• Published 20th Feb 2014
  • 1,983 Views, 248 Comments

Climbing the Mountain - Talon and Thorn

The story of Baron Mounty Max and his early years as part of the Night Court of Equestria and how his destiny became intertwined with Duchess Fragrant Posey during that momentous time.

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Epilogue - Two Travellers

From her quarters in the highest tower in Canterlot Castle Princess Luna looked out over the city and all the ponies within in. Even now in the early morning it was a bustling hive of activity, truly Canterlot was a city that never slept. She yawned, although she could go several weeks without sleep if she needed to, she preferred to try and get some shut eye each day if possible, and the events of the last few weeks had made that an impossibility.

The truth about her court, the truth she had been wilfully ignorant of, had hit her hard, the thought of having to clean house again, while her sister was stalking the countryside had seemed like a nightmare, but she had been prepared to do it, if necessary. The court’s proposition last week had put such plans on hold for the moment, she knew all she had so far were words, but they were good words truthfully given. Now at least she had hope that things would improve, maybe this time the court could be reformed without having to break it down first.

Glancing down at the city far below she watched as, in a cloud of white smoke, a train, looking like a toy from this distance, slowly pulled away and started its journey down the mountain. With a flash of her horn she sharpened her eyes too far beyond that of even an owl or other bird of prey. There in the train’s window, as expected, was a grey coated earth pony stallion, Baron Mounty Max, starting his journey back to his province. He seemed to be discussing something with his assistant, his hooves moving animatedly.

Luna smiled, she tried not to play favourites at court but she found she liked the stallion. His simple straightforward and honourable attitude was refreshing. She was glad she had taken the risk of ennobling him. He had made mistakes in his time at court, but what pony didn’t? It was worrying that even in the short time he had been a baron he had already gotten into shaky moral ground, but he had done so with the best of intentions. Yes, she had high hopes for him over the following months and years.

Shifting her gaze she glanced up into the sky as an air chariot glided by pulled by two chauffeurs, it was headed away to the south west. Again enhancing her vision she noted the pink maned pegasus mare riding in it alone. Duchess Fragrant Posey, another pony she had had her eye on, and if she didn’t miss her guess Max’s special somepony. They were making some effort to hide their relationship, but weren’t making that good a job of it, she smiled. She liked her little ponies to be happy, as long as the relationship did not interfere with their jobs she was content to leave them be.

Fragrant had been a model courtier and at one time Luna had held her up as a paragon amongst the others. She had been disappointed by the pegasus’s hooves of clay, but maybe she had set her target too high. The mare tried her best. Luna had been saddened that the long years at court, as well as some personal traumas, she didn’t know exactly what, and didn’t like to pry, had seemed to be wearing the duchess down. Max’s appearance seemed to have reversed that decay, love was treating the Duchess well.

The chariot disappeared behind a cloud bank and Luna blinked, cancelling her spell. She was certainly living in interesting times, but maybe it was worth it to be surrounded by such interesting ponies. She sat back at her seat and put on her lens-less glasses peering at the paperwork in front of her, she still had quite a bit to do before she could sleep. She wondered what the future would bring.

Only time would tell, she thought.

Author's Note:

And after almost a year of writing, that's all folks.

For the moment anyway.

Climbing the mountain 2 (no more interesting title yet) should be published some when in January and will carry on the story of Max, Fragrant and various other courtiers during the Lunaverse second season.

Thanks to Grass and Clouds, RK Striker, Emeral Bookwise, Rainbow Double Dash and many others for their suggestions and very much to Mooncalf for his editing (all the errors are mine, the words that makes sense are his).

As always comments are appreciated. Any suggestions you have for part 2 will at least be considered.

Comments ( 20 )


Congratulations, T&T, you crafted a story that managed to show that the Night Court wasn't so bad after all. Badly could have used that back when, but it's here now, and as a result I can actually think about the Night Court without wanting to slit my wrists open.

Can't wait for Climbing 2: Electric Boogaloo.

5412812 You ask me, the whole thing was an example of the "ab uno, disce omnes" fallacy in that one or two anomalies were taken as representative of the whole group.

