• Published 16th Sep 2014
  • 4,989 Views, 738 Comments

Absolution 2 - ed2481

After Cres left, Applejack thought that she'd never have to hear the words 'Pokemon' again outside of Twilight's constant questions. However, it seems that hope was misplaced. With only the help of Cres, can she find her way back

  • ...


Ohm lay on the edge of a small dock looking out on a medium sized lake. His eyes gazed off in the distance, glancing through the trees surrounding the body of water while his tail was tapping slowly as his mind wandered off in thought. It had been a day or so after waking up and recovering from hospital and the Luxray asked Matt if he could come here to be alone for a while. Behind him stood the unfinished construction of a house, a work in progress for Roxanne in building a new dream home she always wanted and to get away from the crowded apartment they were currently living in.

He didn’t notice Cres until the white Absol was laying down beside him, his head resting on the Luxray’s shoulder. The Absol didn’t say anything. Instead he just began to purr.

The Luxray didn’t move or really react to the presence of Cres for a long while. After maybe a couple of minutes had passed he finally asked, “Is there something you need?”

“No,” Cres said after a few minutes. “I just didn’t want you to stay out here all by yourself for a week. I’ve done that. It’s less fun than you’d think.”

“I just came here to think, and to be away from the city for a moment,” Ohm stated. “I’m not thinking of leaving... I’m in no condition to make a trek across Sinnoh region.”

“No, no you’re not, all the more reason to have company,” Cres told him with a smile.

The Luxray closed his eyes, but didn’t make a comment against it. He simply just rested there, going back to his train of thought. Cres remained silent as well, still just leaning against his friend, purring. They were silent like that for close to four hours, letting the sun rise high above them as they leaned against each other, both purring softly in contentment.

“So, what are you thinking about?” Cres asked, breaking the amicable silence.

The Luxray didn’t answered right away, his eyes still closed. “...I was just thinking about if Applejack made it back safely to her home and recovered from her cursed nightmares.”

“I’m sure she did,” Cres said before looking down at the water. “I still don’t like her, but I guess that’s because we’re too similar to get along.”

“Both of you are set in your ways of life, and didn’t really see how the other could function?” the Luxray questioned.

“Something like that, yeah,” Cres said, giving Ohm’s neck a few nibbles to get at an itchy spot he knew was there.

Ohm chuckled lightly. “I guess so... as some like to say, things that are similar tend to repel each other.”

“Yes, yes they do,” Cres said before frowning. “Why are you even bothering to think about her now anyways? She’s gone and probably fine.”

Ohm blinked as his gaze out over the lake broke and he shifted them downward. “...I don’t really know. I guess... mostly to assure myself that she is?”

“Ah,” Cres tapped a clawed paw on the deck. “Meh, she’s as thick skinned as she is headed. I’m sure she’s fine, Ohm.”

“I’m sure she is too... it’s just, what happen to her seemed to have given her tremendous amount of stress. I know for certain it’s hard to really pick oneself up after that,” the Luxray commented.

“True enough,” Cres murmured, looking down at the water. “Still, Ohm. I wouldn’t waste my time thinking about her, not really. I dislike to a great degree.”

Ohm chuckled. “You and her got off on the wrong footing. Beside, she wasn’t as bad as you described her when you first talked about her. Stubborn as a Snorlax yes, but... well, willing to listen when you talked to her right.”

“Bah, fine,” Cres said, eyes still on the water. “I’ll admit, most of it was probably my fault... that wasn’t a particularly good time to talk with me.”

“When is?” Ohm asked with a light chuckled. Cres gave him an annoyed, silent, pout in response. The Luxray simply lowered his head to nuzzle him lightly. “That was a joke Cres, I do make those too you know?”

“When exactly?” Cres asked in the same tone that Ohm had just used.

The Luxray smiled and shifted his gaze back over to the horizon. “On special occasions.”

“Like when you’re sitting romantically on a dock by a lake thinking of the one who’s caught your eye?” Cres asked, smirking slightly. “According to Belle anyways, she’s always been better at that sort of thing than me.”

“...Belle like to theorize about everything, doesn’t she?” Ohm asked rhetorically.

“Doesn’t stop her from having good eyes,” Cres said, chuckling as he leaned against Ohm’s side. The Luxray chuckled lightly, not saying anything on the subject as the two felines watched the day pass by before them.

