(Part 2 is done, so i've caught on now that this is not a very original story, but i shall still continue ^^)

A tale from my OC characters life.

In this alternate world Mikeus exists as an immortal guardian living in Ponyville and these events take place sometime after the Royal Canterlot Wedding. But when Ponyfolk start to act differently Mikeus catches on, and before he know's fully what has happened he's thrust into a world where the Royal wedding battle was lost, the elements were captured and a resistance is forming on the horizon to take back Canterlot from the evil Changeling queen. This story will be coming out in 6 chapters, all consisting of sub chapters.

I hope you all enjoy it!

(Inspiration includes: The anime: Berserk and the alternate ending to the royal wedding. Also just too make it known, I'm not an amazing author, this is one of my first serious stories as I usually animate instead, Yay I added a cover ^^)

Chapters (2)

Ignore the tags and characters; I just needed placeholders. Each 'chapter' will have different characters and their own unique tags.

Full Description (TL:DR down below): The Dream Series is a project that I started due to not having the time to write a constantly updated story (I'm a full time college student aiming for medical school). Basically, it all takes place in the canon MLP universe, but with characters that I flesh out to feel much more connectable. As the show is updated, the stories that I post, when I post them, will reflect the most recent episode. Indeed, some may even take place during episodes. There are two parts to this series: the 'waking' world in which all the dreams take place in, and the 'dream' world.

Waking World
This is basically the world we all know and love; it's where the show takes place. I try to be as canon friendly as I can and make sure to try and avoid contradictions. All characters have enhanced personalities that I feel fit their portrayal in the show. This is the slower part of this series; we will get glances at this world in each 'chapter'. If you're looking for a long, convoluted story (one of which you may have to think about), this is where you want to look. The 'dream' and 'waking' worlds are clearly separated in each 'chapter' The overall 'waking' story is rated T, but will only explore themes that work with the show. IE. NO CLOP

Dream World
This is where most of the content is located. Basically, I have an entire year plus some of stories I've wanted to write, but didn't want to just release as a short story that may or may not get noticed. So, I devised this "Dream Series" to catalog all of them, while also being able to give a larger story. These 'dreams' are all entirely unique and have nothing to do with one another. They are just stories within a story. As such, they will all have their own unique tones and will touch on many topics. Each 'chapter' is labeled with its own content rating and tags, so that some stories can be skipped if they are either offensive to the reader or outside their interest zone. I understand that not everybody likes everything. Also, in case you're here for the larger story (I really do promise it will be involving and have thinking behind it), the 'dream' is clearly separated from the 'waking' part of the text, so you can read that no problem.

Well, if you made it through that assault of text that I dare to call a description (Fallout: Equestria is shorter I’m kidding; don't hurt me ), then you are ready to start reading. I really appreciate any and all feedback, and I promise to update this thing as much as I possibly can, considering my schedule.

Please enjoy: "The Dream Series"!

TL:DR: A collection of ever expanding short stories that all take place in the 'dreams' of ponies, that are all framed in the same 'waking' universe that is based on the current canon of the show. As episodes are released, the 'waking' world will reflect to show it, and some events may even take place during episodes. Once complete (No idea how long this will go on), all the stories will connect to form a larger story.

PS: Yes, I made the cover art. Took me five minutes; don't laugh. Also, it isn't completely random; it's important.

Chapters (2)

Have you ever felt cursed? Have people died all around you and you felt powerless to stop it? What if you could actually do something about it? With inner power manifested as outer strength, witness the tale of one young man's journey to stop horrible events beyond his understanding from transpiring. He is not alone however, as the power of friendship is all he needs to fight on.
This story is actually the third in a series, but it is the first one written. As it is based on the persona games, several elements from the games will be mixed in as well, so don't be surprised if dialogue boxes or music show up in the middle of the basic story. if you see this: ♪ that's when the music starts, it appears again when it ends. If the music ever shifts from track one to another, this symbol: ♫ will be shown instead. If yet another song is shifted to, a different musical note will appear. Story is told in 2nd person, however this is only because the persona games refer to the main character as "you" his back story has been predetermined, as well as his future. All music is used with the permission of the original posters on youtube.

Chapters (2)

Many people often use something from nature or their own experiences to describe life, you know the “life is like a _blank_.” people? Well, I'm no different.

