• Published 5th Jun 2014
  • 1,779 Views, 15 Comments

A Worried Princess - JusSonic

Takes place after the Season 4 finale. Twilight now has a kingdom of her own, so why is she still worried?

  • ...

Chapter 1

My Little Pony: A Worried Princess

It was a time of great joy in Equestria. Not a while ago, Tirek has returned and tries to steal all the magic away from the ponies, including the princesses. Fortunately, Princess Twilight and her friends finally open the box given to them by the Tree of Harmony, giving them a rainbow power which defeated Tirek, sending him back to Tartarus once and for all. And while there was a casualty, AKA the destruction of the Golden Oaks Library tree which has been home to Twilight, Ben, Nyx, Spike and Phobos ever since they moved in, they got a new castle to live in as well as ruling Ponyville, so to speak.

Pinkie of course in her usual fun loving way begins throwing a 'Twilight's Kingdom' Party in honor of her good friend, a princess who now has a castle of her own with a kingdom to rule and helped out. Of course, even though most of Equestria is excited, a certain pony princess...well, why not just read on and see?

Some final fixing noises are heard as some wall parts are put in a certain part of the castle. Ben was watching as Equestria home improvement stallion Bob Hoofva, a brown furred Earth pony wearing a plaid shirt and has tools for a cutie mark, was explaining, "This stuff should keep your tree well heated and prepared throughout various winters or until the next time your house gets blown up. Also, we're running a special sale if you and the princess is interested in stopping by."

"Thanks Bob." Ben said with a nod as Bob Hoofva picks up his stuff and heads on out. Twilight came in, a bit anxious, "Anxious for the party here?"

"Anxious isn't what I'm covering, more like freaked out." Twilight said with a chuckle. "Last night we deal with something is big is what we did at the Crystal Empire since all I did was untwirl the flag, wave, etc. At least now, wow..."

"Yeah, I know. Nyx is getting a bit antsy too."

"Hey mom, dad,” Nyx calls out as she appears, looking eager. "Which part of the upstairs can I keep for my room?"

"We will decide that later, honey. Get yourself ready. We're going to have guests soon." Twilight calls out to Nyx who squeaks a bit as she trots off to get ready. "Boy, this open house party seems...well...rather interesting."

"Yeah, it isn't the open house that's the main concern. Mom told me that she added something extra to Pinkie's party...and there's the execution before then so we don't spook the guests." Ben said with a frown of concern, knowing that it's best for the 'execution' to be held before the party so no one at the party would be spooked big time.

"Yeah, I know...but why does it have to be Discord of all things?!"


Discord is in chains a bit later on, standing on a platform in front of his friends, the Royal Sisters, as well as the folks of Ponyville and the Mystic Realm. Even though he is now fully good and distracted Tirek on Celestia's orders, the Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony did betray them temporarily. And for that, Discord must be punished severely. Twilight and her friends were against this. Sure Discord did turned traitor but he was deceived by Tirek but consequences must be given.

As the final parts of the trial is about to come to a close, Discord sniffed as he speaks to the worried Fluttershy, "My dear Fluttershy... I did terrible things since I joined Tirek. No. It wasn't the first time I did terrible things. When I was the bad guy, I thought having power and chaos was more important than anything. I am nothing but a slave to my enemies. No one treats me fair and square, so I went rogue for a century. But you, Fluttershy, you saw something that no one else can. You saw my loneliness. You changed my life since the day you release me. You changed me into a better Draconequss. But I ruined it. I wished I could be a better friend and ally to you, Twilight and everyone I know of. I just want to say, Fluttershy. Thank you for giving me a second chance."

Discord had his eyes blinded by black cloth. Judge Harmony, a light orange Earth Pony with a white beard and mustache, dressed in black judge's suit, glaring at him. On both of sides, Mystic Soldiers held their rifles, aiming at Discord who breathed in and out. The big moment is finally here.

Judge Harmony held the book up while booming, "Discord, of all the crimes you had, you are sentenced to death. May our Mystic Father and Equestria's Mother show you mercy, my dear friend." He closed the book hard, "FIRE!"

Mystic Soldiers fired their rifles at Discord's body a several times. He screamed in pain. The rifles silent. He gasped in pain, falling to the ground hard, giving his last breathe. Some of the ponies watching turn their heads away for a moment to avoid seeing this.

Judge Harmony turned to the front while speaking, "Citizens of Equestria and the Mystic Realm. This will be not only show death, but to remind those who are willing to betray against both Mystic and Equestria. Therefore, I had hoped you all learned your lesson, because if the next time have happen thrice, we will not show you mercy." The judge smiled a bit. "Let us thank for Discord for demonstrating his punishment."

Discord disappeared in the blink of white, and appeared with his healthy and happy state. Everyone cheered for Discord happily and wildly as the Mane Six and those with them sighs a bit. The truth be told, this isn't a real execution, but to show what happens should anyone tried to betray Equestria and the Mystic Realm. At first, the Mane Six were freaked upon hearing this but Celestia assures them otherwise.

"Thank you! Thank you! Discord loves you!" Discord exclaims, bowing as if preparing a show of some sorts.

Discord came down from the stage, found his friends in front of him. Discord hugged them. Rainbow chuckles, "Yeah, that was awesome even though the execution was messed up."

"Tell me about it, sugar cube. Ah was almost convinced 'dat they were gotta kill ya!" Applejack remarks with a laugh.

"Same here and things just went under the bridge like water for us." Twilight said with a giggle. Things are water under the bridge now that she trusts Discord fully and gratefully now. Who knew not too long ago, the mare would've accepted execution for Discord?

"Right, I know." Ben said in agreement. "I'm glad that I'm a good guy and will not think of even betraying anyone I know and care about in the future."

"Right, that would've been awful and devastating to Twilight." Spike said in agreement. Both he and Ben knows how devastated Twilight would be if her true love would even turn treasonous.

"Yeah, still, you made a good performance but I know your friendship towards Auntie Fluttershy was for real." Nyx squeaks a bit happily.

"I'm so proud of how you are able to handle this 'execution'...minus the death part of course." Fluttershy giggles, hugging her friend right back.

"Thank you so much." Discord said with a smile of approval.

"Discord; my sentence is not finish. Your crime of injustice will not go on. Therefore, I found you guilty." Judge Harmony said sternly, making the ponies gasps in shock and worry. What is the judge going to do to Discord now? "You will be under custody of...Fluttershy eternally. I hope you will not repeat the mistake again."

