A small story that was inspired by the song the Chant of Immortality, by 4everfreebrony.
You want to know how to write a good story? You take a group of interesting, likable, wonderful characters, and you turn their lives into Hell on Earth. -- Chris Claremont
A small story that was inspired by the song the Chant of Immortality, by 4everfreebrony.
Beautiful. This is simply beautiful in it's simplicity.
6393963 Indubitably, my good sir!~
wow so good ^^
loved that :3
This.... how do I type a review if I have absolutely no words that can properly describe this masterpiece...
Everything is simply perfect. Or complex perfect. Either way, I have read this a few times already and I still can't stop reading...
Very well done, and I'm quite surprised this isn't on the Featured list yet... because this heart-warming story deserves the top spot there. Mostly because of the way Discord treats Twilight. And I've seen that cover picture floating around on the web, but this... I better stop talking before I end up rambling.
6393963 6394375 6394608
Wow, thanks so much for the compliments! It's my first time writing a sad story, but I'm glad it's fairly well received. I know it's short, but I've learned that, sometimes, less is more.
Ha, for me that cover art is like the Navigation in the online video game Warframe. Just like this
You need to to the defense Twilight, damn Rubedos ain't gonna collect themselves.
This story hurt my soul. 5/5 Cries
So...beautiful...and so...sad.....
Candace? I shall asume that Disco Ball was saying her name wrong to get Twilight to smile.
6477138 Nope, I'm just horrible at spelling her name. Made the fix though.
Chimera??? Discord is a DRACONEQUUS.
I read this awhile back, but just now found out YOU wrote it!! It's an awesome 1-shot!!
The feelz... they kills me ;-;
Amazing work with this one-shot, orig03.deviantart.net/5c7c/f/2013/001/c/9/clapping_pony_icon___princess_celestia_by_taritoons-d5pozf0.gif orig06.deviantart.net/cfa6/f/2013/001/b/5/clapping_pony_icon___princess_luna_by_taritoons-d5prurt.gif orig00.deviantart.net/1686/f/2012/364/3/a/clapping_pony_icon___princess_cadence_by_taritoons-d5pon2h.gif orig04.deviantart.net/3db3/f/2012/363/1/e/clapping_pony_icon___twilight_sparkle_by_taritoons-d5pkpl8.gif sollace.github.io/emoticons/clap/discord-d8vpbw9.gif
It's nice to read a story about Twilight's immortality that doesn't have her deciding to die. She grieves and moves on.
Cool story.
Chimera is a term for a mix of animals... Or ideas.
Owch. That hurt me, right in the feels.