• Published 28th Jul 2015
  • 11,871 Views, 1,865 Comments

Stargate: Shangri-La - Grey Ghost

Adventures, exploration and discovery continue as the alliance of two great races face the danger and the unknowns that lie within this new network. What secrets will be revealed as a hidden chapter of the Ancient's Legacy unravels before them?

  • ...

Liftoff [Part 1]

Floyd stared at the General, carefully chewing his bite of steak. He swallowed it, choosing his words carefully. "You want me to fly this place into space?"

"More like low orbit, but essentially yes," Carter replied, taking a bite of her own food. She chewed for a few moments before swallowing. "It seems you're the only one that can operate the control chair at the moment."

The pair were in a less-crowded area of the cafeteria. As per the doctor's orders, Floyd got a much more robust meal than most other expedition members. Most of it was some form of protein.

"Okay, so how exactly am I supposed to pilot this thing?" Floyd asked. The entire idea frightened the hell out of him. She honestly expected him to fly a million year old space ship. Hell, he hated driving a car most days. "Is it some kinda mental system or will controls pop up when I sit in the chair?"

"The chair is thought controlled," Carter confirmed. "You shouldn't have too much trouble with it. We'll be having Princess Celestia with us, if you're worried about a magic outburst."

"I was more worried about us all dying in a fiery crash than that, General," Floyd replied, letting out a nervous chuckle. "But if it just does what I think, that should be fine. But uh, people in the control room probably shouldn't talk to me, wouldn't want my mind to wander."

Carter gave him a disarming smile. "You'll do fine." She paused for a moment before reaching into her pocket. "I almost forgot this," Carter produced a letter bearing his name. "Your father wanted me to give this to you."

Floyd grimaced and took the letter. "I wonder what he wants to say to me," he muttered. He debated not reading it, or even destroying it, but decided otherwise. Choosing not to ruin the mood, he shoved it into his pocket. "I'll take a look when I have time."

"Alright, that's fine," Carter said with a concerned look. "Floyd, do you mind if I offer some advice?"


"I can understand having a strained relationship with your father. My own father and I had our spats. But it's not good for you to resent him the way you clearly do. You never know when you could lose him."

Floyd took one last bite of his steak, pushing the tray away. "Thanks, General. If you need me, I'll be with Sunburst." As quick as he could, Floyd made his way out of the room, not bothering to look back at her. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he grumbled to himself and hurried back to the infirmary. When he got there, Sunburst was waiting for him.

"Did you have a nice lunch with the General?" Sunburst asked, putting on his best smile. It dropped a little when Floyd merely grunted. "Ah, well, I hope I can make up for it."

"Thanks, Sunburst." Floyd took a deep breath, released it and flashed the pony a quick smile. "So, what's the plan for today?" The two had settled in nicely together, despite Floyd's occasional attitude.

"Well," Sunburst began, levitating over a pot, "I thought we'd take a break from unicorn magic and try our hoo- uh, hands at the other two types of pony magic." He passed the pot to Floyd and carried over a bag of seeds.

"Uh, so you want me to use magic to grow some flowers or something?" Floyd guessed, staring down at the pot filled with dirt. "Gotta tell ya, Sunny, I don't exactly have a green thumb."

Sunburst chuckled. "Earth ponies have a close tie to nature." Fishing a single seed out of the bag, he dropped it in Floyd's hand. "It's much more... innate than unicorn magic. I can't exactly tell you how to make it happen, but, I think it's important to see if you can do it."

"So basically just let my magic flow and see what happens?" Floyd asked, channeling his magic into his left hand. The hand in question glowed grey along with his eyes.

"Not quite," Sunburst shook his head. "Earth ponies don't actively control their magic." A scowl crossed his face. "This could be much easier if we had an earth pony here." He perked up, looking towards the door. "Give me a moment, Floyd." Sunburst trotted over to Dr. Juan's door, giving a light knock.