"YES! I promise you that I will not make a mistake!"

"Phew!" Rarity exclaims, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "For a moment, I thought he was going to suggest something...awful."

"Yeah, custody of Fluttershy," Rainbow remarks with a chuckle. He made a mocking voice, "Oooh, how will she survive?"

"Oh dear, I am in so much trouble." Fluttershy remarks in the same tone of voice then laughs a bit.

"Well, everyone, the demonstration is over!" Twilight calls out to the folks in the audience. "Come on, head on over to the Rainbow Friendship Kingdom castle. I've got a feeling that Pinkie Pie got a party waiting."

"YAHOO; Come on, ponies!" Pinkie exclaims happily, bouncing up and again excitedly. The crowd cheers eagerly. The castle party is open house, everypony, including delegations from other kingdoms, are invited.


A while later, the doors of the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle are opened as guests begin coming in. Besides the ones that came to the Crystal Empire before who this time gave bigger respects to the princess, there are also some other old friends of Equestria's past and present.

"Returning are the delegates from the kingdom of Great Coltain!" Flash Sentry exclaims as he is in charge of introducing the royal guests, "Their Royal Highnesses, King Obsidia, Queen Tulip, Princess Crystelle, Captain Bushwhack Defender and of course everyone else."

"It's good to see you again, King Obsidia and Queen Tuilip." Celestia said as she, Luna, Cadance and of course Twilight's family bows in respect. Nyx notices Phobos not doing anything and nudge, making him bow.

"Yes, it's good to be back...and congratulations on surviving Fanged Dahlia's curse and getting a new kingdom, Princess Twilight Sparkle." King Obsidia said, giving out a bow to Twilight. "You deserved it."

"I know, I'm glad to have this honor and still be alive." Twilight said with a chuckle to the king. "Oh dear, got the giggles."

"It’s okay, Twilight," Queen Tulip said with a giggle. "We all get them from time to time."

"Well, come on in and help yourselves." Ben said, motioning the delegation to the castle. "Our home is your home. Just watch where you step, we just moved in and are redecorating."

As the delegation came in, Flash announces, "Now arriving, the Princess Ponies."

The Royal Sisters smiles as their mothers the Princess Ponies, AKA Princesses Primrose, Royal Blue, Serena, Sparkle, Starburst and Tiffany arrives. Once the mothers came forward, Celestia and Luna hugs them as the latter said, "Mothers. It's wonderful to see you again."

"Yes, wonderful to see you too, daughter. Apologizes for not arriving sooner against Tirek. The Heart of Ponyland needed our attention and all." Primrose said with a giggle.

"We normally wouldn't leave the castle unless necessary and this is the most necessary of them all." Sparkle said with a smile.

Celestia smiles, it's great to see her and Luna's mothers once more. The Alicorn clears her throat as she speaks, "Mothers, remember how one day you all wish that Luna and/or I have foals of our own? Well, that day arrived about a few years ago. I want you to meet your adopted grandson and my son Ben Mare."

Ben looks a bit meekish, standing in the presence of his actual grandmothers. Serena giggles, "Awww, he looks so handsome. He almost got your eyes, Celestia."

"Yeah, almost a bit...err Grandmother Serena." Ben said with a chuckle.

"Still, I'm amazed that you went with adoption instead of the natural way." Sparkle said with a sigh, not noticing a worried look on her daughter's face. "But he is still family."

"And of course, the line continues onward. Nyx," Twilight ask Nyx who meekly trots over. "This is my and Ben's little filly and your great-granddaughter, Princess Ponies; Meet Nyx."

"Awww, she's adorable!" Tiffany squeals a bit, making Nyx a bit embarrassed by the attention. "You are so glad to have her."

"She kinda reminds me of Luna. Hmmm, could she be the same..." Primrose said, remembering what she and the other Princess Ponies read from the other letters given to them by their daughters.

"Yes, she is indeed and was once my dark side." Luna explains to the Princess Ponies seriously. Nyx looks worried, feeling worried that her great-grandmothers would judge her for her previous mistakes.

"I see. Don't worry, Nyx. Although you did some terrible things like imprisoning Celestia and Luna as well as almost put Equestria in eternal darkness, you changed your ways and redeem yourself in various ways than one." Serena assures Nyx, giving her a wink while nuzzling the filly. "We already forgive you since then."

Nyx smiles as she nuzzles Serena right back. It's good to have great-grandparents.

Once the Princess Ponies head inside, Flash now spoke up, "Now arriving, the Flutterponies." The ponies watch as their allies the Flutterponies arrive on the scene, landing barely. And in front are Queen Rosedust, Morning Glory, her husband Sparkling Dawn and their son Blazing Day. Discord yelps as he hides, worried that Morning Glory still haven't forgiven him for what he did to her years ago during his reign of terror.

"Good to see you again, your highness." Twilight giggles as she and her family bows to the Flutterponies arriving.

"There's no need for formalities, we are friends are we not?" Rosedust ask with a smile. "Sorry we couldn't make it to the past battles BUT somepony never bother to inform us."

"Well, we would've...but either the letters got lost in the mail...and of course some information may have gotten lost...and the fact that we were busy and..." Celestia said, spluttering a bit and is a bit concerned. Rosedust held a hoof up, calming her old friend down.

"It's okay. I am not angry. I am glad you took care of the problems, especially involving those Dark Mystic Ponies terrorists! Hmph! Who do they think they are?"

"Speaking of which..." Spike said as he saw Chase the Warrior arriving. "Is that Chase?"

"Yes, I invited him on Ben's request just to show him that he can be trusted despite some suspicions." Twilight said with a smile. She waves to Chase, calling out, "Chase, Chase! Over here!"

Chase of course ignores Twilight as he heads into the palace. Phobos scoffs, "That was rude."

"I guess he isn't used to these kinds of changes." Ben remarks with a shrug. "Anyway, welcome to the party, come on in; enjoy yourselves."

"Uh, is Discord around by any chance?" Morning Glory ask meekly, much to the concern of the Equestrian Royal Family. "I wish to speak with him about something..."

"I'm sure he's around here somewhere, Morning Glory. Come on, go in."

