• Published 13th Jun 2015
  • 3,296 Views, 9 Comments

Not Dating this Pinkie - SecretAgentPlotTwist

Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie are going out. On a Trip to Canterlot high Twilight realizes that having two Pinkies is a lot weirder when you're dating one of them. But what is the reason she is dating one but not the other? what separates them?

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Defiantly not dating this Pinkie

It was a bright and sunny day as a very specific Pink mare bounced her way through the streets of Ponyville. She was carrying a backpack that jiggled as she bounced along with her pink mane. She hummed a tune with a smile on her face as she turned the corner and headed straight for her destination.

Pinkie burst through the door of the castle and headed down the first corridor.

“Honey I’m home.” Pinkie called out through a door. She stopped and giggled at what she had just said. With a grin she continued to walk towards the door. When she reached it she swung it open to reveal her purple pony packing a case in the middle of the room.

“Hiya Twily.” Pinkie exclaimed to Twilight getting her attention.

Twilight turned and her face brightened “Pinkie! You came; it’s great to see you.”

Pinkie continued towards her “Aw no cute nickname for little Pinkie yet,” She teased “am I not cute enough for one.”

Twilight blushed and looked away “Well you know I’m not very good with that whole fluffy-duffy cutsie stuff, or nicknames. I’m much better at lists, I guess I could make a list of nicknames, but then I wouldn’t really know where to start… oh Celestia it’s not that you’re not cute eno-“

Twilight was interrupted by a hug that squeezed her into a warm embrace. Twilight turned to the smiling pink pony who had finally reached her and returned the smile, she then fully enjoyed the last seconds of the hug.

Pinkie loosened out of the hug and said “don’t worry about it, you make up for your lack of fluffy duffy with how cutsie you are when your flustered.”

Twilight blushed at the comment and Pinkie giggled having her point proven. Pinkie placed her backpack down and sat on it humming as she did. Twilight levitated a checklist towards her face and read it for a second before levitating a notepad and placing it in her backpack which had been placed on the floor. Twilight then looked back at the notepad and sighed.

“Need any help?” Pinkie asked with enthusiasm.

“Oh it’s fine. I just needed to bring a book 'the theory of printed magic' because it might explain the whole left over magic when everyone played music and it’s always good to have a little light reading on a--“

“Found it” Pinkie sang as she presented the book for Twilight.

“What? Where did you find it?”

“It was on your bookshelf.”

“That’s two flours up.”

“Yep” Pinkie replied with blissful smile.

Twilight realizing this would get nowhere, returned Pinkies smile and accepted the book. Twilight went back to packing her bag, ticking of her list as she did and Pinkie sat back down on her bag. Pinkie suddenly looked around for a second before looking at Twilight.

“Where’s Spike? I thought he was going with you like last time.” Pinkie asked with an inquisitive look.

“Oh Rarity asked him to help with some dresses last minute so I guess I’m visiting them by myself.” Twilight replied continuing with her packing.

“Does this mean I can come with you as your fire breathing assistant” Pinkie exclaimed with excitement.

“Pinkie, you cannot come with me.” Twilight responded while still levitating things into her bag.

“Why? My fire breathing abilities have come a long way, I could have sworn made a spark the other day.”

“You know exactly why you can’t come, we’ve been over this.”

“But I don’t want to say goodbye. We’ve been through so much.”

“I’m only going for a day.”

“But that’s like FOREVER. I did the maths.”

Twilight put the final item in her bag and turned to look directly at Pinkie who was now giving her puppy eyes. Twilight immediately turned away to put her bag on her back remembering that she could not beat Pinkie in an argument when looking at her puppy eyes (a lesson she had quickly learnt from their relationship).

“Pinkie we’ve already been over this. I’ll be back first thing tomorrow and we can do something special when I get back but right I’ve got everything I need and a should get go-“

“Almost everything.” Pinkie exclaimed as she held a box in a large box in her hoofs that she had got out of her bag. Twilight turned to Pinkie and gave her a puzzled look. “This is little help kit I made for you to make up for me not being there, encase you need a Pinkie Pie style pick-me-up.”

Twilight looked at the box and then at Pinkies unbreakable smile, before letting out a little giggle. “Thank you Pinkie. I appreciate it,” Twilight said levitating the box into her backpack with a smile “What gave you the idea.”

“It’s my own version of those cute little parcels you gave me whenever I went on a trip,” Pinkie said blissfully “my little way of saying thank you.”

Twilight blushed sheepishly at pinkie “I only made those things for you because you never brought basic supplies with you.”

