• Published 22nd Apr 2014
  • 2,964 Views, 39 Comments

One Minute to The Game - Michael Hudson

Button Mash is going to give his all to save his princess. However, Button's not much of a knight, so he's going to need some help.

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Of Love!

“One minute longer, Rumble, I just need to see if he blinks or winks.” Rumble rolled his eyes at his good friend.

“Button, thats the third time time you’ve said that. By now, we’re not going anywhere. Though, really, why does it matter if Scam blinks or winks?” Button lowered his binoculars, glaring at Rumble. Sometimes his friend knew nothing, nothing!

“Scam is a show pony just like his older brothers, Flim and Flam. A wink from him could have hidden messages and sinister plans that Sweetie would know nothing about! Therefore, I must protect my Zelda and keep watching over her date.”

Rumble glanced around them, smiling sheepishly at the other patrons who were watching them until they finally turned away. Rumble was usually fine with Button’s mischief, but they could get into real trouble this time. He glanced back at Button Mash, who now had a telescope out, watching Sweetie and Scam. “Will you put that away? It doesn’t even have a lens and they’re literally twenty feet away.”

Button looked at Rumble, debating whether or not to fight for his telescope, but decided against it as he put it away. “Ugh, why does he have to look so good, Rumble? I mean, he has his brothers’ bacon main and a yellow coat that sheens in the light. All I look like is a mud with carrot shavings on top.” Rumble forgot for moment where they were as he grabbed pushed Button out of the booth.

He helped Button up as he said, “Stop doing that.” Rumble cleared his voice and started in a whine all-too-familiar to Button. “ ‘I’m not good enough at Minecraft, I suck at Dark Souls, I only got ninety-seven percent of Skyrim done.’ And now this! Button, you are an awesome guy, the best gamer I know, especially since you eventually beat Dark Souls, and if everyone didn’t think you’d had the hots for Sweetie Belle, you’d probably have mares waiting at your door. So, buck up and shut up.”

Button blushed at the torrent of compliments, reaching for his binoculars, which got his hoof smacked by Rumble. “Do you really mean that?”

“Yes, and Scam is holding her hoof.” Button almost leapt onto the table, smoke blowing out of his muzzle. “Yeah, and you and Sweetie are totally just friends.” Button got his hooves off the table, his brow furrowed.

“What do you mean by that? Sweetie and I are just friends. We have been ever since we were mere foals. It’s not like high school has changed that.” Button crossed his legs and watched the two over his hooves, glaring at the two. Rumble sighed as he put his hoof on Button’s back, knowing just how old his friend had gotten of people suggesting there was something there.

“Dude, you haven’t been the same since we started high school and other stallions have started noticing the sleek white body, the bouncing pink mane, or that angelic singing voice. You’ve had a case of jealousy for almost the past year and when she finally said yes to someone, you immediately said we had to protect her. As creepy as that is, it’s also really sweet. However, I’m done with this stupid game. If you want me to keep helping you, you have to look me dead in the eye and answer my question. Do you like Sweetie Belle?”

Button was silent for a good while, munching on the hay fries they’d ordered earlier. Finally the brown stallion looked up into Rumble’s eyes and replied with, “Yes.”

“Alrighty then Button, how fast do we have to destroy that stuck up Flim Flam wannabe?” Button raised an eyebrow at Rumble, causing him to breath a sigh. “Fine, that Flim Flam brother, happy?” Button grinned at him and nodded.

“Very, and preferably by tomorrow night so I don’t have to hear about their date when we play minecraft together.” Rumble just kinda stared at Button for a little bit, his mouth agape. “What?”

“Dude, I know we’re awesome, but I only know one person who might be able to do that, and that requires a deal with the devil herself.” Button Mash put a hoof up to his mouth as he pondered his friends mysterious words. Who could he be talking about? I mean he knew some mean girls, but only one, “No!”

Rumble waved at Sweetie and Scam who were now looking over at him. The white mare waved back, a very wide smile on her face. She turned back to Scam for a moment before starting to trot back over. Rumble kicked Button to keep him under the table where he was hiding.. “So what brings you here Rumble, and did I just hear Button?” Rumble smiled at her and shook his head.

“Nope, just by myself over here. Sometimes it’s nice to just, uh,” Rumble paused grasping for a good excuse. His eyes landed on the plate of hay fries in front of him. “It’s nice to just enjoy some high quality hay fries every now and again.” Rumble gave her his biggest grin as he popped a few of the fries into his mouth, controlling his gag reflex masterfully.

