• Published 30th Sep 2015
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Just Girls Talking - MythrilMoth

Ponies and their human counterparts talk about various things.

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In retrospect, Cream Heart thought as she wrestled her son Button Mash away from the arcade cabinets for the umpteenth time, it might have been a better idea for Pinkie Pie to hold her Pinkie's Pals Playdate Party somewhere other than the Funcade.

Not that there was anything wrong with the Funcade, per se. It certainly beat Greasy Pizza's shithole of a party place—in addition to a broader variety of better, tastier food, it boasted a much nicer ball pit, a trampoline zone, a laser tag maze, a mini basketball court, and of course, an arcade full of modern and classic video games, pinball tables, and skee ball.

With all the fun, healthy activities available for kids to enjoy, her Button had found the one thing that would keep him from having to talk to the other kids—which was the entire point of this party.

Cream Heart had been surprised when Pinkie Pie approached her one day when she was having a coffee and a tart at the snack shop. "I'm throwing a special party!" the exuberant girl had said. "It's for kids who maybe don't have the best luck making friends or are kind of shy and withdrawn. I heard your kid's always by himself playing video games, would you like to bring him to the party?"

And she had, because she very much felt that Button needed friends.

Most of the kids present were a couple of years younger than Button—the oldest present, a girl named Twist, looked to be on the cusp of leaving junior high. Button, himself a sixth grader, stood out as the lone member of the middle age range. The rest of the kids were third and fourth graders—a quiet girl named Lily Pad, a scrawny, mousy boy from Trottingham named Pipsqueak, the energetic Cake twins, Pound and Pumpkin, and lastly, Zipoorwhill, an excitable girl with big black plastic-rimmed glasses and a little toy tiara. Cream Heart was the only parent on the scene; Pinkie Pie was there to help out, and divided her time between entertaining all the kids and trying to nudge specific kids together to bond. The staff was a bit short-handed; apart from the cooks in the kitchen, floor duty was divided between the manager, a kind, fatherly man named Coleco, a girl around Pinkie's age named Juniper Montage who looked supremely bored, and a slightly younger high-schooler named Scootaloo, who kept trying to challenge everybody to mini hoops. Try as she might, Cream Heart honestly could not figure out if Scootaloo was a boy or a girl.

"But Moooooom," Button wailed as Cream Heart led him back over to the party table, "they have Zombie Hunter DX!"

"You have that at home, Button," Cream Heart said with a sigh.

"Nuh-uh! I have Zombie Hunter EX, that got rid of Splatter Combos and took out the secret bonus boss battle with Zombie Tirek!"

"I thought Zombie Tirek was in the DLC I bought you for getting an A on your math test."

"No, that was the fanservice pack that gives you ten new outfits for Lollipop and makes her boobs bigger!"

Cream Heart paused, blinking. "Wait. You have zero interest in girls and you're not even old enough for that kind of thing. Why did you—"

"Because the Jailbait Maid costume is +15 to every stat and lets you dual-wield chainsaws," Button said flatly.

"Oh, right." Cream Heart shook her head. "Anyway, enough about that for now. Why don't you talk to some of these other kids? Maybe play some mini basketball or...hey! How about laser tag?" She put on her best 'Mommy has a good idea' smile. "It's like a real-life video game!"

Button tilted his head. "Weeeeelllll..."

"Come on, Button!" Pinkie Pie yelled from the entrance to the laser tag maze. "We're all gonna play laser tag! It'll be fun!"

"'Kay," Button chirped, scampering over to join the line of kids following Pinkie and Juniper into the laser maze. Cream Heart sighed and sat down heavily at the vacated, mess-strewn party table.

"Got yourself a handful there, huh?" Coleco said with a chuckle as he bustled over to start clearing the garbage and dirty plates.

"You have no idea," Cream Heart said, rolling her eyes. "I mean, there's nothing wrong with loving video games, I grew up on them and I still play them whenever I can, but Button never wants to do anything else."

"I know the type," Coleco said. "Heck, when I was a kid, I'd spend hours and my entire allowance playing Fruit Muncher and Monkey Pong." He sighed. "Of course, back then, arcades were a lot more popular."

"I grew up on Fight Fighter and Total Zombie Island," Cream Heart said. "And a few RPGs. And all the other PlotStation classics."

"Ugh, PlotStation," Coleco grunted. "My kids begged me and begged me for one and then when I finally caved getting them to do anything else was like pulling teeth. And nowadays, all the games are so edgy and hi-def and..." He shook his head. "Give me simple, classic arcade games any day."

Cream Heart giggled. "Your kids sound like me when I was a kid," she said. "I couldn't wait for the holidays, because Mom and Dad promised me a PlotStation, and then I spent the whole winter break playing." She shook her head. "I've still got my old PlotStation, but I sold most of the games online to buy our PlotStation 4. I have to really ride Button about his grades, though. And..." She bit her lip. "Well, he doesn't really have any friends. I mean, offline friends." She paused. "Actually, I'm not so sure he has that many online friends except for this one Neighponese girl..." Her eyes took on a faraway gaze. "The Neighponese girl is a problem."

"How so?"

"Ever since Button met her, she's been trying to get him to play this really horrible game called Lolicidal Tendencies," Cream Heart said. "It's...it's like everything bad about Neighponese games all rolled up into one package. There's no way in hell I'm letting him buy it, and if he manages to sneak it past me, I'm setting the parental controls on the PlotStation so high he won't be able to play anything but match-threes."

"I'm almost afraid to ask."

"It involves hunting and brutally killing half-naked underage girls," Cream Heart said. "Let's leave it there."

"Ugh! That's...who comes up with that?"

"Neighponese perverts." Cream Heart snorted, then chuckled ruefully. "You know, it's funny? Back when I was a kid, I had to argue with my mom and dad about Total Zombie Island and Killer Kombat because they thought those games were too gory and violent, and now I'm totally fine with my own son playing those but there's a game that's so much worse that I draw the line at."

"It does seem like every generation tries to outdo the last one," Coleco said. "Makes you shudder to think what kind of games your grandkids are going to be begging to play, doesn't it?"

* * * * *

"Here, Ma, have some hot cider."

"Thank you, dear." Cream Heart accepted the cider gratefully, rearranging the blankets in her lap. It was a bitterly cold December, and her arthritis bothered her something fierce. "What are the kids up to?"

Button Mash rolled his eyes. "You know kids," he said. "First thing they did after they cleared the table was run off to play." He tapped his phone a few times, and the living room TV turned on; the ultra-hyper definition display showed a candy forest soaked in blood and gore, with screaming half-naked young-looking girls running around in a panic, some of them missing limbs, some of them armed with various silly-looking weapons like squeaky hammers and paper fans.

"Oh my, is that Lolicidal Tendencies?" Cream Heart asked. "I thought that was banned years ago."

"It came back," Button said with a grimace. "I really wish the kids would play something else. This game is just as sick now as it was when I was a kid."

"But you let them play it?"

"Eh," Button shrugged. "I don't wanna be the mean parent, that's Lily's job. Besides, it's not as bad as Mass Shooter Kart or Streets of Rape."

They fell silent, watching as Button's kids' avatars chased after moe characters.

"Man, video games were so much better back in the day," Button said with a tired sigh.

Author's Note:

There will probably be a chapter covering the kids talking about whatever kids talk about to go along with this chapter a little later.

"Cream Heart" is the official name of Button's Mom (better known as "Love Tap" on FiMF).

And yes, I just shipped Button Mash with Lily Pad. Come at me, bitches. :coolphoto:

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