• Published 11th Mar 2014
  • 3,987 Views, 249 Comments

To be her Mother... - Mayhew Cullen

What adventures await the intrepid daughter of Celestia, Crystal Dream? Will her Citadel of Literacy stand up to the Enemies of Knowledge? Will she face her fears and strike out against her inner demons or will she be sent to bed without dessert?

  • ...

What a Fright

Celestia stood quietly, entirely alone aside from her young visitor. It was the changeling she had spoken to during Crystal’s birthday and it was approaching far too slowly for Celestia’s liking. “Please Miss Zirconia, in spite of what many think, I do have plans for this evening.”

While she was shocked by Celestia’s sudden address, Zero remained in shadow for a moment to collect her thoughts. It had been months since she had last spoken to the Equestrian princess and she learned far less than she would have liked, but hopefully it would be enough. “I’m sorry for my abrupt departure on our last meeting your majesty. I know now what I must do. Rest assured the nature of your daughter remains my closest guarded secret.” Zero turned aside for a moment before bowing to Celestia and offering a solemn vow, “I would sooner die than allow any changeling to harm your foal, but know that there is sure to be a time when her body’s magic cannot be hidden.”

Celestia tilted her head slightly then turned to the hall where she could hear the pitter-patter of tiny hooves. “Mommy Mommy Mommy! I’m Aunty Twilight!” A small lavender blur almost flew out of the changing room with a white unicorn calling out behind her.

“Now settle down darling, you don’t want to ruin your makeup before the night has even started do you?” In spite of her warning, Rarity couldn’t help but smile at her work.

Celestia however was not as amused as too much makeup could have damaging effects on the skin and coat., “Makeup? Miss Rarity, are you saying that you painted my daughter?”

With a smile and a sweeping bow Rarity quickly replied to save herself from her princess’s ire, “Of course not your majesty. The mane and coat colors are a simple glamour. The only makeup is the cutie mark.”

Breathing a sigh of relief, Celestia relaxed and finally got a good look at her dressed up daughter. The Pegasus filly had become light purple with a familiar three toned mane. Atop Crystal’s head was a costume horn and a recreation of the element of magic tiara. “I wonder what Twilight will think.” Celestia said with a smile.

“Truly dearest sister she will be more surprised to see me!” The booming voice almost seemed too small, but when an Alicorn filly appeared Celestia knew her beloved Luna had once again transformed into Nightmare Moon, though an adorably miniaturized version this time.

Celestia was ready to dote upon her Sister and daughter when she saw out of the corner of her eye the changeling shuddering.

Zirconia’s instincts burned for her to feed. The room was filled with a love she was barely familiar with. Changelings had quickly grown past the laws laid down by Chrysalis, but Zirconia still refused to enact long term imitations of close family. It was strong and filling, but her queen once told her that the greatest and most evil act was to tear a child and mother apart.

Chrysalis herself taught her of love, she would often say, ‘Zirconia, there are many types of love on which we gain power. Young love is tender and sweet. Old love is wizened and complex like aged wine. But a mother’s love, a mother’s love can tear the very concept of cosmic balance into shreds. There is nothing more dangerous to our way of life than a mother’s love.’

“Oh how right you were, my queen.”

At the hushed tone of Zirconia’s voice Celestia looked up from watching her daughter and sister playing. With a kindness not often given to a changeling she spoke soothingly, “I’m sorry little one, what was that?”

With a start the disguised changeling focused her attention on the regal mare before her and stumbled through her hasty reply, “Oh um, I’m sorry your highness. I was, um... thinking out loud, about food... um, for me... to eat... tonight, um, for food...” In an attempt to seem less awkward Zirconia put on a wide grin that only cemented her unsure claims.

Still, Celestia’s smile only brightened as she made an offer that anypony would be seen as mad to refuse. “I will be having dinner soon, I would be delighted if you joined me.”

Zirconia however was not a pony and she knew that any changeling would be considered mad to accept a meal from a pony princess who knew her identity. “I’m sorry, you see, well I um—“

“Delightful! We can go to my chambers once I send my sister and daughter on their way.” Celestia’s expression only showed joy and that joy hid only more joy at finally getting a chance for some answers about the changelings. She turned to Crystal and Luna with feigned sobriety then and began her warnings. “Alright fillies, I’m sure you know that you need to behave for Aunt Twilight. Oh yes and make sure to save some cupcakes for me, I won’t be terribly late to the party.”

“Yes Mommy!”

“Aye aye, Tia.” The two foals happily replied before running toward Rarity who would be traveling with them back to Ponyville.

The moment Celestia was once again alone with Zirconia the alicorn spoke again, “Well it might be a little while before I get to eat, but there is no reason why you shouldn’t have something.” The changeling was about to remind the pony of a changeling’s diet when purest affection and love seemed to flood from Celestia’s every pore.

