• Member Since 24th Apr, 2014
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The Mane Six disappear from Equestria without a trace in the process of successfully saving Ponyville from a magical storm. They are presumed deceased after some time passes, and the Elements return to the Tree of Harmony.

They wake up, not as the ponies they were, in another world.

A world known as Azeroth.

Faced with a new set of challenges, can they hold onto the values they embody and the code they lived by, or will they be forced to adapt to the ways of this strange new world? A world of bloodshed and hate, of light and dark, of alien races, of undead and demons. A World of Warcraft.

(Historical note)
On recent events:

I've found the recent reports of harassment and workplace issues at Activision-Blizzard to be extremely troubling. They also come at a time when I've been playing much less of the game as it is, as a result of disengagement and disillusionment with various aspects of WoW's current gameplay and storytelling.

For these reasons, in addition to my own failure to upload regularly, I've contemplated putting Azeroth's Skies on hiatus again... or just cancelling it entirely. 

However... while I may not be playing WoW at the moment, and may never do so again, I feel like fan work is something we could do with more of right now. I also don't feel like I'm finished in this world just yet. So for now, I'm going to do my best to continue the story.

I hope this makes sense, but I understand if anyone else feels differently as a result of what has happened. Thank you all for your support for this story so far.

Author's Notes:

- On the MLP side of things, this is set before Season 5* kicks off, albeit with minor references to elements from the season opener.
- On the Warcraft side, this is set shortly after the formation of the Shattered Sun Offensive, but I will be taking liberties with certain events that were placed somewhat loosely into the timeline.

*For about 10 years, I've had this written here as Season 4 - but this was a typo, as it was always meant to take place after Twilight's first visit to Canterlot High in Equestria Girls. Sorry!

Inspired by Rebirth of the Damned, by Borsuq. If somehow you've seen this and missed his excellent story, go check it out!

Now with some awesome cover art, which I commissioned from Mario Teodosio!

Chapters (41)
Comments ( 363 )

Good start, curious to see how this goes. I assume this will be a serious story?

Kinda wanna see Twi as a Tauren... Dunno why.

This... I shall read it later.

I have read it.................. And I love it! It was very sad to see the ponies mourn,
but I think the mane six's light could be more useful... in the World, of Warcraft. :rainbowhuh::pinkiehappy::ajsmug::raritystarry::twilightsmile::yay:

Interesting. Put on 'Read Later' for now.
By the way, this isn't a pro-Alliance fic where the Horde is being portrayed as evil, irredeemable savages (and those in the Horde that are good are whiny pushovers), is it?

Hate those kind of stories, just by the bye.

Thanks for the comments, guys!

4285775 Ash; that's the plan, yep, and it's the reason I didn't stick a comedy tag on the story. Of course, where there is Pinkie Pie there will inevitably be some random funny moments (as I reckon chapter 2 will prove) but things will definitely start to get serious (more than they already are!) soon.

4290064 Alex; it isn't my intent to make that kind of fic as that's not how I see the Horde. The first part of this story (I've actually planned a story out for once! Woo! :3) will have a very heavy focus on the Alliance, and so mentions of the Horde early on may be somewhat... biased. Still, if there's a 'main enemy' for the first ten or so chapters that comprise part 1, they aren't it. And there will greater coverage of the Horde much later in the fic, I can promise you that!


Yeah, you're placing them just at the start of the formation of the SSO?Does that mean you plan to include the launch event of the Sunwell here? I mean, putting them at this point of the timeline is pretty intense, seeing as it's smack in the middle of the two most insane world events that I remember (SSO and Lich King launch).

4290542 I debated for a while about where to throw them in on the timeline and chose this as a good mid-way point. They won't be engaging in anything to do with TBC, as the next few chapters will show; patch 2.4 is kind of happening around them and not to them while they have their introduction to Azeroth during part 1. I have a few other things planned for them to do, located much closer to home, and those things should consists of all the liberties I'll be taking with uncertainties in the timeline quite nicely.