The Flutterponies didn't need another reminder as they all head on in. Meanwhile, more guests begin arriving like Gwen Fillyson and her subjects of the Ominidrex Kingdom with her date Dragon Kick (much to the amusement of Jade Adventure watching), King Spykoran though due to his size, he couldn't fit inside the castle but Spike is happy for his own grandfather to show up, etc. The list reads off like a dream episode of 'The Love Boat'.

Anyway, long story short, the guests arrive, hanging out, eating, talking, having fun, etc. Everyone in Ponyville, the Mystic Realm, etc. mingled with each other and the royal guests. Even the disguised ones like Lorcan who kept away from everyone is here. Chase for some reason kept away from the Mystic Ponies, being by himself. No one even suspects the true reason why...especially the fact that he is really Shadow Dragon and the former Mystic Pony is worried of being discovered.

The Mane Six, Ben and Nyx are talking amongst each other, speaking of the events that gone by and occur.

"Yo know what was real close, when Tirek had almost all the powers of everypony." Rainbow Dash spoke off to remind everyone of what they almost came close to experiencing.

"Not everypony, he never absorb de magic fro' de Mystics. Not ta mention, a few other Element Users he 'said' he caught." Applejack spoke off in pondering what Tirek said to them and something that made them question things.

"Like Johnny Brock, or like Kilik, or even Azuma. And Azuma had to protect our Clone Six by fusing them into him, so Tirek couldn't become EXTRA powerful, dear I say?" Rarity spoke off to say from fearing how powerful the foe they drove away would have become.

"He said that he couldn't absorb their magic, weather abilities or physical strength since the elements protected their users from such attempts." Ben spoke from learning that Tirek could steal ponies' abilities & their Cutie Mark symbols to fad & eyes going white. But, those that have elements inside them or wield them as objects, can't be taken, which explains why the Mane Six lost their abilities & Cutie Marks since they gave their Elements of Harmony to the Tree of Harmony.

"Right and that big meany instead imprisoned the others in those areas to go after them later." Pinkie Pie sternly spoke with a frown in knowing what happened to those that could still fight back, but the enemy trapped them to keep them from interfering.

"But lucky thing there were some that took precaution to help rescue or stay hidden, both users and average ponies. Even Tao had some Mystic Ponies watching them so none of the Dark Mystics could steal those elements." Fluttershy spoke that they had help trying to save many citizens and even keep the trap users of elements safe from Dark Mystics trying to attack them.

"True, the Mystics were suddenly dealing with a surprise uprise of Dark Mystic activities when Tirek was rampaging, making it harder for them to come help us and keep us that were trapped safe." Ben stated that during Tirek's loose rampage, the Mystics couldn't help them out from some Dark Mystic problems to leave the hope of Tirek's defeat to the Equestrians.

"Yeah, but I'm still a bit shock that Discord let himself become the bad guy...ALLOVER AGAIN!" Phobos shouted off to say this like their former villain friend went back to his old self.

"You heard him, Tirek tricked him! Not to mention he said that Tirek got in his head and some weirdo magic affected him." Spike stated to shrug off from recalling how Discord got trick and manipulated it seems.

"Tirek was destroyed and he was imprisoned in Tartarus, right? I bet he had help from the Demon God himself that made even Discord feel like his old self." Nyx spoke in recalling how they beaten Tirek when he was Mr. T on that Nightmare Moon Night before with the Changelings, but he may have been sent to Tartarus and that's how he came back even after dying.

"Hugh. It makes sense, but to think Grimmore could resurrect the dead or free souls imprisoned in Tartarus like that. I can't help but wonder how we'll handle him." Twilight sighs in feeling that even after they defeated Tirek with their new Rainbow Power, it still might be hard for them to face powerful deities like Grimmore or the other Three Lords.

"How about wondering how Discord is gonna be having a long, and we mean...LOOOOONG moment saying sorry to the Mystics for being manipulated and hope Tao doesn't go crazy on him?" Rainbow Dash made a wise crack in having a feeling that Discord will be making some 'I'm sorry' excuses towards the Mystics from his bad behavior for a long time.

Much of the group felt a little chuckle there, but not all. Poor Discord must be going through a very hard time from when he finally been good, one mistake, and now he'll be answering a bit with loads of apologizes. One might feel sorry for the Spirit of Chaos.

Speaking of which, Discord was drinking from a huge HUGE punch bowl and was minding his own business...when Morning Glory came up and clears her throat. The former villain yelps as he almost spill his drink, turning and calms down.

"Oh, Morning Glory; You startle me." Discord said to Morning Glory with a sheepish chuckle.

"Yes, I apologize." Morning Glory said with a nod. "Listen, we need to talk...about the events that occurs involving Tirek...and your."

"Listen, Morning Glory, I know what you're going to say, and I'm deeply truly sorry for what I did. Tirek tricked me, got in my head, and yes, it's my fault for turning traitor. I know this gives you another reason to be angry at me and..."

"Let me finish. Yes, it's true what you said. I am upset about how you turned traitor...how you helped Tirek capture and steal ponies of their magic, how you betrayed an innocent pony's trust and friendship." Morning Glory spoke as Discord cringing, fearing a big yell. "And yet...you now truly realize how friendship is to you at last, even giving out the last key needed to help stop Tirek."

"Well, I admit, I didn't realize how I got the final key...perhaps what I did may have been destined to happened and..." Discord said, not sure what to say. Morning Glory didn't yell at him? What else is going to happen today?

"And...I forgive you."


"I forgive you...for your actions recently...and for what you did to me." Morning Glory said with a warm smile making Discord touched. The last time he visited her, the Flutterpony refuses to forgive him due to the memories of her torture being in her mind. "Perhaps I feel like I should apologize. Had I forgiven you before, you wouldn't be vulnerable to Tirek's attack and still help take him down sooner...or maybe it's because how not doing so allows the final key to be found. But...I forgive you. I felt foolish and guilty for not doing so and do not wish you any further torment."

Discord smiles as he hugs Morning Glory, making her yelp a bit. But then she smiles, hugging Discord right back. Queen Rosedust watches on with a smile. After all these years, forgiveness is finally happening.

Ben trots over to Chase who is sitting nearby. The stallion spoke up, "Hey Chase. Aren't you going to join everyone?"

"I told you before, Ben, I am not a party pony like your pink friend was." Chase said roughly to Ben.

"It is because of what happened on the Muppet Show, is it?"

"No, it isn't that. It's...something else."

"Because of the mistrust," Ben ask, glancing at Diamond Tiara's bodyguard Maxin Talos imitating foals with his size...until Brave Heart appears, coughing a bit and causing the big brute to yelp and gallops off. "I'm sure give time, they will trust you."