“Yeah, I’ll admit they are pretty good, regardless of how little Rarity thinks of them. Do you want me and Scam to come over and keep you company?” By now Scam had walked over, giving Rumble a nice simple smile that stayed far away from his eyes.

“Sweetie, your food’s getting cold. Besides, don’t you think it would be rude of you to interrupt out date for a friend who is enjoying himself quite nicely already. I would understand it though if he was miserable from being stood up again,” To this Rumble scowled, which Sweetie never noticed because Scam shoved some hay fries into the pegasus’s mouth. “but he’s just enjoying a simple plate of hay fries, isn’t that right Rumble?”

“Mrgph.” Scam smiled at the brown pegasus, his white teeth almost blinding Rumble.

“See, Rumble is perfectly content over here. Now let’s return to our dinner sweetie.” Sweetie waved bye to Rumble as she smiled back at Scam and trotted away.

“Will you stop swaying your head in time with her hips? I’m right here you know.” Button was glaring at him from under the table, still rubbing his head from the earlier kick.

“Hey, I was just force fed some of these despicable hay fries that you somehow like so much. Therefore, let me enjoy the fact that you’ve got a smoking hot friend or find a new wingman.” Button glared at his friend before slinking back down under the table. “Get up Button, our covers blown anyway so we may as well leave. Besides, I’m guessing you already have bush costumes for staking out the possible goodnight kiss.”

A very annoyed voice rose from the table as Button hissed, “He is not getting a goodnight kiss, but you are correct. However, I thought we would go with cardboard boxes instead. Call it a hunch.”

Rumble gave the waiter the check, sighing inside as he remembered that Button was supposed to pay for this stupid endeavor. He looked under the table giving, Button the stink-eye. “We are not Snake, and you had better pay me back. Do you know how much hay fries cost here?” Button rolled his eyes, but then nodded, leaving with Rumble by running behind a dessert cart. Button was not going to miss Scam getting a hoof to the face by Sweetie when he tried going for a kiss that night.

Unfortunately for Rumble, the couple didn’t show up for another hour after they got set up outside Carousel Boutique. “I still think we should have gone with the cardboard box.” Button huffed at Rumble, the boredom getting to him.

“Look I know Sweetie isn’t the smartest mare in Equestria, but even she would have noticed stray boxes in Rarity’s yard.” Button glared at the bush beside him, Rumble sticking his tongue out at him. “Wait Button,” Rumble holding a hoof up to stop Button from attacking him, “they’re here.”

Button’s attention immediately switched to the two walking up the path, though not without swearing on the grey beard’s honor to get vengeance on his friend. As for the couple, they were slowly trotting up the store, the sound of their hooves clattering along the stones driving Button mad as Sweetie leaned against Scam. He wished Scam would just leave, but the two just stopped in front of the door, Sweetie looking so happy. It almost broke Button’s heart.

Rumble had argued that being five feet away from the door was way too risky, but it paid off now as Scam started talking. “It was an enchanting night Sweetie, and how I wish it would never end. I only hope Luna does not peak into my dreams, for I think I would die of embarrassment if another pony saw all the ways I plan on spoiling you.” Sweetie Belle giggled while Button Mash almost gagged. How could she be buying this crap, Button thought just before Sweetie Belle replied.

“Thank you Scam, it was a,” Sweetie Belle hummed, and to someone who didn’t know her, it would have been nothing. Unfortunately, Button Mash knew exactly what was coming, and that Scam didn’t deserve it, not in his eyes at least. With the vibrations just starting to fade, Sweetie Belle started that angelic voice of hers with, “A lovely night, a lovely night, a finer night you know you’ll never seeeee.

Button felt crushed, or at least he thought he had. But then he watched Sweetie turn, and get kissed on the cheek. Now Button knew what rock bottom felt like as Sweetie blushed and smiled at the stallion in front of her. “Goodnight Scam.”

“I will count the seconds till we meet again. One, two…” Sweetie Belle let out one last giggle as she slipped into the boutique. Scam turned to the bushes beside the door, and let out a laugh. “Oh, hi there Button, and it’s good to see you stuck around too Rumble.” The two boys looked at each other in panic. “Sorry if you were interested in the sweet mare, but maybe you should come back in a month or two. I’ll probably be bored of her by then. Though, maybe three since I bet I can get that wonderful voice to come out in bed.”

