• Published 24th Apr 2012
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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic -- Off The Record - The King of Hearts

A new pony is introduced to Equestria just before the fight with Nightmare Moon in Episode 1. Changing the entire story.

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Griffon the Brush Off

Chapter 6
Griffon the Brush off – Part 1

Alex walked down the street toward Sugarcube corner. He had been asked by Pinkie to come in and sample a new kind of cupcake she was making. And, being the pig that he was, he happily agreed. Opening the door to the shop, he noticed that all the lights were out, something that he wouldn’t expect from this kind of place. Slowly walking up to the main counter, he rang the bell.

“Hello Alex!” Pinkie said, popping up from behind the counter with a strange smile on her face. “Would you like to try my new CUPCAKES?” She said loudly, her eyes momentarily pointing in opposite directions.

Alex looked at her nervously. “Uh… That’s what I’m here for…” he said, no longer sure that he even wanted them.

Without another word, Pinkie pushed a cupcake from under the counter in front of Alex.

The cupcake before him was the single most beautiful looking thing he had ever seen. The bottom was made of chocolate cake, and the top was frosted with a large mound of rainbow frosting. And, to finish it all off, there was a cherry on the top of it all. All of his pervious worries about Pinkies attitude melted away as he lifted the cupcake off the counter with his magic, and brought it to his mouth. As he took the first bite, he couldn’t believe how amazing it tasted. It was the single most delicious thing that he had ever tasted.

“What’s in this?” Alex asked, eating the rest of the cupcake quickly. “It’s the most delicious thing I’ve ever…” And with that, he collapsed unconscious.

Alex had been out cold for only a few minutes when he started to hear Pinkie laughing, causing him to stir.

What was she laughing about? What was in that cupcake?

Slowly opening his eyes, Alex found himself in a pitch black room. The only thing he could hear was Pinkie’s laugh echoing through whatever the place was that she had him. It sounded really creepy.

“Pinkie?” Alex called to the darkness. “What’s going on?”

“You want to know what’s going on?” She said quietly. “Well… This is what’s going on!”

All at once, the lights came back on. He was still in the main section of the shop. And behind the counter stood Pinkie, holding a mirror.

Looking in the mirror, Alex saw that Pinkie had drawn a mustache on his face in marker.

As soon as Pinkie saw him look at the moustache, she lost it, and fell over in a fit of giggles.

Alex couldn’t help but laugh at this himself. Here she had gone through so much trouble, to draw this on his face. It seemed like a rather pointless prank, but, if she got this much enjoyment out of it, he wasn’t about to point that out.

“I didn’t think that you were the pranking type,” Alex said to her, still giggling a bit.

“I Sure am!” Pinkie replied, “In fact, I had a great idea for a prank I was going to pull!”

“Oh?” Alex asked, hoping that he could get in on it, “What did you have in mind?”

“Well, I was going to get Rainbow Dash to help me move a cloud…”Pinkie began.

As soon as Alex heard the mention of Rainbow Dash, he immediately lost interest in helping Pinkie pull this prank. Ever since he had forgotten Rainbow’s name when he had first arrived in Ponyville, she and him hadn’t been on great terms. Then, of course, he had covered her house in garbage, which hadn’t helped matters. Alex wished that he could patch things up between them; he just hadn’t had the opportunity to have any kind of conversation with her.

“…and I hope that’s going to scare him!” Pinkie finished, not realizing that Alex had barely heard a word she said.

“Sounds… Great!” Alex said slowly. “Anyway, you two have fun! I’d better head back to the library.”

“Okie-Dokie-Loki!” Pinkie said with a smile.

Walking out of the bakery, Alex hoped that the short distance back to the library wouldn’t have too many ponies on the way, as he was a bit embarrassed of his new, drawn on facial hair. Unfortunately for him, that wasn’t the case. He got laughed at all the way back.

“I’m back!” Alex shouted as he walked through the door. “Twilight?” He called again, after receiving no response.

“She’s out reading.” Spike said, walking down the stairs with a couple of scrolls. “Whoa! Nice stache!” He said with a smile, trying not to laugh.

“Yeah,” Alex said flatly, “You mind helping me get it off?”

“Sure.” Spike said running to the kitchen and trading the scrolls for a damp cloth.

“Thanks.” Alex said as Spike roughly pushed the cloth against Alex’s face, wiping the drawn on moustache away.

After a few moments of scrubbing, the ink finally came off. Spike then put the cloth back in the kitchen, picked up the scrolls, and started gathering them from around the Library.