"It's private; I prefer not to speak of it." Chase said with a frown. Ben looks concerned but decides to drop it. "Listen, there's something that’s been bothering me ever since the Day of the Moon."

"Yeah, what is it?"

"I've heard rumors that you suffered a terrible nightmare in Crypt World. How is it...you were able to escape?"

Ben pauses, wondering whatever or not he should tell his mentor and friend. But the stallion decided that if he wants Chase to be assured that he can be trusted then Ben should tell him.

"Believe it or not, I was helped by a mare who died years ago. Her name is Iris Crystal." Ben explains. Chase looks startled at the mention of the name. "Do you know her?"

"Well, not in pony, but I have heard stories of Iris Crystal." Chase said in hesitation and concern.

"Mom said she was a student who died in disease. Twilight told me that she saw dancing with Shadow Dragon...in some way. Was she the same mare that he lost that drove him down the dark side?"

"Like you were told before, Ben, best not to dwell on the past and stay out of Shadow Dragon's. There are some things you aren't meant to know."

"I see. Well, I gotta get back to the party now and you should do the same thing." Ben said calmly as he heads back to the party, leaving Chase to his thoughts and concerns.

"'Died in disease'. Oh, Celestia, what lies you told." Chase/Shadow Dragon said, shaking his head while frowning secretly. Someday, those lies will come back to bite Celestia in the flank.

Now during this time, Celestia, Luna and Azure came over to discuss something important to Twilight. The ruler of the Land of Ma said, "Twilight, now as you know, Celestia has added something extra to this party, something important: an oath."

"An Oath; what is that for?" Twilight ask Azure, not clear on this.

Celestia sighs as she explains, "Ever since Princess Luna and I defeated Discord, we swear and pledge our oath to the Jade Emperor and his Principle of Virtue and Justice as the Rulers of Equestria."

"Not only that, but we had proven our hearts to him that we are pure to be rulers in ruling Equestria since we have proven our courage, wisdom, compassion and faith to him. After all, we were the daughters of Princess Ponies." Luna said with a nod. Twilight looks concerned, she didn't even know that the princesses even made an oath, let alone needed one!

Celestia smiled and nodded her head. She continues, "When having a kingdom to rule, you must pledge yourself to all of his oath, no matter what. Just like how Princess Cadance did after King Sombra's defeat."

"Wow... That's... interesting." Twilight said, not sure what else to say.

Azure Phoenix nodded his head while saying, "No matter what happen, Twilight, as the Princess of Friendship, you must accept the fate and obliged to your duty. Put all of the friendships and personal aside, when performing it. I expect no less from Princess Celestia's student."

Twilight looked concerned and worry, wondering if putting all of her friendship and family aside was good idea when performing her duty as the princess...

Was it worth to her? Was it worth to push everything and everyone she knew aside?


The party was interrupted for a moment as everyone came into another room to where it's time for Twilight to pledge her oath. The mare was a bit nervous. Putting aside her friendship and family when performing her duty; Sounds a bit wrong to her.

Within the crystallized Large Hall of Rainbow Friendship Kingdom, both Mystic Ponies on the left side and Equestria Ponies of Ponyville on the right side had been gathered, cheering and smiling at Princess Twilight Sparkle, who was passing them while waving to them. Big windows were made so that Spykoran can peek in to watch.

Twilight looked up, and saw the Jade Emperor, waiting in front of her on the lowered stage. On his right were the Eleven Mystic Councilponies, and on his left were the Royal Sisters, Princess Cadance, Shining Armor, Ben, Flash Sentry, Nyx, the Mane Five, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike and Phobos.

Twilight gulped in concern, feeling her heart beating, her head sweated out much, and her mind filled with questions of concern and doubts, continued walking towards the Emperor of the Mystic Ponies. She bowed and lowered her head down. Jade Emperor bowed. Susano slammed his drumstick against the large gong. Everyone turned their attention to the authorities of Equestria and the Mystic Realm as the next big show begins.

"Children of Two Realms... Today, we celebrate the important occasion. It will not be forgotten, nor our future forgets of our history, for we present you, your ruler and princess of Ponyville and the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom." The Jade Emperor announces. Everyone cheered, he waited until they stopped before continuing, "She was ordinary pony like all of you. But because of the journey that she had been through, she is now of what you had believed in: your Princess of Friendship. Once she accepts the oath, she will become...a full-fledged ruler."

Everyone cheered wildly and happily. Applejack cheered on, "Yeehaw, all right!"

"Yeah, all right, Twiley!" Shining exclaims with a smile to his sister.

"Mommy is becoming a full-fledge big shot now." Nyx giggles to her friends who nod in agreement to her. Pinkie holds up a glove that is labeled 'Go Twilight!'.

Twilight turned to Jade Emperor who levitated a brownish book in front of her. She raised her right hoof up, while the Emperor raised his left hoof up. The oath begins as he ask, "Twilight Sparkle, as the princess, do you accept the oath of taking care of your kingdom and your citizens from enemies and dangers?"

"I do..." Twilight said with a nod. Things are going well so far.

"Do you accept the oath to treat and show mercy, fair and equality to everyone, including your enemies, unless?"

"I do..."

Jade Emperor continues onward with the oath, "Do you accept not to abandon of who you truly are since the beginning, all for the sake of your personal?"

"I do..." Twilight answers, keeping herself together; So far, so good.

"When you proven much of injustice and unfair to someone who had been proven innocent, do you accept your punishment?"

"I do..."

Things were doing fine...until the Jade Emperor got to the most important question that Twilight didn't wish of hearing, "Will you achieve and fulfill your task, objective and danger alone, and put everyone, family and friends aside to perform it, Princess Twilight?"

Twilight gulped in fear and concern, "I... I..." Everone mumbles, looking concerned while speaking. Why is their princess hesitating a bit? The Alicorn is looking scared and worried. "I... I... I can't!"

Everyone else gasps in shock, almost fainting or looking confusing, commenting. Twilight is saying 'no' all of the sudden?

"What?!" The Jade Emperor ask in shock and surprise at this.

Twilight's tears came off, crying and sobbing, "I can't! I really can't!"

Twilight turned and ran off to the entrance of Large Hall. Everyone else cries out, "TWILIGHT!"

