Blackjack, an incompetent security mare from the dystopian Stable 99, suddenly has her monotonous life turned upside down when the stable is invaded by vicious raiders. Blackjack flees the stable with EC-1101, with the wasteland in hot pursuit.
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Woowee, things are getting intense already. So I finally found out who Shujaa is, and it looks like Blackjack now has a title for the zebras... Maiden of the Stars huh? Also fuck that doctor for literally causing a genocide with zebras!
Demoman: Boo!
Yep what he said. I wonder how things will go from here on out now?
Whheeeeeeew lordy lordy BJ... mmm mm mmm... nothing like insanity to make the day better 8'D
I'm so sorry.
Nice job!
One of my favorite chapters. Blackjack going berserk is a sight to behold. Incidentally, it was what inspired me to come up with this:
Twily clone.
Would it fracture or bend, being metal and all?
My mind added "butt" somewhere in here.
You mean hilarious
And she punched Blackjack, hasn't shot her. So we don't know how long Bluebelle will live.
Except the stars are good, least according to dead Blackjack's narration.
No Bluebelle, you are not Rampage's replacement.
Didn't they fall into a basement of corpses?
Ok, that is pretty funny.
Too bad Blackjack doesn't remember the death dream. Would make everything so much more clear.
Well, Blackjack is going insane... more insane and becoming more deadly as a result. Though still enough of her is left to let a pony she recognizes live. Listening to a Two Steps from Hell playlist was fun with this chapter.
What r u doing...
"would be here with" (spotted from Fourpony's comment)
I really didn’t need four others against me, too.
it? / my head?
(Not falling for the abbreviation quotation mark thing again if I can damn well help it moving forward.)
at the
No, I wanted to blow the whole camp to the moon.
Freckn' hell I am well immersed in the story but the noticed typos and errors here and there drag me right back out to point them out that I spot.
So Blackjack is the Star Maiden huh? A whole lot of foreshadowing going on that I cannot discern from. All those flashbacks and memories resurfacing must be painful. Especially the no touchie one.
BLOODY HALL Blackjack :{
Blackjack at her most violent.
Somber, I've read the story from start to finish on Google Docs, and I love it all the way. Amazing fic!
However, I have this sillyish question that's been bugging me for a while now, related to the Reapers, and I need to ask you. We know that the Top 1 is Big Daddy, while others such as Psycho, Deus, Rampage, Gorgon, etc, are in the Top 10. But, what I wonder is...what are their exact rankings? Which is Number 2? Number 3? Fourth place? And so on.
Thank you for all the work you've done with Horizons. It was quite a ride, and I wish you luck on all your future works! ^^
On the plus side, Blackjack didn't have alcohol with her this time. I'm pretty sure the Hoof would have exploded if she had.
Yes blackjack let the rage consume you.
and as for the other ponies i know candle wick didn't have power armor but did anyone else imagine him with flame painted t-60 armor and bluebelle as a big mac sized mad muckin
Phoof. o.o What a chapter this was. a ride from start to finish, probably the best one yet.
Which means it's time for disembodied unicorn head rape!So yeah, this "blame vs. responsibility" conversation is one of the better ones that've been in this story. It's honestly not a concept I've seen explored before. I don't know how much sense it makes on the outside, but internally, seeing BJ start applying it, it works.
I was just thinking that having her friends go off and recuperate was actually a really good idea. One unkillable pony is enough per story, kthx. She's really going nuts, though, and it seems like being mostly inorganic is taking a toll on her state of mind besides.
It's also great because we get tons of new characters. :D I liked all the gangers she teams up with, and the fact that she teams up with them at all. I like how Dazzle gets what she went through in that scene where she's trying to kill Candlewick. I liked Busted Heart's heroic sacrifice and the fact that they'll be singing songs about him, for lack of a better phrase. I really like Bluebell. (BoomBell OTP you'd better not kill them off you fucker) And getting to learn more about Rampage was good, too. Nothing I didn't like here. :)
Getting and keeping her shit together isn't her strong suit, no doubt about that. But what did she learn wrong from Arbu, and what should she have learned instead?
