on the brown pony walking towards them.

"Hello everypony. I couldn't help noticing that everyone was fleeing the area in panic, so I wanted to make sure nopony had gotten hurt. Why am I not surprised to find you here, Miss Sparkle."

"Uhmm... hehe... Hello doctor. Do you have any news of Pinkie Pie? How is she doing?"

"She is a survivor, if anything. I have never seen anyone bounce back from such injuries so fast. We removed several of the casts today, and she is able to move around in a wheelchair now."

"That's wonderful news! Do you know when she might get out of the hospital?"

"We were actually thinking of releasing her later today. The Cakes have offered to take care of her, which would be a real relief for us." The doctor turned to look at the assembled ponies along the length of her nose. "She has also been asking to meet a certain Twilight Sparkle whenever she might find the time, but I—"

"Ohmygosh! She wants to see me! I... I have to go! Right now!" Twilight bolted from hear seat without a second thought, and started running for the hospital. She skidded to a stop as she was passing Roseluck's flower stall. She picked up a large bouquet of roses in her mouth, and only then remembered that the proprietor of the humble establishment had evacuated the premises with all due celerity a few minutes earlier. Twilight quickly left a hoofful of bits on the counter and darted off again. She remained oblivious to the numerous shouts, curses, facehooves, sighs and hastily downed drinks behind her, as her friends hurried after her.

Twilight was panting heavily when she got to her destination. She was not used to running with a dozen roses in her mouth, and the lack of oxygen was making her feel a bit dizzy. When she entered the building, she caused a wave of panic to wash over the patients waiting for their turn as she plowed her way through them to Pinkie's room. She'd memorized the layout of the hospital just so she wouldn't get lost when finally getting to go meet her friend.

"Pinkie! I'm here!" she shouted as she kicked the door open with her forehooves. The pink pony was seated in a wheelchair next to the window, and quickly turned to face her former assailant. Twilight walked directly over her, lobbing the bushel of roses on the bedside table on the way.

"H... Hi... Twilight." Pinkie's mane was hanging limply down the side of her face, and her voice sounded high and energetic to Twilight. "Did... you come here alone, Twilight?"

"Yes, it seems so. It's just you and me. I didn't even notice anyone else in the whole inpatient wing. Seems we're the only two ponies here.

Pinkies hooves shuddered, as she was backing her chair away from the purple unicorn.

"Don't worry, Pinkie! You don't have to do anything anymore. I came here to take care of you. Would you like to go on a little walk? Let's go on a walk. So that nopony will disturb us." Twilight slipped behind the chair and started pushing her friend out of the room. She noticed the telltale glimmer of moisture in the pink pony's eyes.

"I feel the same way, Pinkie. I missed you so much. I've been trying to get to you for the whole week, but the doctors and nurses wouldn't let me. It's so good to see you again. I was so worried that we'd never get to spend time together after what happened. You must understand that what happened wasn't really my fault. I mean... it was just a pure... coincidence?"

"I know, Twilight. And now you've returned. And I'm too weak to do anything. Just... promise me one thing, okay?"

"Of course Pinkie! Anything!"

"Just... do it fast this time."

"Of course I will! Don't you worry about that." Twilight started pushing the wheelchair at a faster pace, turning a corner with only one wheel while shouting: "Whee!"

"Th... Thank you, Twilight. I guess I'm kinda ready for what comes next. I had a lot of time to think when I was lying on the bed. To prepare. I knew you wouldn't just leave me there. I knew you'd return."

"I've spent the whole week preparing as well! I can honestly say that not a moment has gone by without me thinking about you and what I should do with you once you were ready. I'm so relieved to see you."

They exited the inpatient area to the small park behind the hospital. Summer was in full bloom outside, as they rolled together on the paved ways away from the building. They came to a stop on a small hill, overlooking the town below them. Butterflies were flying around in the air, fluttering their colored wings as they made their way from one flower to another. The sun shone warmly from the sky, with no clouds to block its tender rays. Pinkie looked around, with another tear appearing in her eye.

"It's so beautiful. It's kinda nice that you brought me here."

"It is, isn't it," Twilight said as she sat beside the wheelchair.

"You know, Twilight... I still can't bring myself to hate you. I know it's not your fault. The book cursed you. I want to hate you for what you did... but... I know that deep down inside you are my friend and would never hurt me."