Arceus floated serenely in the twinkling darkness of space, looking down on his creation with a smile. Things had gone well. In fact, they had all but surpassed his expectations.

“So, happy with yourself?” a very familiar female voice asked as Mew floated next to him.

“Oh, exceedingly so,” Arceus said with a nod before sending a psychic hand over to scratch her behind her ears. “And your little ‘luncheon’?”

“Well enough... Celestia wasn’t all too keen on you just allowing one of her subjects getting kidnapped and brought to your world you know?” the pink Pokemon replied, leaning slightingly into the scratching. “Especially without asking her first.”

“Of that I’m sure. Celestia is a good leader, a far better one than I am,” Arceus said, smiling as he continued to scratch Mew.

“Still, if you go visit her at some point, don’t be surprised if she slaps you or something of the like,” Mew informed him.

“My next visit won’t be till our Giri has taken the reigns for himself, which if you’ll remember correctly, was the entire point,” Arceus said, chuckling to himself. “And in that way, I’d say that I succeeded greatly.”

“Yes, you did... but did you really have to involve Applejack into this as well?” Mew asked. “I mean, I know she didn’t find Pokemon all to her liking, but it was to be expected. You can’t please everyone.”

“Well, yes and no,” the Alpha Pokemon said with a small frown as he extended a leg outwards and pulled a collection of space dust into his personal aura and began to fiddle with it. “No because really none of this ‘had’ to happen in the first place. I could have found some other way to get Giri to pull his act together, granted, it would take much more time. As for the yes, well, it all seems to have worked out in the end and hopefully she gained a bit more respect for Cres as well as all Pokemon.” He shrugged his neck and formed the dust into a dozen little jewels. “In the end it doesn’t really matter Mew, she was just a catalyst.”

Mew gave him a small flat look but didn’t seem all surprised. “Of course... still, I hope you at least remember to take away the moves you gave to her.”

“First order of business actually, Celestia would be none too happy with me if I started to slowly take over her world with half-Pokemon ponies,” Arceus said, smiling. “Though, I have considered it.”

“And you know if you did that would probably cause a massive war and would make more problems than solve anything,” she stated.

“It was a joke Mew, I thought you knew me better at this point,” Arceus said, giving her a small wink. “Oh, speaking of things, how long until Darkrai breaks his bonds?”

“Maybe a year or so, Giri really put a lot of effort into the spell for those bonds,” she replied. “Though considering what he learned during his time in Equestria, that’s not much of a surprise. He was always one for detail.”

“Mhm, he was, except when he thought he had things under control,” Arceus shook his head. “Hopefully he’s outgrown that and I’m not making a mistake.” He glanded down at her. “Hmm, I did remove the seed I planted in Darkrai’s head to seek out Cres and Applejack didn’t I?”

“I hope you did, otherwise we’re going to have a big problem,” Mew said. “Then again, he is of the Distortion World, so it’s hard to tell. You can never really remove anything from it.”

“And the other half of him is from Giri who is hard headed and inflexible,” Arceus let out a small mental sigh. “I’ll probably have to spend more time rooting around in his mind. We’ll see.”

“I guess we better hope that whatever counter Giri is going to make will do its job very well, otherwise we will have a big problem on our hands,” Mew said, glancing up Arceus with a small frown.

“Hands? When did I get those?” he asked her.

“I...” She shook her head, though giggled a bit. “You know what I mean.”

“Ah, there’s the sound I ‘live’ for,” Arceus said with a smile in his voice. “Don’t worry Mew, I’m sure things will work out.”

“But you’re going to retire soon,” she pointed out.

“Well, I can’t always be God,” Arceus said with a chuckle. “The Balance wouldn’t like that.”

“No, heh, I guess it wouldn’t,” Mew said with a small smile before it turned to a frown. “But that just means we better hope Giri comes up with someone to counteract Darkrai, otherwise the Balance wouldn’t like him in the long run.”

“I have faith in him Mew, he’s a smart dragon, smartest of them all in fact,” Arceus said, a surprising amount of parental warmth in his voice. Mew blinked before simply smiling at the divine Pokemon. “Now then my little meow, what sorts of plans do you have for the future?” He asked, glancing over at her. “Retiring with me?”

“Hehe... I would, but even with Giri’s amount of intelligence, he will still need someone to help him with his first steps in your shoes. I think I’ll stick around till he’s used to them,” she replied.

