• Member Since 1st Aug, 2014
  • offline last seen February 8th


I'm Canadian!


"You know, I don't quite remember that day very well. Regrettable, I know. Something about me buying you something—I can't quite recall."

"I do."

"Really? I should have expected that, I suppose."

I remember every moment I think is important to me. And I know those first few days were really, really important."

". . . I'm flattered. You wouldn't, pray tell, be willing to refresh my memory?"

This oneshot is canon to the Flarity L and O Series.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

A beautiful flarity.

Wonderful work; great to see more from you!

One of my favorite pairings, delivered in an exquisitely detailed and intimate framing. Wonderful work.

Interesting framing device and a rather endearing POV from Fluttershy. Pretty good.

Cuuuuuute. :heart: Thanks for sharing!

this is adorable and kind of melancholy. This is really impressive, you are excellent writing. Thank you so much, i love this. Sorry i'm rambling but this is so good ahhhhh. Rarishy is my otp so that also helps god i love this.:heart:

That even though I'm so broken, somepony could like me.

Ouch. That hit home.

This was beautiful.
Thank you.

This is really beautiful. Tho I feel I relate to fluttershy just a bit too much :fluttercry:

our story has a pretty good plot, the situations are interesting. I hope your story will have sequels, I will wait tunnel rush that story

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