A few thoughts on the concept of dreaming... · 8:12pm Jan 20th, 2016
A thing which I have noticed lately is that me dreams are dull. Not all random and crazy like dreams are stereo-typed to be, but just - dull.
And thus, I don't remember them.
'But how can you know your dreams are dull if you can't remember them?' I hear you ask.
Oh, I hate those too. Everyone uses them. I like to make mine as unique as possible.
1986698 One thing which just made me click the fave button was the unconventional transportation to Equus. Dying, magical experiment failure and the multiverse going out to lunch are good and all that, but this was new, and I liked it!
Hello and thank you so very much for deciding to fave my story "The Human And The Well"! I am overjoyed that you liked reading it!
1964261 Figured out what you meant by 'block story'. Well, I have kinda started hating that about this... especially since I started getting more ideas for this one than my others. No longer a block story... now I need to find another one of those. Crap.
1964256 You're welcome!