Set in the Pandemic Universe (which existed well before the very real pandemic and this is in no way shape or form related to that) and takes place after the original story, though that’s not required to read.

All dreams start somewhere. For most night ponies, they start in the dreamscape itself, but that's not always the case for all. Two months after the ETS Pandemic changed the world forever, a bright, optimistic dream starts, whether the ponies responsible for it realized it or not. While some choose to cling to the past, some choose to leave it behind. This is the story of one of those ponies, Silver Eclipse, crafter of dreamscapes and dreams. In the waking world he helped create a dream called Oasis, a place where dreams can come true. But all dreams start somewhere, and this is the story of where that dream started, and the very special pony without whom it would never have happened.

Halira's stories, What you are Meant to Be and Picking up the Pieces offer some expanded night pony lore which introduce and expand on some of the concepts in this story, but it's not necessary to read. The original story is also recommended if you'd love to learn more about this universe.

Special thanks to:

for offering much needed feedback and advice over the course of writing this story.

This is a rewrite of my very first story, and definitely my passion project as of right now. Any feedback or comments would be greatly appreciated, even if it's just something simple or small. Thanks!

Chapters (55)

It's Applebloom's favorite time of the year, the day she gets to plan out the yearly Apple Family Reunion with her big sister Applejack!.. although this year's has a twist. As it turns out, the Apples have an old branch of the family out in Hollow Shades who have never been invited, the mysterious Blood Oranges...

Not knowing why they were excluded for all these years, Applebloom invites them to the reunion and the Blood Oranges are more than happy to meet the family they never knew they had... but how will that family react when a group of bat ponies show up? Only time will tell…

I have to give a special thanks to Halira for offering feedback, suggestions, and advice throughout the course of writing this project. I don't think I would have been able to stay motivated through this project without her help and support.

I also need to thank Lawra, Nailah, and Gaby for offering some feedback, pre reading, and edits to this story.

I really can't thank them enough for their help, and it genuinely means the world to me!

Chapters (1)

Story set in the Pandemic Universe
Original Pandemic Story by ASGeek2012
Does require some familiarity with the setup.

Special thanks for their feedback goes to
Cosmic Eclipse
And Bree R especially for collaborating because it wouldn't have been possible without.

Sapphire Sky didn't need to land on her feet after ETS, not after she gained a set of wings, and she took full advantage of them.

But months after humanity was saved from Sunset Shimmer’s plague and with the world having found an uneasy balance, she finds herself with time to take a vacation. Now that she has the means to do it, she decides to visit a friend she had only spoken with online out East.

Story takes place in August approximately two months before the events of Aftermath.
Cover art created by me
Other art related to Pandemic will be posted in this thread.

Chapters (4)

Bart, cursed by a debilitating disease which afflicts his mental stability, spends the vast majority of his days at the Saint Junivus Psychiatric Ward. He faces a constant uphill struggle to piece apart reality and fantasy, and he is dogged to do it alone.

When a global outbreak changes everything about his already shaky reality, he must explore what life means to him. The ETS (Equine Transformation Syndrome) pandemic could become his salvation... or it could become the very thing that forever breaks his mind.

This story shares the same universe as Pandemic by ASGeek2012 and Pandemic: What you are Meant to Be by Halira

Note: If you find any details that conflicts with either story, or you interpret the details as something that conflicts, let me know. I intend to do my best to keep this story to cannon with Geek's universe.

Edit: Had a slight mistake with the series tag. I rectified it.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Ponies on Earth and their New Horizons

A mostly standalone entry in the Pandemic Universe. While the other stories offer additional lore and introductions for some characters, this story should be able to hopefully catch newer readers up as it goes along.

It's easy to feel like an outcast when you just don't quite fit in. This normally isn't an issue for most ponies, but Sine Wave, Zipper, and Ink Rose aren't exactly like most other ponies. Be it interests, hobbies, personalities... for one reason or another they've found themselves living outside of the norm, but sometimes being different isn't such a bad thing, especially when it gives you the opportunity to be proud of yourself for who you are. This is the story of three ponies who find their place in the world, perhaps in the most unexpected of ways.

Special thanks to:
Lawra, Halira, Javarod, and ModernSilver, for assisting with edits, offering suggestions and help with the story (especially in later chapters), and for being great all around. I can't thank you guys enough, the help and support mean the world to me!

Chapters (16)

In the six years following the ETS Pandemic, the town of Riverview went from having a waning population comprised entirely of ageing humans to a bustling city housing human and pony alike. It became a hub of magical research and even the home of a cultural renaissance. Then, one day, it burned.
For a time, ponies and people alike were left scrambling to rebuild their lives. Many lives were lost, and families wanted answers. The pony that many said to be the most influential in the Shimmerist cult had even renounced her faith and created a schism as a result.
There was a lot of hurt to be healed. In honour of those who died and those displaced, one pony idol streamer would drop her last PV. It would be her career's last hurrah, for a nonprofit cause, and she would't have it any other way.

This short story is set in the Pandemic Universe brought to life by ASGeek2012. An Ode to Riverview is set specifically after the events of Halira's Pandemic: Monsters We Make, starring characters from Pandemic: of Twins and Tails. Although it is highly advisable to read Monsters We Make first, this one-off does not specifically require much knowledge from Twins and Tails.

Chapters (1)