Twilight felt her own eyes moisten from the hot tears of shame. She turned over to Pinkie and pushed her head onto the party pony's lap. "I never thought you could forgive me, Pinkie. I'm so sorry for what I did. I know it wasn't me, but still... seeing you so hurt here... It feels awful! I just want to stop your suffering."

Pinkie Pie shuddered a bit in her seat, and gently brushed her friends mane. "Yes. And that's why you are here, right? To make my pain stop, right? To end it all?"

"Yes, Pinkie, yes! Exactly! Now that I'm here I don't want you to worry about anything any more. I'll take care of you. Whatever it takes. Now just hush. It'll be all over soon."

"I'm... scared Twilight."

"I know, Pinkie. I wish I could do something about it."

They could both hear the sounds of several pairs of hooves hitting the pavement behind them.

"That must be the rest of the group. I left them at the café but seems they followed us here," the purple unicorn said, as she lifted her head up from her friend's lap.

"Could you... please maybe do it before they get here? So they don't have to see?"

"See? Do what? What are you talking about Pinkie?"

In an empty voice, totally devoid of any emotion, Pinkie answered: "Aren't you here to kill me, Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight fell on her back from where she had been leaning on Pinkie's chair. No breath came for her. She could only look at the dispassionate eyes of her friend, sitting hunched in the wheelchair. The eyes she saw were dull, like something you'd see on a doll.

"Didn't you come here to finish what you started? You already broke me, Twilight. My best friend hurt me. Why would I want to live any more? Why won't you just end it all. Let me go. Let me rest. Where nopony will hurt me. Please. Twilight! Do it now! I don't want them to see! It would make them sad! Please! Hurry! Hurry! HURRY!"

Pinkie pushed herself from the wheelchair and started crawling towards the downed unicorn. "I won't fight back! I won't resist! Just please! Do it! Now! It hurts so bad! You can't imagine how bad! Make it stop! Please! KILL ME!"

Twilight couldn't move, couldn't even breathe, as her pink friend crawled over her legs and onto her chest, hammering her with feeble hooves.

"Please! Make it stop!"

"There they are, doctor! OH NO! PINKIE! TWILIGHT!"

If Twilight Sparkle had to pick the worst moment in her life, she wouldn't have to think twice. Seeing her broken and hurting friend, crawling towards her, begging for death. The emotionless face of her bouncy, cheery friend felt so out of place in her mind. It kept haunting her whenever she closed her eyes. Even now she could clearly see it, in the darkness of the cellar. The worst of all had been the eyes. So lifeless. Like something had been removed from inside. Something valuable and precious.

She had woken up crying and screaming every night since.

Twilight sat down on the planks leading to the upper floor and buried her face in her hooves.

The doctor decided it was better for Pinkie to remain in the hospital for the time being. She had been put under sedation, so she wouldn't hurt herself.

Twilight had left the hospital, without saying a word about what had happened. Her friends had only seen Pinkie collapsed out of her wheelchair, while babbling incoherently, and she couldn't bring herself to tell them what had transpired. After she got to the library, she shut and bolted the door, and retreated to her bedroom. Or it was now just another room, because her bed had been incinerated along with most of her other personal items. She collapsed in exhaustion on the pillows, still remaining after the visit from the princess.

She cried herself to sleep, hoping never to wake up.

Twilight wouldn't let anyone inside the library for several days, until the doctor came to visit her. He was insistent on not leaving until he had a chance to talk with her, going as far as to threaten to get Applejack to buck down the door if she refused. Twilight hadn't eaten in two days, having just lied down and never finding the energy to actually get back up. When she finally opened the door, the doctor immediately dragged her to the kitchen and made her eat and drink, while he scolded her on how to take care of herself.

The doctor wanted Twilight to come to the hospital with him. To visit Pinkie. Apparently she was feeling a bit better now that her friends had explained the misunderstanding away, and would be able to meet Twilight.

All the way to the hospital, Twilight felt like she walked to be judged. Everywhere she looked, she felt the stares of the townsponies, who looked over her with a mixture of fear, loathing and pity. Even the weather seemed to be in the mood, with a heavy layer of clouds hanging low in the gray sky. Was this Rainbow Dash's idea of a joke?

On arrival, they went to a room Twilight hadn't visited before. It was a small conference room, with comfortable pillows laid in a small circle of eight. The doctor talked to a nurse at the door, and then took a seat, motioning for Twilight to do the same.

