• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen 11 hours ago


I write the pone, I read the pone, I love the pone. I also accept Paypal donations if you like my stories: https://paypal.me/lotusteadragon


Applejack and Rainbow Dash are spending a cold, wintery day together, around the table, sharing hot tea and cookies. This is an AppleDash Quickie (not that kind of quickie, you perv), and is a short story set in the same universe as "Of Clouds, Seeds, and Apple Trees," as well as "Saddlebags, Sun, and On the Run," "Hearth's Warming's Heart," and "Orange and Blue, I Do." It is the latest story in the chronology.

(LotusVerse Story #5)

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 50 )

A short story, and I hope you like it!

Oh my god xD
This is a very good but short story (I don't have anything wrong with short stories, I'm just saying).
Apple-Dash is definitely my favourite pairing :raritystarry:

I enjoyed it :derpytongue2:

3437146 - Thank you, NineTailedWriter, I'm glad you liked it! I hope you enjoy what I have in store for the future. :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

Certainly short. Certainly sweet. Certainly worth the read.

My only concern is originality. I mean, I know that there are fics out there with Twilight helping Applejack and Rainbow Dash become pregnant with a child. That's great. I love that kind of thing - having a child together is one of the greatest representations of love and dedication between two individuals that one could ever give.

However, I do feel like the whole "Twilight magics them a baby" thing is a little overly done. I'd like to see the process explored with a bit more depth than, "Oh, it's magic. You don't need to explain it." Is there more to it than a simple spell, a bit of laser-magic, and a warm tingly feeling? Does the mage need a personal item or a show of love between the two parents to be?

It feels like an all too wasted opportunity.

Otherwise, this story was well-written, a nice look between what might be Rainbow Dash and Applejack as a married couple. I'd like to see a chapter or two more, perhaps.

Happy writing!

A sweet little story you got there :pinkiesmile:
I think it's pretty awesome that you still stick with your own universe thingy. Loved all the stories in it:ajsmug:
Can't wait for the next one with Violet :pinkiehappy:

3437260 - Well, this story is supposed to be a springboard for the next one. One of my initial plans was to explore that magical baby process. I almost wanted to make this short story a much longer one, but I decided to have it stand on its own, and just draw things out in the next one, as there are some larger themes I want to approach. So what you get here is a preamble to something bigger. Thank you for the comments, and I'm glad you enjoyed the story, TwilightUCrazy. :twilightsmile:

3437264 - Thanks, Tarascha! Yeah, I made my universe and now I'm laying in it. :raritywink:

Oh good, you ARE planning to continue the setting. :rainbowkiss: The next story better start with Dash rainbooming in her excitement to get the news to her friends, or I'll be mad! :ajsmug:


Finally! :pinkiehappy:

:ajsmug: I'm pregnant.
:rainbowderp: ...

TheLotusTeaDragon can you make another story where Applejack give birth to her and Rainbow Dash foal or foals with Slice of Life in it or make more chapters to this story and add that to this story

I could of sworn I read something like this before:unsuresweetie:.....Either way I enjoyed this cute fic:twilightsmile:

>(not that kind of quickie, you perv)
This makes me think that your story is going to be a silly comedy, but I don't see the comedy tag.

3437774 - Yes, yes yes, there will definitely be a continuation of this. I've been extremely busy as of late, but I wanted to set down roots for the next story, and so this idea was born at 2 AM. It's a vignette, but it leads to a much larger story. I'm glad you liked it, Tchernobog. :rainbowwild:

3438128 - I wanted to illustrate that life has moved forward for our happy couple, and that there are still things waiting in the proverbial wings. Thanks for reading, Jackie. :twilightsmile:

3438165 - There will be a continuation of this story, yes. It is a bit in the offing, but it is coming. Thank you for reading, dream. :ajsmug:

3438218 - You probably have. There is nothing new under the Sun. Still, I am glad you enjoyed it, Manes, and I hope you'll enjoy the next story. :eeyup:

3438234 - Oh, that's just my terrible sense of humor cropping up at random intervals. I didn't use the comedy tag because I wasn't sure if I would classify it as a comedy. It's certainly not sad, but it's not what I'd call a laugh riot. Thanks for reading, Azusa! :twilightsmile:

And to everyone who is reading, has read, will read, or is burning a printout of this story, thank you for caring, thank you for sharing. It makes me happy to tell my stories.

3438686 ok and your welcome for the reading :pinkiehappy:

I gotta say, from the begging to end of this fic, I felt happy, not quite like love, but happy. The only other time that I felt this emotion from a fic was reading Taste Of An Apple. And coming from me, that means you are ninth best pony. (That means amazing). Keep up the good work.
P.S. you may need a name to connect all of these stories.

3438734 - Ninth best on the Infamous IF's list? I'll take it! :pinkiesmile:
Yeah, around the time of "Orange and Blue" I realized if I continued these, there would have to be some kind of connection, because it's going to get confusing. I was thinking of calling it the LotusVerse, since in this universe, Twilight hasn't become an alicorn, and there are already timeline discrepancies between the official world and this one.