“What’re you doing?” Alex asked him.

“I’m gathering up some scrolls that Twilight asked me to have mailed out.” Spike explained. “I have a few I need to pick up and bring back as well.”

“I thought you could send the scrolls away when you breathed fire on them.” Alex said, slightly confused.

“I can send them to Princess Celestia, but that’s it.” Spike explained. “It’s a magic link between us. But, for the rest of the time, we just use regular mail.”

“Huh.” Alex said simply. “You want some help?”

“Sure!” Spike said looking around the room for a moment. “Go grab that one and… that one” he said pointing to a couple different scrolls.

Alex nodded and grabbed the scrolls Spike had pointed out. After a few minutes of gathering, Alex was holding a large number of scrolls in the air with his magic, Proud that he was able to do it with no issue.

“You ready to go?” Spike asked him.

“I’m ready whenever you are.” Alex said, looking at the scrolls above his head.

“Alright, let’s go!”

“I hadn’t expected there to be this many scrolls.” Alex said, holding the new batch above his head.

“Twilight always reads this many.” Spike said. “But now that we’re not living in Canterlot, we have to have them shipped out to us.”

“Huh,” Alex said, as the two left the post office. The two walked a short distance away from the front door of the building, continuing their conversation, when suddenly, a loud crash of thunder from above them.

Alex immediately lost all control of his magic, and all of the scrolls he was levitating flew off in random directions.

Spike dropped the few he was carrying, and landed on the ground, starting to hiccup.

Alex was still confused as to what had happened. It was a bright sunny day! How could there be thunder like that? However, it all made sense when he heard Pinkie Pie’s trademark laugh. It was a prank.

“Oh Rainbow Dash, we startled Spike into getting the hiccups!”

Looking up, Pinkie noticed that Rainbow Dash wasn’t laughing. Upon seeing Alex, it seemed that her mood had been ruined.

The situation immediately became awkward, as nothing was said besides a few hiccups from Spike.

Looking over, Alex noticed that every time Spike hiccupped, a small flame came out of his mouth. So, he decided that he should stop him from picking up any scrolls to save them from being burned, as he was about to start gathering them.

“Here Spike, let me.” Alex said, breaking the silence, and started to lift the scrolls up, one at a time.

Spike immediately stopped his attempt to pick up the scrolls and allowed Alex to do the gathering. Turning to Pinkie, Spike smiled and said, “Good one, Pinkie *hiccup* Pie. *hiccup* You're always pulling a fast one *hiccup* on me!”

“That fire doesn’t hurt, does it?” Pinkie asked him.

“Na,” Spike said, “dragons are fire proof.”

“That’s a relief!” Pinkie said, and then turning to Alex, “Sorry about the mess…”

“Don’t worry about it,” Alex said with a smile. “You guys got us pretty good.” He said looking up at Dash and smiling.

Rainbow scoffed at this comment. Alex didn’t need to be friendly to her, she certainly didn’t expect it.

“Anyway…” Alex said, “We’d better get back. I need to find a spell to cure the hiccups.”

Pinkie simply nodded, then headed back toward Rainbow Dash, who had now landed, and started to head away from the post office.

Finally gathering the last few scrolls, Alex took a few steps, and stood beside Spike. “You ready to…”

Before Alex was able to finish, he was cut off by Spike hiccupping and lighting all the scrolls he had been levitating on fire, and sending them away in a wisp.

Blinking twice, Alex simply looked at the space where the scrolls used to be. “Uh, Spike…” He started slowly, “Did those all get sent to the Princess?”

Spike looked at the ground and sighed. “Yeah…”

Alex opened his mouth to say something, but was cut off again, by another hiccup.

“Come on Spike.” Alex said comfortingly, levitating the baby dragon onto his back. “Let’s get you home before you send me to the Princess somehow.”

The Next Day

Alex walked through the town market by himself. He had gone out to pick up some flowers and bread for Twilight. She had wanted to make a sandwich for herself. So, he told her that he would pick them up for her on his way back from a few things he had to get done himself. He had left hours ago, and this was his final stop before he headed back.

One thing Alex still couldn’t wrap his mind around, was the food here. Everypony ate the same food as well… Horses. So far, he had managed to survive on apples and cupcakes. He wasn’t able to bring himself to eat hay or flowers. It just seemed… gross.

But, he was still willing to go out and pick up those gross things for other to eat. Far be it from him to tell anypony what to eat.

Looking forward, Alex saw Fluttershy on the other side of the market, leading some ducklings through the area. Looking at her, he couldn’t help but smile, she was the sweetest pony he knew. And since he hadn’t seen her in a while, he decided to go over and say hello.