"Really; she still doubts she'll be good enough!" Rainbow exclaims in disbelief and shock at this, knowing what her friend's going through now.

"We already had this before in the film and all of season 4." Pinkie pouts a bit randomly.


Twilight came to the second level's balcony, crying and sobbing in tears and fears, scared of something too important to her. The mare is fearing that she would lost her friends, her loved ones, forever.

Twilight sobbed, "I - I can't. I can't do this. It's too much..."

Princess Celestia, Luna, Cadance, Shining Armor, Flash Sentry, Ben, the Mane Five, Nyx, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Tao and his family, Spike and Phobos walked up the stairs, looked around, trying to find Twilight and find out what's wrong now. Does she still have doubts?

Back to the balcony, Twilight continued sobbing and muttering to herself.

Twilight sobbed, "I really can't...I really -!"

"Yes, you can." A familiar voice spoke. Twilight gasped, turning back and encountered the spirit form of Iris Crystal, the same one who saved Ben from being conquered by his nightmare and he same mare that she saw whom danced with Shadow Dragon the other day. "You are not alone..."

"Iris Crystal?"

Iris approached and hugged Twilight gently, "Shh... It's okay, little one. Don't be afraid..."

Twilight sniffed, sadly saying, "I can't do it... I can't..."

"Yes, you can, Twilight. You are not alone."

"But the oath! The oath told me to abandon my friends and everyone I know to perform my duty. I don't want that to happen. I've let my friends down once, I can't do it again. I was too stubborn and proud in needing the purpose and to strive something important, like what Smartscar had said before. A reason behind why I have been chosen."

Iris on the other hoof smiles as she explains, "And you did; you had powers to teach and help those who were lost and misguided. That is the reason."

Twilight sniffed while saying in concern, "I don't want to sacrifice my friends for the power. I learn that lesson very well. I maybe princess... But I can't handle such task on my own. I don't know if I can handle duty on my own."

Iris smiled while speaking, "You don't have to." She moved aside, revealing her family and friends. "You are not alone."

Twilight's Family, Friends and Mystic Guardians approached her. Celestia spoke up, "Twilight, are you okay?"

"Yes, how is your well-being?" Luna asks in concern for her fellow princess and friend.

"Why did you run off?" Cadance ask Twilight in concern. "Don't you want to help your princesses as you have promised?"

"I think it's more than just that, cousin." Ben said in concern, sensing something else wrong with Twilight now.

"And why are you crying, mommy?" Nyx ask, nuzzling Twilight who is wiping her own tears away.

Twilight sniffed as she said, "I'm sorry, everypony. I didn't mean to run off like that. To be honest...Do you remember what Smartscar's striving to prove why was he chosen as the Mystic Councilpony?" Everyone nodded their heads. "I want to know why I became the Alicorn and Princess in the first place because all I did is... follow Princess Celestia's instruction and did my best to help everyone."

Celestia smiles as she explains to her niece-in law, "That is true, Twilight. It was not only that, but for you to learn, observe and understand the situation, and the Mystic Council and Royal Sisters tested of how true you really are. To see how you are worthy to become a princess, something Sunset Shimmer failed to understand."

"That is why I want to know my purpose. But because of Tirek using my friends and family against me, I was forced to choose between duty and personal. Because of that, I don't want to go through it. I might as well stepped down from being princess and be a normal Unicorn. I don't think I can handle such duty. I'm sorry."

Everyone looks worried and concerned at this as they speak at once, "Twilight..."

"Song cue!" Pinkie chirps, knowing that a song is needed to help Twilight out.

Twilight: It isn't that I'm ungrateful
For all the things that I've earned
For all the journeys I have taken
For all the lessons that I have learned

But I wonder what I'm doing now
What my role is meant to be
I don't know if I can do it
To face my darkest hour

Every challenge and test I had taken
I overcome it, this is true
But it's still unclear to me
Should I be the princess...

I don't want to abandon my friends
Because they were connected to me
I don't want to forget my family
Because they were part of my heart...

Celestia smiled, wanting to help Twilight. After nuzzling her, she and everyone else begins to sing.

Celestia: It's very hard to be a ruler
Without anyone to be there

Luna: A kingdom of isolation
It looks like you are alone

Cadance: The wind is raging like this swirling storm inside
Couldn't keep it in, Mystic knows how you feel.

Iris: Don't let fear in, Don't let fear get
Be the brave girl you always had to be
Be strong and don't give
Don't give your hope up
Show them you have not!

Ben and the Mane Six: You are not alone.
You are not alone
Because you have friends be there for you

Cutie Mark Crusaders, Nyx, Spike and Phobos: You are not alone
You are not alone
Face your fear and beat it down

Ben: It's okay to be afraid
Of what you can't handle

Iris: Let the fear come
You had friends to be there for you

It's funny how we think of
Unworthy to our title.

Dragon Kick: And the fears that once control you
Can't get to you at all.

Tao: It's time to see
What you can do
To test your limits and break through
No fear, no nightmare
No darkness could stop you
You're not alone

Everyone but Twilight: You are not alone
You are not alone

Applejack: Yew are our best friend we ever had

Everyone but Twilight: You are not alone
You are not alone

Rarity: You never had to handle it alone

Rainbow: We are one.

Fluttershy: We are united

Pinkie: Let the fear comes!
We'll beat it to the ground! (Hard Singing)

Spike: You had powers to help and save thousands lives

Phobos: Whatever happens, we'll be there for you wherever you go

Cutie Mark Crusaders: Because you are a special friend we ever had.

Nyx: You will never be alone, because we will be there for you.

Everyone but Twilight: You are not alone
You are not alone

Jade: We'll face the obstacle together.

Everyone but Twilight: You are not alone
You are not alone

Mighty: We are united as One

Ben: We are here for you till to the end.

Everyone but Twilight: Let the fear come
You had friends to be there for you

Celestia: You are not alone
To face such obstacle

Ben: But with friends be there for you
Helping you dealing with situation.

Luna: Ruling is never easy
I understand how it feels

Tao: I know how hard to be alone
To rule and guide the thousands

Flash: But you journey and battle for a reason

Shining Armor: You're special and you are symbol

Cadance and Iris: Your friendship is symbol of Unity because You are not alone.