Great story! I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more of Max and Fragrant's misadventures in politics. Maybe even get to see some more details regarding events alluded to in Just Us Little Ponies?

great story,:rainbowlaugh: keep it up

Her seeing at high-resolution at such small angular diameter with pupils her size violates the diffraction-limit. ¿Does she project a large diameter magical lense in-front of her? ¿Is that how the spell works?


Magic! That's how it works! :derpytongue2:

Ignore the breaking of physics, nothing to see here.

5412812 As much as I hate to say it, I wonder if at least some of the drama had to come first for this good to even exist.

Whether that's the case or not, this story has been fantastic, T&T, every chapter left me satisfied enough that I was content to wait for the next to show up whenever, andnit was a fun read. Great work, definitely excited for CtM2! :twilightsmile:

Duchess Fragrant Posey, another pony she had had her eye on, and if she didn’t miss her guess Max’s special somepony. They were making some effort to hide their relationship, but weren’t making that good a job of it, she smiled.

Hah! I have to wonder if Luna is just observant, or if Fragrant and Max really aren't hiding their relationship particularly well. It would be funny if they keep it "secret" for much of the second story only for them to eventually find out that the entire city of Canterlot knows.

It's been a fun ride. In spite of my more critical comments towards the end of the story, I've really enjoyed this addition to the 'verse.

I'm looking forward to the sequel, as well as being very glad there'll be one.

5412812 Random thought, will the sequel have to go through the canonization process or will it be grandfathered in as season two canon because it's a direct sequel to an already canon story?

It would still have to go through the Quorum. The only things that are "grandfathered" in was anything in S1 or S2 already considered canon before I made the Quorum. Since then, anything that wants to be canon has had to go through it; I've even submitted my stories to the Quorum.

Really nice ending. Great job, TT.

Great ending, Talon. Give yourself a stampede of applause. :D

As for the Night Court, well, you know my opinions on it and certain members. Also, forgot this for last chapter, thanks for that bit with Puissance. :D

Thanks for the fun story, really looking forward to anything else you decide to write.


There will definitely be a Just Us cross over in Mountain 2, and probably some version of the Duke Abides (Which was going to be it's prequel but now is part of it's backstory) as G&C2 offered to help me with that bit.


Hah! I have to wonder if Luna is just observant, or if Fragrant and Max really aren't hiding their relationship particularly well. It would be funny if they keep it "secret" for much of the second story only for them to eventually find out that the entire city of Canterlot knows.

They (well Fragrant anyway) is making a fair job of hiding it although hardly perfect, Wallflower and some of her other friends have spotted it straight away as have some more observant court members. She's more worried about making the gossip columns rather than most of the court knowing (although the two are linked). Fragrant wanting to keep the relationship secret vs Max wanting to publically announce it will be a point of tension between then for much of the next year.


My current plan is to submit the first chapter or two in January along with an outline for the 'seasons' plot as it currently stands. Although if the Quorum is interested I could probably submit just the general outline in a few days.


I'm of mixed opinions of the traditional vs film version of the song, although I think I bend towards the film version (it might be because the scene was filmed less than a mile from where I am at the moment, although she does take a very odd route to get to the station) I think the film version fits better here with the quieter opening to allow the various characters to run through their promises.


My current plan is to submit the first chapter or two in January along with an outline for the 'seasons' plot as it currently stands. Although if the Quorum is interested I could probably submit just the general outline in a few days.

If you like. As much as everything goes through the Quorum, with some stuff it's for formality's sake. We're a horribly corrupt evil council of doom, you see.

5437981 : I can PM you an outline of Duke Abides, if you think that would be useful.


It will probably be more useful nearer the date of writing at the moment its more or less at the 'the story takes place here stage'.

That will probably make more sense in a day or two when I put the outline before the Quorum.


As far as I understood it it's nothing like as innately harmful as that, it basically changes your internal monologue into and external monologue. However, once you realise what's happening your mind often goes to considering what the worse thing you can say it and thus you then say it.


That was very good. It was nice to get a better look at the night court since they are such a critical part of the setting, and Max is absolutely adorable.

I really like the how well this bleeds into Season 1. It's been a while since I read the other stories but I still spotted when the story intertwined with the other stories or made mention of events.

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