“How? How are you...?”To hell with answers. Zirconia gave up and simply allowed herself to grow fat on the offered meal.

“It is no mystery, Zirconia. I have great love for every one of my little ponies. It would be shameful if I were to make an exclusion of you.” Zirconia ignored that comment as she fed, but was pulled from her feast by Celestia’s playfully tilting head and a return to the original subject. “Now you were saying about my Crystal’s magic betraying her to those who would bring her harm?”

Zirconia considered avoiding eye contact, but decided that full honesty would be for the best. "Perhaps it is not my place, but surely you never thought that Chrysalis’s guise would last forever. A changeling’s coming of age is indicated by a great release of magic, not unlike a young pony receiving their cutie mark.”

Celestia immediately raised a hoof to stop her guest, she had so many questions already and she knew this was only the beginning. “A guise?”

“Yes, of course, you did not think that the offspring of a changeling would be so... pony-like, did you? I don’t know what she looks like under the guise, but well I think the eyes will stay the same... eyes are hard. Anyway I am almost certain when she comes of age all the protective spells Chrysalis cast will burn away and the hive’s current queen will begin her hunt.”

Still showing no emotion aside from the love she was sharing as she asked, “You mean to tell me that another queen will attempt to attack Canterlot?”

“Despite being a fool she did learn from our mother. She will send swarms against all of Eques—”

“Mother?” Celestia interrupted almost the moment Zirconia mentioned the word. The meal she was providing the changeling faltered as she realized how little she knew of her guest.

“Yes, Queen Chrysalis. I’m sure you remember her.”


Meanwhile a sudden flash of alicorn magic delivered three ponies to Twilight Sparkle’s front door. Rarity stumbled slightly as she recovered from the abrupt change in location.

“Thank you darling, but perhaps a little warning would not have been amiss.”

Luna in her tiny form wore a joyful grin as she giggled along with Crystal at the taller unicorn’s lack of equilibrium. “We beg to differ, dear Rarity. This night is for playful scares and harmless tricks—“

“And candy for Aunty Luna!” Crystal joyfully added before allowing Luna to continue.

“Yes of course, so do not fret you will be fine momentarily. Now if I recall you were going to get your costume.”

Rarity finally shook the confusion between spaces from her head as she was reminded of her own outfit for the night. “Yes, thank you Princess. Will you two be alright?”

Luna nodded with confidence as she pointed out Crystal tapping on the door to Twilight’s home. Returning that confidence with a warm smile, Rarity was off and running for her boutique. A small dragon wearing a top hat only caught the end of her tail as he opened the door.

Looking down Spike saw the two fillies begin the holiday’s childish chant, “Nightmare Night, What a Fright, Give us Something Sweet to Bite!” Still Crystal went one step beyond as she remembered her mother’s lessons on manners. “Please.”

“Oh hey Crystal... Princess Luna? Come on in, Twilight should be ready in a moment.”


Celestia held Zirconia in an inescapable embrace. The love felt by the changeling was no longer that of a kindly offered meal, but was instead a love that Celestia had for her as an individual. Only one creature other than Celestia herself would understand the reason and Discord was not in the mood to incur Celestia’s wrath so he wouldn’t be talking.

Zirconia struggled against the far greater alicorn strength but as she felt Celestia’s sobbing begin she began pleading, “Please Princess, what is this? What have I done?”

The second question was what brought the princess back into herself. She released the star struck changeling and with a slight glow of her horn banished the tears that stained her face. “My apologies little one. You see in spite of everything, I cared deeply for your mother as deeply as I now care for your sister. I thought that any ruler taking her place would have stamped out her bloodline.”

Zirconia turned her head to avoid eye contact as she solemnly replied, “She did. I am the last pure blooded descendant of the true queen, I have killed, and lied and hidden to protect myself, but now I know I must raise my sister to take the throne.”

“No.” Celestia’s love was immediately cut off to help make her point. “My daughter will not be endangered so she can be a puppet ruler.”

“I would never—“

“Never what? Never use another living thing for your own gain?” Celestia felt fevered as her own body temperature rose, heating the air around her. “Never steal a youth from a loving family.” Celestia’s eyes flared as her mane and tail ignited. Rage burned in her voice as the stone floor cracked under the heat and pressure. “Never curse an innocent dooming her to thousands of years of hatred and fear! All because you were afraid?! Because you couldn’t commit to anything in your worthless existence?”

Zirconia suddenly felt cooler as if she was protected from the goddess’s flames. Celestia, flames and all, seemed frozen in time. Her confusion was quickly answered as a voice echoed into the now silent room, “Oh dear, it seems my little Celestia blew a fuse. Don’t be scared, she’d only try to kill you if you were me. How about you and I have a chat.”