Re Psychoshy, it might be that it's been a while since the heavy referencing/show quoting with her. More character, and a more serious tone. Granted, it's not exactly hard to empathize with not seeing much point in one long term when they're pretty lost themselves. Maybe she just instinctively knows she belongs in "Blackjack's deadly Wasteland therapy group." :V
Blame vs. responsibility is a fine follow-up to thinking about Arbu.
You really sure there's only one of those in this story? :V
One of the side effects of having set up all the different themed gangs (and having visited at least the Flashers already) is that it shortcuts the process with new characters: the Flasher, the Halfheart, the Burner Boy, those mean something and setting up someone as one of them gets you a not-insignificant amount of background right there. Gotta say, BoomBell was never something I was looking out for; still though, found this chapter had characters where ships got built.
I take her reaction to Arbu as "Littlepip is killin' dudes, so I should too! :D" Of course she has no way to know what actually happened there, but I think a sobering reflection that even heroes like LP can fall might have been a more reasonable response. Not that BJ's one for sobering reflection. :B
6645679 sorry for the late comment. The third mark is there as an abbrevation ("Of course -> "'Course) and as such is not an error !
i was already wondering when BJ would spit her bit and go bat-shit crazy.. her sanity held on longer than i imagined
Blackjack has lost any semblance of sanity that she may have had. On the other hand though, she's beyond terrifying in a fight if she gets like that. Overall damned good chapter, with the Harbingers attacking and BJ learning a bit about the gangs in the Hoof. Very nice. That's not even mentioning the expanding backstory on good ol' Rampage. Shujaa's past is more known, so that's awesome.
Maiden of the Stars and a Reaper. you know, that discription actually fits Blackjack quite well. and i dont doubt she's a reaper. her mom shoulda just named her Grim. cuz dang she one deadly pony
Anyone else getting the distinct feeling that that sword corrupts its weilder?
And dang...what a beat down. I've never seen her go so off the hinge.
And to think its all Lighthooves' fault.
It's not, however, his fault that she almost killed Glory's sister.
Holy Shit, when Blackjack gets pissed off, i doubt anypony (even Littlepip) could stop her.
90% that sword is singing the song of death.
I actually ran a game with a similar theme to the stars. Wishing on a star often gives you what you request, but rarely what you want.
Rereading again. It couldn't be solid. Bridges have expansion points so they don't break in changing weather conditions.
A little late to the party, but so far I am in love with this story, and can't stop reading it. One little line that a lot of people may not get the reference to I had to chuckle at. Blackjack was entering the Highlands, where the Highlanders live... and there was an even that caused the Quickening.... Obvious Highlander film reference!
One of blackjack most brutal moments, and once again a chapter that did a bit of everything and all of it well.
At first I was like 'Whoooooa look out or you'll cut someone with all that edge', then I was like 'oh shit -I'm- getting cut now gad damn!'
Well yes. Her curiosity hasn't killed her yet
I live for these moments in fimfics... rip and tear Blackjack, rip and tear.
Rip and tear til the deed is done, Blackjack.
Major score, Indeed. They have no stake in this matter, yet are willing to lie to a bunch of armed cultists to help a stranger.
Blackjack really left an impact on the Hoof. She’s been out of her stable for maybe two or three weeks and already changed the place. For better or worse.
Aren’t you supposed to help her Dealer? Because right now you are doing the opposite of it. Blackjack is already a lovely bundle of self-loathing, repressions and inferior complex. Last thing, she needs right now is someone telling her that she should be punished. What do you propose? That she kills herself? That she lets someone else kill herself? How’s punishing her supposed to make anything better?
You have a pretty unhealthy obsession with revenge Dealer.
They are a bunch of strangers who recently joined together to be part of the “Let’s-try-kill-Security” club with a fancy name. That said, if you spent long enough with a group you eventually going to make some friends. Or leave/end up death.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 166 (+ 1 Harbinger. Only the mare she shot with her revolvers is confirmed death.)
Again, I like how Blackjack tries to avoid killing unless it’s absolutely necessary. Hopefully some of them actually do listen. Almost dying can make one reevaluate your life choices.