Part 2 is when things will really kick off, but saying any more would be spoilers. ;)

4290384 Ah, I see. That should make it considerably better. About the whole Horde/Alliance dilemma I mean. :twilightsheepish:
I like the Alliance, but I really hate the supremacy complex some of its fans are showing (plus a few of the main Allaince characters can be really xenophobic).

Anyway, as for the point in WoW they are arriving in and how they won't play a big role, will the 2nd Scourge Invasion be present? It was a pretty big deal and an even more important moment in the history of the Warcraft Universe, after all.

For some reason I'm now picturing Pinkie trying to imitate the murloc sound.


Anyway, this is a promising start. Have a thumbs up and please continue.

I only know a little bit of Warcraft lore, mostly because I've read some of the novels, comics, manga (or manhwa), and pages on wikia, is this set before or after the Cataclysm?


It's set a good amount of time before the Cataclysm. Two expansions before game-wise.

4299294 Yep, as Ash says, it's set right at the end of The Burning Crusade. :)

Character classes, huh? I'll give it a shot.

Well, Twilight and Fluttershy are the easiest. Mage and druid, respectively.

Applejack I'm gonna go with warrior. She's tough and down to earth, seems like its right up her alley.

The rest, I'm not so certain.

Rarity... I'm going to go with priest. She seems like she'd like to say out of the front lines and help her friends rather than fight.

Dash, maybe rogue? Maybe she'd like a more speedy, mobile fighting style?

Pinkie... I have no idea. Hunter maybe so she has animal friends? Or shaman for elemental friends? Whatever gives her the most friends.

Also, have a favorite.

4301396 Twilight Fluttershy and AJ I agree completely but I think Rainbow would do well as a monk. Rarity i think has a dark streak that would go well as a warlock and PInkie well i think she would be a better rogue than Dash becuase she already appers out of nowhere all the time


Thanks for the favourites, guys! Much appreciated!

As for your guesses, I can say you've both got two - the same two - right, but the others are still up in the air! I'll do my best to get the next few chapters ready for your viewing pleasure ASAP! :)


Also, on a completely unrelated note, I've removed the Teen tag from the story for the moment, as I don't really think thus far there's been a significant amount of anything to justify it over E for Everyone. I'll reassess throughout.

Wow, if this is going where I think it is, they're already up to a long adventure. I miss interacting with Silas back then.

As for character classes, I agree with the others. But I'm guessing Dash and AJ would both be warriors, Fluttershy would be a druid no doubt as well as an arcane mage for Twi, Rarity as a discipline priest, Pinkie as subtlety rogue.

But who knows? there could be twists in their intended classes down the road.

In regards to chapter length, 3-4k is perfect for an update schedule like yours.

Like the chapter length, keep going as you can

Hmmmm... "Jobs" for a group of young women in the middle ages without needing any information on skills or knowing anything about them .... I'm not so sure about this... the mane six may be losing their innocence pretty soon.....

Sorry guys, no update tonight. I've had too much work to finish unfortunately, and the same will be the case next week (damn uni! :P) I'll have ch4 out for you tomorrow and should be able to get some more done over the weekend too.

will we see druidshy and mage sparkle?:pinkiegasp:

dude... awersome story!!! i love to see more, also if you need any help, myself have been playing WoW for like 4 years now, actually playing a pandaren Monk Lvl 90 alliance at Drakkari server, hope to see ya around and keep it up!!!

ill be watching you


Man I feel like playing WOW.

Horde for life!!!

Ehh I'm pretty sure the people of azeroth would be wayyy farther ahead in magic

4325822 Yep, just before Wrath of the Lich King, in fact.

4325434 Mage Sparkle yes... Druidshy nope. ;)

4325795 Probably, but what these three are discussing isn't particularly advanced magic for Azeroth; conceivably still within the reach of Equestria.