“Nightmare Night, what a Fright, give me something sweet to bite!” Luna and Crystal cheerfully exclaimed as a smiling Mrs. Cake opened the door to Sugarcube Corner.

While the elder Cakes rarely wore costumes for Nightmare Night they always celebrated at least half as joyfully as Pinkie Pie. Which might not sound like much to someone who didn’t know Pinkie. Ponies who did, of course knew that Pinkie loved any excuse for a party with free candy more than seven and a half hexaplegic Pegasi having all their limbs restored and getting to fly through chocolate rainbows into clouds made of marshmallow.

Unless a Pegasus doesn’t like chocolate, “But I mean, who doesn’t like chocolate? Maybe if they were allergic to chocolate, but that would be sad. So let’s just throw out that silly metaphor and say that I love Hearthswarming more than Dashie liked becoming an elite Wonderbolt Regular. But I suppose she can only do that once and I can celebrate every year. That’s not to say I don’t have something to celebrate every day. I mean just last night...” Pausing for only a moment when she saw the filly sized Luna dressed as Nightmare Moon Pinkie’s pupils shrunk into mere pinpricks before she screamed, “Agh, Nightmare Moon!” and dashed for the horizon as if Tartarus itself were at her heels.

Crystal giggled as always when her silly auntie Pinkie was about and this time Luna joined as well. Mrs. Cake however only shook her head while muttering under her breath, “She was supposed to take the twins too.”

“I did! We’re dressed as Cerberus, see?” Pinkie once again appeared before her employer this time with the Cake twins secured to her shoulders depicting the other two heads of Pinkie’s three headed dog costume. She then turned to Crystal and Luna’s chaperone and continued, “Hey there Twiberry, I thought you were going to be hanging out with your special somepony tonight.”

Twilight’s cheeks blushed only a little at the mention of her marefriend before replying, “Actually we planned on meeting up at her place on the way to Sweet Apple Acres.”

“Really? I thought she would have moved in with you by now.”

“Yeah, well you know how she can be. She feels like it would be giving up her freedom.”

While Luna was curious to hear more she soon found the same draw as her little niece toward the candy being offered by Mrs. Cake


Zirconia couldn’t help but tremble in the presence of yet another mad deity, though this one was the definition of a mad god.

“So you see, that is why I chose the actions I did. Of course knowing then what I do now would still not change my choices. Your little sister is likely the only personal reason as she is the very center of a certain sun pony’s good mood. Trust me when I say I prefer to see Sunbutt in a good mood than the alternative you see burning herself out.” Discord monologued telling every bit of his history with Celestia. The ups, the downs, the side to sides... the very big down at the end.

The unicorn dressed changeling merely stared. Discord was quite responsible for the existence of her kind and he only seemed apologetic that he had not been able to protect the changelings from their own hunger. Zirconia couldn’t fault him for that. Being trapped in stone for over a thousand years made it difficult to feed one’s pets. Even the most tame of monsters are likely to grow feral when abandoned. “So instead of caring for her like you should have, you made her little more than a pet. Was that it? Was my mother’s hive nothing more than a life sized ant farm?”

“The hive should not have happened.” Discord stated softly. “I was nearly ready to fix everything when I found myself turned into a statue. I’m only glad things turned out better than slow death by starvation in the wastes.”

Zirconia was about to return to berating Discord when she heard a much calmer princess, muffled by the shield that had been protecting her from Celestia’s rage. “Thank you Discord I am ready to continue.”


“Release us!” Luna’s cries went unheeded as her yellow marefriend tightened her embrace.

“No.” said Fluttershy plainly as Luna’s ineffectual struggles continued.

“We are the night!”

“Wow Fluttershy, I didn’t think you would be coming with us tonight. What changed your mind?” Twilight asked while watching Crystal play with bunnies and ignoring Luna at the same time.

“Thou will suffer for thine transgressions!”

Fluttershy smiled warmly, quickly correcting her friend, “Oh I still plan on staying home all night with my cutsy wootsy little marefriend. Luna promised that this year she was going to stay here with me and now it will be even better. We can have a nice late night tea and lullabies and a bedtime story—”

“Thine only story shall be that of our swift defeat of the yellow one!”

“Oh but she is a bit dirty, I think we should start with a bath.” At those words Luna stopped all movement and let gravity take her limbs as she looked up into Fluttershy’s eyes like a sad puppy.

“With the blackberry soap and bubbles?”

Twilight shook her head, sometimes she wondered how old Princess Luna really was.

“Only if my little cutie behaves.” said Fluttershy while nuzzling her filly sized sweetheart.