Fluttershy slowly walked backwards, making sure that all of her ducklings stayed in line. However, she had been paying so much attention to the creatures in front of her, she had failed to notice the griffon standing behind her. And, she abruptly backed into it.

“Hey!” The Griffon said in a hostile tone.

“Oh!” Fluttershy said turning around to face the Griffon. “Please excuse me.”

“I’m walkin’ here!” She said, glaring at the now frightened pony.

“Oh, um… I'm sorry… I..I… was just trying to...” Fluttershy stammered quietly.

“Oh, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” The Griffon mocked. “Why don’t you just watch where you’re going, doofus!”

At this point, Fluttershy was shaking, “B…b…but… I…” She stammered, unable to form coherent words.

Unfortunately, the Griffon didn’t want to hear it, and started to inhale.

Fluttershy knew what was coming next. She was going to scream at her. Instinctively, her ears plastered to the back of her head, and her eyes widened. She was frozen in place, waiting for the inevitable.

“Hey!” Alex shouted from beside them, causing the Griffon to look toward him, and away from Fluttershy.

“What do you want?” The Griffon said in a nasty voice to Alex.

Walking between Fluttershy and the Griffon, he made sure that he took a defensive stance in front of Fluttershy.

“What the hell is your problem?” Alex asked, "Jesus, what? Do you get off on bullying or something?"

“Excuse me?” The griffon said in a shocked tone from the question, “I'll act however I like! You're not the boss of me!”

“Yeah, I am.” Alex said, tilting his head and narrowing his gaze further,

Laughing at Alex, The Griffon started inhaling again, Readying herself to roar loud enough to scare them both off.

Seeing her do this, Alex quickly used a spell to clamp her mouth shut, and slowly lift her off the ground. “I’m gonna ask this one more time.” Alex said “Do you get turned on by being mean to people?”

Finally, she got the idea, and backed off. As soon as he removed the spell keeping her mouth closed, she growled and spoke up. “You’ll pay for that!”

“I'm not the pervert.” Alex said, still prepared for whatever else she might do.

However, Alex was relieved to see the Griffon take a few steps back, then take off, and fly away. Once he was sure that she was gone, he turned to Fluttershy who was still shaking uncontrollably. “Hey, are you okay?”

She nodded meekly, still staring at the ground, as a few tears streamed down her cheeks.

Alex raised a hoof and brushed her hair out of her face, “She’s gone. You don’t have anything else to worry about, Fluttershy.”

She slowly looked up at him, “Thanks... but, why did you say that weird stuff to her?”

“Oh, it's something I learned in high school," Alex laughed, "Make enough inappropriate jokes about your enemy, and they'll always lay off."

“That was amazing!” A voice called from beside them, “It’s a good thing you were here, Alex!”

“Pinkie?” Alex said. “What are you doing here?”

“I saw the whole thing from over at the cafe!” She explained. “I knew that Gilda was a mean-meanie pants after all!”

“Gilda, huh?” Alex asked, “I haven’t seen her around before… Did she just move here?”

“No no no no.” Pinkie said, “She’s a good friend of Rainbow Dash!”

Alex didn’t like the sound of this. “Are you telling me that I just… got a good friend of Rainbow… Really, REALLY mad at me?”

“Yeah, why?” Pinkie said, oblivious to his worries.

Alex furrowed his brow. Great. “How do you know her?” He asked.

“Well, after all the pranks me and Dashie pulled yesterday, I figured she’d be up for more!” Pinkie explained. “So, I went over to her house this morning to see if she wanted to hang out some more!”

“Okay…” Alex said.

“But Gilda was there!” She continued, “And when I tried to hang out with both of them, she told me to buzz off!”

“So, she’s just, all around rude, huh?” Alex asked, "Have you tried accusing her of being a pervert?"

Pinkie shook her head, but perked up quickly. “But I have a great plan!”

Alex cocked an eyebrow.

“I’m gonna throw her… a PARTY!” Pinkie exclaimed.

Alex opened his mouth to say something, but couldn’t find the words. After a minute, he finally said, “A… Party? That’s your plan?” Somehow he wasn’t that surprised.

“Well… That’s not all.” Pinkie then went on to explain the most devious plan that Alex and Fluttershy had ever heard.

Alex stood in Sugarcube corner with a smile on his face. After he heard what Pinkie had planned, he couldn’t help it. Everyone was just showing up now, and all he had to do was wait.

