This story is a sequel to Ponies on Earth and their New Horizons
A mostly standalone entry in the Pandemic Universe. While the other stories offer additional lore and introductions for some characters, this story should be able to hopefully catch newer readers up as it goes along.
It's easy to feel like an outcast when you just don't quite fit in. This normally isn't an issue for most ponies, but Sine Wave, Zipper, and Ink Rose aren't exactly like most other ponies. Be it interests, hobbies, personalities... for one reason or another they've found themselves living outside of the norm, but sometimes being different isn't such a bad thing, especially when it gives you the opportunity to be proud of yourself for who you are. This is the story of three ponies who find their place in the world, perhaps in the most unexpected of ways.
Special thanks to:
Lawra, Halira, Javarod, and ModernSilver, for assisting with edits, offering suggestions and help with the story (especially in later chapters), and for being great all around. I can't thank you guys enough, the help and support mean the world to me!
And this one is a nice story too : ) Nice to see some character development for the rest of Oasis denizens.
I need to read more of the lore for this universe. It seems the new pony society is somewhat rigid, almost monolithic, at least for the night pony tribe. But I like the basis of the story, must keep reading
It’s something that’s more relegated to the east coast and the larger night/bat pony communities there. There’s more context given as the story goes on and you’ll start to see how the characters begin to challenge that aspect of the culture by the end
Zipper's fatal error was to not honk and make noise back at the geese. That said, there's nothing quite as entertaining as someone finding out exactly how aggressive geese can be, and where the term "goosed" came from.
D'awww, Zipper gets to deal with all the animals. And he might have a nice marefriend in the making too
Nice to see Sine making a new friend
Gotta love it when a plan starts coming together and then gets rolling.
Heh, Zipper is still the same. Lots of focus now that he understands where he can go with his talents, but he still does move forward without thinking through a few things. Nice to see graphic design bat in the story as well
A pleasure to see that piece of art Puppy did. And poor Zipper being left out of the loop. The initial cost of buying plants, especially perennials and bushes, is quickly regained since they only need to be purchased once. Unless you have a black thumb/hoof
Everyone has that inner nerd when it comes to their hobbies.
This story really does get better with every chapter
I love Zipper's interactions with his parrot. And it's kind of interesting to still get a glimpse of struggles between the two main societies in the region
I think Zipper should dress up like a pirate and take his parrot with him to Ahab's.
I need to make art of that now lol
Oh, the murky waters of when friends become more than that
Couple quick editing notes. The term is "gung-ho" and usually things are "on the house" and run "on autopilot".
Aside from that, nice chapter. I have a feeling Breeze had the idea of a research department in the wings for awhile and now that Zipper's latent talent is starting to show, she's taking the opportunity to get the ball rolling on it
Small edit I noticed. You've been using Sine so much you let that take the place of getting a sign for the arcade.
Great chapter! Looks like the arcade is going to be a good hit for the night life in Oasis.
Heh, finally : ) Nice to see raltioinships evolve, quite a good story so far : )
Such a nice chapter to read through. Looks like the arcade is gaining traction, and the Outcasts are really bonding together
Awesome story! Thanks for the journey : )
I’m really glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for reading
Such a nice ending. Looks like the little group has the approval stamp of a Warden for their little escapades in the dream realm, and their waking world project seems to be a big success! Looking forward to more stories