Remember Minty Fresh, Blackjack? Sure, there was crying and begging, but not from you.
These gangs are petty chill towards each other. I would assume there was more fighting between them for territory. Especially after the common threat of the Steel Rangers is gone.
Good thing Rampage told Blackjack about them just a day ago.
Impressive! Bluebelle fought Blackjack to a draw . Blackjack has cybernetic upgrades while Bluebelle is just a regular pony. If all the Highlanders are like that, they are truly a force to be reckon with.
Clearly, he’s not the brightest candle.
Okay he didn’t deserve to be almost choked to death, but he put his hoof on her flank and made lewd comments after she told him not to. And he knows she’s a badass responsible for the death of two Top Ten Reapers. What did he expect would happen? I’m sure every other Reaper not into rotten flesh would’ve responded violently, too.
While probably a realistic reaction from Blackjack, I still don’t like the fact that we have multiple rape victims whose trauma made them more violent.
I’m also glad that Blackjack isn’t going to shot any male who looks at her funny and still has enough self-restrain to not try to murder anyone flirting with her.
Either they are a distraction or the Harbingers are firm believers in the Blood Legion strategy of throwing bodies at an enemy force until they are overrun.
Alright Blackjack, I started to hate you during the Tenpony Chapter. But with this scene you really redeemed yourself in my eyes. I don’t agree with all your decisions but I admire you for sparing the lives of these ponies and allowing them to walk away. You are a good pony!
It also shows that the Harbingers leadership truly doesn’t give a crap about their people. They are just more or less useful tools.
The Magic of Friendship: Giving you the power to kill others more efficiently.
Raiders attacked his family and burned them all alive. He survived heavily scared and became a Raider who burns others alive. Basically, becoming what he hated the most. Ironic.
With every battle the Harbingers become less and less intimidating. They may have fancy toys but lack the skills to use them properly.
The Half-Hearts are truly a gang of emos. I bet they spend their free time writing angsty poetry.
I was going to ask the same thing. That revelation was unexpected but it helps make the part with the captured Steel Ranger feels a lot less uncomfortable.
Good point. We they “caught” P-21 they made their intentions for him pretty clear. I guess they do rape some stallion but are in denial about it. Like “it’s not rape if they enjoy it afterwards” or “they deserved it”. Which would make them hypocrites but that’s not unexpected.
Wow these are the most chill raiders every. She isn’t angry that Blackjack killed their leader and several of her fellow gang members? Or that Blackjack’s attack severely weakened their gang? The gang who gave her a home and shared her pain after she was raped? No friends or comrades in arms among the dead? I doubt any RL gang member would react that way.
Just image it would be revealed that these three were part of the group that attacked Stable 99. Would Blackjack just shrug it off: “Oh well, lots of ponies I knew died, but water under the bridge, right?” Probably not. So, Dazzles behavior here feels very unrealistic. She should still be angry at Blackjack for what she did.
The Nazis were pretty big on animal welfare but that doesn’t make everything else they did good. These Gangs can care about their members and help them deal with their traumas and still brutally murder someone for an old rifle and twenty bottle caps.
Dazzle, Candlewick and Busted Heart may be pretty cool with Blackjack but that’s because she’s an honorary Reaper and they don’t like the Harbinger. Maybe one day ago they murdered a bunch of people. Maybe a few weeks ago they killed some Mares in Stable 99?
Are they bad ponies? I don’t know, but since they are Raiders I wouldn’t say they are just trying to get by. Brahmin farmers and caravan guards trying to get by. Raiders made the decision to harm others to get stuff they want.
Nope, not feeling bad for her. Sucks that Blackjack couldn’t hear her, but she brought that onto herself when she decided to be part of Team Kill Blackjack. Not even blaming Blackjack for this, because she couldn’t hear and in the heat of the battle you don’t really have time to wait and see what your opponent does next. Although Blackjack will defiantly blame herself for this for a while.