Twilight let herself smile, wondering what it it would really be like to have a filly of her own to care for. She watched Fluttershy carry her inside the small cottage. “Come along Crystal we need to find your Aunty Dash.”

Twilight’s tiny doppelganger perked her head at the mention of her name. She only turned back to the rabbits to whisper, “Bye bye bunnies.” then ran quickly to Twilight’s side.


“I see, then Discord shall be placed in the corner for misbehaving.” Discord was trapped in a field of golden light that kept him from interrupting while Zirconia relayed his claims to Celestia. The field was then pointed directly into the nearest corner for Discord’s punishment.

The princess and changeling had long since returned to their tea that had been saved from Celestia’s wrath only due to the alicorn’s forethought to make the tea set as close to indestructible as her magic would allow.

This meant that it would take a concentrated effort from an alicorn, a draconequus, changeling queen, or a yak that was displeased by the tea not meeting the Yak-Yakistan-dards of a discerning Yak prince.

“Is that really all you’re going to do to him Princess?” Starlight asked softly still concerned for her own safety.

Celestia smiled hoping to lessen her guest’s fears. “He has already paid for his crimes against your mother, this is just a little time out because I was hoping to give the big reveal.” Celestia sighed before asking, “Now do you have anything to ask of me little one?”

Zirconia stared at her hooves. She waited in silence as her mind was flooded with everything she could possibly ask the Princess. Of course the first had to be, “Is it really all true? Did Discord, and you... and... Mother...”

As the changeling trailed off Celestia replied with nought but a warm smile and a somber nod of affirmation.


“Come on Dashie, just wear your old Shadowbolt costume or the Mare Do Well outfit I know you secretly borrowed from Fluttershy.” Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes before glaring at Twilight.

“No way Twi! You promised.”

Crystal however was ignoring the adults so she could instead investigate the sleeping tortoise in the room. “Good night Tank.” she whispered while watching him snore. He wasn’t as much fun to play with as bunnies, but he was really nice in his own way.

“Alright there, the spell is done. Are you happy?” Twilight growled at Rainbow.

Dash however was unimpressed, she looked over her body for whatever transformation Twilight had given her and found nothing changed. “You said you would make me into the coolest most awesome creature you could think of.”

Twilight giggled at her own little prank before replying, “But Rainbow, what could possibly be cooler and more awesome than Rainbow Dash?”

Dash smirked a little. It wasn’t that funny, but if the cutest egghead she knew thought it was, then that made all the difference. “Twilight, you are such a huge dork.” Rainbow then looked to her marefriend’s eyes with loving adoration.

“Come on Dash, you know you love it.” Replied Twilight with a smirk as she let her lips drift toward Rainbow’s. Neither was paying any attention to Crystal until the mini Twilight began whispering.

“Kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss...” and so on until an embarrassed pair of mares heard and pulled back with Dash almost shouting.

“Yeah, so how about we go out and get some more candy!”

Twilight’s reply in the affirmative was quick and conscice as she lifted the tiny copy of herself and began dragging Rainbow along with them, “Yes! Let’s!”


“Wait, Mother is a star?” Zirconia couldn’t help but laugh Her questions for Celestia had gone through everything the princess knew from the birth of Chrysalis to the queen’s death. She laughed when Celestia admitted to not being able to bring her full strength against the invader and cried when she realized how little Chrysalis had ever thought of her own children.

“I wanted her to watch her child grow. The star part only seemed fitting and since Luna’s return she has let me play a little with her night as long as she gets to show our ponies an eclipse every so often.” Celestia’s reply was vague, but Zirconia had come to realize that the princess must have her reasons for keeping the finer details to herself.

“And you... you are the death of all things?”

Celestia always hated that part of her life. She took a long sip of tea to form he response, but nothing seemed right, except the truth. “No. All things would still pass from this world even if I did nothing. I am merely a guide for lost souls.”

Nodding Zirconia pressed further, “So mother was one of these lost souls?”

“No, she had a very determinate destination. She merely invited me so she could ask that I care for Crystal. I was just happy to find that her will was strong enough to persist.”

Zirconia was about to ask more when the pair was interrupted by the sudden pounding against the doors of Celestia’s chambers. Green flame flared to return Zirconia’s disguise before Celestia calmly spoke, “You may enter.”

Without skipping a beat a pegasus guard pushed open the door and gave his very short report, “Highness, Ponyville is under attack.” He then pointed out the window at the fire now spreading through Ponyville.

Eyes narrowed and Celestia replied, “I will go at once, prepare the fifth and seventh platoons for immediate departure. Then find a second to ready the royal chariot so you can transport my guest to Ponyville as well.” In a burst of golden light Celestia teleported herself outside of her window and used all her strength to fly toward her daughter.


