• Member Since 3rd Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen April 21st


Nopony special


Something has come up · 6:21am Oct 15th, 2016

...and I won't have the next chapter up for a while yet. I've has an idea come along that I am trying to wedge into the chapter but I need to figure out the logistics regarding how it meshes with the rest of the story in the long term. If I commit to this and it doesn't work, it's going to suck. And since I don't want my story to suck, I need to work on it a bit longer. The results will speak for themselves. Sorry but you're just going to have to trust me on this.

Report angelbunny · 493 views · Story: The Diamond Exchange ·

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I take offense to your note. You're a very special person in my book. Granted life's been challenging but I never forget a friend. I hope life finds you well in whatever you choose to do. Know that you'll always be remembered, you've certainly been a great person to talk to and whose story was my favorite soap opera.

Who else can pull off such an epic Randolph cosplay anyways? You are best butler to best tiny princess.


Consider it a done deal... except now there's pressure in making it a better chapter OH NOOOO!!
I might have to tack on a few more days to the submission date so that it's worthy of being dedicated to you.

2302420 :rainbowderp: wuh, you would do that? If you would like to go for it :) I won't object, I'm actually rather honored you would do that for me ^~^
I just really like your writing style haha

My very first Superfan! :twilightblush: Mght I return the honor by dedicating the next chapter of The Diamond Exchange to you?

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