The minute Scam was out of sight, Button turned to Rumble. Rumble was genuinely scared, seeing the fury on his young friend’s face. Button spoke calmly, a cold steel to his voice that spoke volumes more about his anger and hurt then yelling ever could have. “Call her. Call her now.”


“Button, you look nervous, whatever might have caused that? Diamond Tiara smiled at the fidgeting stallion, laughing on the inside. “It’s a simple game so you should have nothing to worry about. Simply answer Sweetie’s questions honestly, and at the end she will decide who gets the all expense paid date with her to see a movie and then dinner at Cattle Company.”

“However, to keep it fair, your voices will be disguised to sound the same.” Scam, who had been standing next to Button, now trotted forward.

“Hey, when I said yes, I was told my way of words would be able to be used to allow me to win.” Diamond giggled at the annoyed stallion and replied.

“The voice modifier will not change what words are coming out, merely whose voice they are coming out as.” Diamond smiled as Twilight Sparkle trotted over.

“All right Diamond, the enchantments are in place within all three booths, and Sweetie is in her one way glass comfort suite. Yes Button Mash?” Button had been waving his hoof around trying to ask a question, and paused before answering.

“Why is Sweetie in a box she can’t see out of, and why do we need voice modifiers? Also, can I sound like Darth Neigher?” Twilight chuckled while Diamond Tiara rolled her eyes. It was Die who responded first, instead of the princess.

“It’s ‘The Dating Game’. However, I decided I wanted it to be more interesting by not only eliminating how attractive a pony is, but also who said pony might be. Therefore, the lucky girl might find she’s interested in someone she would have never even given a chance. Even a geeky gamer like you.” Twilight decided to stop Diamond Tiara before she went further and actually hurt Button’s feelings.

“Sorry Button, but for the vocal enchantment we needed a large sample of words, and seeing as I only got notified four hours ago.” Twilight shot a look of extreme annoyance at Diamond Tiara, who cowered a little and gave a nervous smile back. “We had to find someone who could speak fast, clearly, and could keep their voice consistent throughout all the phrases I fed her. As for Sweetie’s box, it’s so you all can see her and be motivated by how the girl looks, while she is not influenced by who any of you are.”

Scam had been deep in thought and only now decided to ask, “You said, ‘three booths’, correct?” Twilight nodded and Die replied with,

“But of course since there are three contestants. Of course the lucky third pony is having their identity be kept a secret to add a shocking reveal to the beginning of the game.” Scam took a sharp breath before responding.

“Won’t they be able to dig up dirt on the other two then? You know, to try to make them look bad in Sweetie’s eyes? I would call that an unfair advantage.” Scam smirked at Die, but Twilight giddily responded with,

“See that’s the beauty of Diamond’s game. See, since Sweetie won’t know who’s who, trying to use their past against them is futile. Also, left out of the enchantment are each other’s names, so plan your answers accordingly, as any word in a pony’s name won’t be heard. It also stops somepony from ruining the mystery aspect. Now, I believe that’s it, so go have fun my little ponies, and have fun!” Scam rolled his eyes before walking away, Diamond taking off as well, leaving Button all alone.

At least until Rumble walked over in a tux. “I look pretty good don’t I? Die got me this for convincing Sweetie Belle to be a part of this whole fiasco.” Rumble shuddered as he recalled the event. “I told her that if Scam was her special somepony that he would be the one she picked in the end, and that there should be no problems because of that. Never have such horrid words come out of my mouth. You know how I hate that romantic crap.” Button glared at his friend.

“What have you done to me? Why do I have to be a part of this stupid game, and while I’m questioning your sanity, why is Scam a part of it?” Button was huffing, waiting for his friend to answer when he started tsking at him.

“First, Scam got paid to do this. Apparently his love for Sweetie had a price, and it wasn’t cheap. Then again, I shiver at the thought of just how much this whole shindig costed. As for why we must be doing this in the first place? Well, its because you are my socially awkward friend who has no spine. So, with that in mind, tell me if you could have ever confessed to Sweetie and asked her to leave Scam with no help whatsoever?”

Button’s eyes went wide, and he started to stammer. Rumble finished him off with, “What if she said no?” Rumble chuckled to himself as the color on Button’s entire body just drained. “Ah don’t worry about it buddy, you’ll do fine. Now I have to get going.” Button was ushered to his booth, having to get shoved by three different stallions as he just stared into the distance. As Button recovered within, he regained his color with his composure.