For me life is like a storm.

A sudden flurry of activity or an event that comes out of nowhere without warning and you're swept up in it until its run its course and ends with you in the dirt to pick yourself up and recover in the boring peace afterwards until the next one.

In my experience the longer and calmer the peace before a storm the bigger the storm that's coming.

An I was asleep for a thousand years so I was due for a doozy.

After waking up to a world at war from four different threats and fighting for nearly a decade just to survive, only to wind up lost in space on some alien planet full of the strangest creatures I had thought that the doozy had passed.

Boy was I wrong.

The Doozy was yet to come.

Hopefully I can get back home before it hits, or else these ponies may get caught in it as well.

Chapters (2)

So let me tell you about a time, back when I knew many, and was hated by non. Back when I traveled the land more frequently, exploring new lands and 'waters' as I so pleased. In this here land I met quite a few colorful individuals, and that is something that is quite literal in meaning.

But I will start with two who started the chain of events that landed me in my current disposition. A husband and wife, the last of their kind in this wide open world. They were traveling through my main home, a swamp within a stretch of land the locals saw as foul and unruly, the two looking withered and disheveled, same as the current decorum around them. The wife, a pearlescent white alicorn with a mane of sunset alerted her mate when she heard my sirens call

"Hmmmm, hum hum, hum, hum hum hum."

She alerted her darker counterpart, and after hearing it only once they went to investigate for they could not resist the call, they could not sate their curiosity, their desire... just like all thee other's. They walked and wandered looking all around while following the call, until they stumbled apon me sitting on a fallen tree in the middle of a stagnant body of water, cutoff from the rest of the swamp by a landslide. I then looked to them staring at my form in shock.

"Oh hello there!" I announced, "I'm sorry if my little song disturbed your stroll threw my home, I was just trying something that usually appeases my boredom. I wasn't counting on visitors, let me get you two a meal~" I purr jumping into the water and coming up behind them with two plates full of locally grown roots and foliage, perfectly safe for digestion. I put the two plate on a log separating us, the sound of the action make the two jump in surprise, "Here you are, please feed you hunger, I'm someone who loves to feed others, for I can't stand to see others starve!"

They both look at me and my offerings in surprise, not knowing what to do. But the wife, obisly the braver and more trusting of the two stepped up and took a nibble at a carrot and hummed in delight. The husband soon followed in the same motion, also enjoying the meal I have presented to them.

"Good! Eat, it is a terrible thing to be hungry~" I tell them, as they stuff their faces in delight. I take out my own meal, a simple fish with some lemon and pepper. I also pull out some wine and a few glasses, poring us all a beverage to mix with the flavors. They see my meal and slow down a little, before they quickly accepted it, their famine driving them past their instinct.

They wife slows down, before asking me a simple question, "Who and what are you?" she asks, " I wish not to be rude, but you are different from anything we have seen." she asks trying to not to offend, making me chuckle.

"I do not mind, I'm hard to offend and your curiosity, beauty and courage deserves my admirations~" I sipped my wine, " I have gone by many names throughout my time here. Some call me King, others demon. I'm both loved and feared, but my true persona is a mantle I took up long ago, call me Tahm Kench, or just Tahm." I say finishing off my meal quickly taking out a hankercheif to clean my well groomed beard and elegant moustache.

"Tahm," the husband asked, " why arth thou called demon?"

"You see I have hungers that aren't easily satisfied, and I don't usually get many guests, so I make deals with others to get what I want, since I am chased out and denied entry to any town or establishment. Those who call me demon are those who don't hold up their end of the bargain."

"What do you ask for, and in return for what?" he asks again.

"I ask for all sorts of things, but I mostly just ask for help, for them to open their doors to me if I so ask, nice meal and warm bed until my hunger is completed." I say adjusting my hat and then checkin my nails for dirt, "What I give is anything one might desire, gold, fame, a new life in a new land, a second chance, or anything within my power." I then lean over to them and quietly ask, "Are you two in need for such a deal? I would be happy to provide anything you need~"

They both looked at each other before nuzzling, "Could we ask for two things?" said the wife.

I then leaned back and hummed, "I normally don't allow such a thing, but for a couple as nice as you two, I can make an acceptation. So, what is it you two desire?" I ask with a smile.