“Yeah but it was note’s you used to write in them that made them cute,” Pinkie giggled as Twilights blush increased in size and intensity “the cutest and bestest surprise in one was a certain letter of confession.”

Twilights blush had become so big and bright across her face that it could have swallowed her whole. Pinkie’s giggle had by now turned into hysteric laughing and was not helping the situation. Luckily Pinkie forced herself to stop and with a simple “There there” managed to calm Twilight down.

“Come on missy you need to get going.” Pinkie said to encourage Twilight.

“Okay yes. Did I forget anything?” Twilight asked making last minute checks in her head and levitating the messaging book to the top of the portal to turn it on.

“Oh wait you forgot one thing.”


Twilight was interrupted by a kiss on the cheek followed by a little nuzzle.

“See you tomorrow; I’ll have something special planned for when you get back.”

Twilight and Pinkie shared a smile and Twilight turned to head towards the portal. She took a breath and made one final look at Pinkie who was giving her an energetic wave goodbye. Twilight faced the portal and stepped through with a warm feeling of contentment. Unfortunately this feeling was immediately crushed as she was reminded of how frantic portal travel is.

Twilight was thrown out onto the grounds of Canterlot high with a thump. Twilight stumbled to her feet muttering something as she began to pat herself down getting the dust out of her clothes. Twilight checked to make sure she still had her backpack and that nothing had fallen out. She looked up to take in the location but before she had the chance to breathe she suddenly found herself being squished by the arms of a familiar pink haired friend.

“Twilight it’s so good to see you again.” Pinkie yelled tightening the already tight hug.

“It’s good to see you too Pinkie,” Twilight stammered before Pinkie released the hug. Twilight took a second to breathe and then looked at Pinkie inquisitively “Did you just call me Twilight?”

“Yep, that is your name silly.”

‘Yes of course it is,’ twilight thought ‘why did it sound so weird?’

“I mean what else would I call you?”

‘A cute nickname, but why would this Pinkie give call you something cute? This is your friend Pinkie pie, nothing more. It still did sound very weird having Pinkies voice call me Twilight, she’s been calling me Twily for a while now. But come on Twilight pull yourself together this Pinkie is not your marefriend… do we say marefriend? Is it too soon to call each other that? Pinkie has only ever called me her Special somepony, but that’s probably because she thinks it sounds cuter. But I mean we have been going out for a while, not too long and not long at all in the grand scale of things, but I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be weird for me to call her my marefirend. I’m sure there was something about it in a book I read.’

“Twilight, are you alright?” Pinkie asked as she waved her hand in front of Twilights blank face.

Twilight snapped herself back to reality and looked at Pinkie before smiling sheepishly “Oh yeah sorry… so erm where is everyone?”

“Me and sunset came to meet you but she’s gone to the toilet but should be back any minute. Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy are at a café waiting for us to meet them there.” Pinkie said enthusiastically. She seemed impenetrable too or simply unaware of the awkwardness. “So how have things been, anything happen in pony land?”

“It’s called Equestria, but the biggest thing is Pinkie and I started…” Twilight stopped and thought for a second.

“…you and Pony Pinkie started…” Pinkie hurried inquisitively.

“Started erm… to continue in our friendship… our perfectly non-romantic and platonic friendship.” Twilight finished with a forced smile.

“Okay dokay lokay.” Pinkie responded blissfully.

“Twilight!” a familiar voice shouted out.

Twilight and Pinkie turned to see their red and yellow haired friend jogging over to them waving.

“Sunset!” Twilight responded with a smile and a sigh of relief “It’s great to see you again.”

“It’s great to see you too Twilight,” Sunset replied as she reached them “Sorry I wasn’t here when you came through, were you waiting long.”

“Don’t worry about it, I only just arrived.” Twilight said with a calm tone.

“Speaking of waiting,” Pinkie interjected “Everyone will be waiting for us at the café by now.”

Twilight and sunset followed a Skipping Pinkie who was leading the way to their destination. Twilight took in the busy streets on the way to the café, trying her best to ignore the loud noises of vehicles. It was a sunny day but the heat made it a bit uncomfortable as well.

“We’ve had a slight change in sleeping arrangements just so you know,” Sunset told Twilight as the continued down the street “instead of staying round mine, we're having a sleepover with Pinkie.”

Twilight looked at Sunset with a concerned look “At pinkies, that’s-“

“Going to be super-duper amazing fun.” Pinkie interrupted having appeared next to Twilight.

“Yeah… sounds great.” Twilight replied.

“I can’t wait.” Pinkie sang as she returned to skipping ahead of them.