4326696 Keep reading to find out... ^^

4325436 Thanks! :)

4326977 other then a druid the only thing i can think fluttershy as is a priest...or maybe a mistweaver monk but this takes place during the burning crusade so the chances of that happening are between zip and zero:rainbowlaugh: lol

if i am guessing correctly

Twlight: mage

Raimbow Dash: Rogue

Applejack: Warrior or Monk (repeat after me... Applejack, do a Flying Dragon Kick)

Fluttershy: Beastmaster Hunter or a Restoration Druid

Rarity: any priest

Pinkie Pie... well fuck


Sorry about the lack of updates guys, but I've had two 3000 word essays to finish. Now that they're done, expect a new chapter tomorrow!

Why does he really have a nervous tic where he repeats the last word of every sentence... sentence?

4366998 Ask Blizz, not me. It's just his character. ^^ http://wowpedia.org/Remy_%22Two_Times%22

Also, thanks for the favourite!

I want to play world of warcraft again...


i'm really enjoying how you are getting them into classes that at first seem like they would not suit them, but make it work in the end.

holy fucking god that was tooo damn epic

so Twilight: Arcane mage

Fluttershy: beastmaster hunter

Pinkie pie: holy priest :rainbowhuh:

Raimbow Dash paladin...

i guess i can live with that

good chapter

4368521 Oh... it's that guy. Sorry, thought he was of your invention. :twilightsheepish:
And you're welcome. :twilightsmile:

I was hoping they would see the REAL soldiers come in on dragons and shit (the players) Aw well, maybe in another chapter

One good thing about all of the crap that has hit Azeroth. Gender equality is pretty much standard now, lol. Even if it is because all species are scraping the bottom of the barrel for soldiers, administrators, and basically everything else.


Real horses and ponies are to MLP horses and ponies what gorillas are to humans. At least, that is how I see it. Both in difference in appearance and intelligence.

Alt Title: The Day Pinkie and RD Discovered Religion.


“Well then, Miss Pinkie Pie. What do you know about the Holy Light?”


hmmm interesting

i wonder what kind of classes would appeal for AJ and Rarity hmmm.

well Applejack is strong and relies on brute strenght if she needs to protect her friends so i wager she will be a warrior or berserker type of class or somekind

Rarity hmm well she could be a sorcerer like Twilight but she very is precise about detail, finesse so maybe a rogue?

oh i havent played WoW at all but if i had a good PC and good internet (its slow) i might have played it.

WOW, I never though you would make Rarity a Rogue, I entertained the idea that you would make her a Warlock, because Pinkie has the priest now, and a warlock would require tailoring as a proffesion, with rogue she would be force to work with leather, if you want to make her life easier, anyway, let's see what would be happening in the next chapter.

SI7 you say? Well, heh, this guy is toast!

I'm waiting for the part where they hear the guards go "oh shit not these guys again" as a bunch of guys with crazy armor riding dragons n shit fly into the city

Hmm, well, obviously twilight will be a mage. And since shy isn''t gonna be a druid, hunter is the next closest thing. AJ or Dash are gonna be a warrior or paladin, again, fairly obvious:ajbemused: Pinkie and Rarity... Well, with her skills, pinkie could probably make a good rogue, and a priest is the usual thought for rarity, although... maybe a warlock?:rainbowhuh:

Pinkie Pie a PRIEST?!?!:pinkiegasp: What insanity is this?!:twilightoops: Actually, I rather like it, as it is fairly original (in others works, she's been a shaman or warlock, oddly enough, from what I've seen, although, I think she'd make a good hunter (if shy is a druid in that case). Looking forward to see if I was right about rarity though. Warlock rarity... again, fitting, more in the "equestria after dark" sort of way. Just the way she's depicted in that stuff would fit better as a lock, but, we shall see...:unsuresweetie:

Hmm, rarity the rogue. not was I was expecting, but again, original. I look forward to seeing more of this

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