"You can come in," Dr. Juan's reply came from the other side of the door, not looking up from his files.

Sunburst peeked his head in. "I hope I'm not bothering you, doctor."

"Not at all," Dr. Juan looked up from his work, "how can I help you, Sunburst?"

"Would you mind contacting the General? She said Princess Celestia would arrive sometime today."

"Of course," Dr. Juan nodded, grabbed his walkie talkie off his desk, and pressed the button. "General Carter, this is Doctor Juan."

"This is Carter. What have you got, doctor? Over," Carter's voice replied over the walkie talkie.

"Sunburst asked me to contact you; he was wondering if the Princess had arrived yet," Juan explained.

Carter was silent for a few moments. "Affirmative. Her Jumper touched down in the bay. I can tell her to meet you in the infirmary, if you'd like. Over."

"That won't be necessary!" Sunburst shouted rather quickly, a look of panic gripping him."Please ask her if the Princess's guard happens to include an earth pony."

Juan relayed the pony's request, and the pair waited while Carter checked. "No, but a civilian earth pony did come with her," she said. "Do you want her sent down? Over."

"Th-that should be fine," Sunburst replied, collecting himself.

"She should be there in a couple minutes. Carter out," came the response.

Dr. Juan put the walkie talkie down and turned his attention to Sunburst. "Will that be everything you need from me, mister Sunburst?"

"Y-yes, thank you very much for your help, Doctor." Sunburst turned and trotted out of Dr. Juan's office.

Floyd eyed his teacher carefully. "You okay over there? You look like you just had a gun pointed at you."

Sunburst flashed him a quick smile. "I'm fine, just a little nervous that the Princess is here. I don't want her to think I'm doing a poor job."

Floyd chuckled, placing the pot on his lap. Reaching over to his bedside table, he snagged a candy bar. He opened the bar, offering a piece to Sunburst.

Sunburst thanked him and took the offered piece in his magic. "I've gotten a little help for this lesson. In a minute or two, an earth pony that was travelling with the princess should be able to explain this form of innate magic better than I can."

Floyd nodded. "Sounds good to me. Do you know who the guest tutor is?"

Sunburst shook his head, sitting on his haunches. "The General didn't give a name."

Floyd shrugged. "Okay, just hope they get here soon."

Their attention turned to the door as Bon Bon trotted in. She smiled, waving. "Nice to see you again, Floyd. The Princess told Lyra and me about your condition. Are you feeling better?"

"I feel more than better, I've got magic now," Floyd answered. He then let his eyes and hands glow. "Can't exactly do much yet before I tire myself out, and the doc is keeping me here to examine me. Aside from that, no downsides to putting on the amulet without thinking about it."

Bon Bon trotted over, shrugging off her saddle bags. She turned to Sunburst, holding her hoof out. "Name's Bon Bon, pleased to meet you," she said.

Sunburst tapped her hoof with his. "I'm Sunburst, and the pleasure's all mine."

Bon Bon took a seat next to him, never losing her smile. "Alright, so, you needed an earth pony for something?"

"Yeah, Sunny here wanted to see if I can do earth pony magic," Floyd explained. "But we need your help to do the lesson." He held out the floor pot, "Something about getting a seed to grow." With a shrug of his shoulders, he placed it on the ground. "Whatcha got for me?"

"Well, earth pony magic is more subtle than unicorn magic," Bon Bon said, taking the seed. "You don't have to concentrate much to use it. Just plant the seed and hope to see it grow. Think of it this way: unicorn magic is about using your head, earth pony magic is about using your heart, and pegasus magic is about using your body."

Floyd looked at the seed, an uncertain look on his face. "I feel like I'm talking to my grandmother..." He took it from her, turning it around in his fingers. "It's really just that easy huh?"

"Yup, if your heart's in the right place, it'll grow," she affirmed, nodding her head and smiling at him. "And if you can do earth pony magic, of course," she amended.

