• Published 23rd Apr 2014
  • 4,588 Views, 16 Comments

Irreplaceable - The Princess Rarity

For one so small, you seem so strong - my arms will hold you, keep you safe and warm. This bond between us can't be broken, I will be here, don't you cry, 'cause you'll be in my heart.

  • ...

seriously guys where is the family tag


by The Princess Rarity

Applejack couldn’t sleep. Despite all of the exhaustion washing over her, she was unable to close her eyes and submit to slumber. Not when there was the tiniest, most adorable filly in all of Equestria lying next to her.

She chuckled at the realization that the crib Rarity had slaved over would never get used. There was no way Applejack would let her daughter out of her sight. One look, and she was in love all over again. Every little movement the filly made - from hoof waves to snuggles, even the smallest blink - was precious.

The clock on the bedside table read a quarter after the midnight hour, but that didn’t matter at all… well, to her, anyway.

Rarity let out a sigh, and nudged her wife. “You’re keeping her up all night,” she muttered. “Let the poor dear rest. Besides, aren’t you tired?”

“I don’t think she wants to sleep,” Applejack said softly, as she watched their newborn fuss about.

“You’re just saying that,” Rarity mumbled, as she sat up in bed, and looked over. Instantly, her own tiredness melted away, and she smiled as their daughter’s eyes went wide at the sight of both her mothers. Even if the little one was only a few hours old, it was noted that she already had a working brain.

A soft whine escaped the baby and she waved her hooves, begging for attention.

“C’mere you,” Applejack whispered as she picked up her daughter and held her close. “What’re you thinkin’ about?”

Almost as if she could understand her mother, the little filly pointed to Rarity and whined again.

“Here, give her to me,” Rarity said. “You’ve been hogging her the whole time anyway.”

“Lesson for ya, hon,” Applejack murmured to the foal. “Your momma Rarity likes to exaggerate.”

Rarity rolled her eyes playfully, and gently took their daughter into her grasp, looking down at how precious the filly really was up close. The resemblance the filly bared to both of her biological parents was almost astonishing - she was practically a perfect split. An earth pony with a soft orange coat, while her navy mane was frizzier than a fuzzball and her bright blue eyes sparkled.

Most importantly, there was a quality that the filly had that wasn’t visible…

“I think she’ll take after you more,” Rarity spoke up.

“How you figure?” Applejack replied.

“She’s strong,” Rarity explained. “How many foals could survive a birth two months early? The chances are slim to none, but here she is. Our perfect, precious little gem.”

As if on cue, the filly let out a babble, and Rarity smiled.

“Yes, we’re talking about you,” she said, with a soft laugh.

A grin couldn’t slip off of Applejack’s expression either, as she nuzzled her wife. “You still scared?” she said.

Rarity let out a sigh, and shook her head. “Not quite,” she murmured. “For now, I don’t think I have to worry that much anymore. She’s here now, and that’s all that matters. We’ll take care of her and she’ll have a loving family. Isn’t that all a child needs to live a happy life?”

“It was ‘bout time ya started listening to me,” Applejack teased.

“Doesn’t mean I won’t spoil her, though,” Rarity said quickly, with a slight smirk.

Applejack’s smile was half-hearted. “Can’t say I didn’t try to stop ya,” she mused.

The filly gave a awkward but adorable attempt at a smile, and reached up, grabbing onto Rarity’s mane and lightly tugging on it. She winced, and pried her daughter’s hooves off of her mane, handing the child back to Applejack, who was apparently trying not to laugh at the scene.

“I don’t see what’s so amusing about it,” Rarity muttered.

“It’s funny ‘cause she ain’t even a day old an’ she already knows how to annoy ya,” Applejack said, with a laugh. “Maybe yer right, she probably is gonna take aft’r me.”

Rarity released a huff. “She’s an infant, darling,” she retorted. “I doubt she knows that much.”

Applejack gave a shrug. “Well, she’s smart enough t’ know that it’s kinda weird she’s got two mommas,” she countered. “Lookit that cute lil face.” True to her words, the newborn filly was still staring wide-eyed at the both of them. The baby couldn’t speak quite yet, but her expression said it all, causing Rarity to let out a soft chuckle.

“She’s a miracle through and through,” she said simply as she reached forward and gently patted down the baby’s curls.

The filly giggled, and waved her hooves once more, only before she let out a yawn.

“See, I told you she was tired,” Rarity argued.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “She’s a baby, they fall asleep at the drop of a hat,” she said.