"This is our group therapy room. We usually use it for ponies who have difficulties in their lives, or that are faced with too much substance use that it is impairing their normal lives. I thought it would be better to meet your friend here than in her room."

"Thank you, doctor," was all the communication she could muster.

The small, clinically white clock on the wall moved ahead five minutes before the door opened up again. The nurse from earlier gently guided Pinkie Pie into the room, and helped her sit down on a pillow, on the opposite side of the room from Twilight.

"Hello, Miss Pie," the doctor began. "How are you feeling today?"

"The... usual I think," came the slightly sleepy voice from the other side of the room. Twilight had to strain her hearing to catch all the words. Usually when Pinkie was in the same room with you, even loud music couldn't stop you from hearing what she had to say.

"Hello, Pinkie," said Twilight. The pink pony immediately launched herself up from her seat and backed to the corner.

"Why are you here!? I... I won't let you hurt me anymore!"

Twilight had thought over and over again what to say to her friend when se could finally talk to her. Now that she finally had the chance, her friend was scared out of her mind, and all the words the purple mare wanted to tell were sticking to her throat.

"Pinkie... I'm so sorry. I hurt you so bad and I can only imagine how you felt after what happened two days ago. You have to believe me! I never wanted to hurt you! It was the cursed book that made me do all those things! I thought you were just an illusion that the book made me see! I was so weak and confused! Please! I would never hurt you!" The tears were flowing down her cheeks as she was now laying on the floor, halfway off her pillow.

"But... the things you did—"

"If there was anything I could do to go back in time and stop those events, I would. I even considered using the Star-Swirl The Bearded -spell, but it's one time only. I feel SICK about what I was forced to do!"

"So... you honestly didn't mean to hurt me? It was just some... nasty spell or something? But the things you said... It sounded so much like you. You told me you've always hated me and that I was unscientific and how you couldn't understand my Pinkie Sense and that you just wanted to make me hurt... "

Twilight could just sit there, quietly, not sure what to tell her friend.

Should she confess that, yes, her randomness sometimes irked her to no end, and how she was constantly baffled about her antics. But she'd never hurt her friend over them. Argue maybe, or go on a compulsive research binge, but never, EVER, hurt a friend.

"Do... do you really mean that, Twilight?"

"Ohmygosh! I didn't mean to say that out loud! I'm so sorry!" She couldn't imagine how she'd let slip something as stupid as that.

"Twilight... I was so scared. And it hurt so bad..." Pinkie's feet gave way under her as she fell down on the floor with tears running freely from her eyes.

"I'm so sorry!" Twilight was unable to stop herself. She moved over to her friend and took her in a tight embrace, remembering what the other had thought last time when she did so. "You are my precious friend, and I would never hurt you. It took an ancient curse to make me do it, and I've felt horrible about it every since. You'll never have to be afraid of me again, and I'll never hurt you again."

"Pi... Pinkie Promise?"

"Cross my heart, hope to fly," Twilight made the motions with her free hoof, "stick a cupcake in my eye." She hugged her friend tightly. "It's a Pinkie Promise."

Twilight Sparkle was suddenly thrown away from Pinkie, as the latter sprung up from her crumpled position. Her hair had exploded back into its usual consistency of a cotton candy in a hurricane. The pink pony started jumping around her friend in excitement and started to sing:

"Twilight is my bestest friend! Whoopee!
She never wanted to hurt mee!
I know that sometimes friendship hurts
But then this though always comforts
They don't really mean it, no!
Cos they're my friends, d'oh!"

She glomped Twilight on the floor, and they both shared a hearty laugh, which went on for a long while. Halfway through, the doctor left the room while giving a confused shrug at the sight.

"So will you forgive me, Pinkie?" asked Twilight from underneath her friend after she finally caught her breath.

"Of course you silly filly! You can't be friends with someone if you can't forgive them when they're really sorry!" the party pony said with a giggle.

Twilight went in for another hug, but Pinkie slipped from under her grip like a greased hog.


"No time for hugging! I have to go plan your get well party! And mine too! And one for Rarity! Oh and I think I have to hold one for the rest of the fillies too so they won't feel left out! And Spike too! It's gonna be SO AWESOME! I haven't partied in, like, over a WEEK! OHMYGOSH! This might be the longest time without a party IN MY LIFE! Maybe I should hold several parties just to make up for it! I know! We'll hold a party inside a party, and we'll call it `Partyception!´"

"Oh Pinkie," Twilight said, while trying to catch the pink pony in the corridors of the hospital while laughing for what felt like the first time in ages.