Twilight, Rainbow, and Crystal were in merry spirits as they approached Sugar Cube Corner once again. Pinkie had invited them as well as her other friends to a post candy gathering Nightmare Night party and Twilight was not one to deny such an invitation.

All seemed right until the screaming erupted. Twilight immediately searched for danger and found it just as quickly. A great fox, with bright red fur that almost seemed to be made of flames was wrestling an ursa major.

“Firefox? I personally prefer Chrome.” Pinkie Pie calmly commented.

Twilight turned and nearly yelled, “Pinkie this isn’t the time for your antics!”

“But it’s never the time for my antics, that’s how comic relief works. It keeps things from getting too boring or intense for the audience. Though I suppose I just interrupted the start of the climactic fight scene more than anything... usually my timing is better than this. I’d blame the wri—”

“Pinkie! We need to get out of here.” Twilight’s cry was nearly drowned out as the fox crashed into the ursa. Twilight then focused all her attention on saving the citizens of Ponyville. She was only thankful that most ponies were out or at least awake on Nightmare Night. It would be easier to evacuate if they knew of the danger already. Dash, you and Pinkie need to get everyone away from town. I’ll take Crystal to Fluttershy and get Luna’s help managing damage to the town.”

“You got it boss.” replied Rainbow as she flew into action with Pinkie following quickly behind without a word. Twilight’s horn began to glow and in a burst of magic transported herself and Crystal to Fluttershy’s cottage.

Outside the small building Luna stood at her full height as if itching to get moving and save the burning town. “Fluttershy said she thought you would come. Please hurry, I do not wish to leave her here alone.”

The aforementioned yellow Pegasus flitted quickly down from the second floor window toward Luna. With little more than a tender nuzzle Fluttershy quickly moved to take Crystal up in her hooves. “Now you two better stay safe.”

“Of course my little butterfly.” Luna replied with confidence before flinging herself into the sky.

“Don’t worry Fluttershy, I’ll keep her safe.” said Twilight as Luna and herself vanished in a flash of magic.

The moment they had gone Fluttershy tried to make her way someplace where she could keep Crystal safe. She was barely off when she heard chuckling coming from the woods. “I knew killing that baby bear would cause just the distraction I needed.”

It was a female voice, like the changeling queen Fluttershy had seen at the wedding so many years ago. Fluttershy knew that Chrysalis was only trying to feed her family and had forgiven her long ago, but this one, this one seemed, wrong.

“Now little pony why don’t you hand over that little prize and I’ll let you be my meal instead of simply killing you.”

Fluttershy gripped her charge tightly as she slowly moved away. “No.” She might not understand politics between species or whatever complicated plans the changeling might have for Crystal, but she did understand the part where she killed an ursa minor. With a deep breath Fluttershy brought herself up to glare the moment the changeling made her face visible.

“Don’t try that with me, little pony. We changelings invented that little stare of yours, in fact I wouldn’t be surprised if you weren’t a descendant of my sister Menelaus. She always had a soft spot for your kind. Then she mated with a Pegasus, and died giving birth. Not really complications or anything, I just killed her while she was giving birth. Obviously the larva survived. Now give me that snack or I’ll see to it that you beg me for the sweetest release of death.”

Fluttershy had never been more afraid in her life, but one thing kept her from crying and that was the foal she promised to protect. Green fire gripped around her neck slowly stopping her breathing until an immense fox crashed between herself and the changeling.

The choking stopped but that is when tears began to well in her eyes. The fox was wounded beyond help and it was all this monster’s fault. The fox was thrown away like trash by the changeling and the timid yellow pegasus gained a level of anger beyond anything her friends would have imagined. “You!” Fluttershy’s voice gained new volumes as she glared. “How dare you?! You think you can just do whatever you want because you’re stronger?! Well you just better stay back or—”

Fluttershy was cut short as more green magic lifted Crystal and threw Fluttershy against a tree. “Well now that you’ve shut up I can see just why this little morsel is so worth protecting.” The changeling queen was completely oblivious of a certain green star and its flares of rage. She was not however unaware of another changeling standing before her.

Zirconia’s magic flared and her eyes burned with rage as she cast aside her disguises and showed her true form. Then with all the stature of a changeling queen she glared at the monster so recklessly handling Crystal. “Put her down Jequirity, I won’t ask twice..”


Twilight’s horn blazed beyond anything she had ever tried before. Her shield was not one but a dozen separate spells latticed together to create an impenetrable barrier to hold the ursa still. At the least it seemed to take more effort than cutting butter for the giant bear to crash through. So again and again Twilight remade the shield, buying time for Luna to evacuate the populace.