“Good girl,” Arceus said, nodding his approval. “It was a trick question.”

Mew smirked at him. “And you should know, I rarely trip up on trick questions.”

“This is true,” Arceus said before he turned his eyes towards Equestria and opened a viewing portal. “And it seems that things are about to become interesting. Shall we watch?”

Mew nodded her head as she sat on his head to peer through the window. “Let’s.”

Luna sat on the clouds above Canterlot, a small, happy expression on her lips as the midnight moon ran its rays down on her. Of course, she knew that those rays came from the sun first, but it hardly mattered. She was simply glad to be getting them in the first place. All was silent down in Equestria, well, not silent, but no longer in danger of exploding violently. That was for the best. Luna may have enjoyed the fight with the dark Pokemon but she was very glad to lay her blade down afterwards. The mare smiled as she felt another’s wings moving towards her cloud and she moved over to give her sister room on the cloud beside her.

“Good evening Tia,” Luna said with a smile, leaning her head against Celestia’s.

“Good to evening to you too, Luna,” Celestia replied, giving her little sister a welcoming nuzzle. “I take it things went well for you on your mission.”

“Yes, yes they did,” Luna said, nuzzling her in return. “My little Giri has things well in hoof and there shouldn’t be any more trans-planar abductions of Equestrian citizens.”

The solar alicorn nodded her head. “Good... I would hate to cause an inter-dimensional issue with Arceus’ world. The last thing we need is our two worlds to somehow to become intermingled in any way, shape, or form.”

“Oh yes, I don’t think most of our precious little ponies would survive an influx of Pokemon,” Luna said sourly before shaking her head. “Though, I hope that doesn't include my dear Giratina, or your little friend Mew.”

“Mew knows to not interfere with any of my world’s subjects or even show herself to them, as for Giratina, technically he is an Equestrian citizen,” Celestia replied.

“Yes, ‘your’ world’s subjects,” Luna said, a light jab at Celestia’s phrasing, though, she followed it up with a nuzzle.

Celestia blinked and chuckle. “I’m sorry my sister, old habits.” She returned the nuzzle. “But yes, Mew only comes for visit, and Giratina is always free to travel our land. I will not try to separate him from you, you should know that.”

“Oh, I know, I’m only teasing you sister,” Luna said, leaning her side against Celestia’s and letting out a small sigh. “Mmm... I’ve missed these moments of ours. Looking down at everyone else from on high as they sleep away through my beutiful night.”

“Knowing that they sleep peacefully with their two leaders guarding them, especially you fighting back the worst of nightmares,” Celestia added as she looked down at the land below. “So, where is Giratina? I thought he was supposed to come back with you?”

“His father had something to say to him before he came back,” Luna said with a small shrug as she leaned a wing over Celestia’s back, enjoying the silence of the night around them. “... I’m so glad that Canterlot isn’t like Manehatten.”

The older white mare chuckle. “Or Las Pegasus, they have some of the clouds lit up in all colors of the rainbows during the night.”

“Hah. I prefer white,” Luna said with a small chuckle, stroking the collection of water molecules beneath them with a smile. “White and cold yet fluffy.”

“Mhm... though I do admit that sometimes when they put on shows down there, it is interesting to watch the pegasus and the clouds dancing through the night air,” Celestia commented. “You should go to at least see one of their shows sometime, maybe even bring Giratina with you if you can.”

“Hmm, perhaps I will,” Luna said with a small chuckle. “And you know sister, you no longer need to play matchmaker. I believe we’re a bit beyond the ‘songs of attraction’ and the ‘hit each other over the head until we admit our feelings’ phases, fun as those were.”

“Oh I know, but it’s still fun to play ‘matchmaker’,” Celestia said with a chuckle. “Beside, you’re my little sister, I have a right to do this,” she added with a playful grin.

“So long as my being your little sister reserves me the ‘right’ to leave you highly unfortunate things in your showerhead or bathwater,” Luna replied with a smirk. “I still believe that the day you came to Court pink was the greatest day of my, and several hundred others’ lives... and it hasn’t happened in a thousand years.” She let out a melodramatic sigh. “Tia, what are we to do for all those poor souls who’ve yet to see it?”

“Letting it stay a rumor that I have some twin with different colored fur out there in the world,” Celestia said with a chuckle.

“Of course Tia,” Luna said, the most convincing lie she’d ever told.