The LotusVerse... Sounds lovley, and delectable.

3439289 - LotusVerse it is. :D

oooh Book 5 in Cute AppleDash series :pinkiegasp: I will read eventually ..... Have so many others to read...:twilightsmile:

:rainbowwild::heart::ajsmug: FOREVER

3440391 - AppleDash is best ship (though I have a weak spot for TwiLuna as well)! I hope you enjoy it, Pyrotechnic! :twilightsmile:

Excellent work as always, Lotus :pinkiesmile:. Hope to see the Lotusverse continue far into the future.

Loved the new story, can't wait for more of your stuff! :rainbowkiss:
Appledash forever! :rainbowwild::heart::ajsmug:

3442902 - Thanks, almightypretender. You know, I never thought I would ever do anything like this. When I wrote "Of Clouds," I figured it would be a one shot deal, and here I am gearing up for my 6th installment!

3445584 - Finally, you showed up! I was beginning to wonder where you were! :rainbowwild:
Seriously though, Painbow Bash, thank you for reading. I'm glad you liked it, and I hope you love what's coming next. It will have action, adventure, and possibly other things, even delicious hot apple pie*.

*Not that kind, you pervert, though I like what you're thinking. :pinkiehappy:

What? Me a pervert? would never think of such an innuendo! :scootangel:

3452065 - My window, your window, we're all going to hell anyway. :pinkiecrazy:

And here i thought you didn't write sad stuff :fluttercry::fluttershysad:

3454598 - Don't worry, it will get better! :pinkiehappy: /positivity requirement fulfilled

Well i don't know how your fics can get much better but I'll suspend my disbelief. :yay: /excitement requirements fulfilled.
P.S. ( actually i do, add Scootaloo adoption, problem is they seem to be having a kid already. But I'm not complaining.)

3454930 - The next story, which is still in advanced planning stage but almost ready for me to begin principle composition, will have action, adventure, drama, and hopefully excitement, and it will be focused heavily on AJ & Dash, so we'll see what happens. :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

*raises hand* one question... What's up with apple bloom n sweetebelle, together pweeze? :pinkiehappy:

3486008 - Not to give too much away, but a few things from "Of Clouds..." do get wrapped up in this coming story. Don't tell anyone. :scootangel:

SQEEEE...PINKIE PARTY!!!!!!!! :pinkiehappy:

That ending: Somebody better pick up the phone, because I bucking called it

3486462 - Ain't no party like a Pinkie Pie party cause a Pinkie Pie party don't stop. :pinkiehappy:

3565389 - Hello? Hello? There seems to be no one on the other end of the line. :rainbowwild:

3565422 Incubators have trouble reaching the mouthpiece :raritydespair:

3565429 - You can always use speakerphone. :ajsmug:

3565470 good advice. I should try telemarketing my contracts.

3565475 - That's the way! Use your head, or a reasonable facsimile thereof!

3565511 ha:rainbowlaugh: nice little chat you seem to b having
also...is there gpoin to be another...pweeze? :duck:

3567588 - Another story? If so, yes. The target date is early January. That's a soft target date, in that it may be a bit sooner, or a bit later.

3567822 ha...yay :yay: more reads!!:pinkiehappy:

What a line to end on Lotus.
When Applejack started to talk about what they needed Twilight's help on i kinda figured that it was a foal spell or whatever you neme those spells.
Also i think Violet might outrank Twilight in eggheadness just for Dash's information.
Good story nonetheless i enjoyed it. :raritywink:

4289358 - I see Violet more as an Egghead in Training, which is why she was drawn to Twilight. Sometimes it's hard for us to find common ground, and when you do find common ground with someone as sweet, and wonderful as Twilight, well it's only natural to get starry eyes over them. I'm glad you enjoyed the story, Tobben. :twilightsmile:

5258686 - Coke Zero is an excellent choice to spit out upon reading surprising revelations! :pinkiehappy:

That was just... delightful. It put that persistent sort of smile on my face you can't even wash away if you'd try... :pinkiehappy:

But now I can't stop myself imagining the details of that spell... hmmm... maybe Rainbow let Twilight turn herself into a stallion and they, uh, you know, "tried an tried again and again"...? That image makes me giggle hard... gosh, I'm soooo mature. :pinkiecrazy:

Wonderful entry. I hope I can move on to the next one today, don't really want to wait...

Thank you.

I don't how you did it, but even though I totally expected that, it still surprised me. Man, that was one great story.

6479041 - I am very glad you enjoyed it, Appledash_Gurl. :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

That endings the best!!!!!!!!!:rainbowlaugh:

Best APPLExDASH fan fic I have ever read

Thank you, Nightmare mare! I'm glad you liked it! I've always enjoyed AppleDash as a romantic couple, and while I'm not as good as quite a few authors, I do put my heart into it.

I apologize for the lateness of my reply. I never received notifications for these and I am now attempting to catch up.

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