‘Come on Twilight you’re being stupid. Pinkie is your friend, you care about her. Granted not in same way as you care about your Pinkie, but you still need to pull yourself together and show you care about her.’

Sunset looked at Twilight with concern “hay Twilight are you oka—“

“We’re here.” Pinkie sang as she skipped around the entrance of the café.

Sunset and Twilight followed Pinkie into the café and were greeted by the waves of their friends sitting around their table waiting for them. They all waved back and Twilight and Sunset began making their way to the table.

“Hey guys what do you want?” Pinkie asked them “I’ll order.”

“I’ll just have a cola.” Sunset said with a smile and continued.

“I’ll have my usual.”

“Erm Twilight, I don’t know your usual.”

“Huh? oh yeah sorry, strawberry milkshake please.” Twilight said sheepishly and then quickly made her way to the table. She sat at the table next to Sunset and exchanged pleasantries with all her friends.

“So how have things been here?” Twilight asked.

“Great. The bands been going really well,” Rainbow said with a sense of pride “everyone’s rocking better than ever.”

“The costumes are quiet good if I do say so myself.” Rarity s added with her own sense of pride “I’ve made some big improvements with costume flexibility while also looking good, unfortunately it’s not flexible enough for some people.”

“Ahma sorry Rarity,” Applejack groaned “Ah don’t know how many times I keep havin’ to apologise.”

“It’s fine, I’ve forgiven you,” Rarity replied with a huff “I just don’t understand why you thought heavy lifting was a good idea in that outfit.”

“Well you were going on about how flexible it was so I didn’t think anything of it,” Applejack argued “look I’ve already said I’ll pay for the fabric so what’s the issue.”

“It more than just the fabric, it is the time you put into making it look good.” Rarity persisted; surprised that Applejack could say such a thing.

“Hey guys,” Pinkie said as she sat down on the other side of Twilight handing over her and sunsets drinks. “What are you guys talking about?”

“Applejack and Rarity are still arguing about the horrors of the slightly torn costume,” Rainbow replied with a chuckle “which reminds me a certain Flash Sentry has been asking about you Twilight.”

Twilight Finished sipping her milkshake before turning to Rainbow “That’s nice.” She replied without much of a thought and continued to drink her milkshake.

“Really, that’s it?” Rainbow dash asked with a confused look on her face.

Twilight enjoyed another sip “Erm… that’s nice, how is he?” Twilight suggested before carrying on with her drink.

“Forgive me sugarcube,” Applejack said “it’s just last time you seemed more excited when we mentioned flash.”

“Oh, well you know. Times change, things happen.”

“What kind of things?” Rarity asked inquisitively.

“Erm… well…” Twilight stuttered as she realised she had backed herself into a corner “you know, little things, here and there, nothing big I just may of start-“

“Huh, my books vibrating” Sunset interrupted while holding her magic messaging book that had started vibrating “That doesn’t make any sense.”

Sunset slowly opened the book and looked at the message, Sunsets face was of concern, as she read it turned into confusion. “It’s for you.” Sunset said holding the book out for Twilight.

“Huh?” was Twilights best attempt at a response through the confusion in her mind.

“It’s from Pinkie.”

“Really!” Twilight said with excitement as she snatched the book off Sunset. “Excuse me” Twilight said with a blush as she walked off to find a corner to talk to Pinkie.

Excuse me Sunset Shimmer it's Pinkie Pie and I need to talk to Twilight for a matter of utmost importance

Pinkie it’s me twilight what is the matter

I really miss you, it’s been forever. I counted

I miss you too, I wish you were here

I wish I was there too. What are you doing?

I’m in a café

What did you get?


How’s the Strawberry milkshake there?

I prefer the way you make it

Aww thanks Twilight you charmer. Your charm’s always at its best in written form.


I miss seeing you get embarrassed when I say that, can’t wait to see you again

You’ll see me tomorrow; you need to be more patient.

Does that give me permission to bring that up?



I need to get back to everyone, see you tomorrow

Wait when you get back look in the big pink box with balloons on in my care package I gave you BYE BYE

Twilight closed the book with a content smile on her face. Twilight holds the book tightly under her arm as she walks back to her seat blissfully. Back at the table everyone had moved on to another conversation… well Rarity and Applejack were arguing about the costume again.

Twilight sits down giving Sunset a smile and a silent thank you for lending her the book. She then opens her bag and looks for Pinkies box, she opens it to see three different boxes inside, she reaches for the box pinkie described to her and put it out onto the table. The box had a note attached to it which she held up to read.

I made a little something for you to share with your friends because I’m not there to share them and treat you myself XXXXX

Twilight giggled to herself and then turns to the box that had now became the centre of attention for the group. She popped of the lid to reveal a tray full of cupcakes, all looked as succulent and as delicious as the other.