Button was still breathing hard when he heard that it was only a minute to the show’s start. He breathed a large sigh, trying amp himself up for this. Just look at it as another game. No, another game of Minecraft, protecting Sweetie from the monsters of the world and showing her what makes him such a great partner. Button stopped for a moment. How had he not realized he loved Sweetie before now? The P.A. system started blaring Pinkie’s voice as Button face hoofed himself.

“Welcome everypony to the first ever, Ponyville Dating Game! Now to introduce our contestants, we have first a special visitor to the town. We hate his brothers, I hear plenty of guys hate him, it’s Scam!” Button was getting anxious at this point, waiting. At least the room was comfy, it even came with refreshments. “And our second contestant is our second favorite gamer in the town. Make some noise for Button Mash.”

Button looked up from the juice box to see that maybe half of Ponyville had come to see the spectacle. He just stared blankly as the crowd cheered for him, the straw stuck in his mouth as the juice box fell out of his hooves. “As eloquent as always Button.” A roar of laughter accompanied the comment, and Button blushed as he waved a little to the crowd.

“And as for the third contestant, why who else but you’re favorite filly and narrator. It’s none other than the fabulous, Diamond Tiara.” The curtain parted revealing the pink mare with two microphones in front of her. A stunned silence filled the crowd as she sat there, smiling at them all. “Yes, I will be vying for the young mare’s attention as well today.” From the crowd the cheering started from Rainbow Dash and Spitfire sitting within the crowd, the two clapping for the brave young mare. Button actually thought he saw Die sigh in relief. Nah, just imagining it.

“Now, I have two microphones because one will broadcast to all of you and the other will broadcast to our lucky girl of the day. Now is everyone ready to meet her?” The crowd cheered in enthusiasm, and the curtain covering a cube in the middle of the field dropped. Button lost his breath for a moment, caught up in how cute Sweetie was. She was in a simple light-blue lace dress that conformed to her form perfectly; it was probably made by Rarity. But she was simply lying on a bed of cushions, sleeping peacefully on her back.

It took Diamond Tiara a moment or two to recover herself, flustering with the microphone. “As you all can see, I have spared no expense to make sure the girl is properly pampered. Not only is it stocked with snacks and refreshments, but it is kept at a comfortable temperature by the enchantments on the one way glass. We have done all of this, the one-way glass and the voice changes so as to assure that the mare does not simply choose the pony she already likes. Now, is everypony ready to play?

The crowd roared in agreement and Die went to the other microphone. A speaker in the side of the booth started up allowing Button to hear what Diamond Tiara was saying, though still in Pinkie’s voice. “Wakey wakey Sweetie.” Sweetie Belle yawned some more and curled into a ball. Button picked up his microphone and said,

“Try saying that Kingdom Hearts had deep and important original female characters.” Sweetie Belle immediately jumped up shouting,

“Lies!” Sweetie blushed as she looked around herself.

“Thank you contestant number two for waking up our silly filly. And everything you say into the mic will be broadcast to the other contestants, so we can know what each other is telling Sweetie. Now as for you Sweetie, are you ready with your questions?” Sweetie nodded and then creased her brow as she looked at flash cards within the box.

“I picked a few, though some were really stupid. Like this, ‘what do you look for in a mare?’ Seriously, I would hope they already liked me for me instead of a mare I wasn’t if they’re in this game. Though, I did find one that I really liked. Ahem, contestants, if you made a sunday out of anything, what would be in it?” The three contestants looked at each other and then started to ponder the question. “Oh yeah, and I want contestant two to go first.”

Button breathed in deeply before replying with, “I would go with chocolate ice cream with dark chocolate chunks, and whip cream in top. As well, I would add some sprinkles and a spark crystal so I could get an energy boost for my next 12 hour gaming session.” Scam looked like he was going to be sick while Die just giggled as she started her answer.

“As for contestant three, I think I would start with a simple mocha flavored ice cream with Brayzilian almonds to complement the flavor. I would also add whip cream, and I’ll admit I would probably just put some of it into my mouth.” Button hadn’t really thought about caramel, but he definitely wouldn’t want the coffee. Way too bitter.

Scam leaned toward the microphone, looking bored at it. “As for me, contestant one, I would have a simple vanilla and caramel sundae. Of course, your angelic accompaniment would outshine it’s sweetness.” Button glared at Scam’s booth while Sweetie Belle licked her lips.

