• Member Since 23rd Feb, 2013
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


TittySparkles is pretty based, writes great porn that I can rub one off to on a weekly basis, and she has no problem telling societies leftie rejects to fuck off. - Anonymous

Comments ( 32 )

Whelp, guess now is as good as ever to read the prequel. :twilightblush:

This was fun to help with, and I do so enjoy writing with you when I get the chance!

You two, man...

Just you two make for a hell of a combo.

~Skeeter The Lurker

i always kinda dug the few celestia\fluttershy pairings ive read,kindy like luna shy.
either way bravo and fucking hot. it will not at all be akward to hide my erection the one time i wear boxers whilst working at the administration building for the school district i work at.
fuuuuuun shit.

“Just a little something that will make have a very good finish,”

I think you're missing a subject there

Celestia cooed as she felt the penis instead of her violently

surely you mean inside?

“Are you enjoying this feeling, Fluttershy?”

What came into my head was are you feeling it mr. Krabs. What the hell brain.

The synopsis alone is such a cliche storm, I'm led to believe you must have done it on purpose :pinkiehappy:

Celestia chuckled and brought a hoof to her muzzle. “Let me take a wild guess and assume what just happened made you reconsider?”

At tthis point I was hoping Fluttershy would say something like this.
"Yeah, and it was pretty fun having sex with Twilight too."
The look on Celestia's face would've been priceless.:rainbowlaugh:


This. I liked.

Another! If you want, please :fluttershysad:

Thank you. Fixed.

Are you feeling it now, Stormin?

Actually, it wasn't. However, since that seems like the easier answer, I will use it from now on. :ajsmug:

Huh, I sure wonder why I didn't come up with that.

God no. This was painful enough to write already. Clopfics just aren't my thing anymore.

“Well…” She built up eye contact from Fluttershy, who was still looking at her from the side. “That is a penis… Eeyup, that’s definitely a penis.”


although I have really wanted a celestia and fluttershys shipping fanfic I didn't want one like this:applejackunsure:

I found that... Exsilearing!

4546139 HEYa! Will there be more adventures of Futashy?

4546395 Oh right, diffrent pony, my bad...


Doubly so. I mean, did you really enjoy this story? I personally think it could've been a lot better if I gave more damns.

4546741 In truth, everything could be better, I mean air, could be less polluted, humans could survive in space ect ect...

And yes... This is a rather invigurating piece of writing. :raritywink:

My o my, dat hot mess of a princess. And Fluttershy needs more stories like this.

man Flutters sure are lucky:yay:

i wonder it will go for her later when Celestia gives her the ability to control her endowment, maybe Tia may make it bigger....:trollestia:

now i want a sequel lol:pinkiehappy:

Hey Selbi, is it okay that if i ever get around to it, that i put like a link to this as an extra part of a story i'm thinking of making, i will of course say that this is yours and all the usual jaz about it not being mine, i simply want to put a link to this because i am not really the best at making clop scenes and the idea of Fluttershy being able to switch from normal to futa would fit very well with what my (possible) main character is able to do with his spells

this story isn't really a finalised idea, but i saw this and thought that if i wanted to add something like this, why not get a good one and the permission to use it, i won't acctually post this chapter of course, i'll simply put a link to it.

Won't happen. If I were to write a sequel to a sequel for a clopfic about Fluttershy growing a dick I should seriously consider going into therapy.

Sure thing, go ahead. :pinkiesmile:

Guess whos makeing a donation to the blood bank that right me later bitches

And thus the legend of Futashy was born :P

I loved it all so much that was awesome and a awesome read all together there should be one with Big Mac fucking Luna and Zecora.

Celestia scratched the back of her head at the request she was given before she spoke up.

Seems uncharacteristic.
Celestia sheepishly like that!?

A nitpick but kinda got me on the wrong hoof. Hm

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