
Viewing 1 - 20 of 143 results

Important bit about me. · 4:18pm Sep 12th, 2021

I have on two occasions, put a fruit cookie into a jar/box of chocolate chip cookies. I am more evil than skeletor and you should be scared.

Report ARandomLonelyDude · 107 views · #fear

Fear Within Update 2 · 10:55pm Oct 28th, 2016


So it's been a while since the last batch of chapters were up and I do apologise, really. I want to get this story back on the road as much as you and now that I've figured out the route I'm taking, expect the next chapters soon. I don't know when, but soon...

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Report VirtualCipher · 563 views · #Fear Within

Writers Fear Post 1 · 11:19pm Jul 8th, 2018

Anyone who writes will tell you that there are three points where an author will feel truly afraid. When we write the first chapter or prologue, when we submit the story and whether people will like it. Once you know at least one person likes the story you don't care what criticism you get because there is at least one person who liked it.

Report Arceaion · 264 views · #Writers Fear

My Power Grows · 11:59am Dec 2nd, 2020

Report LSTS Connor · 224 views · #fear me

Fear Within Final Update · 9:05pm Dec 6th, 2016

This here is the final update.


It's December! That time of havoc and panic because we need to get a certain item for our loved ones to put under the tree. I hope you all doing well this month, it can be rather stressful. Anyway, moving aside the joyful and spiritual holiday, Fear Within has made big progress and I'm glad to announce that Chapter 16 will be released on January 1st. Why? Let's get December over with, something to start the new year.

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Report VirtualCipher · 564 views · #Fear Within

Not Another Hiatus! · 12:01am Mar 31st, 2017

VirtualCipher here, rolling out with the disappointment once again.

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Report VirtualCipher · 407 views · #Fear Within

Fear · 1:44am Jun 10th, 2017

Have you ever been afraid to write something? Like, a story, perhaps? Because I have.

Truly, it's a crippling burden. A fear of trying to even write, because I feel that it's just not good enough. I can tell a story, sure, but I can't even figure out if what I'm writing is good enough, and it turns into a debilitating fear that stops me from writing.

The fear of rejection, knowing that you have failed, is a heavy burden to bear, and I have resolved to try and avoid it at all costs.

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Report base4 · 315 views · #fear #writing

Chapter 43 Delayed! · 11:40pm Feb 1st, 2019

Sorry everyone.

I got piled up with a lot of stuff this month. I just need a little more time working on the 43rd chapter. I was so confident to get it finished today, but it doesn't look complete. Again, sorry everyone.

Report VirtualCipher · 356 views · #Fear Within

Inactive Until Further Notice. · 1:09am Aug 26th, 2017

With hurricane Harvey at a full swing, there is a strong possibility that my family and I would go days, probably weeks without any electricity or internet connection so until then, I'm going dark. From what I've heard, parts of Texas will be left "uninhabitable" for weeks or months depending on how bad it might turn out afterwards. I just hope and pray that whatever happens, I will still be here for you all.

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How I conquered my fear of butterflies · 11:29am Aug 26th, 2020

When I was a kid, I went to Ocean Park, Hong Kong and there included a garden full of butterflies. I was so scared that there were so many of them because I read a book that said the dust from their wings can cause blindness.

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There's an audio reading of my Deltarune fic! · 3:22am Feb 21st, 2021

So a little while ago I wrote my first non-pony fanfic for a charity fic drive. A Deltarune fic titled Facing Fears, a short Suselle fluff piece. Well, recently Rainbow Infinity chose it for a fanfic reading! He does a solid job on the reading, and I'm delighted to be chosen. Check it out, and consider giving him a follow!

Report Krickis · 168 views · #Facing Fears #Deltarune

Fear Pitch Black: Cataclysmic · 6:40am Dec 18th, 2022

The title for the next fiction is Fear Pitch Black: Cataclysmic

Now remember this is G3 fiction.... this is where Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash came in. However, one thing there might be a problem with the toy section knowing that there are more brands of them Pinkie Pie I - VIII... Rainbow Dash fans I'm sorry but there were only Rainbow Dash I - IV

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The Fear of Being Erased/Replaced- Criticism of Modern Extremism · 3:11am May 11th, 2023

There is a fear that some people are trying to replace others, to erase them. There are rightwingers that fear Jews will replace them, that non-white people will replace white people and Christians and others. There are leftwingers that fear trans people, gay people, countless others, the "marginalized" or others are being erased by conservative politicians and Republicans. There are other fears as well, and there are differences about them, as different as the people who harbor these fears.

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My top 10 fears 😨 · 9:37am Sep 27th, 2020

1. Hoplophobia (guns)
2. Aichmophobia (knives)
3. Acrophobia (heights)
4. Basophobia (falling)
5. Thanatophobia (death)
6. Arachnophobia (spiders)
7. Ophidiophobia (snakes)
8. Katsaridaphobia (cockroaches)
9. Amaxophobia (driving)
10. Astraphobia (lightning strikes)

Honorable mention: Pyrophobia (fire)

Report Anthro Fanatic · 138 views · #top 10 #fears

Fears Reawakened · 4:44am Mar 11th, 2022

An ancient fear has been reawakened. I was happy in my skin, with myself, until... I read someone's story who transitioned and then detransitioned because it broke them.

I don't want that.

I don't want to be afraid that I could be unhappy if I undergo changes to myself, it's terrifying. Am I even trans if that's scary?? Do I desist my fantasies or embrace them as my reality??

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So I'm indecisive at the moment · 4:54am Jan 19th, 2016

It's not about anything to important. It's just... Well it's night where I am and I happen to have a great view of the moon. However I have this irrational and overpowering fear of looking into a mirror and seeing myself either mutilated or as a something else looking back. And for windows it's just seeing some figure with murderous intent.


Random Hadith 21# - Heart · 12:08pm Aug 29th, 2017

Ibn Al-Qayyim said, “The heart on its journey towards Allah the Exalted is like that of a bird. Love is its head, and fear and hope are its two wings. When the head is healthy, then the two wings will fly well. When the head is cut off, the bird will die. When either of two wings is damaged, the bird becomes vulnerable to every hunter and predator.”

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Report AProudMalaysian · 300 views · #heart #hope #love #fear

Biggest Fear is Reality || What Now? · 1:10pm Apr 3rd, 2017

It happened.

The test results have finally come back and my father indeed has a malignant tumor in his lung. It has been stated that he will have to go through surgery or chemo and radiation therapy, which he will be going through starting this week. Today he begins both with a vicious cycle to try and get rid of this. The upside? He doesn't seem to be as affected, or he just doesn't understand the severity of the situation. The downside? I am having a hard time breathing and not crying.

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Report Aelthya · 1,486 views · #hiatus #depression #fear #anxiety

What do you Fear #1 · 7:06pm Oct 9th, 2022

Halloween, my favorite time of the year, where we all celebrate one of the biggest human emotions...Fear. But what is it that we fear? Well maybe I can give a few examples.

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Layers of Fear, free on Steam · 5:14pm Jun 13th, 2018

From the dudes that went on to make Observer.

Personally from what I've seen of both games Layers is the flawed but interesting prototype of the two... but hey, free game, right?

(Minor scares spoilers in the review.)

Steam store page. Offer valid 'for a limited time,' so be sure to nab it if you've got a thing for horror.

Viewing 1 - 20 of 143 results