Everyone but Twilight: Know that You're Not Alone to face future
As the Darkness rises, so does the Light
As Love finds a place in every heart
You have friends, You Are Not Alone

Tao: We understand you never abandoned your friends
United to help, United to fight

Iris: When the situation come, you were always

Everyone but Twilight: Know that You're Not Alone to face future
As the Darkness rises, so does the Light
As Love finds a place in every heart
You have friends, You Are Not Alone

Celestia, Ben and Iris: You have friends, You Are Not Alone.

Twilight sniffed, realizing and understanding the song very much. Her friends are always there for her, no matter what the problem or situation is.

Ben hugged Twilight as he speaks, "Always know, Twilight, you are not alone. We'll be there for you... No matter what...Twilight…I have faith in you…just as you have faith in me. I will stay by your side no matter what happens here today."

Twilight smiled as she said, "I know. And thank you, everypony. I should have learn that even if you are a princess or having a kingdom, doesn't mean you are alone to face because you had friends like you."

Tao smiled as he spoke, "A valuable lesson to learn, Princess Twilight." Twilight smiled, hugging Tao gently. "Come now. It is time to finish your oath."

Twilight turned to Iris, smiling as she said, "Thank you, Iris; for helping me."

"I do what I must for Princess Celestia and Prince Ben. Princess Twilight." Iris said gently, always doing what she must for those in need especially, unknown to Ben and Twilight still, her own family.

"Yeah, you helped a lot." Scootaloo said to Iris with a nod.

"I'm glad that we got a good friend like you." Sweetie said gently to Iris.

"Thanks." Apple Bloom remarks with a smile.

Celestia smiled, looking at Iris as she said, "Thank you, my dear."

Iris smiled as she said, "You're welcome. Always remember, I always watch over you and Ben, no matter what happen."

Ben smiled while hugging Twilight. He said, "Yeah... You are my guardian angel."

Iris smiled while saying, "You're learning. Farewell, everypony."

Iris disappeared in a blink of light as if she was never there.


Everyone in the crowd looks concerned, wondering what's going on. Just then, Twilight came back with the others, calm down as if what had happened before didn't matter this time.

The Jade Emperor, sensing a change, asks, "Are you prepared for the final oath?"

Twilight nodded her head saying, "Yes, sir."

"Will you achieve and fulfill your task, objective and danger alone, and put everyone, family and friends aside to perform it, Princess Twilight? But -" The Jade Emperor said making Twilight gasped in concern. "Should you face such difficultly, your friends, families and allies will be there to guide and help you. Will you protect them at all cost, even at your life?"

Twilight looked shock and surprise, before she smiled. She exclaims, "Yes, I do! I will protect everyone I know of, no matter what."

The Jade Emperor smiled, pleased by this. He had changed the last part, knowing that Twilight would need her friends to help her. The old stallion said, "Therefore, I proudly to present you a ruler. Not alone, but together with her friends and family, rule the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom, teach and guide the thousands ways of Friendship." Jade Emperor turned to Twilight's friends and family. "Are you prepared for such difficult task?"

Twilight's friends and family cheers on eagerly, "Yes!"

The Jade Emperor smiled as he continues, "And so... The Council of Friendship is founded not by me, but Twilight and the Chosen Ones of The Original Elements of Harmony."

Everyone cheered happily. Twilight's friends and family came to her, and hugged her gently. Pinkie cheers on, "Come on, ponies; Time to party again," As everyone heads back to the party hall to resume the party, a familiar song begins to play.

Twilight: Each one of us has something special
That makes us different, that makes us rare

Fluttershy: We have a light that shines within us
That we were always meant to share

All: And when we come together
Combine the light that shines within
There is nothing we can’t do
There is no battle we can’t win

And when we come together
They’ll be a star to guide the way
It’s inside us every day

See it now! See it now!

Let the rainbow remind you
That together we will always shine
Let the rainbow remind you
That forever this will be our time

Twilight: Let the rainbow remind you
That together we will always shine

Once the song is over by now, everyone is in the party hall, resuming the party, this time with Twilight as a full-fledged ruler. The mare smiled. She got no idea how this day could get better.

"All right if I cut in," A familiar voice asks. Twilight gasps as she saw a familiar human nearby, smiling and coming over.

"Megan, you're here!" Twilight giggles as she comes over and hugging the human of Ponyland's past. "I'm sorry! I didn't realize that you were here and..."

"It's okay, we just arrived. My family is mingling with the ponies as well." Megan said, smiling as she motions to her husband Mike speaking with Big Macintosh while her siblings Danny and Molly were helping some ponies out. "I should be sorry. I should've been here more and helped out against Tirek. I promised that I will be around more."

"Megan, it's okay. I know you have plenty of responsibilities on Earth. You just come whenever you can, okay? But come! We got a lot to catch up on!"

"Yes, let's."

Megan giggles as she and Twilight talk, hanging out a bit. The Royal Sisters watch on, smiling. It's good to see their human friend again even when Megan hasn't been around more often than she used to.

The rest of gang were chatting as Pinkie Pie says, "You know, I have the funniest feeling that something huge is going to happen beneath Sugarcube Corners and it is going to be really epic and Sweet."


The scene opens to beneath Sugarcube Corner, in a familiar secret dungeon of Pinkie Pie, our sights take us to find something going on. In a room were the Light Elves are still in their tube chambers, Pinkamena is seen at her work place. She apparently is working and there is a big pot that is filled with stuff of differently mix ingredients it seems. Soon what was happening was the pink pony was making a mold within another the pot.

“Okay, I’ve basically molded the stuff gotten so far in, and boy was I surprise about what happened!” Pinkamena spoke off to say a few things that have happened recently. “Such things, like me getting some rainbow power like Twilight’s group even if I’m not a bearer to the Elements of Harmony. But I’m still happy for it, now it’s like a little stage for me to unleash and then bring out my Elemental Form against the bigger threats!” She spoke off from knowing about how the Mane Six got some interesting rainbow power, and for unknown reasons, Pinkamena received a bit too.

Soon the girl was putting other things she had in the pot, but she frown in seeing that she needed more, and sigh at running out. Then to her luck, she sees Omega along with Golden Heart, Jack Zen, Gold Wing, Havis, Sombra & Autumn Gem as they enter her area.

“Oh good, you’re all here. Did you get what I needed?” Pinkamena asked off in seeing those that have return, and ponders if they got what she needed.

Omega opens some hidden slot from his body and then reveals some good size jar that was filled with a rainbow power of unknown source.

“Objective of mission is complete. But task prove harder than calculated if not for the help of the others.” Omega explained out the results of this work as that made those near Omega smile to hear him say that.