“All of them sound wonderful except for that last one, since I can’t serenade myself. Still, now I’m hungry, so I wonder what’s in the mini fridge. Uhm, while I look, why don’t you all tell me what video game character you would want to become if you could?” Button immediately knew who it would be, and just spent the time admiring his friend as she pulled out different snacks to enjoy. The game was actually proving to be fun, and he was the game specialist. No way was he going to lose.

“All right, contestant three, why don’t we start with you?” Sweetie said as she beamed... at a tree.

“Well then, I think I would become Lara Trough. She is sexy, strong, and independant. Include being a badass millionaire, and why would you be anyone else?” Button nodded to himself as he remembered the fairly good game, and the respectable return Lara had made recently. Button had to admit, he was a little impressed. Scam on the other hand was biting his lip, trying to smile.

“Well contestant one is not much of a game buff himself, but I have heard a man described that i like very much. I believe his name was Moneybags, and he was a true entrepreneur. A man after my own heart, just as you are.” Button let out a fake gag at the comment, and then picked up the mic for his response.

“Well, Minecraft is one of my favorite games, and I found a glitch one day that stopped the mobs from dying. So personally, I would want to be a Creeper with that glitch.” Button grinned, loving the idea of blowing up all day and terrorizing other players. But then he saw Sweetie’s eyes, wide with fear.

Rumble smacked himself in the stands as Sweetie started trying to climb out of the box. She scurried about, trying to find a door, until finally she tripped on a pillow and went face first into one of the glass walls. Some mares came over to the box to open it up and make sure Sweetie was okay, while Diamond Tiara announced, “I am so sorry everypony. We will take a quick break while we make sure our lovely contestant is okay, and resume afterwards. Please be patient while we work.”

Button and the others were released from their booths, and Rumble promptly ran over to his friend. “Dude, what happened in there? You play Minecraft with Sweetie at least twice a week, so you should know better than anyone that even the mention of a creeper gets her to run!” Button just hung his head down, having lost the confidence from earlier.

“Well I think he did splendidly.” Scam had come over, the sarcasm thick in his voice. “Oh I was a little afraid I’ll admit when she seemed to be turning to video games, but I doubt she will do that again after such a traumatic experience. At first I thought you might be against me, but it’s good to see you actually seem to want me to take her marehood, and for that I thank you.”

Scam trotted off, a smug smile on his face. Button had to be held back by Rumble as he reminded him, “Remember that you attack him and Die will probably kick you off of the show.” At this Button turned on his friend, opened his mouth, and then just sat.

“I really screwed up this time, didn’t I?” Rumble nodded sitting next to his friend. The two stayed there for a little bit, enjoying the sun while Rumble tried to calm his friend’s fears. This lasted until Diamond Tiara trotted over.

“Alright Button, Sweetie Belle has decided she will do one more question. You need to get back into your booth though so we can finish the game.” Diamond Tiara gave Button a small smile before she had to canter away to her own booth. Rumble stuck with Button until he was back in his booth.

“Good luck man.” Button grinned, but shook his head.

“You know me; luck ain’t got a thing to do with it. I win by pure skill.” The two shared one last grin and brohoofed before Rumble ran off and Button closed his door.

“Alright everyone, Sweetie Belle is fine, but she has asked to be allowed to give only one more question to the contestants and then go home. Personally, I’m with her, but I need to know if you all agree.” The crowd let out a roar of approval, not because the game was bad, but out of care for Sweetie Belle. And Sweetie Belle actually figured out which direction the sound came from this time and gave them all a big smile.

“Alright, I think I will give the question first to contestant three again, so I don’t possibly hear about creepers again for as long as possible.” The crowd was silent as Sweetie chuckled at her own joke, and after a very awkward pause, she went back to the question. “Contestant three, what would you promise me?”

Diamond Tiara was silent for a bit, lost in thought. Finally, she responded, “I would care. I would make sure you were put ahead of others, and on the same level of importance as even myself. I would try to spoil you as best as I can, though emotionally I am bad at such acts. I would give you my heart though, and only ask for it back when it was in shards. This is all I can promise you though, that I will care for you as I would myself.”

The whole crowd was silent except for a few “ahs” and sniffles as Diamond finished. Button looked at a Diamond and saw a few tears run down her face, and wondered whether or not he deserved to be here. Die had come up with that so quickly and sounded like that came straight from her heart, and here he was with absolutely nothing. Button’s thoughts were interrupted as Scam began to speak.