“Twilight Sparkle!” The familiar voice of Twilight’s teacher echoed as a new shield wrapped around the ursa. The new barrier was far more complex, seeming to be a rich network of a hundred spells. It’s strength was far greater than Twilight’s attempt, but it would not last forever against an ursa major’s rage. “Has my faithful student been neglecting her studies in exchange for more alone time with a blue pegasus?”

Twilight’s face bloomed as she sputtered, “Bu- um, n-n-n-no! It’s just that I never heard of a spell like that before.”

Celestia smiled as she reinforced her shield buying another few minutes, but it was obviously wearing on the older alicorn. “You need to stop listening to what old spell casters tell you is impossible, Twilight. Your title may be Princess if Friendship, but you need to realize that friendship is magic in more ways than one. You have become powerful because of your friends. You might even say that your friends are your greatest power..”

“But Princess, my friends are all over and—”

“Twilight, have you tried bucking apple trees since you ascended? I could possibly earn a connection to the trees and the Apple family’s land over time, but you don’t need to connect with the trees because you have a connection with Applejack.” Celestia faltered, her magic was powerful when moving the sun or using powers associated with it, but in the dark of night she could do nothing that wouldn’t kill the poor enraged creature before her, she only hoped Twilight would figure out what to do before that last resort was required.

Twilight thought about Celestia’s words and considering Applejack she found her strength returning. Then she thought of the three friends whose greatest gifts would be needed. “Maybe if I had a Pinkie sense—” a tick in her lower spine and Twilight vanished in a flash of light. A moment after she reappeared far to the left the ursa broke free and swung its claw down on the spot she once stood.

“Rarity has such a sense for using gems—” Her horn now blazing in a bright blue Twilight focused on the normally gemfree earth of Ponyville. Suddenly bursting up like bright shining obelisks great gemstones grew around the ursa stopping its movements. It would not last forever, but all he needed was a few seconds to look the creature in the eye and began bawling at what she saw.

’pain... heartache... rage... despair... it was all so wrong...’

“I’m so sorry.” Empathy for the childless mother swelled in Twilight’s heart as she flew to embrace what little of the bear’s snout she could.


Jequirity laughed when she finally recognized the changeling before her as a queen. “Well it seems I missed an heir. What interest is it of yours if I kill this pony?”

Zirconia summoned up all the strength she had gained from Celestia’s meal. “It is not for you to concern yourself with. Simply know this, if she comes to harm your end will not come quickly.”

“Really? A minor descendant of a failed bloodline is threatening me? I have taken enough love to cast aside the sun and moon, you will be like naught but dust before me.” Jequirity let her horn glow with power that might make her claims not quite as empty as Zirconia had hoped. then cast Crystal to the ground as she focused her attention on Zirconia.

However in a blink, the young queen teleported to catch Crystal. She then attempted to flee, but was caught by a fiery burst of green flame that sent her flying. Zirconia could only thank fate that she had been between the fire and Crystal, protecting the filly from harm.

Jequirity stood over the pair with a bloodthirsty grin. She was so close to ending Chrysalis’s bloodline forever now. Igniting her horn for a second attack she paused when the filly began to cry out, “Mommy, please mommy help.” Jequirity laughed, there was no possible way this foal’s mother would ever come to her aid

New flames erupted from the ground between Crystal and Jequirity. Bright greens and blues blended as a tall figure emerged. “Get away from her.” The voice was calm yet it demanded the attention of Jequirity who recognized the voice as one she had not heard since its owner was left to die in a cave.


Twilight was so focused on the ursa that she did not notice the gems surrounding it beginning to crumble. She did however notice the flash of blue light signifying Luna’s magic at work.

“Dread not old friend, your cub lives. It would surely take more than a foolish changeling to end a creature of the stars.” Luna’s words seemed to calm the great beast as its ears began twitching in search of evidence that the pony was telling the truth.

As suddenly as it had come into town the ursa jumped as it ran back to its cave after hearing the faint cries of an ursa minor.

Ponyville slowly returned to normal with much praise being directed toward the princesses, but all was not over yet. Celestia still needed to reach her daughter.


The figure standing before Jequirity was tall and trim with shining black fur and a long, straight horn. The figure’s mane and tail flowed like an ocean of blue and green that matched her eyes. Her four wings were like those of a dragonfly and her hooves were like obsidian. She seemed so delicate like thin glass yet did not flinch as Jequirity cast more fire to engulf all three of her targets.

Her horn only glimmered slightly and Jequirity’s was extinguished. Again and again the changeling attempted to kill this new adversary and yet it seemed the newcomer with the voice of a dead queen would not even allow her to cast a spell.

Jequirity shivered as confusion and fear overtook her. She had taken the love of a hundred ponies and yet the unusual creature before her seemed to effortlessly control the battle. What are you?!” Jequirity screeched hoping that she could distract her foe enough to escape.

