This story is a sequel to Pinkie and Bluie
Pinkie Pie and Prince Blueblood have been dating for some time. A casual conversation over what to do for Hearth's Warming reveals that neither of them has a good relationship with their parents as each of them wants their beloved to be happy they set up to reconcile each other with their family. This results in both families being invited to a Hearth's Warming party. But is one house big enough for both the Bluebloods and the Pies?
Part of the Lunaverse.
My entry to the Hearth's Warming
A sequel to Pinkie and Bluie.
Awesome! I love your depiction of Pinkie and Blueblood as a couple, so I'll be looking forward to reading through this. The family meetings are definitely going to be a blast... about three megaton's worth.
I loved this story. My inner proofreader was wagging its finger at the number of grammar issues and a few instances of getting character names mixed up, but the story itself is strong and heartfelt. I would love to see these stories become Lunaverse canon.
Horses do not menstruate. The evolved the ability to completely recycle their uterine linings. That is nothing:
Deer can reabsorb dead fœtuses instead of aborting them. In a sense, does can eat their dead unborn fawns.
I like that you kept the reference to PacMan and Ms. PacMan.
I believe that you mean:
Ha! I was hoping for something like this.
Prestige is a real bitch. She is like an adult DiamondTiara.
Should be:
I have a feeling that MoonBeam is Princess Luna. Next, we get too see the families collide.
You need an adverb —— not an adjective:
Should be:
Now that was wonderful. I'm liking InkieSpare, love through paperwork.
Should be:
Should be:
Should be:
Should be:
Should be:
Luna! Always with the being in disguise.
The is the best, most fantastically logical and most fulfilling interpretation of rock farming I've ever seen. Earth Pony +5 to Jewel Crafting is my latest head canon.
Prestige's turnabout seemed to come out of nowhere, since we didn't spend much time with her, and I don't really know how she ticks. So she likes Pinkie because Prince really loves her? But what were her feelings towards Prince in the first place? And why did she decide to believe Baron this time as opposed to just dismissing him as usual? It can't just be chalked up to him being 'truthful.' He was presumably being truthful the other times he told her to lay off. Finally, if her heart did crack, even just a little, why would she be so straightforward about it?
I think we've all had that one Christmas that just didn't go right, so we ended up with a horrible or lackluster Christmas dinner. I can remember two in specific - one when I was a kid, where just bad luck at a hotel we were staying at (for skiing - and it was warm and did nothing but rain) we ended up basically just going to a vending machine and getting kit-kat bars until we could make it to my grandparent's place. Then last year, when my mom and brother decided we were having Christmas at my place - without letting me know this, I was expecting a quiet Christmas by myself, so it was a mess and we basically had DiGiorno's pizza that I had managed to grab from a Honey Farms.
Point is - I'm with ya, Pinkie.
"My mother insulted your sister and my father apparently tried to put the moves on your mother, but not before your father called my parents stuck-up snobs. So...actually, it's rather a lot like Hearth's Warming when I was twelve. Everything should be fine as long as father stays away from the brandy."
"Ah...945. Good year."
This was wonderful. To be honest, in particular I liked that Pinkie had a little breakdown here; in Pinkie & Bluie she came across as a little perfect (but then, that makes sense given the story), so it was nice to see some of her normal flaws shine through here.
Hmm...Pinkie, you're not supposed to break reality that hard.
Great story! Yes, it had tons of punctuation issues( Yes, this is the pot calling the kettle black), I still loved it. The dynamics between the characters were believable and I loved Pinkie here. This is from someone who usually doesn't care for her.
Loving this. One typo I noticed...
I believe that should be 'fire'. Oh, and congrats on getting this canonized.
3669702 The first story was "Pinkie as Manic Pixie Dream Girl". This one is "Pinkie as girlfriend."
Well, no, Pinkie & Bluie was canonized. Twoie wasn't, in recognition of the fact that we don't want to improve Blueblood too fast. Much as with I'll See You Soon, however, we can consider this something to work towards.
That doesn't stop this from being a great story, though, and the first one was still canonized.
That line would work Oh-So-Well if it referenced Marshall and Inkie
Thanks for putting in the effort to get these chapters out so fast. Very enjoyable story, just need to go back and do a little editing as others have already pointed out.
I think you've switched the word "tenacity" for "temerity" in this chapter, but it was an enjoyable semi-farce with genuine heart warming bits.
Also, good to see Pinkie voiced so convincingly and operating within the dreaded "Polsky Limit" of zaniness.