“I suppose that would mean its my turn.” Scam was smiling wickedly straight at Button. “As for I, contestant one, would give you anything. I would give love, care, and kindness in amounts never before seen by ponykind. I would be a friend through dark and light, thick and thin, sickness or health. If your voice would grow hoarse and harsh, if you were to be bald and shaven, I would not care. Your physical beauty means nothing to me.”

Rumble was fuming in the stands, the wounds from last night and only a few minutes ago still fresh on the young stallion’s mind. He had been watching Scam though and, expecting him to be done, glanced at Button Mash. Rumble’s angry scowl turned to a look of worry as he saw the anger on his friend’s face. Even from here he could see the veins in his eyes as Button stared at Scam. Rumble mumbled a prayer to Celestia that his friend wouldn’t do something stupid, but stopped as he realized it wouldn’t be Button if he didn’t.

Scam finally finished with a final twist of the knife. “I want your soul Sweetie.”

Everypony in the audience was quite surprised by the next few minutes as Button just screamed into the mic. Mothers started to cover their fillies ears as Button showed just how much language you can learn from video games. Rumble couldn’t help but start cracking up though, as Button’s sailor tongue was being broadcasted in Pinkie’s voice still. The paper tomorrow would say this chaos was ended by Diamond Tiara politely asking Button to stop.

Button felt bad, and it wasn’t because he’d just been given a black eye by Diamond Tiara. No, it was because he’d lost, and Sweetie would never forgive him for just screaming at Scam like that. In fact, Scam was probably right in that he’d just given him Sweetie Belle, which was the last thing he’d wanted to do.

Diamond Tiara started talking once more, wishing she could give Button some sort of mercy. “All right Sweetie, you just heard contestant three’s response, as angry as it might have been. Can you give us your answer as to who will be going on a date with you tonight?” Sweetie nodded.

“Well, I’ll admit I was a little surprised to hear the violent outburst like that, but I think I feel confident in my answer nonetheless. One of the responses was sweet and touching, but it also sounded forced and like it was from a romance novel. The stallion who took my heart showed an interesting and fun spirit, while also having a touch of regality, feeling, and heart.”

Button was simply curled up at the bottom of the booth waiting. Waiting for the final strike, the moment his world would come crashing down. He looked over the ledge at Diamond Tiara, who was looking quite down herself. Did Die actually like Sweetie? He went back to the bottom once more, Sweetie’s voice hurting him as she finished.

“With this in mind, I choose.” The crowd was silent, excited to hear the verdict. Rumble was currently behind the stands trying to find a hockey mask or something so he could kill Scam before he did anything too terrible to his friend. Everyone gasped as Sweetie finished, with Rumble fainting. “Contestant three!”

Button slipped out of his booth. He was happy that Scam had lost, but it didn’t matter. He still was without Sweetie, and he needed a drink.


“No, I remember the last time I gave you a lot of apple juice. Here’s some grape juice instead kid.”

“I don’t like grape juice!” Button grabbed the box and mumbled as he started drinking, “It doesn’t make the hurt go away.” The front door slammed open and Rumble came in panting hard.

“I knew you would be here.”

“Then why are you out of breath?”

“Because shut up.” Rumble took a long breath, regulating his breathing. “Come on man, buck up. At least Scam isn’t going to be able to bother Sweetie anymore.” Button rolled his eyes at his pegasus friend.

“Oh yeah, and finding out that she might become a lesbimare is so much better. I’m sorry man, but nothing you say is going to fix this mess. I knew I shouldn’t have tried to mess with love. The only games I’m good at are video ones.” Rumble sighed and shook his head.

“Come on Button, there are plenty of other mares. I know Scoots is pretty good at fighting games, and Twist can’t talk but she can dance like almost nopony I’ve ever seen. So come on, throw back a few apple juices and let’s find you a mare so you can forget all about Sweetie Belle.” Rumble sighed as Button smashed his face into the counter, sobbing.

“I… would prefer… if you didn’t.” Rumble turned and saw Diamond panting hard with Sweetie Belle just behind, not even having broken a sweat. Rumble walked towards them, a scowl emerging on his face.

“Look Die, I’m happy you won, but don’t you bucking dare rub it in Button’s face or we are going to have a problem.” Diamond Tiara sighed and looked down.