Floyd nodded and looked down at the seed in his hand. He closed his eyes and started to hope the seed would grow well. He poked his finger into the pot and created a small hole for the seed. He then dropped it in the hole and covered it up. He then hummed a tune his grandmother taught him as he patted the soil.

"Not bad," Bon Bon praised. "Now we just wait a little bit to see if you have the magic touch."

"I think you mean green thumb," Floyd corrected, holding his thumb up for emphasis.

"Don't be a smartass, Floyd," Bon Bon said, chuckling. "Now, water the seed. That should show us if you can use earth pony magic."

Unable to keep the grin off his face, Floyd grabbed his half-empty water bottle off his bed. As carefully as possible, he unscrewed the cap, pouring a bit of water into the eager soil. A few moments passed which then became a few minutes. They all continued to watch the soil, but there was no detectable changes. Bon Bon then looked up and gave Floyd an apologetic look.

“Sorry, Floyd,” she told him. “Either you don’t have this kind of magic, or you’re just not in tune with it yet.”

Floyd grumbled, dropping the pot onto the bed. “Yeah, what else is new?”

Bon Bon frowned. She wasn’t a fan of Floyd’s sudden shift in attitude. “How about we go to the kitchen and see if I can whip something up?” Bon Bon took on a look of pride. “I might just be able to grace you with my famous chocolate.”

"Oh yeah?" Floyd questioned. He leaned in close, noting the smell of chocolate. "Must be how you keep Lyra around."

Bon Bon smirked at him. "Nope, I keep her around thanks to what I keep in the closet of our bedroom." A snicker threatened to escape her lips due to Sunburst's gobsmacked look. "What, you one of those shut in unicorns that doesn't get any?"

Sunburst blushed and looked away from her. "Th-that's rather off topic from our lessons today."

Floyd chuckled and patted his back. "Don't worry, Sunny. I'm sure you'll find someone." Before Sunburst could respond, Floyd moved his hand up, scratching the stallion's ears.

"H-hey," Sunburst protested, his rear leg kicking out a bit. "S-stop that."

"Or what?" Floyd smirked, attacking the other ear. "You gonna knock my block off?"

"N-no," Sunburst admitted, trying to squirm away from Floyd. "I detest violence." Floyd just chuckled and didn't let up. "Come on! I'm not a dog."

"Coulda fooled me with the way your leg is moving," Floyd teased, pointing down at Sunburst's twitching leg. After a few more moments of torment, Floyd withdrew his hand. "That wasn't much of a lesson though."

"What can I say, earth pony magic isn't complex." Bon Bon shrugged. "I could teach you how to make some chocolate, the normal way, if the doctor will let you into the kitchen."

"I'm not one for-shit!" Floyd swore, hoping to his feet. "I haven't talked to Citrine and Alexandrite since I got stuck in here." He paced around the room, swearing up and down, frequently switching from English to Dine.

Sunburst scratched his head and turned to Bon Bon. "Do you know who he's talking about?"

Bon Bon nodded. "They’re crystal ponies, I think. Floyd hung out with their family while he was in the Empire. At least, that's what he told us."

"Ah, I wonder if Princess Cadance informed them of Floyd's current condition," Sunburst said, rubbing his chin.

"One can only hope." Bon Bon reached out, tapping Floyd's leg. "Relax okay, I know they'll understand that you've been indisposed." Pulling her leg away, Bon Bon cast a glance at the laptop sitting on Floyd's bed. "So, how has the film stuff been going?"

Floyd took a deep breath and tried to calm himself down. "I got all my work done about three days into my stay here."

Bon Bon nodded. "That's good. Now, I'm gonna have a quick chat with the doctor." She turned and trotted into Dr. Juan's office. She returned a minute later with a smile on her face. "Good news, we can do this as long as there's a secluded part of the kitchen we can use." She walked over to the door and motioned for them to follow her.

The pair gathered up their things, quickly following after her. The trio made their way down the hall, chatting all the while.

