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Nicely done, even though I think that breast vore would have been more fitting considering we're talking about Milky Way here.
I liked this.
It was for a very dear friend of mine. They wanted CV and I obliged.
this isn't inspired by that one image set by pashoo by any chance, is it?
No, but it was a gift for them.
Thank you very much, it's appreciated.
That's okay.
Oh thank you sweet vore and pleasure, finally a good cock vore

, and with two mares I find an interesting bit of fan work (and interesting in other ways of course
), (sing-song) favorited. *Since changed to my Pleasure folder*
Uh, Milky lives in Trottingham, not Ponyville.
amazing is the only word I can come up with.
This isn't representative of the true Milky Way. I'm fairly certain she's also not a futa. It's just fun fan fiction.
Oh hey look at that my comment was deleted within seconds of it going up as I mentioned that Milky Way's creator apparently doesn't like vore.
And seeing as Milky Way is an OC, that means a lot.
This piece of fiction is not representative of the original Milky Way. If you have any issues, please use the PM feature to discuss matter in private.
I am confused about the near end did her cock swallow berry??
Yes, it did.
5659769 oh holy shit

What happened to Berry after she started getting sucked in? The story suddenly got extremely light on details, not mentioning a single reaction from her, even as her pussy was played with. Was she killed at that point, or something?
Absorbed and hinted at a new milk to be made. She's pretty much gone.
Hm. Not quite sure how to feel about this at the moment. On the one hand, you do write very good futa fics. This one's going in the faves, just like all the others. But on the other hand, the ending was... a mix between hot and not. I like cock vore. But personally, I would've liked it a bit better if Berry was either willing or she got spit out after the next batch was made. Just something about the fact that she was probably terrified (Or not. She was drunk. Not sure how she was feeling) as she got sucked into Milky's dick was something of a... turn off would be the wrong word, 'cause I was definitely not turned off by this.
Anyways, point being this: I enjoyed the story, it's going on my favorites, I got to enjoy myself while reading this... but the ending has me a little wary. All in all, I'd score this 9/10. That last 1/10 is just my personal opinion there, though. You write well. You don't fall into many of the same traps that a lot- and I mean a lot- of authors seem to fall into. Your grammar is good. Your spelling is, too. And you give us something enjoyable to read where we can say we didn't just read pure, shameless clop. It's damn near pure clop, but you at least added some story and other elements into it that made it better than pure clop.
Though while I'm leaving this comment, I do want to ask one thing. Hoofed fingers... the heck is this? I know that you write these as anthro, and they seem to have hooves for hind feet... but every time I see those two words, I immediately think of a human hand with five hooves, one for each finger. Mind explaining what you mean by that, if I'm wrong?
Thank you very much! Hoofed fingers are my interpretation of fingers on anthro ponies. Basically, regular fingers where the last joint/tip of the finger is a hoof coating. Similar to nails but they encompass the tip entirely up to the joint. I know, not many use it. I may change my wording on it later or something.
Visual representation for your convenience: i.imgur.com/JqRPwtt.png?1
I do understand the ending was a bit off on some level, but it was my first cock vore story I've written. First vore story entirely. That said, my next vore story will be a bit different for an ending and probably leave you a little happier since the participant will be willing and such. I appreciate your kind words and look forward to writing more for you and all others here! I still have a couple of other stories I need to transition over to here.
Hope some people here like goo ponies.
No I mean during the act. Where did her personality go? She's seems to stop reacting after her head gets sucked in. Does that mean she died instantly? I don't know. Even a dead person's behavior can be described (Typically a lot of going limp and twisting in strange directions)
It's as though she disappeared.
I think the story is really great. Hot stuff, and an entertaining concept. That very implication of her getting turned into milk is quite a bit of food for thought. Now I'm really engaged and I want to see more from this character. Is this how EVERY batch if milk is made? Is the milk that got spilled in the alleyway formerly a person? That does explain her fear of getting caught with a penis even more than mere vanity. How does she get away with this stuff? Who else has gotten close to revealing her secret? Fascinating stuff that could lead to all sorts of interesting conflicts!