“Hey Alex!” Twilight called. “Thanks for picking that stuff up for me.”

“Oh, it’s no problem.” Alex said walking over to her. “Sorry I was in such a rush to drop it off. Me and Pinkie were just so excited to throw this party for Gilda.”

“That’s really nice of you two!” Twilight said with a smile, “You met her, right? What’s she like?”

“Oh, she’s great.” Alex said with a coy smile. “Never met a nicer Griffon in my life.”

“That’s good to hear!” Twilight said. “So, where’s Pinkie?”

“Oh, she’s off with Rainbow, setting up some party gags or something.” Alex said, happy that everything was going to plan.

“Hey Twi!” Applejack called across the room.

“Oh, do you mind?” Twilight asked, looking at Applejack, then back to Alex.

“Not at all. Have fun.” Alex said gesturing to her friends.

Alex watched Twilight head off, then turned around, where he came face to face with Rainbow Dash.

“Why are you doing this?” Rainbow asked.

“Doing what..?” Alex asked, confused.

“Throwing this party,” She said in a serious tone. “Gilda told me what happened at the market.”

“She did?” Alex asked, surprised that Gilda would talk about bullying Fluttershy to Rainbow so openly.

“She told me about how you shouted at her, and used magic to lift her off the ground, and keep her from talking, for no reason!” Rainbow said, getting more agitated as she spoke.

“Excuse me?” Alex said, almost shouting. “I think she left out a few details!”

“I don’t wanna hear it!” She said. “I don’t know what it was that you were planning with this party, but I don’t want you here!”

“Are you even going to listen to my side of the story?” Alex asked, angrily.

“I know all that I need to know!” Rainbow said, then suddenly lowering her voice. “Get out.”

“Listen…” Alex started.

“Get out!” Rainbow screamed, silencing the entire room.

“Fine.” Alex said simply, turning and walking through the door, past a smirking Gilda.

As Alex walked away from the bakery, he found himself fighting the urge to get really angry. Rainbow Dash may have ripped into him, but had also kinda been lied to. He wasn't sure what he should be feeling.

Walking a short distance away, he came to a hill overlooking the Everfree forest. He decided that this was as good a place as any to wait for Pinkie to come through for him, and reveal Gilda for who she really was.

“This is your idea of a good time?” Gilda screamed, sick of all the pranks that had been pulled on her, throughout the party. “I've never met a lamer bunch of dweebs in all my life! And Pinkie Pie,” She said, pointing at the pink pony across the room.

Everypony looked back and forth between Pinkie and Gilda, horrified that she was acting this way

“You are queen lame-o with your weak little party pranks. Did you really think you could make me lose my cool?” She continued, not realizing that she had done just that. “Well, Dash and I have ten times as much cool as the rest of you put together! Come on Dash, we're bailing on this pathetic scene.” She said waiting for Rainbow to start leaving with her.

Across the room, Pinkie grinned. It had all worked out perfectly. Gilda had fallen for every prank that she had encouraged Rainbow Dash to set up, pushing her closer and closer to the meltdown that she was now having. She especially liked how she ended up with the ‘pin the tail on the pony’ tail on her nose. She may be screaming right now, but, at least now Rainbow could see just what kind of Griffon Gilda was.

“Come on Rainbow Dash. I said, we're leaving!”

“You know Gilda, I was the one who set up all those ‘weak’ pranks at this party.” Rainbow said, shocked at what had been just said to her friends.

Gilda couldn’t believe that. “W… What?”

“So,” Dash said, “I guess I’M queen lame-o.”

“Come on Dash!” Gilda said, expecting her to take it back. “You’re joshing me!”

“They weren't all meant for you specifically!” Dash explained trying to calm her down, “…It was just dumb luck that you set them all off.”

Pinkie couldn’t help but laugh to herself as she added a line that made her seem all the more innocent in this outcome. “I should’a known, that dribble cup had Rainbow Dash written all over it!”

“No. Way.” Gilda said in disbelief. “It was Pinkie Pie! She set up this party to trip me up! To make a fool of me!”

“Me?” Pinkie said innocently, “I threw this party to improve YOUR attitude! I thought a good party might turn that frown upside down!”

“And you sure didn’t need any help making a fool of yourself!” Rainbow shouted, “You know, this is NOT how I thought my old friends would treat my new friends!”

Walking over to Fluttershy, Pinkie winked at her, earning one back from her. Had anypony looked at her, they would have noticed that Fluttershy was smiling through the entire argument. She was happy that Rainbow Dash could see the true side of Gilda.

