• Member Since 15th Apr, 2013
  • offline last seen 5 hours ago


I'm just a guy with a love of all things animated, be that MLP, anime, or video games, you name it, I'll probably enjoy it!


Twilight Sparkle. Librarian of Ponyville, Element of Magic and personal student of Princess Celestia.
Midnight Aurora. Lunar pegasus, defender of the Lunar Republic and Guardian of Equestria.
Blobking. A regular, uninteresting unicorn.
Sakura Petal. Unicorn programer, master of the legendary Buster Sword and resident of the nation of Japony.
Sonic Stryker. Paranormal investigator, agent of Princess Luna and the only pony (other than Twilight) to have met the Slendermane and survived.
Flamdren D'Auteriche Lucifenia. The only pony survivor of the Equestrian Keyblade War.

What do these six ponies have in common? Why they've been chosen by the Keyblade of course! Now they must begin their journey to not only save Equestria, but all the worlds themselves.

((Shout out to Ramisha on Legends of Equestria for making the awesome cover art!))

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 43 )

Yes. Fucking yes. I have been waiting for this. I referenced kingdo hearts and key blades in my mind-fuck series, but I didn't to a full blown crossover. If you need an editor, prereader, coauthor, anything, just ask me. Ill be here for anything you need for this story. I want this to be awesome.

Many thanks for the kind words. At the moment, I've got a pretty solid plan of action, but I'll let you know if I need any help, maybe even sooner than I'm planning...

This is one story i am going to keep watching.
BTW darkponyD it's me Omega_Khaos from LoE
All my hearts to this story.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

3276254Alright. Don't hesitate to ask.

Good to know you found it, and thaks Omega, for the like/fav
Will do

Now this is turning out well. Thumbs up. fingers pointed at you. and all my hearts for a continued good story.
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:

yup got an upgrade. +1 heart container.

I see, so Discord has some connection to the organization.

So the Dive into the Heart voice is Discord?:rainbowderp:

You'll have to wait for Ch 3 to find out, though Ch 2 does give some hints...

That IS interesting! And so is this story!:pinkiehappy:

This keeps getting better and better! Love the work you put into this!:ajsmug:

A Pony wearing the COAT?! What's gonna happen next?! UPDATE THIS!!!!

Take a look at my newest blog post, it explains why I put this on hiatus.

I see now. Well, I hope you will get your muse back! I'll be waiting for the next update either way!

Gundis rig tivjenvirntivnrudhg dif
I love it!

I'm not sure what that first part meant, but thank you :twilightsmile:

Ahh, I see. I'll take that as a good thing then :pinkiehappy:

No. It's horrible. You've broken my brain.

Lol jk.

LOL :rainbowlaugh:
Glad you like it that much. I would now suggest checking out my story Puella Magi Twilight Magica, I think you'll enjoy it just as much, plus I'm actually updating it.

Because this is set after Dream Drop Distance.

Ya got a problem everyone's a warrior ya needs a guardian ta make'em even out.

A pony wearing the cod yep it's time to move how's earth these days!

There are others who will be coming later in the story, I just didn't add them to the Dive to the Heart chapter because it would have made the chapter too long

There are others who will be coming later in the story, I just didn't add them to the Dive to the Heart chapter because it would have made the chapter too long

3835396 ah ok please continue.*starts humming simple and clean*:pinkiehappy:

not going to lie I got bored and decided to goggle Flame's name to see what would come up and when I first saw his name come up on fimfiction I sorta flipped out then I realized that it was this RP... Now I feel really silly. But I digress wonderful job and I can't wait till this is finished. Oh and um I hope you won't forget about Flaxem/J I believe I signed him up for this...... if not or if you aren't using his I understand :twilightblush:

Huh, didn't expect to see you here flame. Anyway, J won't be making an appearance till the end of this episode. As for Flame, he has an interesting role in the next chapter.


Seems like it and I figured he wouldn't arrive until later but as I said this seems like it'll be a great read when it's done

Oh, quick thing, do you mind that I add a few things you didn't in the RP? I kinda want to take a direction in the story that will make sense when they visit a world based on a certain BBC sci-fi series.

Oh yeah that's fine as long as his personality doesn't change. But I don't need to worry about that

I'm curious on how this story ends :rainbowhuh::applejackunsure:

Hmm, I can answer that in multiple ways...
I suppose I can tell you where this episode ends, but not where the story as a whole ends. It ends with the party ending up in the kingdom of Hyrule.

This is very well written and I am aware that you have put this on hiatus, but I think that you should definitely continue it from what I've read so far. My one thing about it is the feeling of repetition between each of the ponies various Dives. I understand what you were going for, but I feel that assigning them their weapons (Choosing Forms) is dragged out a little. If there was some way that you could possibly merge them together, I think that it would help with the flow and make it a little easier to read. Aside from that it is very interesting the way that you customized the choices for each character, revealing a little about them. I will continue reading this, but I felt that this had to be said, also, one more thing: Are they going to travel to other worlds? With that suggestion that you gave me, I am really looking forward to seeing where you plan to take this.

I feel I should explain myself with that. This is esentially an adaptation of an RP I started on the Legends of Equestria forums. Those Dive to the Heart segments were what you had to post for your character introduction, so I thought it would be a good idea to use it in the opening chapter of this story.

Since this you too are making a KH vic, I shall give this a look over when you come back.

Honestly, I don't know if I'll keep going any time soon, especially since I'm neck deep in Puella Magi Twilight Magica, as well as its sequels, which I am writing at the same time. My 'Magica-verse' is really eating up all my writing time, so its gonna be a while before I return to this...

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