“I’m not here for that, I swear. However, I wanted to give Button a chance to say sorry, and I want to talk to him before I leave. I swear it’s not to hurt him.” Rumble stood glaring down at Diamond Tiara, the two watching each other now. Finally, he walked away to a booth with Sweetie.

“Hi Button.” Button turned his head and barely waved to Diamond Tiara. She winced seeing the black eye she must have given him earlier. “Sorry about the eye.” Diamond gave Button a weak smile as he just stared at the bar.

“No, I should be thanking you, otherwise I would have never shut up.” Diamond bit her lip and tried a different approach.

“Did you at least have fun during the game before the end?”

“Oh yeah, just a blast. I watched as Scam just got closer and closer to winning, and the only upside to it was the fact that you won, instead of that jerk.” Diamond Tiara sighed in exasperation, deciding to give up on the nice girl routine.

“Look idiot, you’re not the only one who wishes the result was different. I should have been delighted to win and had all my fears disappear. But they didn’t. Sweetie isn’t the one I needed to pour my heart out to so I’m not going to take her away while some stupid gaming freak drinks himself to death.” Button looked at Diamond, furrowing his brow.

“What do you mean? Why did you do the game and participate if you were never interested in Sweetie?” Diamond let out a groan of exasperation as she blushed.

“Focus on the point I’m trying to make. You need to go get Sweetie now!” Other stallions would have been gone, but that old adventurer’s itch to find the last piece of treasure was rising fast.

“No. You want me to take a big step like this after Sweetie herself told me she didn’t want me, and I humiliated myself in front of the whole town. I am not simply going over there until you give me something in return. So why did you do all of this if you weren’t interested in Sweetie Belle?” Button stared at Diamond, unwilling to drop the subject, because he needed to know exactly what was going on in Die’s mind if he was going to do this.

Diamond blushed and finally replied, “I am not interested in Sweetie because my heart belongs to someone else and I was hoping this stupid game would give me the confidence I needed to confess to her, but it didn’t. And since I still want her and not Sweetie, I am not going to steal her from you without giving you a legitimate chance.” Button smiled at Diamond, wiping his tears away.

“What about Scam? I would imagine Sweetie would just turn back to him.” Diamond Tiara laughed for this one.

“Are you kidding me, that two faced jackass? He came over and tried to insult me about being a lesbimare and take Sweetie back. Sweetie told him she wanted to give me a shot, and good old Scam got angrier and angrier as he continued to try to convince Sweetie. By the end of it, he almost sounded like you in the booth.” Button nodded, and ordered an apple juice box.

“Alright, fine. I’m going to drink some liquid courage, and go tell Sweetie just how I feel. However, while I drink this you need to tell me who it is you’re interested in.” Diamond Tiara blushed and raised a hoof.

“Unless you want a match for that black eye I gave you earlier, I wouldn’t keep asking questions. However,” Diamond blushed, not being able to believe she was talking to someone other than Silver about this, “I will say I’m happy she won’t be flying away from me anytime soon.”

Button nodded, slamming the juice box onto the bar. “This was nice, we should do it more often. Now, Charge!” Diamond Tiara just shook her head while she ordered some hard cider, ready to forget this whole day as fast as she could.

Coming up to Sweetie, the mare stood. Immediately Button’s mind left him. He had absolutely nothing to say. Sweetie smiled at him and suggested, “Why don’t you tell me what your answer really was?” Button breathed in and went for it.

His knees automatically buckled as he bowed to her. “You are my Zelda, my Yuna, and my Kairi. I will protect you with all I am, your shield against the darkness. If a dragon took you away, I would be there in a heartbeat, ready to face any foe that kept you away from me. I would make the trip of Death, and give up the souls of my brethren, just to give you another chance at life, even if it were away from me.”

“Even if you were to say no, I would brave the nether with only half a heart and a blade of grass. Sweetie, you mean to me more than any game I have played. Even when Rumble was getting the snot beaten out of him in middle school, I was too busy with Tetris to come help. You though, even if you never wanted to see me again after tonight, I would come. I would give up finishing the Archdemon if it meant just getting to see you smile. I-.”

Button never got the last line out. Sweetie was already kissing him, the two held in a passionate embrace. “Button, I would give you all the diamonds in minecraft if it will get you to shut up and take me out already.” Button nodded, and the two set off for their night out.

Comments ( 38 )

“What do you mean by that? Sweetie and I are just friends. We have been ever since we were mere fillies.

That should be "foals". Fillies implies that Button is female.