So many feeeeeels!
The part where she reads the back of the check, all of my d'aaws!

For lack of a tears-of-joy emote, I will instead moustache.
This chapter was a lot of good. Probably the best damned try at making rock farming logical. Clyde's last line made me grin and makes me wanna have him chew out Maneverse Applejack, to boot.
Yeah, sorry to everybody about the grammar, punctuation things. I was desperate to get this in by Christmas. The last two chapters were first drafted over about 2 days, then second drafted between midnight and 3am when the rest of the chapters were checked between 9 and 1 the next day before I caught a flight to see my parents.
I'll probably try to go over them over the next few days although I'm trying to get a writing hiatus until the new year (3-4 hour sleeping nights became rather common while writing this).
I just adore the original fan names for Pinkie's family. The new canon ones are ok but they just make Pinkie to different from her family.
They may be making a few background appearances in my Max/Posey story (watch this space over the next 12 months).
Thanks although its not entirely a unique idea, I've seen a few other stories with rock farming being some sort of feng shu to create gems or magic stones, although I don't think anyone has linked it to creating enchanted items before.
I sort of agree with you, I did make Prestige jump from hating to loving Pinkie to quickly but I didn't want to have to repeat most of the previous scene again. I've sort of tried to save it via two things, she knows her husband, she knows when what he's saying is actually important rather than him being his normal useless self. The other is her personality, prestige is an incredible loving mother she would do anything for her sons but her talent is hiding her true feelings (when she chooses to use it, how she acts here is very different to how she would be in public). When she thought that Pinkie was a gold digger trying to rip off Blueblood she would do anything to get her away from her son, when she found on that he was head over heels in love with her and she made him happy then she was all for her. That's my story and I'm sticking with it,
I was aiming for very different things for Pinkie and Blue 1 and 2. In the original it's Pinkie being what Blueblood needed when he was at his lowest. Here it is a bit more balanced, it shows that Pinkie needs someone as 'grounded' (sort of) as Blueblood to stop her from self destructing. From the first I couldn't see why Pinkie needed Blueblood, this answers that, partially.
Thanks I was generally trying to rain her in. I was not looking forwards to writing a chapter from her point of view but I think it came out better than I originally thought it would.
What do you mean Pinkie and Bluie is canonized?
*Checks the season one list*
Well I'll be!
Oh, Oh, I wasn't prepared, should I be wearing a suit? I don't have a speech written!
A fair number of typos in the last bit, and Prestige's turnaround, as 3669482 said here, was really out of nowhere.
3668530 Like two freight trains at full speed...
It's going better than I thought, actually. No one's dead yet.
Although good on getting it out before Christmas... to be honest, I think it would've been better to get the grammar issues ironed out. Sorry.
Overall I did like this, mind.
I can't help but think that Pinkie should be able to find somepony to give her a place to sleep out of the rain, even in Canterlot.
I am really loving this story, though. The irony of both partners trying to get the other's parents to reconcile with them is delicious.
She's not in Canterlot, she's in Llamrei a place she's never been to before which she knows no one in and is over twice as far from home as she's ever been before.
Still, I am probably being rather cruel to her, but that's drama.
Hi Luna! You do love watching foals have fun.
The pageant was adorable. Princess Dinky is fantastic!
The cake with the Fire of Friendship heart is such a Pinkie thing to make.
This whole thing was adorable. I felt really bad for both Pinkie and Blueblood when Pinkie had her breakdown over the cooking, but they all recovered well. I really like the way you've written their respective families. There are a lot of problems and issues there, but they worked past them at least enough to have a nice Hearth's Warming together. It was lovely.
It seems that there may soon come a day when Pinkie Pie needs to be introduced as Pinkie, Viscountess Blueblood. That's a scary thought.
Well future Pinkie and Blueblood make appearances in the 5th Doctor chapter of my Dr Who / Lunaverse cross over story Time after Time. I think she's referred to as Lady Blueblood-Pie there.
A delightful seasonal story.
Uh isn't Sue Pinkie's Mother though?
And now corrected.
Thanks for pointing this out.
3735257 No problem
After considering him limited options
After considering his limited options
Every dozen feet of so
Every dozen feet or so
“Why?,” he asked cautiously
“Why?” he asked cautiously
these rocks seems much
these rocks seemed much
She spontaneous and crazy
She's spontaneous and crazy
so when the sister in law suggested she move in with the Cakes
so when (mny?) sister in law suggested she move in with the Cakes
Their good ponies, the Cakes,
They're good ponies, the Cakes,
“Still I noticed you haven't been using your horn, trying to impress me were you? Doing it the earth pony way?”