"She sure is crazy. And I wouldn't have it any other way," the purple mare said to the darkness inside her cellar. "How can someone have such a big heart that they can forgive someone who tortured them? I don't think I ever could. I guess Pinkie is a stronger pony than I could ever have imagined."

The days after had been a blur. Seemed like Pinkie returning to Ponyville resurrected the town from its gloom, and soon the whole incident seemed to have been brushed under the metaphorical carpet. Twilight had even been summoned to meet with the Mayor and the two forestallions of the dam construction group.

"Miss Sparkle! So nice to see you so well! And on time too!" the gray-maned mayor called from the stairs of the Town Hall, when she noticed the unicorn approaching. The two stallions stood next to her, wearing slightly worried expressions.

"Mrs. Mayor, Gentlecolts." Twilight could feel the all too familiar blush starting to rise to her cheeks once again. The workponies gave her a curt nod. Mayor Mare ushered them inside the large white building, and into her study.

"I wanted to extend my thanks to you, Miss Sparkle, for a job well done!" begun the mayor. "You built us a beautiful and resilient dam, and we won't have to worry about being flooded in the near future. And the Town Council has already agreed to name the dam `Twilight Sparkle Dam´ in honor of the singular pony who built it all on her own!"

"Erm.. Does this have something to do with the... uhm... inscription that I may have put on the dam?"

"None whatsoever! You are wholly deserving of the honor, and I will not hear a word otherwise. I believe that someone has already ordered a brass plate to commemorate the dam's construction. Unfortunately, it might cover some of the... autograph that was added during the construction process."

"You mean... the part about Tri—"

"Yes. Indeed. And now for the other matter at hand. I believe you gentlemen are here on business?"

"As you say, yerronor. As you might have heard, we did not, in fact, have time to actually, that is to say, begin work on the, as it were, construction."

"Yes so I have heard. Would it be prudent of me to say that you did not, in fact, do anything at all? And used none of the raw materials provided for the work?"

"Well... As you say, there were some extenuating circumstances... "

"But you did not construct the dam that you were hired to construct, is that correct."

"Umm... When you put it like that... no. I guess we didn't."

"Under these circumstances I believe that the Township of Ponyville can not be held accountable for any services rendered from your work group, wouldn't you agree?"

"So you aren't paying us, is that it?"

"As you so bluntly put it, yes."

"If you say so, Mrs. Mayor."

"I believe this concludes our business for the day. Miss Twilight. Gentlecolts. Have a nice day."

Without saying a word, the two stallions left the room, followed shortly by the hesitant unicorn. She caught up with them outside the building. The two workponies were leaning on the railing on one of the small bridges scattered around Ponyville to cross the slowly moving river. One of them was seemingly interested in the stream below, while the other was leaning her back on the railing while looking up at the sky.

"Umm... gentlecolts? Might I have a word?"

"What seems to be the trouble, missus?"

"Well... I wanted to tell you that I am truly sorry. I didn't know the mayor would skimp on the payments. It's all my fault and I can contact Princess Celestia on your behalf and maybe try to find some work for your or work something else out."

The two stallions looked at each other for a moment. The one with the symbol of a power drill on her flank took off his yellow helmet and produced a handkerchief from underneath it and wiped a few beads of sweat from his forehead.

"Yer mighty nice to say that, and we wouldn't say no to some honest work. But if yer worried about us getting into trouble for not getting paid, you needn't worry."

"You see," continued the other earth pony. "We sort of contacted our insurance company about the whole situation a few days back. It appears that their policy doesn't specifically exclude ´losses rendered due to Her Highness' Princess Celestia's Star Pupil going bonkers over an ancient curse and teleporting the whole construction site away while doing the work alone,` so it appears that we are fully covered about this. So no hard feelings, missus."

"Oh... well... That's good to hear. Well then... uhm... good day to you two."

The two ponies courteously tipped their helmets for the mare as she turned away to leave. The one with the iron girder as a cutie mark looked at the purple unicorn's flank and blew out a loud cat-call. The mare froze in her steps, and then galloped away with flushed cheeks.

"Now why did you go and do that for, Girder?"

"'s traditional."

