• Member Since 29th Jul, 2012
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Found 6 stories in 42ms

Total Words: 82,632
Estimated Reading: 5 hours


Ocellus was a bookworm. Everycreature at the School of Friendship knows about Ocellus's constant reading habits. It could sometimes be a hassle to get her away from the latest tome she was digesting! But no one would have her any other way.

But when her friends ask her where she became such a bookworm, she's hesitant to say anything about it. Why would she have something to hide about her love of reading? Little by little, her friends uncover what sparked her love of books... and Ocellus may face a long-standing problem of her own.

Takes place some time before the Young 6 grew up. Whether this story takes place before or after Twilight's final coronation would not change how the story unfolds, methinks.

Crude coverart done by myself.

Chapters (3)

A story about a filly that lives underground.

Written as a Night Mare Night-ish story; to be more accurate, it's my first crack at a horror story. Whether this story's good or bad, I wish you a happy Halloween/Night Mare Night.

Chapters (1)

One night, as Cheerilee is grading her students' papers, Apple Bloom arrives at her home and shows her a new contraption: a portable oven that holds many different items and keeps them warm at the same time. Cheerilee is selected to sample some of them, and soon, Cheerilee finds herself sampling more than "some" of the treats.

This is written specifically for the group My Not-So-Little Pony. It is meant to appeal to the fat/feederism fetish. This is a warning.

Chapters (1)

Elegant Rarity and her overly-energetic sister. Thunderlane and his overly-energetic brother. When these four meet, Sweetie Belle and Rumble decide it would be a good idea to play games with their big siblings. Now Rarity and Thunderlane must try and convince these rambunctious ponies to come home before the storm hits. Will they be able to get them home before Rarity's mane is ruined? How long will Sweetie Belle and Rumble drag these two along?

Picture drawn by Not Worthy

Chapters (8)

Apple Bloom has cared for Tennyson the Tree since he was nothing but a seed, and now he's beginning to grow his own apples.
Proud of Tennyson, Apple Bloom leaves him for another night. When a nasty storm comes to Ponyville, however, she finds herself braving the storm in order to save him.

One-shot. Image drawn and colored by Not Worthy.

A special thank you to Calligraphy, KartalTheWriter, and DawnFade for looking over the rough drafts for me. Special thanks to DawnFade for also looking over the second draft. I must also give a thank you to Peregrine Caged and Daetrin for their input.

Chapters (1)