But the story seems to have a perfectly reversed method of focus. The really interesting and important stuff which is incredibly emotional and significant to the character's lives (Like hot sex followed by getting unwillingly devoured) is normally highly emphasized. Meaning every last tiny detail is described. And likewise, anything that's really mundane (Like 'I'm going about my milk route, la la lah! Oh hi random customer unrelated to the plot!') is normally as deemphasized as possible, meaning that it's either entirely skipped (especially in a short story) or it's very sparsely described, with one or two paragraphs describing entire days.
This story seems to be the precise opposite of that. A bold choice, but it left me feeling disappointed. I thought the detail level was going to ramp up because I'm used to the way stories normally are, so when it ramped down to the point where you don't even describe Berry struggling, that left me feeling really surprised and unfulfilled.
I'm reading this now after I just posted my previous comment, and it illustrates my point perfectly.
NightmareKnight literally does not even know if Berry was scared or not.
That seems like a crucial detail that should have been in the story.
Is it perhaps that you were afraid of the story getting too dark and gory? If so, you could have used a 'cutaway' technique, where you intentionally end the scene once everything is set in motion, and describe everything later in an 'implied' way, which actually can be even more chilling than just showing every detail.
I think anything is better than dropping down to a hyper-minimalist level of description.
I understand. I'll take your words into consideration on my next take on the subject. First time trying it was a bit rough, I admit.
5664881 Adding on to what you've just said.
Truthfully, this story is surprisingly... dark, for LoreLove's works. I've read a lot of his other fics (Mostly the futa ones) like 'Futa Flitter's Fun with Fritter' and 'Daring Do and the Flying Futa', and I'm still reading 'Harshwhinny's Time Off' (So no spoilers!). But for this story to end the way it did; namely with Berry being killed by being turned into cock milk... well, it left something of a damper on the story feel. Most of the others from Lore that I've read have had some sort of happy, or at least satisfying, ending.
*warning*Spoilers to the endings of two fics hidden below*warning*
Fun with Fritter ended with Flitter cumming and Fritter wanting more. Daring Do ended with Flitter creampie'ing Daring and Daring hoping for more.
So to go from that to... killing a pony, all in the name of a hot story? It just seems pretty dark.
Having read the description, and some of the comments.
It seems like it might be a pretty decent story. (if lacking a little in certain descriptions/theming) Deviating from the norm quite a bit though.
At first just guessed it was the usual "guy with tits use milk machine to get breast and sperm juices, neglecting pussy fluid" like most, but that didn't seem to be the case :P (though, still kinda derp how a originally female only "thing" (milking) turned out to be a male dominated area xD Do find it quite amusing how fast cock milking surpassed breasts, and the poor cunt milking never even stood a chance hehe.)
But yeah, having read couple of descriptions. Was curious: You just do the run of the mill type of futa? Where one is the "guy with its" selfish archetype, and the female is the "cumdump with no self-regard/needs" archetype? As sounds like a possibility. But don't want to just assume you only do the classic "only the guy cums" like in most of the futa fics :P Not everyone abides by the expected norms. Heck, sometimes it's even a herm or female identity futa. Though that's really rare. But yeah, bit random questions heh. Hope they made sense.
I've never heard of a male futa, honestly. I do female futa. They have both sets of genitals. My stories aren't solely out for the futa's pleasure only, either. Some seem like it, others, like Harshwhinny's Time Off, is a female with a need and the futa is there for service.
I still have a couple of others I need to work on getting uploaded, too.
This was a sad story. My boner hung its head.
5666358 A "male futa" is often the most classic futa used. It doesn't mean it's based of a biologically male body, only that it identifies as male. The most common archetype, the "guy with tits", has the female bodied futa, generally with an oversized, accurated penis (and huge breasts if antrho). And if they have a vulva, it's generally undersized, often not even of the same species. And said futa tends to be a male identity one, only using their penis and being the classic "selfish male" porn personality wise. As like said, females are given the "cumdump with no self regard/needs" with a story and dialogue that just focus on the penis. Trailed off a bit, but hope that explained the "male futa" thing.
