• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write the pone, I read the pone, I love the pone. I also accept Paypal donations if you like my stories: https://paypal.me/lotusteadragon


A short story about our favorite ponies on the night of Hearth's Warming Eve.
This story is set in the same universe and several months after the events of LotusVerse Book 2, "Saddlebags, Sun and on the Run".

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 32 )

Very cute. Gotta say though, Twilight's bunch are light weights asleep before the CMC.

Heh. Nice little ditty.

Well, to be fair, Path of Cloud, the CMC, being young fillies, have far, FAR more energy than the adults. Sometimes I wish I had that kind of boundless energy. I remember as a child, I would sit up and wait for Santa Claus, long after my parents had went to bed. My brother and I would sit in the living room and eat cookies, just waiting for him to come down the chimney. We'd make it until about 11:50, and then fall asleep. It's some of my favorite memories. :pinkiesmile:

Thank you, TrevorLaneRay. I'm glad you enjoyed it. :pinkiesmile:

1837053 Very true. Some of us still have those long nights; although, waking up is kind of a pain :raritywink:

Usually followed by "Did anyone get the license plate number of that truck?!" :pinkiehappy:

1837067 Ah, yes, Wednesdays. Although, I was refering more to long nights writing... or other nightly activities :moustache:

I'm gonna, oh gosh :fluttershyouch: Beautiful! Even makes more of an impact during the holidays... heh... don't get me all sappy now... :ajsmug:


Oh, you're so sweet, Jackie! Thank you and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :twilightblush:

1837990 The additional AppleDash made it oh so more enjoyable :ajsmug::heart::rainbowdetermined2:

Thank you! All of my stories will have AppleDash in them, and will be a part of my universe. I strive for consistency. :pinkiehappy:

Yay for TwiLuna, possible FlutterMac and even though it's not my ship, i do enjoy a well written AppleDash. :ajsmug:

I'm so glad you approve! :scootangel:

Thank you, dlazerous, I'm glad you enjoyed the story. I may pursue the FlutterMac ship in the future. I just like the idea. It works for me. :twilightsmile:

that was beautiful.......
Got no more words for this.......:rainbowderp:


Thank you, Tarascha, I'm glad you liked it. :pinkiesmile:

beautiful mate, that is the only word for this and even then i wish i could find an even better one

A really lovely story^^ I have a question though...
"Inside it, on the soft bed, lay a snoozing pony, her black, silver, and purple mane sticking out above the plush comforter, a single purple hoof hanging off the edge of the bed."
Who's that?

1897483 - Hello KibaWR, that particular pony would be Violet Tempest, who was in my previous story "Saddlebags, Sun, and On the Run". :twilightsmile:

1897530 I see^^ So she's an OC of yours?^^

1897624 - Yep, she's the younger sister of Rainbow Dash. :rainbowdetermined2:

1900065 hehe^^ looks likeDash and her folks always end up with the apples^^

1902309 - It's hard to say no to a sweet Apple. :raritywink:

1902691 got me there^^ hehe^^ I wonder who she's with though. Big Mac seems to have a thing for Fluttershy, Aj has Dash with her and Granny Smith and Applebloom are either too old or too young for a relationship. Guess I'll check out that other story of yours to find out^^

This kinda needs to be run through with my Edit Sword...but otherwise cute story :D

1902704 - At that time in the story, Violet wasn't in a relationship. "Orange and Blue, I Do," however, expands on a possible relationship. If you haven't read it, I recommend it. Thanks for reading, KibaWR. :pinkiesmile:

2482252 - Yeah, this is what happens when you formulate, write, and publish your story at 3 A.M. Still, I'm glad you liked it, MeepyMeeper. I would do a better job at editing if I could get me to slow down a little. I bang out 2500, 3500, 5000 word chapters, and I just can't wait I have to publish them now now now! I think some patience would serve me well. :raritywink:

3437323 - Thank you, Zepherno. I'm glad you liked my story. :twilightsmile:

Also, apologies to all of you for the lateness of my reply. I am usually on top of things, but if I miss a notification, and forget to check my older stories, this can happen. Still, it's no excuse for letting so much time lapse. My apologies for tardiness, Twilight would be disappointed. Also, angry. And magicky. Deadly magicky.

Lovely story as always Lotus. I have only one problem. The Christmas carol is incredibly out of place. The song that should be in its stead goes something like this: "The fire of friendship lives in our hearts. As long as it burns we cannot drift apart.
Though quarrels arise their numbers are few. Laughter and singing will see us trough (will see us trough.) We are a circle of pony friends. A circle of friends we'll be to the wery end." Silent Night refers to an infant born on Christmas eve. Hearth Warming Eve has nothing to do with infants or saviors only friendship and fire and driving away the windigoes eternal winter. hearth warming eve is not their Christmas but their founders day "insert the name of your countries founders/ nastional day here). that is my only concern. :twilightsmile:
(Line break in song to signalize where you fade into the library.)

My one and only problem with the LVS series so far is the hinted at Flutter-Mac.
If this is after the S2 finally, the episode "Harts and hooves day" has already happened meaning that Mac and Cheerilee is an official ship, That is just a tiny problem of mine tho.
A good story nonetheless

4282805 - Thanks, Mark. Yeah, I thought of that not long after I had published it, but felt it was too late to do anything about it. If I write a future Hearth's Warming piece (I might), then I'll keep it mind. I am very glad you enjoyed the story, though. :twilightsmile:

4283711 - Thank you, Tobben! I'm not sure if you've read the further stories in the series, so I won't spoil it, but I imagine you won't have too much to worry about. :raritywink:

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