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Troubled Times · 2:46pm Oct 17th, 2016

Be aware, something dark comes this way.

Coming soon.


YAY! REQUESTED CLOP! · 9:15am Nov 29th, 2015

So yeah, this is the first time I've ever done a requested clop fic and I feel it turned out pretty well! I've never done an incest fic before so it was interesting writing in a genre I've never worked with, but I feel it came out pretty masturbataful if i do say so myself (and yes masturbataful is a word).

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Report jayjaejai · 518 views · #New Story

Submitted a new story · 1:36am Nov 30th, 2015

It'll suck. People will hate it. It'll get downvoted to hell. But I submitted it anyway.

Maybe I really am mentally ill . . . .

Report LightningSword · 593 views · #new story

New short fic · 9:58pm Feb 25th, 2016

I just posted a sequel to Bad Dragon's fic Celestia visits Nightmare Moon. Writing helps me not think about real life lets see what else I can get done this month. Anyways hope you enjoy!

Report Foals Errand · 543 views · #new story

Two New Stories · 3:54pm Dec 13th, 2016

One is comedy. <The Most Dangerous Food>

The other is romance. <Gift Givers>


Report Art Inspired · 450 views · #New Stories

New Story! · 4:52am May 15th, 2016

Only, Only, Only You
[Romance] [Sad]

Come closer here—my heart, my host.
Come closer. Hear my heart, my host,

Is only staid with presence close.
If love’s a potion, ample dose.

My night-ful bride, I need your boon.

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Report Corejo · 458 views · #new story!

An Awesome Story · 10:34pm Jul 31st, 2017

Hey guys!

I'm hard at work on the new chapter of blonde moments, but I also took some time to read this week.

If you haven't checked it yet, there's an awesome new story from a smaller scale author out called Without Another Word. I'd strongly recommend checking it out and giving a growing author some love .

TWithout Another Word
It took years for Grand Pear to recover from the fallout of leaving Pear Butter behind, but all it takes to undo that is a single letter.
Jack of a Few Trades · 12k words  ·  154  1 · 2.8k views
Report FamousLastWords · 416 views · #New story

Update about the new story · 5:07am Apr 3rd, 2016

Hey guys, (wow I'm posting this late at night..) so i said on Easter that the sequel to Don't Leave Me would be out this week, but I've decided to post it next Friday because I'll be leaving on an important trip Sunday night. sorry to disappoint anyone and hope to see you all soon.

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Report ArtsyUnicorn · 320 views · #New Story

New Story Coming Soon! · 4:00am Aug 10th, 2016

Hello Everypony, lately I've been busy with school starting again and it affects my schedule on writing a bit, but I've been meaning to talk about a One-shot story that I'll working on with Evowizard25 called: Shadows of a Sunset and it's going to be pretty exciting and I can't give away to much details on it.

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Report Pen Dragon · 368 views · #New story

New Story · 4:16am Oct 5th, 2017



I put up the first chapter for a new story I'm working on. :derpyderp1:

Feel free to give it a look, if you want. :twilightsheepish:

And I actually have a (sort of) plan for this one! :trollestia:

Linky-link for story. Enjoy!


Report Rubahhitam · 396 views · #New Story

New Story: Dead By Sunset · 5:15am Feb 25th, 2018

Okay so I know people might be a bit annoyed that I'm posting something new while King & Shy is still in progress but hear me out.

To be perfectly honest my muse for King & Shy has flown the coop, that's not to say I'm not still working on it but it's slow going and I often find myself deleting nearly as much as I am writing. With that being said: I'm neither cancelling King & Shy nor putting it on hiatus. It is still alive and well.

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Report I-A-M · 406 views · #New Story

New Story Out · 3:26am Aug 11th, 2017

Heyo, guys!

New story is up and seems to be doing well so far. :pinkiehappy:

If you've got a few spare minutes, go ahead and check it out! Or don't, you know, it's all good. Have a great day/night/afternoon/morning!

TDamned If I Do Ya, Damned If I Don't
Stuck in a bad relationship, Cloudchaser looks to a pleasant young dragon to fill the void in her life. But, of course, her actions have consequences.
FamousLastWords · 6.5k words  ·  211  28 · 6.8k views


Report FamousLastWords · 347 views · #new story

New Story coming soon · 12:19am Nov 3rd, 2019

Hey guys. I just wanted to give everyone who'll read this a little update about my current writing situation. So, the good news is that I'm about 75% done with this new story. I've been super busy with work and my art commissions, but I've managed to make enough time to finish about a chapter a week. Now, what that means for the story, is that I'm going to start uploading soon.

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Report CrimsonWolf360 · 258 views · #new stories

Heyyyy... so I wrote yet another thing. · 8:23am Feb 2nd, 2019

EAnon breaks his hand on Luna's face.
Who knew that princesses had faces with the durability of Nokia brickphones?
TheMajorTechie · 1k words  ·  79  11 · 2.6k views
Report TheMajorTechie · 235 views · #new story

My First Story · 9:05pm Dec 27th, 2016

Hello Everyone reading this (which is probably just you Stuffy, so heya!)

Recently I have published my first story on this site, heck, published something anywhere. I was so excited and nervous at the same time when I pressed the submit button and let the story out to the world.

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Report Lucent Flare · 327 views · #New Story

New story~ Online Infatuations · 1:32pm Aug 5th, 2016


Fulfillment · 9:43pm Jan 2nd, 2016

New story out! Please go check it out when you get the time. I wrote it a while back when I had depression and decided to post it today. It's under 2000 words, so it's a quick read. If you're interested, click on the duckface Rarity. :duck:

~Vanilla Mocha,

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Report Vanilla Mocha · 405 views · #New Story

New story! (Yes, at last...) · 8:57pm Jun 16th, 2015

This isn't actually the story I was expecting to publish this month, but never mind. To Be the Candle is a [Dark]-tagged fic, the first one I've written for this fandom. Me being me, it's a one-shot and under 2,000 words. I suppose rather fittingly in the week of the 100th episode of the show, this story's star is an OC and there are no appearances at all by the Mane Six.

Report Loganberry · 325 views · #new story

Good Mood · 12:03am Mar 15th, 2019

Well, I'm in a good mood. After a terrible Monday and a terrible Tuesday, yesterday was pretty good. Of course, any day you get to shoot is a good day. And I finally rated expert marksman, so that'll be another ribbon on my uniform.

Also wanted to point out that I've published my newest story, The Secret Life of... Maud Pie, today. Be on the lookout!

Keep Writing,


Report Dreadnought · 379 views · #new story

It's Coming. Yes, It's Another New Story. · 4:16am Oct 2nd, 2018

So I had a thought. I wondered what would happen if something very specific were to happen.

Then I searched FimFiction... and couldn't find anything of the sort. So, I thought I'd write it myself.

The thing is, Human in Equestria has been tried a million times. Even, Human in Equestria with contact with Earth has been tried a million times; both with and without actual travel between the two.

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Report computerneek · 279 views · #new story
Viewing 1 - 20 of 2,651 results