“This is for everyone to share, special treat” Twilight announced to her friends with a smile. This was greeted by a small cheer as each person held out their arm to get one. Before anyone could grab one a flash of a pink arm flew over the box and snatched a load off the table.

“Pinkie!” Twilight yelled in response.

“Wha?” Pinkie said with a mouth full of cupcakes and her arms barley able to hold all the cupcakes she took “You head hey were ow hare.”

“For everyone to share,” Twilight shouted at Pinkie “Put them back.”

Pinkie’s face saddened “orry wiligh” and she put the ones she hadn’t stuffed her mouth with back.

Everyone else then managed to get a cupcake and they all enjoyed them together. Twilight sat back to enjoy her cupcake, satisfied with her victory in that encounter, and with her growing ability to understand Pinkie with a mouth full (something she also had to learn when dating Pinkie).

‘Well that worked out well.’ Twilight thought to herself ‘I wonder if I should tell Pinkie I had our first argument without her.’ Twilight chuckled because as weird as it was she still found the thought funny.

Sunset Shimmer looks at the unstable Jenga tower in the middle of Pinkies room with concentration, she then looked up at Pinkie on the other side of the tower with her uncompromising smile and pink onesie. She then slowly reached for a middle block on one of the lower columns and pushed. When it came out she let out a sigh and signaled it was Pinkie’s go.

Pinkies vision latched on to an outside block on the same column that Sunset had took hers from. Her thumb and middle finger latched onto the edges of the block and with one precise movement it was removed. The tower stood tall with only one outside block holding a lower column.

Sunset looked intensely at the column and squinted “How does that even work?” She asked with sense of distrust.

“Physics.” Pinkie responded with a grin as she twizzled the block between her fingers.

“Okay… my turn then.”

The tower on command collapsed to the floor leaving a disheartened Sunset to look at the rubble. Pinkies grin turned back to her smile as she tidied up the mess.

“One day I will beat you at this game.” Sunset asserted.

“Sure you will.”

They were interrupted by Twilight walking in from Pinkies en suite having changed into a Purple Onesie. Twilight smiled at Pinkie and said “Thanks for letting me borrow one of your onesies, these are really comfortable.”

“Don’t mention it,” Pinkie replied as she got up to put the Jenga box away “if there is one thing I know it that you always need to have a spare onesie available.”

Twilight giggled in response. Pinkie opened a draw and put the Jenga box away and replaced it with two other board games she intended to play. Pinkie then went to sit down with the intention of playing one before she stopped as she suddenly remembered something she had to do.

“Before I forget we need to sort out sleeping arrangements,” Pinkie said seriously before breaking into a giggle “Heh I’m organised.”

“We’ve been round your house for ages and you’ve only just thought to work this out?” Sunset said critically.

“Hey I’m getting better.” Pinkie argued.

“So where am I sleeping?” Twilight asked to keep them on topic.

“Oh yeah sorry, hmm… we have a sleeping bag and a futon but if you’d prefer a bed you can always sleep with me.”

“What! Isn’t that a bit too soon?” Twilight said in panic… she then went red as she realised what she said.

“Too soon? Oh I see how that it could be weird, you did say you haven’t had many sleepovers, don’t worry I’ll take futon.” Pinkie said blissfully.

“Erm… yeah, that’s what I meant, thanks.” Twilight stuttered.

Sunset went to interject because of Twilights suspicious reaction (and the fact she had just been left with the sleeping bag) but she was interrupted by the sound of vibrating. Sunset turned to her bag witch had the book vibrating in it. She reached to pick it up and got the book out. Sunset looked over to Twilight who was setting up a game of guess who with Pinkie as she explained the rules to Twilight. Sunset opened the book and whipped out the pen.

Hello this is Pinkie pie do you know anything about the chamber of sec where Twilight is

Sorry Twilight's busy at the moment, this is Sunset Shimmer

Oh hello, nice to meet you Sunset shimmer, well not meet you because I can’t see you, you’re a book too me. Anyway is Twilight alright?

Yep she’s fine don’t worry

She’s normally the one worrying about me. I don’t mean to worry her most of the time but she gets super cute when she’s worried

Sunset stopped for a second and read the paragraph over again.

Is there anything I can do for you Pinkie?

Yes there is a little box with pictures of cake printed on in Twilights bag, could you please give that to her

Will do

Sunset got up to find Twilights Bag and get the box Pinkie described.

“Okay your turn.” Pinkie says with a Smile.

