• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen 6 days ago

Learn for Life


One night, as Cheerilee is grading her students' papers, Apple Bloom arrives at her home and shows her a new contraption: a portable oven that holds many different items and keeps them warm at the same time. Cheerilee is selected to sample some of them, and soon, Cheerilee finds herself sampling more than "some" of the treats.

This is written specifically for the group My Not-So-Little Pony. It is meant to appeal to the fat/feederism fetish. This is a warning.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 19 )

Well she is furniture now apparently. :rainbowlaugh: Interesting that Applejack didn't react at the door when she picked up AB.

Well, this is certainly new. :rainbowderp:

Let's see what she had for breakfast! :trollestia:

How can one skinny mare get so fat overnight! ::rainbowhuh::rainbowwild::trixieshiftleft::trixieshiftright::unsuresweetie::duck:

3064330 I knew right from the get-go reading this that I would end it with a mass cuddling session. Furniture? ...Yeah, that seems appropriate! :twilightsmile:

As for Applejack not being surprised, that, to be completely honest, was something I didn't fix because I thought I'd be able to pull a fast one. Looks like I was wrong. Nice catch. :ajsmug:

3065889 It is new. :eeyup: (Maybe)[Not likely]

I was inspired mainly by this guy right here, who writes sorta the same thing. As for breakfast, I have an idea, but it would be a clopfic if I pursued it.

3068251 Rapid weight gain is a staple of the weight-gain genre. Some take their time to focus more on the stuffing aspect, like Baron Von Clop's "Soft Spot" (a story I recommend if you're into the act of stuffing). Most others I've read, including mine, like to induce a massive gain/growth in one moment.

In any case, I thank the three of you for taking the time to comment on my story. I really appreciate it. :twilightsmile:


I look hard at what I read. Fanfics are SERIOUS BUSINESS. :trixieshiftleft:

3068592 I'm too young to read the story! :applecry::fluttershysad:

Now this was a good read! It has everything that I think a good weight gain/stuffing fiction should have and more. You should write more of these.

3077951 Wow, thank you so much! I'm glad I could write something entertaining, and this was fun to write. I will perhaps write more of these in the future.

If I may ask, are you planning on continuing "Mega Munchies"? I've enjoyed that thus far, and I'd like to see more.

3078016 You're welcome. As for Mega Munchies, I haven't decided yet. I'm currently working on a completely different story(non fetish-fic). Eventually, I will get around to continuing that story or label it complete and write a completely new stuffing/weight gain short story. (I too enjoy writing them)

Epic job, good sir; that ending was adorable :twilightsmile:

This story was awesome! You have got quite an eye for detail, I must say! I would highly recommend that you write another one of these, as I thoroughly enjoyed this! This is instant-fave material! :pinkiehappy:

AJ not reacting to Cheerilee's expansive growth? Super-magical-fattening-foods? Big Macintosh ogling Cheerilee the next day?

Come on, out with it! This whole thing was a setup by Applejack to get Big Macintosh to pop the question already. She knew Big Macintosh has a fetish for fat mares. She helped Apple Bloom bake the goods, and while doing so, sneaked in some magical ingredients. Her nonchalant reaction to Cheerilee porking up is a dead giveaway.

Conspiracy theories aside, this was actually a good read. I'm liking your style, kid. You seem to understand it takes more than just big words to pull a sentence together. Can't win a battle unless you know how to use your weapons, after all. Sentence structure is chemistry, and you sir, have concocted some magnificent paragraphs that left me green with envy.

Cheerilee's chubbing out was fun to read, and written so well that it was easy for my mind to build on image based on the descriptions alone. Chubbylee dancing was probably my favorite part of the story for this reason alone.

By the way, the descriptions of the food itself left me hungry. I actually took a break from reading just to grab myself a snack. That's how good your writing is. :pinkiehappy:

There are however some critiques I should give. The first and foremost being to neeevvveeerrrr use sound effects in a novelization.

She couldn’t keep the grin off of her face. “After all, with how well they’ve done on this assignment, don’t I deserve some reward?” She chuckled to herself and gave the report a quick shake, straightening it out in front of her. “From grassy plains to—“


She blinked and looked down at her stomach. It growled again, and she could see it rumbling. She sighed. “Not now! I’m almost done!” She snorted, straightened the paper again, and continued. “From grassy plains to the west, to the dangerous Everfree Forest to the south; and even to the mighty Canterlot Mountain to the north, for ponies not afraid of a little climb or spelunking—“ she giggled at the word. “—Ponyville may be a quiet town, but it is surrounded by no doubt some of the most breathtaking—“


This is a good example of what I mean. The gurgling could have been done differently:

She couldn’t keep the grin off of her face. “After all, with how well they’ve done on this assignment, don’t I deserve some reward?” She chuckled to herself and gave the report a quick shake, straightening it out in front of her. “From grassy plains to—“


She blinked and looked down at her stomach. It growled again, and she could see it rumbling. She sighed. “Not now! I’m almost done!” She snorted, straightened the paper again, and continued. “From grassy plains to the west, to the dangerous Everfree Forest to the south; and even to the mighty Canterlot Mountain to the north, for ponies not afraid of a little climb or spelunking—“ she giggled at the word. “—Ponyville may be a quiet town, but it is surrounded by no doubt some of the most breathtaking—“


Basically, I really hate it when authors write out sound effects like they're writing a comic book instead of just written word. I understand many authors don't really mind, but it's a pet peeve for me, because it's just a really lazy, artificial way to reduce word count when there are much better options available.

You'll also notice above that I underlined one of the sentences.

she giggled at the word.

This should go into the sentence as:

“From grassy plains to the west, to the dangerous Everfree Forest to the south; and even to the mighty Canterlot Mountain to the north, for ponies not afraid of a little climb or spelunking—“ (she giggled at the word) “—Ponyville may be a quiet town, but it is surrounded by no doubt some of the most breathtaking—“

Still, it's a good thing you put that in there. That means you have this understanding that these are more than just characters in a story, and you are more than the author. They are actors and you are the director. You're directing them around the stage -- while you say your line, I want you to laugh here, you stop there. etc. It's a great mindset to have if you want your story to feel alive.

Even when I spot your mistakes, they're usually seemingly because you're trying new things to become a better author. It's the good kinds of mistakes.

All in all, fantastic story. I'm afraid to ask for a sequel, since most of the time, sequels never hold up to the glamor of the original. But if you could write a cloppy follow-up to this, I can imagine you could pull it off.

By the way, I've written my own chub fetish fic. Maybe you could give it some critique?

will there be a chapter 2? the further fattening?:coolphoto:

4426606 I don't intend to post a chapter 2 of this. I am working on another fattening story at the moment.

an excellent story

(and a generic comment)

I don't remember the last time I read something this hot... :twilightblush: anyway, great job! :twilightsmile:

will there be a part 2?

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