Of course, wouldn’t be PH without a tragic death scene to make sure Blackjack doesn’t feel victorious after defeating a small battalion of Reapers with only four other ponies while also saving a few ponies form being used as canon fodder. 😉
That was the most badass death in the whole story so far. Well done Lemongrass. You really went out with a bang.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 176 (+ 10 Harbinger. Just when I said that there’s a lot less killing, Blackjack starts killing ponies left and right. XD)
I was expecting a reference to the Highlander franchise sooner or later. I was not disappointed.
Okay your may have gone fully insane but look out the bright side: You’ll never been alone again. Your imaginary friends will always be with you.
What are the odds?
You know Blackjack, your live would be a lot easier if you didn’t decided to check out old, potential dangerous places “just because”.
Considering Security’s reputation, both sides are going to form a truce the moment she shows up and focusing on Blackjack killing.
Blackjack utilizing her new ability to digest minerals to get out of a room by eating the glass window. If someone had told me this would happened at the start of Chapter 1… I probably believed it while being confused nonetheless.
Smart choice Blackjack. Maybe there’s still some hope for you.
If the Mountain Pony who was raised as part of a Clan who thinks beating each other up is a good way to make friends tells you, that you’re nuts you know something is seriously wrong with you.
Wouldn’t be a war if there weren’t people trying to make a profit out of others suffering. I agree with Blackjack about locking up whoever ran this place.
Still not a fan of the implication that Goldenblood – again- wasthe only competent one toprevented the camp from turning from bad to horrible. It’s not like he hasn’t already been involved with so much other stuff. We don’t need to hear again how Goldenblood was so much better at his job than everypony else.
Poor mare. Her heart was in the right place, If only she was smart enough to realize that threatening a guy who is willing to murder hundreds for a quick profit s isn’t going to end well. Should’ve either shoot the guy when his back was turned or waited from him to leave and try to find another way to free the Zebras.
Don’t forget dogs and cats living together!
At least the part about chaos and strife is accurate. And people who tend to meet Blackjack or stay around her seem to have a 50% of dying or having something horrible happening to them.
Let me guess, Xanthe is the extremely superstitious type who always thinks they are cursed and doomed. Pretty much like your average G5 Unicorn.
That is probably the most bizarre death in this whole story so far. I mean… wow… Getting killed by hitting Blackjack so hard into her stomach that she’s puking liquefied glass onto you and getting suffocated by it when it gets solid. Probably worth at least a few free drinks in the bar in the afterlife.
And yes, I’m adding that to Blackjack’s body count. An unintentional death directly caused by Blackjack is still a dead directly caused by Blackjack.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 177 (+1 Zebra Remnant)
I think there must’ve been at least once Zencori in her family lineage. She has a flair for dramatics.
How ironic. If he had just pulled the trigger right then and there he may have ensured his Legate’s victory. Also I really want Blackjack to punch him into the face really hard.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 180 (+3 Zebra Remnants)
I feel really bad for Bluebell. Up until they entered the detention center Blackjack was fun mare who put up a good fight and gave her back her brother’s rifle without wanting anything in return. Now she is seeing a Blackjack close to another breakout, slashing enemies to pieces in a fit of rage and it’s frightening.
Sounds like Rampage. It was either her or someone cut the talisman out of the mighty warrior and put it into Rampage.
Didn’t expect to see these three again. One the one hand it’s great so see familiar faces. One the other hand recurring characters Blackjack met before have a tendency to die horrible. And except for Blackjack’s breakdown there has been not really much horrible stuff happened in this chapter. So I’m excepting at least one of the people accompanying Blackjack to kick the bucket sooner or later.
Kinda funny how the Neighvarro Pegasi are the good guys in this story. Or at least the reasonable ones.
Finally, an explanation how this works! So, intercourse and getting bitten doesn’t spread the disease. The only way to get infected is eating contaminated food. At least that makes it easy to contain the infection. And a very useful biological weapon, A bio weapon Lightinghooves will no doubt use to future his own agenda.
Someone is wanting to infect other Pegasi and my money is on a certain Operative.
That was kinda cute.
Hah, knew it!