Celestia sat across from Carter, sipping at a cup of tea. She gathered her thoughts, thinking of everything she would need to say. Setting the cup down, she cleared her throat. Doing this would expose a few Equestrian secrets, but the General had proven trustworthy.

"Tell me," she started, meeting Carter's eyes. "What do you think of Bon Bon?"

"I think she's a good mare," Carter replied. "And it seems like she reins in Lyra whenever her enthusiasm gets the best of her. Why do you ask, Princess?"

"Most know her as just a small town candy maker, but, she is much more than that." Celestia leaned back in her seat, adjusting her wings. "We are free from prying ears?"

"Yes, there's no surveillance equipment of any kind around here," Carter confirmed. "And the door is too thick for someone to listen through."

Celestia relaxed. "Bon Bon's real name is Sweetie Drops. For most of her life, she has served Equestria and myself as an agent of S.M.I.L.E."

Carter struggled to keep a straight face at the acronym, but she managed. "Can I assume from context that... S.M.I.L.E. is some kind of clandestine agency?" she asked, and Celestia nodded. "She's a pretty skilled agent. I certainly couldn't tell that she had an occupation like that. You spend enough time around military and you see how most tend to carry themselves. May I ask what her duties are?"

"General, I am completely aware that the acronym is silly." A mischievous smile formed on Celestia's face. "That's why I came up with it. No one would think someone would actually name a secret agency 'smile.'"

"Not a bad thought process," Carter replied with a chuckle. "But you didn't answer my question."

"S.M.I.L.E stands for 'Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria." Celestia chuckled, her smile deepening into a grin. "As the name implies, they deal with monster problems before they get out of hoof." Her grin lessened slightly. "As well as other... unpleasant things..."

"I take it the extermination of certain threats?" Carter guessed, a slight frown on her face.

Celestia stood up, making her way over to the doors. She placed a hoof on them, lowering her head. "General, as harmless as our world looks, there are things that could destroy cities in an instant. Our nation is founded on friendship, and as much as it hurts, I have to make choices nopony should ever have to. The ponies of S.M.I.L.E deserve just as much praise as Twilight and her friends."

"But you can't tell anyone about what they do in fear of causing panic in the general public?" Carter guessed again. "I've had personal experience with that sort of thing."

Celestia raised her head, turning to look back at Carter. "Partly. Please understand, General, friendship is not just a concept here. The greatest magic of all is friendship. While not every pony is friendly, it's still a part of us. If the common pony were to find out about what S.M.I.L.E does..."

"Then that magic could be put under threat," Carter surmised. "You don't have to worry, Princess, none of what you've said will leave this room."

Celestia nodded, returning to her seat. "Sweetie Drops has not been active since a rather aggressive bugbear escaped Tartarus." Noting Carter's raised eyebrow, she elaborated. "A bugbear is the rather dangerous mix between a bear and a wasp. Nasty creatures. They live in the northern areas of the eastern continent, but have been known to travel south."

"That does sound like a dangerous creature," Carter agreed. "I'll be sure to avoid that area of the continent."

Celestia finished her tea, setting the empty cup down. "Sweetie Drops has agreed to re-enter active service under your command. She doesn't want to be away from Lyra."

"We'll be happy to bring her on," Carter agreed with a nod. "Should we put in a cover story for her skillset, or would you prefer we just make that all classified?"

Celestia frowned, staring at her empty cup. "I have... given Sweetie Drops permission to share her secret with those she will be working with. Including Lyra."

"That seems like the best course of action," Carter said. "Open communication and trust is important in a healthy squad. Speaking from experience, of course."

"I would offer S.M.I.L.E.'s aid in keeping your ranks clear of changelings, but I suspect Elmis will be happy to see to that."

"I appreciate the thought," Carter replied with a smile. "She's taken to working with us rather well. Though I think that's because her hive is essentially getting a never ending feast out of our deal."

Celestia returned her smile. "That doesn't surprise me. From what I've gathered from more friendly hives, most regard Chrysalis as insane."