Blueblood nodded.
“Well that was dumb."
LOL. I was waiting and hoping to hear that! After so many fics - and before that, the premise itself lends to this trope - of "doing it (a job) the hard way" it is always refreshing to hear someone pragmatic out and out say doing something the "hard" way isn't doing it the smart way or even the best way.
at the younger stallion and range of emotions
at the younger stallion, a range of emotions
in surprise, “I sure
in surprise. “I sure
This is very enjoyable! I hope you don't mind me pointing out potential corrections? If you do, just PM me, and I can edit them out.
She sighed and looked down at her dress, it was new.
This is one of those situations where you can use the narrative to stress something important. In this case, the new dress. Like so:
She sighed and looked down at her dress. Her new dress.
(without ot without italics on the 'new' you can see how this puts extra emphasis on the fact that it is new, hinting even before it is explained at the effort she's putting into making a good first impression!)
Also, as an aside, overwrought Rarity is, as always, oh so amusing. I can so picture Pinkie just sitting there, blinking a few times, as unintelligble, muffled curses come from the back of the shop. Then Rarity comes back and its back to helping a friend look faaaabulous.
herself so Pinkie played alone
herself so Pinkie played along
Bear in mind also, that, like a few authors, you've adopted the concept of a "pinkie narrative." Which is a narrative that is very peppy, run-on and run-off, and even irrationally exuberant in prose. This leaves a lot of leeway also when it comes to sentence structure and organization. I won't try and correct that, since so much of it adds to the character of a POV when that POV is a Pinkie POV!
Once she’s learnt
Once she’d learned
She’s been to Canterlot,
She’d been to Canterlot,
(watch those tenses!)
“Ok,” muttered Pinkie, “I’m going to have to do this the hard way.”
Guards throwing cartoon characters out of a restricted area always ends well for the guard or guards. Always. TV and especially loony toons spinoffs have taught me this.
Oh, as one of the kitchen staff? Oddly, I would not be surprised if - even after already getting inside - Pinkie went back out and got in via trampoline anyway. Just because.
Pinkie though she had seen
Pinkie thought she had seen
her was still handsome. The most significant difference
he was still handsome. The most significant difference between
peaking around
peeking around
She span around
She spun around
(Kicked out again! LOL)
then she’s tried to huddle under
then she tried to huddle under
(Old man to the rescue, with a little of what I like to call gentleman-fu)
at big blue eyes "
at her big blue eyes. "
“That sounds a very good philosophy Miss Pie.”
“That sounds like a very good philosophy Miss Pie.”
to help you son
to help your son
you might even know on of them
you might even know one of them
they’ll by my brother and sister
they’ll be my brother and sister
to beater her eyelashes
to beat her eyelashes
than I though
than I thought
had written than he loved her
had written that he loved her
Wow, this is a long post now. Hope you don't mind!
As others have said, Prestige did turn around quickly, but I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt and that she was really hoping and waiting for a good influence to come around and buck the trend of the last few years. This is a very classic sort of story with the juxtaposed narratives (this chapter and the previous) but it is just really sweet and so fits Pinkie especially; we all knew she'd prove herself to Prestige, the question was just how grudging or wary Prestige would continue to be.
should be able to deal with
should have been able to deal with (or) would be able to deal with
her eyes glues to the flanks of a guard
her eyes glued to the flanks of a guard
(Blinkie Blinkie Blinkie, you go girl)
If I had an internal Pinkie Pie as my conscience... well, I'm not even sure, but I think I'd either go giddy or go insane or both. Probably both. I’m just too darn naughty.
“You can take the foals to see a team that might actually win for a change,”
(Oy, oy, do I know a thing or two about being fatefully shackled to perpetually pitiful teams!)
a pair of wing flicked
a pair of wings flicked
back to our seat’s
back to our seats
the young cast did certainly did put
the young cast did certainly put
was the suggestions of romance
was the suggestion of romance (or) were the suggestions of romance
“Uh hu,”
“Uh huh,”
I’m not used to champaign
I’m not used to champagne
(though I'm not sure if this is intentional misspelling or not! I recall a certain Zapp Brannigan also having a creative pronunciation for shamp-pag-nn)
particularly now Duty Bound
particularly now that Duty Bound
And the very next scene, while they're talking before bed, my thoughts are nothing but "romantic comedy well-intentioned disaster incoming!"