Still she gained no ground as she attempted to teleport. “I am merely an overprotective mother. Did no one ever teach you about the dangers of angering a protective mother?”

Jequirity tilted her head in confusion. “You mean to tell me that hideous semi-pony creature is your offspring? Though I suppose it makes sense considering your appearance, I mean what are you supposed to be? Some freakish cross between a pony and a housefly?”

For the first time the figure considered her appearance. Looking to her hoof she immediately saw the reason she was not recognized. "Ah, I suppose you wouldn’t know it was me without the holes.” Jequirity was no fool she immediately took the moment her foe paused to look at her body to attack. Fire erupted again from the changeling’s horn only to be extinguished with a glance. Still the stranger spoke without an ounce of stress in her tone, “Personally I like it, this body is like, well it’s like... um—”

“A princess,” Squeaked Crystal now fully conscious and quite enamoured with her savior.

“Yes quite, thank you sweetheart. I do believe that is what I will be.” The self-proclaimed princess then turned back to Jequirity and finally introduced herself, “I am Chrysalis, sovereign of the changelings and you would do well to walk away now, i really don’t want the little one to be forced to see more violence.”

Jequirity was furious, not only was her magic useless, but this creature before her claimed to be a dead queen. “You won’t frighten me with stories of the dead and I will see to it that you bleed along with those you came to save.”

Chrysalis shook her head, she wished she could kill Jequirity and be done with it, but it was something she never wanted her daughter to witness, and in exchange for a short visit to her daughter every now and then she had promised Celestia that she would never take another’s life. Still, she had one last trick up her metaphorical sleeve.

Her eyes began to glow as she used her magic to force Jequirity to stare into them. “You will leave, lose yourself in the Everfree Forest for twelve nights before returning to your hive. The events of this night did not occur and you will remember nothing but your wanderings in the forest. Now go.” At that Jequirity fled, overcome as she was by Chrysalis’s stare she could do nothing but obey.

“Thank you Princess Chrysilis.” the young filly behind Chrysalis remarked. The mispronunciation of her name was actually amusing as well.

“Think nothing of it Crystal Dream and before you ask, I most certainly know the names of all the wonderful little fillies who spend their nights looking upon my star.” Chrysalis felt herself fading, it had taken more effort than she had shown to keep Crystal and Zirconia safe. Her attention quickly shifted to find Celestia and Luna moving toward them. “Well Sunbutt, I’ll leave the clean up to you, it seems my time is over for the moment.”

As Chrysalis suddenly vanished from sight, a bright green star appeared in the night sky.

When she was gone Crystal stood and moved toward Fluttershy who had begun weeping over the fallen fox. “Aunty Fluttershy, what’s wrong?”

Fluttershy looked up, her eyes red from tears, and replied, “Oh sweetie, it’s just... this fox was going to be a mommy...” Pausing she looked to Celestia, hoping the princess would take the reigns in explaining to Crystal. A soft smile was the only answer she received. “See she was hurt very badly and she won’t be able to take care of this little one.” Still covered in the great fox’s blood Fluttershy revealed the only surviving kit.

“So she doesn’t have a mommy?” Crystal asked softly looking up at the newborn fox.

“That’s right, but we—”

“I’ll be her mommy!” Crystal quickly interrupted looking to her own mother for approval.

With a smile Celestia spoke before Fluttershy could make her own case for keeping the delicate creature, “That is such a wonderful thought Chrysie, but this little one needs some extra special all the time care, so how about we leave her with your aunty Fluttershy until she is healthy enough to come home with us.”

“Okay Mommy.” It was that moment Luna moved to take hold of her injured marefriend.

“You go back to town, sister. I shall tend to the wounded here.” While she was not specific she intend to give as much care as Zirconia needed to recover. After all the changeling seemed to desire Crystal’s safety as much as any of her many aunts.


Cheers for the return of Celestia and Crystal erupted the moment they came into view. She quickly explained the injuries that Fluttershy had sustained and assured all concerned parties to not worry as she was in capable hooves. In spite of her vows, Twilight and her closest friends all ran to Fluttershy’s cottage as quickly as they could.

Of course Celestia couldn’t fault her former student for merely wishing to help a friend. She then turned to her own responsibility and spoke, “Worry not my little ponies, I will see to it that your homes will be restored soon, but I must apologise as it is far past Crystal’s bedtime and so I must leave you for a moment.”

Most of the residents assured their princess that they would be fine. The royal daughter needed her rest after such an ordeal and Twilight with the help of the unicorn guards had already constructed temporary housing for those whose homes were broken. They could wait until morning to worry about their homes.