The mare smirked at her before her eyes glanced toward the side. “Well... I better be off, it seems Giratina wish to speak to you.”

Luna followed her gaze and saw Giratina flying towards them. “Ah, yes, it seems he does.” She kissed Celestia on the cheek and uncovered her with her wing. “Get going then sister dear.”

Celestia nodded her head. “Farewell Luna, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Her wings opened up and she jumped off the cloud, the wind catching in her wings and she glided downwards.

“Well you certainly took your time,” Luna called over to Giratina. “Come over here and join me.”

The changeling flew up to the cloud and he landed beside her. “Sorry, I had to... think for a while,” he explained. “My conversation with Arceus left me with questions and things to ponder... for starters, that thing we fought, Darkrai as he called it, is apparently my son.”

Luna blinked twice before giving him a nuzzle. “I’m sorry Giratina,” she said.

“Don’t be, I don’t remember you giving birth or having mated with any other female so the idea of him being my son is still questionable,” the changeling stated simply. “Right now, this Darkrai is not my son.”

“Okay,” Luna said, frowning but nodding her head. “So, what else did he tell you?”

“Apparently I’m supposed to take Arceus’ place, I have the same powers as him, and I’m supposed to find a way to counteract Darkrai that isn’t just outright destroying him,” he answered. “So you see why I had to go home and think for a while.”

“... you’re being promoted to God?” Luna asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

“That’s the same look I gave to Arceus, and for the most part, I don’t think he’s lying about that.” Giratina frowned slightly. “I was able to use the move Judgement on Darkrai, a move not even Mew can do, not only that but after I used it I keep getting this feeling of... power that constantly growing inside of me.” He began to pace around the cloud. “Even now new things are emerging... like knowing that you’re wondering what this means for the future.”

“Hmm.” Luna frowned. “And now?”

“You’re thinking that you deserve to have foals,” Giratina replied, stopping and giving her a straight forward look. “Like I said many times before, we’ll get to that at some point.”

“Ahah! Very good, through my mind shielding too,” Luna said with a smile. “Hmm, so, how do you plan on ‘countering’ Darkrai?”

The changeling looked down. “I’ve been thinking on that for a while... and if I can’t destroy him, or leave him bound in the Distortion World for entity... then I simply will have to do with what Arceus did for most Legendaries. Create a Pokemon that is there opposite. If Darkrai is a Pokemon that attacks and kills people in their sleep, then I need to make a Pokemon that will defend their dreams and bring them out even out of his tainted nightmares with ease.” His eyes glanced down Luna. “A Pokemon that basically does what you do.”

“Well, imitation is the best form flattery, so I think I’ll take the compliment,” she said playfully before becoming more serious. “But that is a very good solution Giri.”

“I know... but the only question I couldn’t answer is, how...” A long sigh left the changeling's lips as he shook his head. “I don’t even know the first step of making a new Pokemon, and Arceus wasn’t too keen on answering that.”

“Well,” Luna said with a frown. “I’d think it would be just like creating any other work of art. First you think it, then you create it, and as you do so you breathe life into it.”

“...you know art was never my strong suit,” he replied. “If I remember correctly, I’m too... logic based in thinking to allow creativity to flow freely.”

“Once again, it shows how much you need me,” Luna said with a small chuckle as she pulled him down next to her with her magic and leaned against him. “I’m the one who paints the sky after all.”

“Don’t tell me you’re going along with the story of how ponies think you also arrange the stars in their place while I know that’s not true,” he said to her.

She whapped him over the head with her wing.

His head slightly recoiled but he straightened it. “So... how would you like this to transpire?”

“Hmm, well, I guess that depends,” Luna said, moving her wing back to his back. “Mostly on what you’d like him or her to be to him.”

“Well... something moon themed I guess... and not ghostly in appearance. Something you can trust when seen and know that you’ll be safe,” he replied.

“Well then, let’s start with the shape of the moon,” Luna said with a smile, her horn flaring and a cloud of dust springing into existence in front of them, taking on the shape of the crescent moon. “Not a full moon, that’s too associated with werewolves and such.”

“Right... though it can’t just be that, we already have a Pokemon that’s just shape as a crescent moon... maybe add some sort of body to it?” he suggested.

“Well obviously Giri, the moon is just its center,” Luna said, rolling her eyes. “Please, I’m not just sticking a shape and putting eyes on it. Not that it stopped your father, hah,” she said, playfully.

