• Published 6th Jul 2013
  • 3,669 Views, 191 Comments

Shimmer, My Big Bad Sis. - overlord-flinx

Pip tells the story of how he and his new sister, Sunset Shimmer, became 'the best of friends' in his compelling diary entry. On the same end, Sunset Shimmer gives her own feelings in her logbook.

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Some families try to make it a tradition to at least share dinner together whenever they can. Or if they're all so busy, they'll make it a treat for the end of the week. It's just a little something that families do to keep the family dynamic strong and healthy. It lets everyone know they're loved, valued, and missed whenever they're away.

The Discordia-Swarm family made it a blood contract that they'd have lunch together every other day. It was actually a lovely ceremony with tasteful decorations. Queen Chrysalis pushed for the sacrificial altar to have at least one actual sacrifice to finish the whole atmosphere, but she was talked down to sacrifice-substitute. It was still a well executed blood oath ceremony, but her heart was really set on the head of a princess as the center piece. At least Pip promised to make her one out of paper next time; he'd even stuff it with jelly if it made her happy.

He was a good lad.

But no matter if they took the oath and all put in a small piece of their blood into the goblet of community (Sunset still suspected Discord of putting tomato juice in on his turn), the lunch was still something only the queen looked forward to. Of course seeing family was great! They all tolerated-loved-accepted one another! Well, they all liked Pip... But that wasn't the problem. The problem was that Chrysalis always insisted on making the meal "like a mother aught to".

It would be a charming sentiment... From anyone else.

The hive's dining hall was emptied of drones so the family could enjoy their meal in peace with one another; a condition of the blood oath. While the Queen sat at her chair with a pleasant smile, the others looked less enthusiastic as they looked at their plates.

"Is everything to your liking? I can have another plate prepared if you enjoy it," her words dripped with teasing as much as genuine kindness. There was no way of knowing which was worse.

"...I feel like there's still a disconnect between what we eat, and what you eat." Discord grumbled, looking at the plate of pure nothing.

"That hurts. You know, some drones go to bed starving without a drop of love. And here I am giving you all a massive plate of my love and affection," the queen retorted.

"WE CAN'T EAT FEELINGS!" Sunset slapped her plate as she knew she'd go another day without lunch.

"Well you can most certainly hurt them."

"...Can somepony pass th'sentiment?"

Comments ( 1 )

eyy, an update, this story is still cute :heart:

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