One pony however couldn’t help but speak her mind, “Don’t you mean you’ll be back in like four or five years? Like after the timeskip?” asked a truly concerned Pinkamena Diane Pie.

Everypony else only chuckled, thinking that Pinkie was just being Pinkie.

Author's Note:

Arthur’s Knots

It’s finally done! Oh my freaking duck, it’s finally over... until I start the next part and then take three years to finish that... So those following the poll might now realize that the pet is decided, now I just need to give the cutie a name...

Oh well this was fun, I’m so glad I finally just sat down and wrote it. So now we are complete in spite of needing another side story that can wait until later... also yes I love writing Pinkie all your arguments are invalid.

Comments ( 23 )

You just reminded me this story exists, and how good it is.

If I'd been Chrysalis, I'd have waited until Celestia, Luna and Twilight all converged upon an unsuspecting fool of a queen. Overwhelming force is the only option.

7356876 And just let the foolish queen kill not one but two of her offspring? Thank you no. I want the story to continue without killing my little filly... Yet... I make no promises for the safety of any of my characters... Except Luna and Flutters... Just because they would be cute if they had to repopulate Equestria.

Also thanks for the comment and the compliment.


Chrysalis was completely shutting that "queen" down. Don't tell me that instead of telling her to get lost in a forest she couldn't have said "wait here".

And left unspoken "where you can get burned, eviscerated and disintegrated".

7358493 Yeah but a suddenly dead queen could raise problems in the hive. Not the least of which being more dead changelings. Trust me Chrysalis had her reasons. My simple writer reason is that I didn't want to kill a potential future antagonist too soon. I have plans for her.


It's probably just me, but threatening innocent civilians causes me to want to reduce you to a gooey pile of bits, future consequences be damned (I'm counting those two as civilians as they haven't done anything but exist at this point. If they actively attempt to take control the hive, well, they knew the risks).

Speaking of, you have at least one viable heir in reserve, so you can be a little more liberal with the expendability. I'm sure coups aren't that uncommon amongst changelings, and if she spins it so it looks like she manipulated the Princesses into doing her dirty work for her then that's all the better resume.

7359014 Oh coups are all the rage at the hive, usually about half the population dies in writhing pain. As for the claims of princess manipulation, that is a good... Wait did I leave the script just lying around again? Who told you?

Just believe me when I say her end is worth the wait. We are talking the best kind of prolonged suffering a PG-13 rating will allow and I really don't want to spoil it any further.


Well, that's all you had to say. I look forward to seeing justice served.

And no script was seen or shared, I'm just naturally the sneaky, clever sort. With a liberal amount of loud and massive collateral damage tossed in.

7362612 Justice? or revenge? ... Um ... I'll leave that up for interpretation when the time comes.

Well it is easier to be sneaky with a big loud distraction.


For a short time, but after that they know you're there.

See, sneak in and then use the big loud distraction to get out. Or just kill 'em all nice, slow and quiet.

In the game Batman: Arkham Asylum I loved to take the grunts out quietly one by one, and watch as they descended into paranoid, terrified gibbering. But that'd never work for real, unfortunately.

Oh, and I believe the term you mean to say is Justvenge.

This was quite a chaotic ride. No wonder, considering the mare presence of Discord is warping the time and spice of the chapter...

“Firefox? I personally prefer Chrome.” Pinkie Pie calmly commented.

LOLZ all of the LOLZ

please add more lolz into the next story/sequel

7423515 You'll never prove it was me!

7423520 Oh pony feathers.

7423712 Hey, I know that song.

7424012 Yeah... I love when I get to use a fully loaded Pinkie Pie. She's just such a treat to work with.

“Just wanna tell you both good luck we’re all counting on you”

While the elder Cakes rarely wore costumes for Nightmare Night they always celebrated at least half as joyfully as Pinkie Pie. Which might not sound like much to someone who didn’t know Pinkie. Ponies who did, of course knew that Pinkie loved any excuse for a party with free candy more than seven and a half hexaplegic Pegasi having all their limbs restored and getting to fly through chocolate rainbows into clouds made of marshmallow.

Yes Pinkie. That is so Pinkie Pie. Ha!

Now where's that sequel?

Trapped in my brain, my job is finally allowing me a two day weekend so that bit of rest may give me back my writing powers. Heck I have a, non-related to the Motherverse, story that has more work done on it, but I really want to get this ones sequel working as well.

Perhaps I can provide you with some motivation. *pulls out motivation*

Oh my, that is some lovely motivation. Are you sure I can just have it? So generous... and On that note I realize I haven't written Rarity in a while, if ever. I must correct this soon.

I have plenty. *pulls out more motivation*

Oh dear, it seems I'm doomed to drown in this exquisite outbreak of motivation!

Now worries. *puts most of them away*

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