• Member Since 5th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


I write the pone, I read the pone, I love the pone. I also accept Paypal donations if you like my stories: https://paypal.me/lotusteadragon


Rainbow Dash is given the task of buying a vehicle for Applejack, so she can haul her apples back and forth to the market. Fluttershy assists her with this major purchase. Hopefully, hilarity ensues.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 29 )

I really like it.

Lol my favorite car:pinkiehappy:

4261233 - Awesome. :pinkiehappy: I never owned a Pinto, but I did own a 1984 Ford Tempo. Beige, had wheels, a windshield, even a radio. :raritywink:

A pinto? Really? Why didn't she just buy a barrel of gasoline and a match?

4261376 - She's a pony, she doesn't know much about cars! :raritydespair:

I hope you liked the story, Dancewithknives. :ajsmug::rainbowwild:

4261424 sorry didnt read it. I just live in Detroit, the birthplace of the original carbomb, the ford pinto.

4262022 - Well, then you may sympathize with the story should you read it. :rainbowlaugh:

You know, with 1,000 bits I would buy a Volvo Estate in Britain (or whatever the pony equivalent is) for 1 bit and it would be a lot more reliable them that sour lemon.

4262108 Great story; I once ran a game of Big Eyes, Small Mouth where "Ford Pinto" was a character flaw. The character owned a Pinto, and it ran the risk of exploding if it got struck by a large mass. Even if the car was destroyed, said character would aquire a new Pinto 1d6 days later.:pinkiehappy:

My brother owned a Pontiac Phoenix once. It caught fire, which seemed appropriate.

Ah, the Pinto, the famous car that blew up when hit from the rear. Did you know a hard rear end hit will also jam the doors shut?

Well that escalated quickly.

4262293 - Come now, you're not saying Uncle Sal would cheat a pony, would ya?!

4262350 - That sounds awesome! :rainbowlaugh:

4262526 - How fitting! I had a friend who owned a Dodge Dart without any brakes. It ran into a small building.

4262742 - I did not know that, but that sounds like something it would do. SO notoriously unreliable and deadly.

4263332 - It was probably Fluttershy's fault. :trixieshiftright:

Thank you, everyone, who has responded so far. I'm glad you liked the story! :pinkiehappy:

4267168 - Old Uncle Sal wouldn't cheat you! He'll find you the best automobile your money can buy. He'll even let you take it for a test drive after you've signed the papers. :pinkiehappy:

4267172 well he never showed me paper work or let me test drive when I asked plus, Volvo's in Britain are quite reliable (especially for one pound

4269123 - I'm not worried. I recommend buying two cars, just to be sure, though.

4272302 yeah and waste more money. (Good god I've taken it to far.)

4272441 - That's what you get for taking the red pill. It's too late now. :coolphoto:

I think cars seem just a bit out of place in the world of ponies :applejackunsure:, but still a fun read. :scootangel:

4274082 - Thank you, Painbow. Yeah, it's a bit silly, but 'tis the whole point. :twilightsheepish:

You know what I like about you LotusTeaDragon?
You always mention the name of the commenter in your answers.
It gives me a feeling of closeness.

4486316 - Aw, thank you Fabi! I do that so people can see that I am recognizing them as an individual, instead of just a group of readers. All of you are more than that to me. :twilightsmile:

Ah yes the Ford Pinto the car that if you get hit in the rear it will explode.
Good times in the 1970.
PS if you do another story like this use the AMC

4486699 I totally agree with Fabi is wonderful that you do that!!:twilightsmile:

I have considered this.

I will let you know if I do!

I apologize for the lateness of my reply. I never received notifications for these and I am now attempting to catch up.

I did actually have a car catch fire once. My siblings were driving me back from the airport after a con, and as I was dozing off in the back, I heard my sister say "the car's on fire." I looked up and... sure enough. It was a Honda Civic, I think? Honda for sure.

Now that's a story you can share with people. "Hey, did I tell you about the time the car caught on fire?" :D

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