Havis then takes the jar out of Omega’s body, carefully opens it and then puts the stuff in the pot as he and the others soon watch it glow.

“Wooooah,” The others minus Havis, Pinkamena and Omega responded in seeing this little glow work happening.

“Yes! It is ready!” Pinkamena smiles in seeing that at last, they have what was needed here.

Then the gang begins to see the mold as the rainbow stuff that was mix in…began to have some magical effect on it from the other ingredients put in as it began to take form to look like two separate blades with each having a long chain to it.

“Scanner objects.” Omega spoke off from trying to register what it was that was in the base form and he learned something. “My scans indicate that these long chains seem capable of growing longer to not be seen at all.” Hearing this news surprised the others, it certainly sounds…strange.

Meanwhile, Pinkamena then tips the pot, as the stuff begins to flow out and goes into the mold as it then glows as things begin to form in place by its own form of magic and rainbow power within it.

“Okay, Goldie & Sombra, use your magic to help stable it.” Pinkamena issued this order to the two stallions which they were doing before the mare turn to the next group to give orders to. “Havis & Omega, push some buttons to activate some robotic arms to help keep the power of that magic contain.” After giving that order, Omega & Havis stood by some stations to press buttons, robotic arms came up near the object to unleash some magical ray beam to hold the power of what was begin admitted from the work in check.

The object in question begins to flash brightly as Autumn Gem & Gold Wing do what they can to help as they chat about things as they work together on this.

“It’s holding….it’s holding….it’s….it’s….” Autumn Gem was saying these things from Gold Wing’s help until a moment she stopped from what she read on the measure meter.

Then a bright flash happens as a huge burst of magic rainbow happens out of nowhere that caught everyone off guard. After a few short moments, there is lots of smoke that came from the room as the group was recovering from what happened.

“Everyone okay,” Goldie asked off from trying to know if no one was hurt.

“What just happened?” Sombra asked off of what the heck happened here.

However, as those began to discuss what happened, Pinkamena was still standing by, watching as the smoke clears near the working spot. There, we see a weapon made that hovered off to be in mid-air, and all who saw it were surprised. Some even felt a sense of power in the blade that flows within it.

“The flowing force, it feels very great indeed. It almost feels like it’s none any type of power to be known besides the new power Twilight and her friends gained.” Havis responded from being able to sense and express a much more deeper meaning of what was felt off this blade.

“Still, compared to Pinkamena’s Elemental Form as Aging, these things feel like they be almost near rivalry towards that sword she carries, right?” Jack Zen questioned off to say this to the others in the room.

“The Sword Of Pinkie Pie, it’s true, it is a differently forge sword.” Goldie replied off to say this while still looking to the object weapons themselves.

Pinkamena smiles with pride and joy as she walks to the blades…But then to many around yelp in surprise for the chains seem to react in almost snapping at her.

“Woah, guess Omega wasn’t kidding about the chains! Is it safe?” Sombra spoke off a bit surpassed in what they saw, is what they made safe to be touched.

“It is, trust me.” Pinkamena replied off to say, as many felt doubt, but they had to believe in this pink-pony lookalike.

Then Pinkamena calmly & carefully approached the objects as the chains on the ends wrap around her front hooves and bond her furry skin. The group felt a bit nervous and worry, but the pink pony just closed her eyes, as if bracing for what could come….but felt nothing. Instead, Pinkamena felt a warm glow as she opened her eyes and watch carefully as the chains retracted and the blades are soon in front of her hooves as she takes them. Then almost instantly, the pink pony’s mind thinks about her ability to use any weapon, and begins to swing, slash and even throw the blades with the chains connected to them outwards and perform some crazy combos before bringing them back towards her.

“I remember how the other gear works. Both a use of a sword and chain; looks like I got it down,” Pinkamena smiled to say this from vastly recalling how these gears work as she had been trying them out for the last few moments.

Soon those in the room were once more surprised and shock by what happened before their eyes. Pinkamena was using new weapons that were just created here, and she was using them almost like a professional.

“I do say, you seem a natural in using those.” Sombra smiled to say in having witness some good technique performances.

“Great work Pinkamena, now with your armor; you have three weapon choices between your daggers and your sword.” Golden Heart smiled off to see that now his sister has a bunch of equipment to help give her more defense and more different attack usages.

“Indeed Mistress, perhaps the weapons feel most effective by your use of the rainbow power to your element transformation.” Havis nods to say while quoting how these unique chained blades might get stronger from two different sources; perhaps?

“So, I’m wondering…what is the name for these new weapons?” Autumn Gem asked off from being the most wondering member of the bunch.

“I know a name for them….they will be called….The Blades of Pinkamena.” Pinkamena spoke in marveling at her new blades to announce what they shall be called hence forth as of today. “To remind me of Pinkie Pie, my own world’s Pinkie Pie from before where she was the name of the sword I carry.” After speaking that from remembering a little of her old past, she puts her new weapons away which had suddenly….faded away.

“Wow, guess they’re magically in-tune to you now.” Jack Zen responded to say in having witness that little feat there.

“Yeah, I’ll call them when I need them.” Pinkamena nods off to say this to her group. “Come on, lets get some fresh air, it’ll do our lungs good.” She issued to say this in what they can do here.

“I do not have organ lungs in my designs.” Omega pointed out to say that he’s robot, he has no living lungs.

“Oh Omega,” Pinkamena rolled her eyes in hearing Omega say such silly nonsense.

Soon Pinkamena begins to lead her group towards the way out to get some air. Looks like whatever this little pink pony has done will be something new and unexpected for future moments to come.


Not everyone in Equestria is celebrating. In the Apocalypse Ponies' HQ, two familiar villains were speaking. Despite the failure to stop Twilight from getting her key and the defeat of Tirek, the two villains kept on planning...as if expecting this.

"So, what is your next target project?" The Superior asks his colleague curiously.

Dark Curse smirked as he explains, "Creating Rainbow Darkness Power Project. But for now... Your Mane Six performed and practiced in using their Dark Elements."

"What makes you say that?"

"When Light was created, so will the Darkness. After all, Rainbow Power is small parts of the Element of Light. And it will take some time to create Rainbow Darkness Power from the Element of Darkness.

The Superior smirked as he said evilly, "I'm counting on you."