Giratina rolled his eyes, though they focused right back onto the crescent shaped cloud in front of them. “Still... maybe a body shaped in an avian way?”

“Sure,” Luna said with a smile as she leaned against him and they went to work.

It took them the rest of the night to get exactly what they wanted her to look like right and as the sun began to rise, Luna nuzzled him. “Okay... do it Giratina, we’re running out of time. I won’t be able to concentrate on this much longer before passing out.”

Giratina looked at the their cloud creation. It float peacefully with its almost swan like body, its crescent wings staying attach and helping it stay in the air while a ring going over it’s back help making it stay upright. Its crescent lunar head seemed to be looking right back at him, wanting for him to say the right words to it. “...come on out,” he said in a soft tone of voice.

There was a moment of silence before the shape in front of them began to squirm slightly. Luna’s breath caught in her throat as did Giratina’s. The shape continued to wiggle for several seconds before the dust around it glowed with a powerful white light before it evaporated away to reveal a beautiful swan like Pokemon hovering in front of them. Its narrow eyes looked them over for a moment before its mouth moved up in a smile.

“Good morning mother, good morning father,” the new Pokemon said, its voice soft as the sun’s first rays touched her. “What a beautiful day to be born.”

Giratina blinked, shocked at what he did before a smile grew across his muzzle. “Yes it is... Cresselia...”

Author's Note:

And so it's finally over, it's kind of bittersweet for me really because this is probably the last story I'll publish on the site. As you guys have probably noticed, updates have been few and far-between for me over the last few months, and while that has been because of college and now work, it's also because my interest in ponies has waned a LOT since I started writing. I'll go into that more in an actual blog post though.

This is the important thing. While Absolution, Cres' story is over, the verse continues, granted, without much if any mention of ponies. Because of this my long-time writing partner Omega_code and I are going to be publishing a continuation story, Savant Tales on DeviantArt. We already have a full story-line planned out along with 5 chapters pre-written (which we got to while Absolution was editing this one) so we should be able to keep up a fairly constant update level. The story will focus around Abby Keenan (Matt's daughter) and her journey through the Sinnoh region.

To those wondering, yes, it is related in a vague sense to a New World New Ranger Abby but it is NOT at all the same character so readers of Absolution have no fear, you won't be expected to have any knowledge of the New World Verse to get into this. One word of warning, Savant Tales will be a long fic and a LOT of it is going to be focused on character development as Abby matures into the trainer she's meant to be so we're starting with her very young in the first chapter and then jumping forwards a few years and then getting her on the road so be prepared for this to be a very character focused fic. Once she's on the road there probably won't be a great deal of time skips so if you're the type for a LOT of action you won't be finding it till later but hopefully Omega and I can keep you interested in the interm.

Give it a try if you want and if not then let me just say thank you from the bottom of my heart for sticking with the story this long and I hope you have a great rest of the day.


The story is now also available on fimfiction.net


Comments ( 22 )

Well it was fun writing this. I hope y'all enjoy it. Like ed said in the author notes we are not done with this universe just yet. Clink on the link to continued on the link to read the first three chapters of our new series and leave us feed back on what you think on them.

Still marked as Incomplete. Intentional?

I was hoping most of the loose ends wouldn't be tied up. It helps keep the 'verse going.

Thank you for the stories, they were fun reads.


Ah, more like that I had to go to work and forgot to mark it complete :twilightsheepish:

Totally going to read the expanded universe... eventually...

It is sad to know that we won't be getting more stories from you on this site, but everyone has their limits... and even I want to make a pokemon story that isn't a crossover with ponies because of my inspiration with Alpha Sapphire

great ending to a great fic!

I'm guessing that Cresselia takes after Luna.

So now i can mark completed...

Giratina blinked, shocked at what he did before a smile grew across his muzzle. “Yes it is... Cresselia...”

Knew it! :pinkiehappy:
Looking forward to the extended universe too bad there's no way for me to get email updates on DeviantArt!

I hope you will read this. I would suggesting finding other place than deviantart, I follow too many people there, and several thousands of notification each week makes it impossible to properly follow anything (I rwly on cleaning it every mknth or two). And while form and functionality of fanfiction.net are terrible it is still better place for stories than deviant art. there is also a possibility of hosting a separate blog or site for your stories, which worked well for people before fanfiction sites became popular.