"We wish to restart our kingdom in this new land, for the windegos of the north have defiled our old lands, make them unable to bare life." the Ebony husband said with a pain in his voice.

"That is something within my power son," I then looked at the wife, "Now what is it you wish?" I ask the mare.

She looked down, at her former meal, "I've always wanted to be a mother, but sadly I am as barren as our old home Tahm... I only wish to have kids, so we may continue our race, and I can be a mother."

I smile, "Done and done. But when you see me, remember you must let me in, understood? Anytime, anywhere, and you must satisfy me, understood?" I held out my green hand, with random gold rings decorating it.

They shook their heads in agreement, and the wife shook my hand, "Deal." I then started to prepare myself for the voyage, ready to transform into my monstrous self, and fishing two potions out of my pockets, one pink and the other blue, deciding on the pink one to leave with them. But the wife had one more question, "Why are you called King?"

I look back at here with my gleming yellow eyes, "Because the world is a river, and I am it's King~"

League of Legends Displaced fic with Humanized Tahm Kench.

Chapters (1)

Please note: This story is inspired by My Little Dashie, but is without a doubt a completely different story and new experience.
Being a 15 year old with Aspergers is tough, but especially when your parents are no longer living, and you have barely any friends at school. I try to make a living on my own, and try to live off of what I've been taught in the short time I had my parents in my life. But one day, an event occurred that changed my life forever, and brought me true joy.

The story is in very early writing stages, and not even the introduction is final. I know that some of the writing is a little sloppy, and some parts are a little rushed, but that will all change, I promise. I just wanted you guys to get a glance at this huge project that I am writing. It's ambitious, and good writing takes time.

Chapters (1)

The Tartabus came back. A piece of it went into hiding, growing until it grew back it's strength. It swore on revenge. But it chose a different target instead: Princess Celestia.

It latched onto Celestia's soul as she was sleeping, transforming her into the Daymare Sun.

The corrupted Celestia then unleashed a deadly plague on the land, which killed crops and caused tremendous amount of pain to the civilian's of where it struck.

Princess Luna, knowing she must correct this, sacrificed herself as she grappled onto Daymare Sun. Luna ordered the Mane Six to use their elements to banish them both in order to prevent further harm. They were very hesitant but knew there was no other way. The elements were used and Daymare Sun, along with her sister, were banished to the moon for a thousand years.

This incident caused major problems in the future. Since there was no alicorn able to change the time of day the absence of the moon caused major tsunami's that struck all neighboring islands and any village brlow the sea level. After such an event there was only three places left: The Gryphon Kingdom, Cloudsdale and a half submerged Canterlot. Most of the residents of the villages below sea level were able to seek refuge at Cloudsdale. The other who didn't make it in time for the remaining air balloons went into hiding in the ruins of Canterlot. The Gryphon Kingdom accepted a few survivors if they had bits.

The ones who didn't made it to the balloons nor the Gryphon Kingdom were lost in the blue ocean.

There were more complications afterwards. Since there was no sun all the heat that was brought by it vanished, causing an early winter at the already damaged souls. The weather ponies tried to stop it but to no prevail as the storms grew out of control. It struck Cloudsdale first, having it's population lose around five-thousand to the cold hands of death.

The Gryphon Kingdom was cut off from Cloudsdale for they couldn't risk sending any of their mail gryphons over to deliver news in such weather.

All seemed lost. The Plague still lingered, slowly killing off one by one what's left of life here in Equestria.
The weather freeze ponies to death. There was no warmth. No moon. No sun. No hope.

Until a few ponies and other species had enough. A small group containing creatures from different species came together to brainstorm a solution. In it was Dr.Whooves, Dr.Schimbare and Dr.Greif. The trio came up with a plan. The E.M.P or The Equestrian Mission Program. The future savior of life. The plan consisted with multiple stages of development but the main focus was creating a new place to live. This however was going to take a lot of time, thus came the making of the synthetic ponies. The synthetic's were rather simple to build and were made to be able to do all sorts of tasks. One of those tasks being the creation of a new living space. The process still took awhile though. Realizing this, The three scientists transferred their minds onto there clone synthetic's. The process though had a consequence or a tradegy. Dr.Greif died in the transferring process. Left with only themselves they said their farewells to their oldest friend and continued working on their project. The project nearly took a half a century to finish when the station was ready for launch. Long story short the station was launched sucessfully. And since we are running out of time reader I want to tell you my story. How I came about and was....activated.