"That's a good piece of news," Carter said. "I'm sure Elmis would agree with that sentiment. Perhaps we should put her in contact with those friendly hives?"

"I can try to arrange that." Celestia levitated out a scroll, passing it to Carter. "A formality for the courts. This will finalize the transfer of military staff between us. Once the city has been moved, the Wonderbolt detachment can be placed under your command."

"Trust me, I know plenty about formality," Carter told her with a chuckle as she took the scroll. She opened it, giving it a quick look. She was thankful that Celestia had managed to get it written in English. She had most likely gotten help from Daniel. She then read it over, finding nothing wrong with the terms. She pulled a pen out of her pocket and signed the dotted line. "Red tape has slowed down the SGC more than its fair share of times." She held out the scroll to Celestia.

Celestia took it, tucking it under her wing. "A necessary evil, I'm afraid. I might be a princess, but nopony should be able to make laws as they please."

"I agree," Carter said with a nod. "Though it sometimes feels like some rules are just around to keep us from helping those in need."

"I'm glad we're on the same page, General," Celestia smiled. "Are we still on schedule for tomorrow?"

"I've informed Floyd about his job in using the control chair and all personnel are prepped and ready for the move," Carter said with a grin. "Only thing left to do is the actual move."

"I'm glad to hear it," Celestia replied. "Let's hope Shangri-La doesn't run into any unfortunate circumstances. Everything is ready on our side of things as well. The nearby mayor wishes to hold a ceremony. Something about making you honorary citizens."

Shadows danced along the dimly lit halls of the city ship, Mu. Silence was abound as umbrum shifted and went about various tasks. Along the walls, remains of the ship's former occupants had been twisted into cruel and macabre decorations. Several of the umbrum sat around a marked map of the galaxy, seeming to plot out their course.

A shrill klaxon rang out, and with a whoosh the city's stargate came to life. A gate ship came through, rising up into the hangar. A dark cloud floated back down to the control room, forming into a group of umbrum. Their glares were harsher than the typical member of their race.

The tallest in the group, an earth pony mare clad in armor and a cloak, stomped her hoof on the floor. The others in the room stopped, taking note of her. Returning their looks with a scowl, she stormed over to the nearest control panel. With a hoof, she activated the comms system.

"I want whoever is piloting the city to land on Cel’tras, so says the Adjudicator."

"And what is so important that you wish for the city to land?" one of the umbrum asked, turning away from the control panel he was working at. "Nox and the others believe they have a lead on the coordinates of our lord's city."

The Adjudicator turned her head, her eyes boring holes into his body. "You will do so because I command it."

Everyone in the room gave her a hardened look. "You command it?" a large coal-colored unicorn with sickly-looking purple eyes asked, walking into the room. "Adjudicator, I believe you have misspoken. You may have dominion over the ponies of those backwater villages, but only our lord commands the umbrum. Unless you wish to join your fellow heretics?" The unicorn's horn lit up.

The Adjudicator growled, baring her fangs. "Do not overstep yourself. Your zealotism is a disservice to our lord. It is my task to lay judgement upon us all." She closed the gap between them, pressing her nose against his. "Step into my duties again, and I will shatter that poor excuse for a horn sticking out of your head."

The unicorn snorted. "Your acts of judgement come second to the duty we all share to free our lord from his prison," he retorted, ignoring her threat. "Unless of course you were to explain yourself and your reasoning for our change in course."

She pulled back, making sure to show off her advantage in height. "We lost one of the gate ships. As it turns out, none of those idiot villagers activated the astria porta." Her gaze hardened into a glare. "The Lanteans have finally arrived."

The unicorn nodded in understanding. "This does call for our immediate attention. The Lanteans could upset our plans and our lord would remain forever lost. I will set the ship down." He turned on his hooves and exited the room.

The Adjudicator nodded to her followers before following after the unicorn. "We should recall the war ships. Who knows how much larger the Lantean force is."

