After a particularly trying episode of dealing with her cat, Rarity decides to go to Fluttershy for some much-needed relaxation. There, she's introduced to a secret of Fluttershy's that nopony yet has understood.
First in the Flarity "L" Series.
Listen > Language > Lust (NSFW)
Edited by Eloquence.
This is amazing! I was surprised to see you writing in first person, but you certainly pulled it off! I can't wait to read more.
This was honestly one of the best stories I have read in a long time.
I can't wait for the rest of the trilogy :3
That was great! This kind of work is the reason I got into fan fics. cant wait to read more!
Hey, I think you forgot something . . .
There! Much better!
Ooh! Hello again! To tell you the truth, I wrote this story because I was kind of burned out after working so hard on Bonds of Glory. I just conceived of a simple idea I wanted to write. Then I churned out this first person fic in two days! But seeing as I've planned a trilogy now, this "simple idea" kind of ran away from me . . .
In any case, I'm certainly getting my practice in with writing Rarity's voice. I've actually written her so much that now I find it hard to switch back to third person limited! Writing Rarity is just too much fun!
Wow. High praise coming from a not-quite brony! This gives me hope that maybe I can eventually write things that aren't about colorful ponies and that are also halfway decent! Not quite sure how you found me, but I'm happy that you did all the same.
Oh gosh. Now you're reminding me of the fics that got me into fanfiction. Good times, back in the day when anything Flutterdash was considered original content. (I started reading 'round the middle of 2012, contrary to what my "Member Since" date says.) Nowadays, you have to do something really stupid to be called remotely original. Like, I don't know, plan out and struggle to write a trilogy of stories about Fluttershy and Rarity before anyone reads the first in the series?
Spikey be a dear Can you please dispose of this cat food?
Sure thing Rares ! 'crunch munch nom nom nom'
yuck ! 'belch!" foom!
cat food?
5654790 I can understand that. Bonds of Glory was one heck of a project. Also, you know it's a good idea when it runs away with you. I'm looking forward to the rest of the trilogy. You know I'm here if you need any help.
I like this.
Oh gosh. That is some truly vile cat food.
It might be a good idea, but it's not so good for my sanity. Sometimes you only want to write a quick, no-strings-attached, no-further-commitments story because you don't have time for much else, but your forever spinning mind just wants to make a trilogy out of it instead.
Ask if I need help? I know this isn't going to make sense to anyone else, but do you remember those questions I asked you about a month-and-a-half ago?
Mhm. I already did! And therein lies a few hints for the theme of future stories.
5658294 Sanity. Right. I forgot some people actually value that. Good luck with that. Of course I remember the questions, but you could have more. I could also edit, though it looks like the editor you have is doing just fine.
Well, you made me like Fluttershy/Rarity as a pairing, which is probably the highest praise I can offer you.
I loved the bit with Fluttershy meditating; it seemed so perfectly in-tune with her character, and even the shushing seemed natural.
Hurry up and write the other two parts now!
I mean, if you want to ...
I'm working on it! They're just really hard to write! I'm kind of trying to break new ground with each installment I write, going somewhere I've never tried before, so it takes more time for me to write these than usual. Of course, it could also be because I'm writing more words for lab reports right now than for stories . . .
And shame on you for not originally liking Flarity as a pairing!
Rarity is my least-favourite pony, what did you expect? That said, I like her when you write her.
A very beautiful story. Terribly underrated.
Strange that you say that considering this story is, in fact, my highest rated out of all those I published so far! But thank you for the attention.
So I see now. At least you have virtually no red against you, take that as a sign you know what you're doing. I'll certainly be having a look over the rest of your works when I can. This one was delightful, quiet, and simple. It executed its premise flawlessly IMO.
And, yes, I am reading the sequel already.
Again, thank you kindly for the attention! I can't say the sequel is anywhere near as quiet and serene as this story is, but if I've weaved my words right, hopefully, it'll be no less enjoyable.
The idea that Fluttershy meditates is incredibly believable to be honest. It would explains a lot of her behavior and why she doesn't like to speak very loud, because she prefers to be able to hear the world around her.
Speaking of which, the meditation scenes were written very effectively. I'm currently taking a yoga class this semester in college, and we always do a short meditation at the end of our practices, where our instructor reads us a passage while we close our eyes and completely relax our bodies, almost taking ourselves away from the present. Rarity seemed to try and do this, but obvious did seem a bit distracted by the numerous birds that used her as a perch. I laughed at the imagery of that.
My only qualm, and it really isn't much of one at all, is that Rarity doesn't exactly sound like I would picture her to. You had some of her sentence structure on target and also some of the more obscure vocab she uses, but I don't know, it felt a tad off to me for some reason. I wouldn't worry about this at all to be honest, it might just be me.
Overall, really nice work with this. I enjoyed it a lot, and plan on reading that sequel you're doing.
Aww, pooey. I thought I had Rarity's voice on point! I've actually been writing in this style for so long that I think I'll have trouble going back to classic third person when I finish this series (without making it seem like Rarity's narrating the story, at least!). If you ever do figure out why Rarity's voice seems off to you, do tell me; I'd love to know.
But thank you for reading!
. . . And c'mon, you get to take a yoga class in college? The most relaxing thing I get to do in uni is, I don't know, isolate DNA from a cell extract, I guess.
Well...Flutter-meditation. I like this concept.
5868868 I imagined Rarity while I was reading the fic, and I honestly didn't think she sounded off at all.
she sounded like plain old Rarity.
it was a very cute fic, I reallu enjoyed it.
This is probably the best Rari-Shy story I've ever read. I'm so glad I stumbled across it. Thank you, dear author, for this.
I kinda figured she would decide to go to Fluttershy's to, y'know, get an expert opinion on what's wrong with her cat. Not a bad piece, though. :)
Lovely work! No, really. This is coming from someone who despises the first-person narrative, and you still managed to make me want to continue reading.
You can has review!
This could explain a lot about Fluttershy.
How right you are...
I don't do it professionally, but I dabble in hardware repair. I sometimes think people forget they have ears. It's all just error codes this and spec sheets that...
Can you hear a motor bearing going bad? A transmission belt wearing out, ready to snap? An improperly excited coil that's about to have enough? How about a whining fan, warning you that whatever it's supposed to be blowing at is probably at the end of its rope too?
Your senses are your best tools when interacting with the world - give them some love, sometime. You may be suprised at how much you can learn if you just stop and listen.