As, it doesn't refer to a biologically based male futa. Though a few of those exist too :P But the gender generally refers to the identity they got ;3 And that sounds neat though. Seen way too many authors that only have interest in writing about the male's pleasure and/or penises. (heck, had several morons claim to explicitly want to write about penises, as vulvae were disgusting to them, and they found no attraction to females, yet claimed how they were exclusively straight xD) Trailing off again here x3 *Ahem* But yeah, nice to hear it sounds like they're not just the run of the mill type. Should I guess their genital anatomy is matching too then?
And speaking of something kinda relevant: I did a experiment fic a while back with just futa. Reversed the roles and had a female identity futa, (two actually) that solely used their vulva. Had several people comment on how dumb it was to write about futa and not have them use their penis. And had all of them mumbling in agreement when I pointed out that most futa fics never had them use the vulva. Essentially just working like a straight fic in a lot of occasions. Either case, hope I made sense heh. I find it interesting to look a bit deeper into things like this :3 But yeah, sorry for the assumptions. (I think, haven't read so can't be 100 %) It just seemed like it was the usual solely penis focused ones as the ones mentioned just all ended with creampies, and the female hoping the male (futa) would use her body to pleasure himself more. (the classic cardboard porn female) But granted, while I doubt it, that could have been a vulva made creampie x3
5664716 looks like someone beat me from asking the question just what are 'hoofed fingers'.
Anyway, hoofed fingers aside i would say this story is just fantastic. From the start, to the middle, it was grand
then the ending happened... i was like whhhhaaaaaTt???? 

Forgive me, this is the first time i encountered a... dick vore as you say it??
Lol, my arousal just noped the fuck itself out of the room
. If you were aiming to surprise your readers well you did just that with me hahaha.
It was a good read.. wierd.. but good. Such a shame though that berry had to go out like that... devoured by a dick... ughhhh
what a sad fate.
No worries. It's why I placed a warning right off the bat. I wouldn't want others to be too surprised when reading so they can avoid it if isn't their thing. Glad enjoyed what you read before that, though.
5674715 lol, yeah you did. I thought dick vore was a tag for someone eating dicks... you know, like herbivore and carnivore, dick vore???
I did not expect that the eating will be done by the dick hahahaha!!!
Well played sir, well played.
P.s just a question... were'd you get the idea for the dick vore come from??? I'm just curious.
Friend requested it, so I opted to do so.
dafuq did I just read? Guess now I know what dick Vore means... not my cup of tea, but the story was amazingly hot until that point, and the end want a total turnoff. Interesting, to say the least.
I've recently been skipping the warning tags for clopfics, solely for the thrill of being surprised (feels like I'm spoiling the story if I read them). That being said, I was not prepared for that ending…
And neither was my dick.
Heh, glad you enjoyed it. May have another planned along somewhat similar lines. But, since you like being surprised, maybe I won't say what characters.
5691391 Vore is when something living consumes something else, in sexual terms it is usually cannibal. It is an odd fetish but it is a popular one none the less
I like this and I have no idea why.
I actually know the real Milky Way. She's absolutely confused by her fame.
the IRONY!!!
5657540 so, Milky essentially killed, no, murdered, Berry, and turned her to flavoring, that is arousing, disturbing, and digusting, but mostly arousing, the killing still bugs me though
6354403 its like that moment when you read a romance scary novel that has murder but you don't like murder but you read it anyway and say, 'Huh, I don't like this because it told me what was gonna be in it but I read it anyway.'
7759671 ......*sighs in defeat*
7769043 <3


7770436 <3 <3 *hugz*
I was really digging this and then I got to that ending and I just couldn't. This is still well written really well and I was digging the this story. Then I learned the sex was limited to a blowjob and then the rest of it unfolded and I was done with this.
Written too well to down vote but vore don't work for me