Twilight got up from her perch and looked at the walls of her cellar. The heat that had blasted them made the walls smooth, almost glassy to touch. She couldn't see any of the seams between the stones in the small light descending from the open door above. She was interrupted from her musings when a familiar coltish voice called out from upstairs.

"Twilight! We're gonna be late!"

"Coming, Spike!"

Twilight walked up the precarious slope of the planks and finished the exercise with a few happy skips up the few remainin steps of the stairs.

"You ready to PAR-TAY, Twi?"

"Yes, Spike. I think I am," she answered, with a warm smile on her face.

"Then let's GO already! I don't wanna miss the games! And did you hear that Zecora's there too?"

"She is? How ... wonderful."

"Yeah! I hear she made the punch. She's supposed to have used some secret ingredients."

"Well as long as it's not poison oak... "

"Did you say something, Twi?"

"Nope. Lead on, my number one assistant."

As they went through the door into the warm summer evening, they could already hear the loud thumping bass coming from Sugarcube Corner. It sounded like the party was already in full swing. Twilight carefully closed the door to the library, and headed off to meet her friends.

Inside, one of the doused candlewicks started smoking, and slowly a small yellow flame crept up its length. The light from the candle illuminated the entrance to the library from the inside.

It could be dangerous to come into a dark house after a night of partying, and someone needed to keep the young mare safe.

Comments ( 80 )




After weeks of work. IT. IS. ONLINE!

Now after you read the final chapter, the floor is open to all questions about the story. All the references, bad jokes and stuff are open to discussion.

The last chapter? Awww...
That said, this was an amazing story. There were a few rough patches here and there, but they were minor things in the overall.
So are you going to write a sidequel (A story not necessarily a prequel or sequel but sharing the same 'verse) about Inferno? Because I think you have a lot of potential there for maybe a series of short stories about Inferno and the lives of the various ponies she inhabited.

Thanks for the compliments. Also if you'd like to mention what you thought the rough patches are, I might improve in the future.

That was my idea for along time. The only thing that keeps me from doing so is that... Then I'd be working with only OCs. Maybe Celestia. I'd lose my grasp on the well defined characters that exist in the ponyverse. If I get a really ZOMGAMAZING idea for a story featuring Inferno, then sure, But as a series of stories? NNNnnot likely.

Beautiful. Just...beautiful.

I enjoyed this from start to finish. Wonderful work, Isseus.

I...can't think of anything else to say.

Also WTH? Just noticed I got featured. :rainbowderp:

Best. Day. EVER! :twilightsmile:


How do you weave light-heartedness and slight humour into a sad story?
I don't get it.

896433 Maybe I'm just slightly insane?


Secretly, we all are.

im not sure if i should be happy or cry...don't get me wrong; awesome story:pinkiehappy:...but now it's over, which isn't very fun at all:fluttercry:...in other words; a lot of mixed feelings:pinkiecrazy:

A great story. I don't often enjoy dark, but this was well-done. One thing, however-you should either lay off comedy or dark. I honestly was very confused what I was feeling when Twi first went to apologize to Pinkie. Such misunderstanding was comical, but their dialogue, feelings, scene itself was not.
Aslo: amazing ending. Maybe you should consider writing a story about Inferno itself? Maybe even in "modern" setting, with Twi and friends trying to free it or something. Anyway, thanks for amazing story.

898174 But the feeling when you are reading a scene, that is supposed to be really dark, and you still want to smile, and you start getting really conflicting emotions, maybe even revolting yourself for laughing at what is happening. How could I do that without a mix of dark and comedy? How could I do stuff like the Twilight/PInkie scenes in this story? The mood whiplashes that I can do when "the reveal" comes out, like when it is shown that Twilight really tortured Pinkie for hours on end, while making bad jokes about her Pinkie sense?

Mmmmm Delicioussss...

And about inferno. I'll think about it.

You are evil.

How can it be evil if it feels SO

900668 if i'm not mistaken thats the worst kind :rainbowlaugh:

also, wonder what trixie'd say if she saw what twilight wrote on the dam :rainbowlaugh:


Well shucks darnit! If y'all ain't likin' what ah'm a-writin', then jus mosey on down to ta firs season o MLP:FIM an' watch "Suited For Success" once more.

906154 have you ever tested for red/green color blindness? :twilightblush:

Just read your story. Must say that I really enjoyed it.

