• Member Since 16th Jul, 2020
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

word horse

"wait, it's all porn?" "always has been."

Blog Posts

  • 66 weeks
    Animal lover’s guild re-write

    Given the extremely negative reception my story’s gotten, I’ve decided to scrap the old version and start again based upon the feedback I’ve been given.

    I’ll maintain roughly the same plot: Cadance goes to a bestiality club and fucks an Orthros. But this time I’m gonna scale things back to make it less over the top and more detail oriented, cutting out some of the fluff for a better story over all.

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    2 comments · 186 views
  • 66 weeks
    Not happy with the reception my story is getting.

    So, it’s been a day since ‘Princess Cadance and the Canine Club’ dropped and it’s getting downvoted to Hell; a far more negative reception than my other two bestiality stories got.

    But I’m not so arrogant to assume that the fault lies with the readers, no I blame myself. I probably screwed up somewhere when writing it and deserve the negative reviews.

    So I have to ask: what did I do wrong in this story and how do I improve going forward? Be brutally honest, I need the feedback.

    6 comments · 277 views
  • 76 weeks
    Updated ending to Canine Amore

    After getting tons of feedback for the most recent chapter of Canine Amore, namely how the ending was too abrupt, I revisited the final chapter and re-wrote the closing scene to be a more fitting conclusion to the lewd story as a whole! Including several new scenes and an expansion on the fallout of Cadance’s bestial affair.

    Take a look and let me know your thoughts on the revised ending! I do hope you all like it!

    4 comments · 156 views

Animal lover’s guild re-write · 7:37pm Apr 20th, 2023

Given the extremely negative reception my story’s gotten, I’ve decided to scrap the old version and start again based upon the feedback I’ve been given.

I’ll maintain roughly the same plot: Cadance goes to a bestiality club and fucks an Orthros. But this time I’m gonna scale things back to make it less over the top and more detail oriented, cutting out some of the fluff for a better story over all.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6

It's fine.
Thx for answering anyway.

Probably not no.


Any chance for another Smolder x Orthros story?

  • Viewing 2 - 6 of 6
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