Dark Curse chuckle, laughing a bit. Tirek has fallen, that is true...but at least it gives the villain another reason to make a new weapon of darkness...

The End?

Cast list
Tara Strong: Twilight Sparkle, Princess Sparkle
Rebecca Shiochet: Twilight Sparkle (singing voice)
Ashleigh Ball: Applejack, Rainbow Dash
Andrea Libman: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Pinkamena Diane pie
Shannon Chan-Kent: Pinkie Pie (singing voice)
Tabitha St. Germain: Rarity, Princess Luna
Kazumi Evans: Rarity (singing voice)
Cathy Weseluck: Spike the Dragon
Michelle Creber: Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle (singing voice)
Claire Corlett: Sweetie Belle
Madeline Peters: Scootaloo
Nicole Oliver: Princess Celestia
Andrew Francis: Shining Armor
Britt McKillip: Princess Cadance
Jason Marsden: Ben Mare, Chase the Fighter
Daveigh Chase: Nyx
Chris Sanders: Phobos7 the Dragon
John De Lancie: Discord
Vincent Tong: Flash Sentry
Sab Shimono: Mystic Tao
James Sie: Dragon Kick
Noah Nealson: Mighty Heart
Stacie Chan: Jade Adventure
Douglas Rye: Azure Phoenix
George Takei: The Jade Emperor
Fred Tatasciore: Judge Harmony
Kelly Hu: Iris Crystal

With special voice appearances by
Bob Vila: Bob Hoofva
George Newbern: King Obsidia
Jennifer Hale: Queen Tuilip
Katie Leigh: Princess Primrose
Jennifer Darling: Princess Serena
Kath Soucie: Princess Tiffany, Megan William Richards
Russi Taylor: Queen Rosedust, Morning Glory
Orlando Bloom: Golden Heart
Vic Mignogna: Omega
Jayson Thiessen: Havis the Light Elf
Brian Drummond: Jack Zen
Jim Miller: King Sombra
Lara Jill Miller: Autumn Gem
Tim Curry: The Superior
Latham Gaines: Dark Curse

Author's Note:

Phew, a long one but I got it done. Whatcha guys think? Hope it's good. Okay, time for the next fic...

"Royal Princess on A Date: After defeating Tirek and having her own castle to top it off, Twilight feels she is having much responsibility on her shoulder. Ben Mare senses his love feeling tense, and decides to think Twilight and he should go on a date, just them to relax and enjoy the other’s company. While two lovers of royalty are going out to enjoy themselves, the rest of the Mane Six group fill in to take care of any problems and keep Twilight relax. Be it political problems of ruling Ponyville, active princess request, and even opening new bridges or buildings, and once more, keeping any creatures from the Everfree Forest or some baddies from causing trouble. Can Twilight relax while everyone else is struggling to help her?"

Sounds like something out of Aladdin, right? I hope to get to this ASAP. Read, review and suggest, folks.

Bob Hoofva is based on celebrity Bob Vila who voiced him in this fanfic.

Discord's Demonstration Execution is inspired from Rob-B-Hood Ending Scene.

King Obsidia, Queen Tulip and the subjects of Great Coltain was seen in 'A New Threat'.

The Princess Ponies being Celestia and Luna's mothers was from the RK-Striker-JK-5 story 'The Elements of Harmony and the Savior of Worlds' (though this fic is now in a different universe than that). I suggest you folks read it, it's a good story.

Discord's torture of Morning Glory was seen in the same fic and Discord last met Morning Glory in 'Discord's Redemption'. Her husband and son belong to RK-Striker-JK5 btw.

'You Are Not Alone' is inspired by Linkin Park's and Michael Jackson's, and combination of 'You'll play your Part' from 'My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 4 Season Finale', and 'Let it Go' from 'Frozen.

Twilight's Crying and regaining her courage and hope is inspired by A Princess's Tears by MLP-Silver-Quill.

The last song comes from the Season 4 finale.

Megan's family came from the mentioned RK-Striker-JK-5 and belongs to the same author.

Comments ( 15 )

You're getting downvotes because of your poor grammar.

Or constant incorrect verb tenses, at least. :twilightoops:

you are certainly a good writer my friend but oh my god you need a editor badly ,but still good story

Comment posted by DAMN HAMSTER deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Solid Sun deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Solid Sun deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Blackguard deleted Oct 26th, 2015

JusSonic, if you're reading this, I just need to say something. I agree with these writers here who are being critical of your work? In a way, they're acting like better friends than the people on your deviantart who blindly follow your every story with nothing but praise. "Good work and refs. Nice job so far" means next to nothing. That reviewer leaves that on nearly every one of your stories, which is a nice gesture, but what does it give you at the end of the day?

Now, I'm not saying that your loyal reviewers are not your friends, but people on FIMfiction seem to be more, well, honest. Although honesty might hurt sometimes, it's really the best policy because this kind of criticism is ultimately more helpful in the long run. If you want to really get praising reviews that mean something, from people who are not just saying something to be nice because they're your friends, then you need to improve yourself.

I've seen that you want to write only for fun, but being able to improve yourself and actually seeing that improvement feels amazing! And honestly, after comparing an earlier story, "Curse of the Demon Pony" with that recent story you wrote about Spike showed that there wasn't much difference. But the thing is, I know you can do better.

Take some time to re-read your stories. Make the tenses consistent. Work on being a little more subtle. Okay? That's my advice.





Guys, may I be honest? First off, the people on my deviantART friends aren't "Yesmen" or do they blindly follow my stories with praise. They are good friends of mine who I also helped with their own stories from time to time.

As for the "nonsensical crossovers", Solid Sun, they are actually fanmakes, which I enjoy doing as long as I could remember. Yes, you are right in your opinion, and I respect that.

As far as editor goes, I send one chapter to an editor once (can't remember who) but the individual has yet to send it back with the revision...and to be honest, I didn't want to wait.

If any of you guys wishes to revise my chapters or knows someone else outside the folks that I know who could do so, let me know and tell me which stories need revised.

I don't wish to be the bad guy here, I'm doing my best to be reasonable.

Comment posted by Solid Sun deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by JusSonic deleted Oct 26th, 2015
Comment posted by Solid Sun deleted Oct 26th, 2015


Oh, I look at the link already...and join up...and put my stories in the "Need Editors" forum. Hopefully some people will offer to edit them (I already request some help in editing "Too Many Mane Sixes")

Comment posted by Blackguard deleted Oct 26th, 2015
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