Rarity took caution as she gently levitated the child out of her wife’s grasp and she got up out of bed, walking across the bedroom and placing the little one in the bassinet. The second her head hit the pillow, the newborn was out like a light, snuggling up to the cosiness that was the hoofmade quilt both of her mothers had pitched in to make. It had all of the classic country theme plaid and stitching but a little gem pattern was sewn in all along the border, to symbolize the differences of the two sides in the family.

“Sweet dreams, Sonya,” Rarity murmured. “Your mothers love you very much.”

The little filly called Sonya didn’t even stir, but nonetheless, Rarity’s smile was priceless.

She retreated back to the bed, and laid down next to Applejack. The two mares cuddled for a moment in silence, only before Applejack spoke up.

“You got that worryin’ face again,” she muttered.

“I do not,” Rarity quickly defended. “This is my face. That’s all.”

“Rares, c’mon, yer just as bad of a liar as I am,” Applejack said.

Rarity let out a sigh, and rolled her eyes. “You’re the worst sometimes,” she said in defeat. “I was just… thinking. I’ve been doing it a lot lately, you know that.”

“And what’s on yer mind? Hmm?” Applejack tried, as she leaned in and kissed her wife’s cheek.

“The usual,” Rarity admitted. “The same things I’ve always been wondering, for about nine and a half months now. Granted, they’ve diminished a bit, but I never thought being a parent would be this stressful on my mind.”

Applejack playfully shook her head. “Of all th’ ponies I had t’ fall in love with, it was the Element o’ Generosity,” she murmured.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Rarity inquired.

“Take a guess,” Applejack said simply. “Ev’r since the beginning, when I first met ya, you were always too nice fer yer own good. While that’s fine an’ dandy, sometimes, it kinda baffles me how yer nev’r happy with giving somepony the smallest bit. You don’t slack on anythang.”

Rarity’s smile was bittersweet, and she simply listened as her wife continued on.

“I guess that’s why I love ya so much - you got such a big heart. I didn’t expect ya to ev’r look my way, but I suppose I’m lucky that way.”

“There’s no such thing as luck,” Rarity interrupted. “Everything happens for a reason.”

“Fate, destiny, whatev’r ya wanna call it, I’m glad yer part of mine,” Applejack smiled. She kissed her wife on the lips briefly. “Just quit being such a worry-wart.”

“No guarantees,” Rarity teased.

“And you say that I’m th’ impossible one,” Applejack smirked.

Wrapping her hooves around her wife, Rarity placed a kiss on the earth pony’s neck and snuggled in closer as they both held one another. The early hours of the morning weren’t that far away, but it was almost surreal to know that today was their first official day as parents.

The plan for life was a funny thing - nopony knew what was ahead, but so far, it seemed that Rarity and Applejack were riding down a pretty smooth path…

~ la fin ~

Author's Note:

Why do family stories gotta be so damn cute? asdfghjkl stupid weaknesses in writing. I can't stop writing these kind of drabbles >_>

Comments ( 16 )

Oh my goodness me on a stick of butter...

Awwwwwwwwwwww:raritystarry::twilightsmile::scootangel::pinkiehappy::derpytongue2: *giggles and bounces up and down* I wanna snuggle that Filly so much :twilight blush: I just wanna dunk her in my tea :twilight sheepish:........:facehoof:


Yes, adorable sequel to an adorable story :rainbowkiss: all it needs is the filly growing up and cuteness will be everywhere

Stop quoting song lyrics for descriptions.:trixieshiftleft:

JK, adorable story. Keep it up.

4279148 But musicks helps makes dee magicks. :coolphoto:

Poor kid. Her colors clash...

4283426 Orange and blue? They're complimentary.

aww, I have a soft spot for Rarijack. they're so cute. sweet drabble; I needed this. :rainbowkiss: and yes, I agree, we do need a family tag! though 'slice of life' would have to do for now... le sigh. :facehoof:

Your discription is the lyrics of "You'll be in my heart" from Tarzan by Paul can't remember last name. Why's that?:unsuresweetie:

4289313 *Phil Collins.

And it inspired the fic and I almost always use song lyrics for my descriptions.

Author Interviewer

Good relationship-strengthening at the end there, but I think I preferred Little Gem. :B Not that this is necessarily bad.

An adorable read must say. I agree with PresentPerfect with the good relationship-strengthening there.^^

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