Ps. Damn, I really wanted Applejack to be with Ohm... damn, they were soo fitting...


Firstly, thanks for all of the chapter analysis and reviews, they really do mean the world to Omega_code and I so truly, thank you. Secondly, Arceus IS a dick which was completely intentional on my part. He's more of a 'I'm above all the little people down below and have been for so long that I've lost touch' kind of God than say someone like Celestia. Thirdly, yeah, it's a bit bittersweet that I'm done with fimfiction but it really is time I moved on, you may have noticed a lack of ponies in this story with maybe one or two exceptions and it's because I'm more or less 'done' with them. Lastly, I really do recommend you following Savant Tales, I think you'd enjoy it

That was a very fun read. The interactions are superb especially between Matt and Roxanne, Cres and AJ, Cres and Ohm, AJ and Ohm, and Giritina and Luna. The plot of getting AJ back to Equestria was a very interesting one.

That being said there were some flaws. There was very little suspense as to whom the villain that did this was. It wasn't even subtle in the least bit. I suppose that's probably due to me being an expert when it comes to Pokemon.

Darkrai itself was extremely generic and just, "I kill because it's fun." No motivation, reason, or even a source of this madness. If he had something to back it's actions like some sort of reason it would have been interesting but as soon as he revealed himself he became uninteresting as a villain and rather boring especially considering how easy it was to defeat him after Giritina couldn't even touch him.

Speaking of Giritina, it was never revealed how he became a bug type. I assume Darkrai but that seems a bit odd. It was also never revealed how her got his ghost type back. While his interactions with Luna were interesting they seemed unnecessary in the long run. Sure they made Cresseila but them being lovers didn't really aid in that nor did it add anything to the over all story.

It was a great story but it had it's flaws.

I'll make it short and quick :

The story was good, the premisce original, and the characters/worldbuilding were very well presented and developed, if a bit caricatural in AJ's case.

But please, please PLEASE by all that is holy... get a fricking proofreader ! Or, if you already have one, get a BETTER one ! The amount of mistakes in each chapter RUINS the immersions, and it almost ALWAYS the same mistakes that are repeated again and again... (Tenses, than/then, misplaced or outright absent punctuation...)

I don't know if you are a native English speaker, but as someone who isn't and was hammered those simple rules, those really ruined the enjoyment I had, and I really wanted to enjoy your story !


A lot of it is caused by Omega_Code (my co-author) being slightly dyslexic and I've been writing with him for so long that I barely notice it, and we've had pre-readers and editors but they've never seemed to do the job right *shrugs*

Still, I'm glad you got what enjoyment out of it that you could, thanks for the comment :)

I have one thing to say:

Holy crap, I called it. I don't even know how I called it, but I freaking did. Wow, just… just wow.

No, actually, two things:

This was EPIC. Glad I got around to finishing it.

6357905 I love this story a lot do u plan on making a sequel to this story some time in the future I would like that a lot

7704465 I made that comment so long ago I forgot I ever made it. thanks for reminding me, that was fun times.

Nice story, good work. :twilightsmile:

Just read the description of the story (Haven't started chap1 yet) It's already of to a great start because it's edited by Sheogorath.

TLDR; Too much stupid characters and decisions.

I know that author is not here, but I would like to say something.
Both first and this story seemed rushed, and with poor character. While at first, it could be said that Cres was at fault, every single time Applejack was just LOST in this f*cked up delirious state of fobia, I HATED her. I can get behind that losing your parents to a hunter is breaking, but Cress was REALLY forgiving. If I was consantly unreasonably accused I would appeal to higher authority to stop that. I would beg Fluttershy to keep me away from Applejack, or Twilight to try to f*cking lecture her on simple courtesy, or something. If that didn't work, I would just leave. I wouldn't feel at fault that I was found giulty of some STUPID laws, that I didn't know. Protecting nature is fine, but a carnivore is a carnivore, and you can't f*cking expect them to eat grass. And Arceus. To make a replasement he botched a LOT. He didn't explain the rules of the game, and didn't provide at least some clear anwsers. As Giratina, should I just watch how people get murdered? Should I not take action if there are some freaks running around. And OOOHHH. I would NOT plant a coding to a rouge dark construct to hunt a bystander, and STOP someone responsible from trying to stop THEM.

Applejack and Arceus both acted like c*nts...

OwO whats this?!

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