Awww.... I always love a good ButtonBelle story.... :twilightblush: :heart:

4270606 Thank you, not the best with equine terminology to be honest.:twilightsheepish:

4270623 Honestly not me either until I became a brony. Now I'm like a god-damn horse rancher.:applejackunsure:

4270640 Im sorry, normally wouldnt use a comment for this, but lol!:rainbowlaugh:

4270651 Yeah I had a bit of an existential crisis when one of my friends asked what a female horse was called and I was able to immediately answer. The only thing going through my head was "What's become of my life".:rainbowderp:

this story was good but to make it even better you should add atleast 1 more chapter where button for fils his promos to sweetie belle and comes to get her after scam takes her to get revenge on button for taking her from him :) just a though lol

4271364 Normally I scold people for these types of thoughts, but to be honest, i can't anymore. I might do a continuation, long into the future. Thank you for the idea though, Scam could use coming back, even if he was really just the antagonist for this.

4271388 sounds good I will be looking forward to seeing the next one

4271413 Do not hold your breath

For some reason, I'm just not a big Button x Sweetie fan - but there's really no reason to dislike this story, so i shall give you a thumbs up for a job well done

4272667 Oh my god! I never thought I'd see one in real life. Someone who can support other ships then the ones they like. Seriously, thank you.

Interesting an' clever, but it contained Rumble. Ah thought ah could forgive that, but in the end it turns out ah really cain't.

4273148 Um, Im confused. Please tell me you didn't downvote for that.:fluttercry:

Actually ah downvoted because of somethin' else ah personally didn't like about one a' Diamond Tiara's comments. Ah'm jus' sayin' Rumble sucks an' any story about him where ah don't comment on how much he sucks is a wasted opportunity.

4273189 I understand that. It would have been a shame though if you had merely downvoted an otherwise good story for a simple character choice.

Jumble, you said in one of the comments that you would not normally take ideas, but you are a great ButtonBelle writer and I would love to see more! Do not take this as advice or a demand, but encouragement.

Wow, pick at my feel strings some more, why don'tcha. Make a song with my feelstrings and use that song to hit others' feels. Dang man! That was good. I love geek romance. (I long for geek romance. This explains why my feels got hit so hard.)
I had no problem with the lesbians you made out of Tiara, Dash, or Spitfire, but the line where you suggest that Sweetie might even consider being a lesbian bugged me a little. Other than that, I got hit by a reminder meteorite that has temporarily short-circuited my feels. I feel so empty, but in a good way. :fluttershyouch:

4278784 I know the feeling. I believe I write romances because I still search for my special somepony as well. Being only 18 probably doesn't help. I understand the concern on lesbians, though I have no problem with them, but it was mainly because Sweetie is a romantic, and not the brightest bulb when I write her.:twilightsmile:

4279225 Yeah. I totally get it. It is all fine. Love the whole premise.

One word describes this fic. Phenomenal. With you blessing I would like to make an attempt at animating it!

4290342 I will give you my honest response. This was me right after seeing your comment.
GAH! GAH! What? Why would you, I don't? Thank you?:derpyderp1:

I would love to see you animate this, but I question why you would want to animate something of MINE!? Seriously, thank you, and PM me if you need to know anything. ANYTHING.:pinkiecrazy:

4290545 MAKE ALL THE ANIMATIONZ!!!!!!!:yay::yay::yay::yay::yay::yay:

Thank you for the support! In fact, comment if you're interested in knowing when we are looking for voice actors. This goes for anyone reading this story.

Like because ending.
The rest of the time I found myself yelling at Scam.

It was good to see RD and Spitfire make a cameo. xD

This was great. Loved Rumble in this. It was a lot of fun to read. :rainbowlaugh:

Damn, Scam's a prick.

4663888 Since you are only doing good for me? Hells yes!

And to think I just found this now... This was a nice read.

Such a wonderful read. :fluttercry:

4739679 Happy to see your enjoying more of my work!

Definitely gotta see the one about DT now.:heart:

Rumble forgot for moment where they were as he grabbed pushed Button out of the booth

Erm what? That sentence reads wonky.

Scam smiled at the brown pegasus, his white teeth almost blinding Rumble.

Rumble's grey though, unless he got a full body dye job.

As a hardcore gamer, I can say that that ending speech by Button was freaking adorable

“No, I remember the last time I gave you a lot of apple juice. Here’s some grape juice instead kid.”

Oh yeah! When he was in the bar!


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