Twilight looked at her board with a confusion “Erm… does yours have big… weird things on the side of their head?”


“Those are ears? They look so different to normal ears.”

“… I think we should play a different game.”

“Here you go Twilight.” Sunset said handing the box over to Twilight “I’ve been told to deliver this to you.”

Twilight looked at the box for a second and then to Sunset. She raised an eyebrow but didn’t question her and simply took the box and opened it, inside she found a little cuddly teddy bear and a note.

Someone to snuggle encase you’re missing me as much as I will defiantly miss you xxx

Twilight Held the note close to her chest and giggled.

“Erm Pinkie,” Sunset said to Pinkie looking at the clock “It’s getting pretty late and Twilight needs to get up early in the morning.”

“Oops, sorry I didn’t realise,” Pinkie replied “there goes my great organisation record, I’ll go get the sleeping bag.”

Pinkie skipped of out of the room looking for the sleeping bag. Twilight clung onto her new teddy bear and made her way to Pinkies bed. Sunset stopped her to hand over the book.

“Here, I think someone wants to wish you a goodnight.” Sunset said with a smile.

Twilight receives graciously the book and thinks for a second “Hay sunset is it okay of I use this tonight?”

Sunset chuckles in response “Sure, just don’t stay up too late.”

“I stayed up too late last night.” Twilight groaned as she pulled herself out of Pinkies bed. She tightened her grip around her bear and tried to put her head straight. Her vision was blurred and her ears where ringing making her crave a minute of quiet to get ready for the day.

“Morning Twilight!” Pinkie sang from her en suite.

“Morning Pinkie.” Twilight groaned in response.

“Lovely morning isn’t it,” Pinkie continued but only received a grunt from Twilight “you can go make yourself some breakfast, Cereal in the first shelf on the left.”

Twilight forced herself downstairs, holding onto the bear at all times. She entered the kitchen and was greeted by a smile from Sunset who was eating cereal. Sunset had the book closed on the table next to her.

“How long did you stay up?” Sunset asked with a chuckle.
“I don’t want to talk about it.” Twilight groaned while wiping sleep out of her eyes.

“Well you certainly wanted to talk to someone,” Sunset continued “If I keep lending this book to you I’m going to run out of pages.”

Twilight blushed but turned to look for the cereal in one of the draws.

“I would check that out first.” Sunset said as she pointed to the last of Pinkies gifts placed on the opposite end of the table.

Twilight turned to look and slowly sat down on the table. It was pink and had lots of streamer’s decorating the box. She popped of the lid to reveal a homemade raisin muffin. Twilight held it and smiled blissfully at it.

“A muffin for breakfast, nice treat.” Sunset said to Twilight.

“It’s my favourite thing to have for breakfast,” Twilight replied happily “And Pinkie makes them just the way I like them.”

“She seems to really care about you.” Sunset said with a smile.

“I like to think so, she does a much better job of showing she cares then me.”

“Aww you two a cute together.” Sunset replied getting back to her cereal.

“What? Erm I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Twilight stuttered as she panicked slightly.

“Hmm she’s also a lot more honest when I comes to these things.”

Twilight emerged from the portal to see a certain Pink pony waiting for her. When their eyes met they rushed to hug each other and stood together in there embrace.

“I missed you Twilight.” Pinkie exclaimed.

“I missed you too, I missed you so much.”

“Really? That much, you’ve only been gone a day.”

Comments ( 7 )

This had some good ideas but I think it ends way too soon. You don't get into the implied conflict of Twilight feelings getting confused by the two Pinkies. That could have made a good conflict IMO.

6089833 Thanks for the comment. The reason i made it so short was simply because i didn't have the time to turn this into anything big so, it was just a little idea i had. I hope you enjoyed it anyway :twilightsmile:

Yay another Twinkie story! You have no idea how long I've been waiting for one. I think that the story is adorable, but a bit confusing at times. But I still like it, and it deserves a thumbs up! :twilightsmile:

thank you very much i'm glad you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:
there really isn't enough Twinkie but then again i don't think i'll ever be happy. just too darn adorable

walking in from Pinkies on-suite

en suite. 'S French.

Cute little story, I really like it :twilightsmile:

Pinkies vision latched on to an outside block on the same column that Sunset had took hers from. Her thumb and middle finger latched onto the edges of the block and with one precise movement it was removed. The tower stood tall with only one outside block holding a lower column.

Sunset looked intensely at the column and squinted “How does that even work?” She asked with sense of distrust.

“Physics.” Pinkie responded with a grin as she twizzled the block between her fingers.

And that part made me laugh so hard I fell of my chair :pinkiehappy:

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