
Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results

Blog: Haven't published anything in a while · 4:29am Mar 24th, 2021

Kinda sad about this! So here is what I have been working on, in order of priority of effort which will likely reflect the order of publishing as well. There are also three or four other planned stories I could have written about but feel like keeping even closer to my vest or whatever the expression is, for now. All of these are planned for the Teen rating.

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Report Bicyclette · 235 views · #writing plans

Getting Organized/Future Projects · 9:59am Aug 9th, 2019

Sadly, today I have a 12 hour shift, and tomorrow a 10 1/2 hour shift. So I'm probably not going to get any good writing in on either day. This is just what happens when you work at Disney World. So I figured I could write out a list of the things I'm planning on writing so that all of you know what to expect out of me. I don't have many followers yet, but I appreciate you all for giving me such a warm welcome onto this site.

List of Future projects:

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UPDATE! · 4:05pm Oct 9th, 2017

I got off my lazy ass and wrote a new Destiny chapter.

And here's my schedule.

The Division-City of Wolves-Prologue-Twilight and Nick reminisce about their time in New York, and some Rioter stumble on an arms cache. They are promptly killed by the Hunters, the new main antagonists, and their bodies left as a warning.

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Might work on a story that I've been thinking of for a while- might not. · 7:28pm Nov 23rd, 2015

Really depends on a few factors- first I need to finish up most of my homework today.

Then I might want to watch AKA Jessica Jones on Netflix cause I've heard good things and I own her two series that she really debuted in.

Then Thanksgiving- Happy Thanksgiving BTW.

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Project works! · 9:25pm Mar 24th, 2016

Well well, another new season on the horizon. So this seems like a good time to look towards my own writing projects! I know at least a few folks out there are waiting to see what I put out next, so this one is going out to you!

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What I've Been Up To (State of the Author) · 12:54am May 1st, 2022

Anyone who has been in contact with me personally over the last few months knows that my life has gone through a lot of turmoil lately. Medical problems (multiple cancer scares, Covid-19, my youngest breaking her leg), changing jobs (goodbye post office, hello cushy work from home job), relationship problems (divorcing my primary partner and my secondary partner decided to go mono with her primary), moving, finding new roommates to replace my (ex-)wife's share of the financial burden. Life is

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Update (Got Distracted By Erased Edition) · 11:20pm Mar 28th, 2016

Got around to watching the last episode of Erased and was disappointed not to find fic of my favorite ship Angst X Amnesia X Time Fuckery and I'm gonna get in on that. With tongue. So much tongue.

In the meantime, I'm gonna talk about pony plans.

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Holy crap, FNAF 4 is out (And other stuff I'm talking about) · 4:49pm Jul 24th, 2015

My general reaction.

Though I am working on In The Midst of Dreams, I've been taking a day (Assuming The Position) to chew thoughtfully on the line revisions I've been given by my editor so I can get my dark fiction mojo refueled before I take another crack at it. But now that FNaF 4 is out, I want to write something dark in a different degree. Hell, I might just pick Doctrine of Gears back up.

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Fluttercheer Returns..... and a Storm Rises With Him. · 1:11am Sep 22nd, 2018

It has been a while, hasn't it? My last story got published on June 2nd and it's more than three months ago now that I had to delay the start of publication of my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow once more.

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Return after a busy month and after another month of writing break + New Story Announcements befitting for the cold season! · 9:39pm Nov 30th, 2020

Wow, these were two crazy months I am coming out from..... October was filled with so many releases like I never had before in a single month. All together, I published three one-shots + my flashfic anthology in October. "Unsung Hero" and

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Overdue Writing Updates: Critter Snow Day and the Return of "Aegis" · 8:46pm Mar 18th, 2019

Good evening and welcome in Fluttercheer's Madhouse.

Or, something like that. Relationship and Internet drama (more about that will follow when the stars are aligned for it, can't go into detail right now, but you'll know what that means once you see it) hampered my concentration and writing output a bit again, so the last few months felt a bit like a madhouse for me, but things keep moving along.

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Writing Plans Going Forward · 12:08am Jul 25th, 2020

A lot of you are probably wondering how my plans look now after I didn't update for a few months. So I figured writing a little entry to file you in. To make it simple:

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Late Writing Plans for 2022 (and how this year went, so far) · 2:21am Sep 29th, 2022

So, after a wonderful start into the year with visiting the best friend in all of the universes, a stressful Spring because of Russian Rocketman and a slightly less stressful, but still challenging, Summer resulting from consequences of the former, here are now finally my writing plans for 2022.

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3 Months of Weekly Updates: How did that plan go? + A new type of Release Pattern for my Chapter Updates · 1:09am Apr 25th, 2021

When the year had just started, in the middle of January, I made a plan for chapter releases of "Dreamwalker Dash" and "Letters to Cozy Glow". During the years from 2017 - 2019, my writing skill, as well as my discipline with updating multi-chapter stories, have declined a lot in the aftermath of a mentally stressful event at the beginning of 2017 whose effects on my mind and life lasted for about two and a half years.

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"A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World" will return today! Release Schedule here! · 9:02pm Aug 4th, 2019

Today, I will bring back "A Storm on the Horizon of the Arcane World". After many setbacks with this story, Fizzlepop Berrytwist's journey to becoming Tempest Shadow will finally begin. And because of this momentous occasion, it is the right time to inform you about the release schedules.

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"Legends of Equestria" is slowing down my writing a little..... But more will come! + Hiatus Explanation (IMPORTANT, PLEASE READ!) · 3:28pm Dec 9th, 2016

As many of you probably know, "Legends of Equestria" is starting its Limited Access Release (aka closed beta test) on Monday. This will lead to my output being a little slower than you're used to.
I won't fall into another unannounced hiatus, don't worry! This is why I'm writing this blog entry, to inform you what's going on. It won't be much slower either, just a little.

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First (New) Plans for Tempest Shadow's multi-chapter fic are Set In Stone! · 6:37pm Jun 10th, 2018

Hello everypony and readers old and new! I was silent for a while, but I have used this time to come up with a (new) plan for my multi-chapter fic for Tempest Shadow, the last story from my Upcoming Stories list.

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It looks like 2020 isn't the "I'm back to full form!" year, after all, but rather the "I'm very slowly getting back to full form." year..... · 10:32pm Sep 13th, 2020

This year was supposed to be a big comeback year for me as a pony author, after the last two thirds of 2017 were mostly a disaster and 2018 and 2019 were overall very disorganized messes for my writing, because of the event from the beginning of 2017 (which I still can't tell you details about, sorry for being vague) and the huge aftermath of that event that left me in a mentally compromised state of existing, all of which affected my writing output and also my writing skill. Now, as the year

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ANNOUNCEMENT: Two stories of mine will get released today and they will be my last ones. (APRIL FOALS JOKE!) · 1:52pm Apr 1st, 2019

100% April Foals-free Update:

Greetings, fellow readers of mine, the author known as Fluttercheer.

Today I have some news for you. One is good, the other one is bad. Let's start with the good news first:

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Why Disclaimers are Useful: The Prologue for Tempest Shadow's Story takes longer..... · 6:24pm Jun 17th, 2018

Viewing 1 - 20 of 26 results