Kudos, for making me actually feel uneasy reading about Blackjack slaughtering these Enclave troopers. She has killed plenty of ponies before, and often in very messy ways but this is chilling. This isn’t just killing this is making someone suffer. It’s an execution.
Good thing that was actually Dusk because otherwise Blackjack wouldn’t have snapped out of it, resulting in another dead corpse.
I’m 100% that wasn’t the real Lightning Hooves. No way he’s just going to stand around watching Blackjack massacring the troops. He probably would’ve tried to put as much height between him and Blackjack the moment he realized that they couldn’t win this battle.
Blackjack’s On-screen Body Count: 184 (+4 Enclave Troopers)
Not counting the Foals in Fluttershy’s Medical, this is probably the chapter with the highest on-screen body count. I counted a total of 19 kills by Blackjack. Just when I thought about retiring the kill count Blackjack steps up her game.
Speaking of killing, the last scene was brutal. We’ve seen glimpse of this before. Minty Fresh comes to mind or the one time she almost killed P-21 during the battle between Reapers and Rangers. But this is a new kind of horrifying. All the horrors she witnessed in combination with her sleep deprivation made her snap completely. This is especially notable since earlier in this chapter we saw Blackjack at her best. Only killing when necessary and even managing to convince a bunch of Harbinger canon fodder to just walk away. It’s easy to imagine that a sane Blackjack would have tried to talk with the Enclavers first and considering that Dusk was part of the group it may have worked. Instead it became a one-side slaughter. Killing ponies trying to flee and slowly torturing one of them to death.
That said I’m genuinely surprised that the only causality on Blackjack’s side was the half-heart ganger. I was sure Bluebelle would be a goner. Or the Zebra. Or even one member of the Enclave trio from the earlier chapter. But they all survived – at least for now.
Don’t like the way the Raiders/Gangers are portrayed in this story. They are basically gangs-in-name-only. We never actually see them doing anything bad. Like harassing settlements, attacking caravans or killing ponies. They are just kind of there and fighting with each other. The only time some of them did something “evil” was when they attacked Stable 99. But even then, the worst crimes were always committed by the infected Raiders. Even in the conflict with the Steel Rangers, the Gangs came across as the good faction because it was the Rangers who executed civilians and not the Raiders. I don’t mind giving Raiders more personalities and not turning them into one-dimensional bad guys. It’s one of the very few things Fallout 4 did right. But at this point it feels like they shouldn't have been gangers at all.
Last but not least, I feel this chapter should’ve been split into two. There was a lot of stuff happening. Having one chapter focus on the battle with the Harbingers and the others be about the detention center would’ve helped make this feel less packed.
…Wow it has been over a year since I started with the first chapter. Time flies bye.
I had to reread when she suddenly pounced the 5 Enclave ponies. I guess she's really losing it huh?
Bro, you can’t just go around saying shit like that in the Wasteland
Twilight Sparkle was right. There is more to the Magic of Friendship than just rainbow lasers. There’s also bullets, and flamers, and creepy magic death swords, and the good old buck to the face. The Arsenal of Friendship is vast indeed.
I guess this was inevitable. But Gamble will be proud.
Wow. She gets really, scarily close here to paying for her impulsiveness and having “make it up as I go along” as her go to game plan with a truly horrific Game Over. And imagine if she had damned Bluebelle to the same fate. She would then definitely have been stuck here as an emo ghost for a really long time. This feels a LOT like LittlePip’s ‘oopsie’ in the Red Racer factory. A situation where, despite you still rooting for the hero to get out of the dumb situation they got themselves into, it still feels like they got let off a little too easy.
Well this is an interesting revelation. I’m not sure what to make of this though. Does she actually enjoy it, or is this just the radroach talking?
Oh. Shit. It looks like it’s time for a bit of the old ultra-violence. Blackjack style.
This ‘alone’ thing isn’t working for you, Blackjack. You need some sleep, and you need your friends.
I'm going to guess that these 30k words are pure madness, Pinkie pie dipped in mint-al madness
What plot twist would it be if there really is one of those in there?
If I take off my glasses and squint, this prophecy seems very true