Insane Twilight is best pony - especially one who has been driven mad by eldritch horrors... :pinkiehappy: Also liked how you managed to bring it back to MLP even after a solid touch of Cthulian mythos in there.

Not quite so sure on the Pinkie subplot, but since it ended well, I'll forgive it.

I absolutely adored the whole dam plot - including the "Suck it, Trixie!" on the dam. May have to steal ... um ... liberate... um ... reference... yeah - that's it - REFERENCE that dam in a future story.

It was a an enjoyable read. Thank you...

906924 You're welcome. I loved writing it... apart from my minor breakdown between chapters 9 and 10.

The Pinkie sublot... I can really see why that would be the one to stick out from this story like a sore thumb. I have a personal vendetta for Pinkie (too long a story) and I wanted to show how far gone Twily was after all the mindrape.

Just between you and me. A secret. Don't tell anyone. Check how Celestia answers when Twilight asks what parts were true?

Yeah that one.

She never denies anything, just dodges the question. <3

banjo2E's comment about the accents and 'getting out of here' made me think of this...

ANYWAY, I enjoyed the story. It was dark yet had its humorous moments. I thought that the hole Pinkie torture issue would be solved with a Celestia mind wipe, but the way that it was handled is believable for Pinkie.

I would love to hear about your vendetta for Pinkie. Maybe even talk more about writing the fic. How about a 'Author's Notes' chapter?

Green thumbed!

nicely done my friend :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

923370 Sorry for not answering earlier. As you might have noticed, FIMFic has been acting up a lot. Hope they got it working now. Hear they got some database issues fixed at least.

I've been sketching out my next two stories. I'm still not sure which I'll be diving into, or whether I have enough ideas for two separate stories but would also hate to just mash them up together.

About the author's notes chapter. Yeah. I like the idea. I have several things to talk about the style of mixing dark and comedy, and how using such wide moodswings allowed me to do. It'd help me if I had more questions to answer to see what are the topics people are interested in, then decide whether to write another chapter, or maybe just go over the things in my blog.

I wrote this story to <pretentious pomp> make people think and maybe even try to figure out the jokes and references in the story. Heck, I even researched different medical instruments so I could make jokes about them. I don't know if I'm ready to spoil/go into detail about them yet. And I'm not also sure if people are even interested in such things. Just worries me that people miss stuff in the stories. That's all... </pp>

I have a nagging fear that people'll just think I'm blowing my own horn. I am, of course, but I also want people to enjoy what I write.

937359 Let me be the first to say... DURRR?

While the whole ending section was a bit abrupt, it was overall a very enjoyable read. :twilightsheepish:

Definitely looking forward to more of your stories. :trollestia:

This is a great story, I read it for the whole day and I realy enjoy it, and thanks for no kill a poni :pinkiesad2:

I like Crazy Twilight, in fact, my firts cap. that I see in MLP was Lesson Zero, I realy enjoy.

Greetings. :twilightsmile:

The part where Twilight meets with Pinkie for the first time after the incident made me cringe...
Anyway, you've written a great, solid story that I enjoyed so much that I stayed up until 3:30 am.
Thanks! :moustache:

978972 Hope you had a good night's rest without Pinkamena standing at the foot of your bed. Looking on you with a disappointed face. :pinkiecrazy:

980810 Yes, I slept well. But I had only Rainbow, Twilight and AJ standing on my desk, watching over me, forever smiling with their little plastic faces :pinkiecrazy:
Well, I should really get to bed earlier, I have to write an exam about differential equations next monday :pinkiesick:
Nonetheless, I regret nothing! dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Twilight_Sparkle_lolface.png

980936 Ponies > Schoolwork. So it is written. So it shall be.

Though I hope you pass with flying (Rainbow) colours.

Yay 10 out of 10 I love happy endings to rather dark stories mabye the part with pinkish becoming instantly healthy feels a tad off to me but when a story is this entertaining I think I can overlook such a small factor:heart::pinkiegasp::twilightoops::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

996549 ponies heal REAL fast. Like Twilight getting 4 broken hooves and being stuck in a wheelchair was all good after about a half an hour. And Rainbow Dash healed a broken wing about overnight. Well mostly healed.

And it's Pinkie.

.... Mostly it's just Pinkie. She doesn't have to explain. :p

This story was awesome. Crazy Twilight is best Twilight. You should make a side story! About Zecora's revenge with Poison Oak! :twilightoops:

If she was fed some poison oak
Surely, she would just croak

That would make for a short story indeed
It wouldn't satisfy my reader's greed.