"Agreed, and who knows what resources they were able to use to improve their technology," the unicorn offered. "The Shangrians were able to harness magic rather quickly. It would be safe to assume the Lanteans have their own special advancements."

The Adjudicator spat, a low growl building up in her throat. "We'll crush them, just like their kin. We'll have to act carefully, if we wish to take their city."

"It is unfortunate that we have lost the means to create the lord's plague," the unicorn complained to himself. "That was quite effective at wiping them out before." A dark smile overtook his face as he examined a decoration made from the bones of an ancient.

"Aye." She nodded, following his gaze. "It made taking Mu trivial."

"Then again, I'm sure the Lanteans have accessed Shangri-La's archives by now," the unicorn said, a sneer on his face. "I doubt we could use it on them without them being prepared for it." He opened a door and walked inside. "It's just as well, the plague was a bit too impersonal for my tastes. I'd rather drive a crystal through them all and watch them slowly realize their end is upon them." He took his place in the control chair, a malicious grin on his face.

She stood to the side, feeling the city change direction before jumping back into hyperspace. "The Shangrians must have kept their most precious secrets in their capital. Why else would they go so far to hide it and the first world?"

"Perhaps the secrets lie not in their capital but on the first world itself?" the unicorn offered. "If their secret was only with the capital then just hiding the city would've been much simpler."

"That it would." Whatever the Shangrians had done, it had erased the world's location from the galaxy. Various umbrum had picked apart Mu's database in a vain effort to recover the data, but even after a thousand years, they had come up with nothing. "Of course, there is no guarantee they were hidden at the same location."

"They are a crafty species, after all," the unicorn agreed. The city lurched as it exited hyperspace. "Hiding them separately would be most logical."

The Adjudicator scoffed. "Things would be much simpler if our siblings had captured the city."

"On that we can agree," the unicorn said. "Their incompetence has cost us dearly."

"I only regret that I cannot punish them myself." The Adjudicator rose to her hooves, feeling the city tremble as it entered the atmosphere. Whatever happened to their lost siblings was paltry. They deserved only the worst punishment for their failure. Perhaps a crystallization? She smiled at the idea of that. Let them serve as a permanent reminder to everyone what the price of failure was.

The city trembled one last time as it made contact with the planet's ocean. The Adjudicator turned on her hooves, heading for the hangar. She passed the team that had been with her during the Lantean attack, signalling for them to follow her. They fell in line behind her as they all shifted into a smoke-like cloud and moved into a gate ship.

The ship departed the city, speeding over the crashing waves of the ocean. It took only a few minutes to reach landfall. Crouched like a predator above its prey, an obsidian colored city sat upon a sheer cliff, in a similar style to that of Mu, though far more sinister. Jagged edges and hard lines defined the city, and atop the highest building flew a black flag, emblazoned with a blue ram's head. Several large shapes milled above the city's skyline. As they approached the city they were revealed to be ships similar to the one they were in, though repurposed for carrying goods rather than carrying people.

The Adjudicator took their ship into the hangar of the tallest building, landing in an open space. They billowed out of the ship, reforming their pony bodies and heading towards a teleporter booth in the back of the hangar.

Reemerging in a control room, the Adjudicator shoved a much smaller pegasus away from a console. With an angry jab of her hoof, she activated the subspace communicator. "Is this connected to all of our forces?"

"Yes," the pegasus mare answered with an annoyed scowl on her face. "All ships are connected to this master comms station."

The Adjudicator leaned down, snorting in the smaller mare's face. "Do not take that tone with me, whelp." Activating the comms again, she rose back to her full height. "By order of the Adjudicator, all Umbrum are to return to Cel'tras. Failure to do so will be met with expulsion. The Lanteans have arrived in this system and have already interfered with our plans." She dropped her hoof, giving one last sneer at the pegasus mare, then she turned and walked away from the control room, making her way back to the hangar.