Chapters (2)

This story is interactive in the OCs and comments, you guys can suggest events, add additional things etc, you guys can also join yourself, contact me and I can sign you up, keep in mind to stay on track of the story and be responsible as your decision affect other people.
If you are interested, go check out the rules and contact me.

The Story Is set on a universe that had collided with Equestria, where Anthro ponies and other species walked the earth the timeline was similar to ours in real life until 1991 with similar inventions but with the replacement of nuclear technology with compressed magic.
Fire Tan in 1990/19/19, a citizen of the USSPR (Union of Soviet Socialist Pony Republic) who was a former Captain that served in the 14th Guards Division of the Soviet army found herself caught off guard by the all out SIMM (Solar Interstellar Magic Missile, A missile that uses over charged magic that upon detonation creates a giant heat blast, unlike nuclear bombs in our world the heat travels way greater distance than nuclear fission, but what also is different is the lack of radiation.) War between the Union and its allies against the western alliance.
As she walks the waste of the old world she is joined by many personal characters (ponies that I personally created and direct) and other peoples OCs (who are able to decide the outcome of major events with their own decision.)
I can only promise the fact that we will eventually feature US mainland but no details as OCs again determine many factors therefore making the story random.

Chapters (9)

A tale about the shopkeeper who sold the alicorn amulet and brought upon him the troubles that come with such dealings.
join us as we follow the shopkeeper shortly after the events of magic duel.

I know the wiki has named him differently but it sounded too old for me so I decided to use a different name.
First fic so be nice. Constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (1)

~One Nature, perfect and prevailing, circulates in all natures; one reality, all comprehensive, contains within itself, all realities. The one Moon reflects itself wherever there is a sheet of water, and all the moons in the waters are embraced within the one Moon. The Absolute of all Divine Teachers enters into my own being, And my own being is found in theirs. The Inner Light is beyond praise and blame; Like Space it knows no boundaries, Yet it is here, within us, ever retaining its serenity and fullness. You cannot take hold of it, but equally you cannot get rid of it, And while you can do neither, it goes on in its own way. You remain silent and it speaks; you speak and it remains dumb. The great gate of charity is wide open, with no obstacles before it.~

Yung-chia Ta-shih circa 700 BNM (Purveyor of souls and Adviser to Heng-Hui Jun-Jin, 1st Dragon King)

Originally, Twilight befriended all of her friends through the magic of the Sonic Rainboom and their shared cutie marks. They had went on their way to become what they are today, Saviors of Equestria, deliverers of hope, heck even a princess. However that all changed when Twilight faced off against Starlight and her ideals.

This had set a chain of events which led to Starlight now sitting on the magic friendship map. Starlight, with help, goes to the beginning of it all and tries to stop her bad end of the bargain. Twilight dives through the portal with Spike in her grasp and changes history. The world she had left behind changed to the whims of time, fate, and happenstance. Old enemies reclaimed what was once lost to them. Whole civilizations have crumbled to dust and ash. You know...The old song and dance between bitter rivals and all.

However, all that has been transfigured once again. It wasn't due to anything on Twilight's or Starlight's part in this fate of theirs. No, it was because of one single solitary entity that all of it has now changed. He had arrived in a time and place where he never belonged. He did know about this world though. He feared what his presence might've caused or influenced in the grand scheme of things. He tried his hardest to avoid the limelight of it all as well as keeping himself alive during it all. This had worked somewhat. He did make friends with Zecora, minor acquaintances with some of the Elements of Harmony, and some few stray travelers going through the wood, but this...this too has been changed by his arrival.

This is a "What If" story that had come to mind due to this site actually and the season 5 finale. My thoughts had included many things such as: What would've happened if the mane 6 weren't alone in their quests against the various enemies? What if some intruder had happened upon the country near the very beginning of the series? Would the endings be any different? Would Twilight have left things as they were? I know that people have probably done it already, but for the authors that I was waiting for, I knew that they wouldn't include this situation in their HIE stories or just avoid the whole mess entirely and make it so it never happened but everything else stayed the same. For those reasons, I made this little story to get my point across that this situation can be written about, as well as, see what other people think of if it, and if it could be a possible course of events or not.

Chapters (2)