• Published 22nd Feb 2012
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Griffin the Griffin - BlackWing

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An Etch In My Heart (89)

An Etch In My Heart

=Etch, Just after the Ember Incident=

"Kalth, I glad, see you. Fear, gone forever. Be free, like dream." Tears fell from the eyes of my wife, rolling down her short, thin muzzle.

"Please Malina, I go by Etch now. I am glad you are well, both of you." I ran my claws over the pom pom's in her fur, as well as rubbed my now ten year old son's head.


"It is the name the Captain has given me, and I find that I prefer it to the name those monsters called, with their whips and shackles. I go by what I wish, and while I am on this ship, that is my name."

"You.... speak..... refined?"

"I owe much to that 'magnificent bastard'. He taught me to read and write, to think. As much as this is a war ship, it's also a place of discovery, of science, and.... magic." I rolled a gem in my paw, one which glowed with the familiar inner light of magic, one which she immediately threw into her mouth with a crunch and swallowed.

"Now now, we can't be doing that. There are many things that are more tasty than gems, but you'll learn about that as well. For now, I think we should go see Griffin. We've spent a great deal of time catching up, I think we should go give him an introduction, and our respects, considering he's in the hospital now."

We walked down to the medical bay and found him laying in a bed on his back, with white silk sheets covering his lower half. He was scribbling.... something, on some parchment, and when he noticed the three of us enter the room.

"Etch. Good to see you. you've been fairly absent for the past week. I'm glad you found your family. Is this them?"

"This is my wife, Malina, and my son, Grog."


"We were drunk when we named him."

"Ah." He looked at them curiously, tilting his head to the side.

"Well.... it's.... nice to meet you?" Something is making him feel awkward.... I just wish I knew what....


'His wife is a POODLE! Must. Not. Laugh. His son looks a bit like Growl though, just, mini.'


"You.... thank..."

"The phrase is 'Thank you.' dear."

"I understand the sentiment. It's the thought that counts. And You're welcome." The captain replied.

"Um......." My son said hesitantly as he looked at the captain laying in bed.

"Hey.... come on over, don't be shy." He slowly walked over and looked at Griffin intently, struggling to bring up his voice and ask what he wanted.

"I...... in the mines...... griffins were nice, other slaves..... snuck gems for me....... kept warm..... Many thanks. Can I..... pet you?" The captain's eyes seemed confused for a moment, maybe a little shocked, before he smiled.

"Sure. Go ahead." Grog walked over and put a paw on the captain's head, then softly rubbed his feathers before backing away with a smile of his own.

"Alright you little scamp. How about you head down to the mess hall with your mother, and tell Maria to I said to give you some clam shells. Oh, and be sure to use manners..... Never had sea shells before?"

"They're good. Like... salt water taffy... oh, you haven't had that either.... hmm..... we'll just go get some, you'll see."

"Actually, Etch, can you stay here a moment, I'd like a word with you."

After my family exited the medical ward, I walked up to Griffin, a bit nervous as to what he wanted of me.

"Etch, you've been with us for a while, and you're an important part of the crew. Do you remember what you said your reason was for joining us?"

"Well, one, I had nowhere else to go, but more importantly, I wanted to find my family."

"That's right. And, now that you've found them, that desire has been fulfilled. You've found your loved ones, still alive, and rescued them. And you have plenty of places you can go now, so now, what is your reason for staying?"

"I am loyal to you and your cause."

"Well, you see, the thing is, that's not enough. It's my cause, not yours. I'm glad you're here, and I'd like you to stay, but, as I always said, just so you know, staying with the crew has always been an option, not a requirement. You found your family, and I wouldn't want to get in the way of your happiness because you feel obligated to continue, just because you feel gratitude."

"Are.... you telling me to leave?"

"Not at all. I won't kick anyone off this ship unless they do something terribly wrong, and you've done something very very, right. No, I'm not telling you to go, all I'm doing is reminding you that if you want to, you can. I won't hold you back. It's just..... I saw how happy you were with your family. They've gone without you for what is it, nine years now? If you were to die, and they lost you again..... I'm just thinking about what would be best for them you know? In the end, it's your choice what you want to do."

"Well.... what would you do if you had children?"

He stopped for a moment and tapped his claw to his chin, opened his beak, then closed it and thought more.

"Well..... I'd try to keep going, but if it came down to it, I'd settle down. Raising my kid would become a priority. Sure, what we're doing is important, but there are others.... those who can keep going, even if we can't."

"Then that is what I'll do. I will stay on the ship for as long as I feel I can, but should the time come that I wish to leave, to be with my family and live in peace, that is what I shall do. Of course, that doesn't mean I'm done. Not by a long shot. I'll keep helping in any way I can, from diplomacy to teaching, I just wouldn't be on the ship anymore." At my answer, a tear came to the captain's eye.

"Etch.... always so loyal.... so thoughtful.... I know I seem unappreciative at times but..... if you do decide to go, I want you to know I'll be happy for you. You've come so far, accomplished so much. The whole reason you joined, fought, shed your own tears and the blood of your foes, you succeeded. You've done what you set out to do, and I'm happy for you. The goal of everyone on this ship should be to get to the point that they no longer have to be on it. You've done that, and I am happy for you. I am so happy for you..... and a bit jealous, but not enough for resentment. When I looked at your son.... saw his smiling face...... even though I'm in this hospital bed, I know, we're making a difference in this world. A single child who wasn't smiling before is now..... and that alone is a reminder to me that this is all worth while. I'll be honest, I was feeling really depressed before, all the sacrifices made, and starting to get tired of it, but seeing Grog, and Malina, and you.... all so happy...."

"I understand." And then I wrapped my arms around his neck and gave him a hug. Sometimes, I forget that Griffin is barely into adulthood, and given his upbringing, is less mature than most. Inside, he's still just a child, who is looking for approval from others, saw something broken, and is trying to fix it in hopes of seeing someone smile at him, to tell him job well done. He tries so hard to make us all feel appreciated, because he knows how much it hurts to be scorned, even after all your efforts. "Now get better. We might be able to manage with Gilda in charge, but we're waiting on you."

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