But maybe another story is in the works
So have some patience you brony jerks :scootangel:

1276550 And she survived. That's just how badass she is. <3

This story was amazing! Really well written, really well thought out and really good. :pinkiehappy:

1396044 Yay. Did I mention the sequel coming in about a month? :twilightsheepish:

As constructive editing criticism, I should point out that there are several places within the middle chapters of the story where the words "Her" and "His" are accidentally gender-swapped for the character they refer to. You may want to re-read and correct that.

Other than that, good job!

1504902 Always my failing point. There is no difference in my own language between the two so I always seem to default to one or the other. I'll try to be better, OK? PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!!!! :twilightoops:

Normally I would say "nice" story, but I don't think this is entirely appropriate.

Well written story and a credible character development. Aw, buck it: It was a nice story.:pinkiecrazy:
Though for one moment I thought you'd kill Pinkie Pie.:pinkiesad2:

1560815 I try to make my stories in such a way that they can return to status quo... at least on the surface. I want to challenge myself so I won't go so far off the deep end that I can't get back up. And I also hate deus ex machina.... and this story had a nasty odor of DEM even though I tried to circumvent it. It was still Twilight who solved her own problem, she just needed someone else to pull her rump from the... fire... :twilightblush:

1586254 But what lies beyond madness? Is it the sweet serenity and tranquility of knowing that there is nothing worse in the world than yourself? Can you finally feel safe?

Oooh, gotta use that one in Inferno. SPOILERS!

1588285 Oh yes. But it is still dark comedy.

Just read this whole thing in one go. Not really sure where i was going with this thought, but i feel it was relevant for some reason.

Well, i find this more a recurring theme with sad/dark stories now. For example, the whole of the story, up until Inferno saving Twilight, i hadn't so much as batted an eye at the story. But from Luna and Celestia's argument on, i had trouble holding back tears. Sure, there was a laugh or two, but still.

Celestia clearing her schedule to be with Twilight as she recovers was a very heartwarming touch that very few authors use. Usually they have Luna or just the rest of the bearers do it (as horrible as it probably sounds, it's not a bad idea), but having Celestia herself show up, just makes that little recovery period.

Have a fave and thumb, if i like Inferno as much as i did this, then you can expect another follower.

1937306 Thanks for the compliments. Just a heads up that I'm not really happy about how Inferno is going, and it's on a hiatus until I figure what to fix.

Maybe it's just me, but so far (chapter 6) Infidus is REALLY reminding me of Clarence from Penumbra.

Wow. So many feels from this story. To use a reference from something totally unrelated: "I laughed, I cried, it moved me, Bob."
Very well done. That first meeting between Twilight and Pinkie... Wow.

2956425 It really doesn't matter whether it's from a new story or old one, the comments all come to the same screen.

Yeah, it was on purpose. Like all the other 1000 references in this fic. There's... a lot. :twilightsheepish:

3022253 The premise of this story was "Lesson Zero, up to eleven with performance enhancing drugs and black magic"

That's funny, I've been -- lazily -- looking for a fic expanding on Lesson Zero in a believable way, and only yesterday did I stumble upon it. Where have you been all that time, fanfiction?

Now, I really enjoyed it a LOT up to the moment where it becomes clear that Twiglight's actions are dictated by a curse. I am aware that you tried to keep things at least a bit ambiguous in that regard, but I fear it wasn't enough. I really don't care for the whole "curse" concept in fiction (as well as in real life, but hey), the same way I lose interest in a story as soon as things like "destiny" are thrown into the mix. I feel like it cheapens everything I've read up to that point, which, when it comes to such a good story like yours, tends to be just a tiny bit frustrating (euphemism).

And the Inferno Ex Machina ... well, why not ? I didn't mind that, somehow, since you made it clear in the earlier chapters that there was something more behind twi's impromptu transformation sequences than what the show would like us to believe. I think the major flaw of the last two chapters (of the first part of the last one, especially) was the exposition overdose, aka the dialog between Twi and Celestia that felt a bit contrived and cheap, but heck, considering how I enjoyed the rest, I can live with that :p

Thanks for the read !

This is pretty....GREAT. AWESOME. Beautiful and touching as well at the end, added to my ever expanding favorite/good fanfics list on my userpage!

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