• Member Since 10th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 6th, 2016


I'm back


Soarin has never been a lucky stallion. So when the mare of his dreams seems unreachable, he has to compromise a bit. Not that he minds his compromise. But who's to say it has to stay that way? Who's to say Soarin can't get lucky once in a while.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 54 )

I LOVE this story too much! But Rainbow Dash will definitely ask this question :trollestia: :
:rainbowhuh:Soarin, why is there a plushie of me in your room?
Soarin':Um...uh...no reason!

No sex tag? I'm assuming there isn't a strategically placed hole, then!

I liked this, a lot. I like the fact that you had Soarin' be extremely obsessed over Rainbow Dash, it added a touch of character, and it sure added to my headcanon.
I only found one typo, and I had to re-read the paragraph a couple times in order to figure out what you meant.

Other veterans who decided to buy large machines often found themselves losing their guest within them. Being a Wonderbolt naturally makes you want to explore, it just comes with the title. And it was never a problem finding the new mare or stallion in his house, which wasn’t bad. It kept you in close contact with each other but giving enough space that you wouldn’t go crazy for the couple of weeks that you spend with each other. It was more like a long sleepover than anything else that was paid for by the Wonderbolts.

I think you meant mansions.
Great job with this.


Thanks, yeah that was a mistake in gdocs, should have caught that thanks.

I like it, there's some minor errors with word choice and commas, but overall cute.

hahaha, please tell me you're going to continue this! :rainbowwild:


Yeah, he would be. I like making a Soarin a wimp most of the time, but there are the times where I like to make a bit more of a stallion. I am thinking about starting up a weekly series where I just make SoarinDash shorts. I am asking for opinions from everypony on this.


:moustache:Oh Soarin. You lucky stallion you! He's gonna love those next couple of weeks! Assuming that he can handle it without with his heart exploding or something.:heart:


I'm not alone in this world :rainbowlaugh:
I also see Soarin as the silly, loving kind of doofus. He's the perfect match for Rainbow.


No! I am the Soarin/Dash author!


Your title reign is over, KK. Bow down to the champion! :rainbowlaugh:


DO IT, FILLY! :pinkiehappy:

from the look on his face and the way he was holding that doll so close to his chest i can imaging whathe just did and in turn that makes me not want to read this but at the same time read it life sucks like that dont it.:facehoof:


There is no clop in the story, and when I came up with the idea it never crossed my mind till now.

3100515 sorry bro but whenever I see somebody holding something that close with that look on his face my f*cked up side kinda takes over

As fast as I read the part were it said; A rookie having a Veteran as a mentor and the rookie living and doin' stuffs with the Veteran part, I knew it was going to be RD.

You are way to predictible(i can not speeeeeeellllll)

kinda predictable but awesome! You should totally do a sequel.:pinkiehappy::rainbowdetermined2: You've got a favorite and like from me!

3106241 I didn't mean to make you sad
And I have one question...
Why Complete?


Mansion not machine.

you are such a tease you know that?
make a clop already I WANT IT NOW!!!! :flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage::flutterrage:

make this a full story please so much possible baww

why is there no ending:facehoof:


I wanted to leave it open to the readers interpretation.



Same here, it's my otp.

U HAVE TO MAKE MA OTP SHORTS!! If u don't, then.......ILL HUNT U DOWN AND TORTURE U TILL U DIE!!!!!!!! :pinkiecrazy:

Oh, no :rainbowderp:
I'm going through a rough time atm, and writing has been put on the back burner for the time being. Until I sort out some things.


Hehe, I don't mean it when I might kill you...maybe... :pinkiecrazy:

Also, I'm having trouble keeping up with my story too... I just broke my promise. TWICE! So ya, now I own ppl 2 chapters -_-
So yea, we're in the same place.....but, hope you keep up with your schedule :raritywink:

I love this story! :pinkiehappy: Please make a chapter 2!!!!! :yay:

Wov:heart: the story!:heart::raritystarry:
Peweese make another chapter:heart::twilightsmile::moustache::rainbowdetermined2::trollestia::heart:
LOVE THE STORY!!!:heart:

Haha, thanks. Glad you liked it. :twilightsmile:

:rainbowlaugh:I loved this so much!!!
Sequel maybe?:twilightsheepish:
And The strand of rainbows hair that he wants...

Cute! Also Soarin is officially a brony!

Comment posted by RainbowsInReality deleted Aug 23rd, 2016

This needs a sequel :raritywink:
If you say "yes" I'll make the cover :fluttercry:

NUUUU! Don't end it there!:raritydespair:
Anyway, this story was so smexy yet adorable:heart:
Love it!

Comment posted by RoyalBlueGlitter12 deleted Jul 29th, 2017

Funny and adorable. I love the role reversal of Soarin admiring Dash.

Oh wow! That was something.

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