“If being cool is all you care about, maybe you should go find some new COOL friends someplace else.” Dash said, angry that her friend had been this way all along.

Gilda growled at this, “Yeah? Well you… you… “ She stammered “You are such a flip flop! Cool one minute, and lame the next! When you decide not to be lame anymore, give me a call!” She said, turning around and storming out the door.

“Not cool.” Rainbow said, watching Gilda leave.

“Wow…” Spike said, “Talk about a party pooper…”

“I'm sorry everypony, for bringing Gilda here!” Rainbow said apologetically. “I didn't know how rude she was… And Pinkie Pie, I'm really sorry she ruined this awesome party you put on for her.”

“That’s fine…” Pinkie said, thinking about Alex for a moment. “I already knew she was like that though…”

“What?” Rainbow asked surprised. “How did you know?”

“Well… I saw what happened between her and Alex at the Market,” Pinkie explained, “She was being really mean to Fluttershy! And Alex told her to stop!”

“She was going to start screaming at me…” Fluttershy piped up, “He made her leave me alone…”

“And he only used his magic to protect Fluttershy!” Pinkie added, “Not because he wanted to push Gilda around!”

Taking all of this in, Rainbow Dash realized what she needed to do. “I... should probably go.” She said as she quickly headed out the door.

Rainbow was about to head to the Library to find Alex, but her attention was pulled to a hill a short distance away when she saw the silhouette of somepony in front of the setting sun. And, luckily for her, she could see that this pony had wings and a horn. It was him.

Alex sat on the hill, staring into the setting sun. He had just seen Gilda fly over him and into the distance. It looked like everything went according to plan. This whole situation hadn’t really helped with his relationship with Rainbow Dash though… Still, he knew the day would come one day that they could patch things up. But, it was probably really far off now.

“Hey Alex…” Rainbow said walking up the hill behind him.

Or maybe the day was closer than he thought.

“Hey, listen. About today...” Dash began, fidgeting with her hooves idly.

Alex simply listened, knowing that she wanted to get all of this out.

“I’ve been pretty mean to you...” She said, tripping over her words. “I thought you were being an ass on purpose today. But, Pinkie told me what really happened.” She said as she sat down next to Alex.

“I wasn’t going to let her treat Fluttershy that way.” Alex said quietly, turning his head to face Rainbow Dash, "Especially when she was being such a perv about it."

“I’m glad you didn’t let her act that way.” Dash said looking at him and smiling. “I’m... well, look. I'm just sorry about everything, okay?”

“You don't need to apologize,” Alex said, "It's not like you had any idea. You were just being loyal to the person you trusted."

“It’s not just that though!” She said quickly, deciding that this was the moment to change the overall air around their relationship, “I’ve been mean to you since I first met you! Over something as little as you not knowing my name… and the garbage! And everything else.”

At this point, Alex knew that she was trying hard to patch things up, but was just digging herself a grave by pointing out everything that he had done to wrong her. So, he decided to stop her.

“How about this,” Alex started, “Let’s start fresh.”

Rainbow Dash was surprised at him saying this, “…Really?”

“Absolutely,” Alex said smiling. “I’d love for us to just start again. All this fighting has been stressing me out.”

Narrowing her eyes, she looked him over, almost as if she was checking to see if he was lying somehow. Leaning into within an inch of his face, she looked right in his eyes.

Being this close to her, Alex couldn’t help but notice how good she smelt. She smelt like... roses and vanilla. He always figured she'd smell like, well, a horse? Regardless of that, he couldn't help but notice that this smell seemed to perfectly match her eyes.

Her beautiful pink eyes…

Wait a minute… Had he just thought that?

Deciding that now wasn’t the time to be falling for Rainbow Dash, he quickly pulled himself away from her intrusive staring, and stood up, extending a hoof toward her and said. “Hello, I’m Alex.”

Standing up, Rainbow smiled and extended her hoof to meet his. “I’m Rainbow Dash.”

“It’s nice to meet you Colors.” Alex said, remembering the name he had given her that first night in Equestria.

“Really?” Rainbow squeaked. “We make up, and you call me that right off the bat?”

“Yeah,” Alex said, smirking. “Because I have so much trouble remembering your name. Colors is just… so much easier.”

“Fine. Call me whatever you want.” Rainbow said smirking, “Just don’t get mad when I call you Spot!” She said, pointing to the grey spot on his side that ran from his neck, down to his wing.

Alex laughed, happy to be made up with her. Maybe now he could learn how to fly... But, now wasn’t the time to ask her. Instead, he simply sat with her on the hill with her.

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