
Viewing 5681 - 5700 of 6,135 results

New Band & New Fluttershy Story · 1:02am Jun 21st, 2016

Ok so after reading my most recent Romantic Equestria Story a very helpful reader pointed out that its paced to fast so I'm gonna rename the story as something else and re write a lighter hearted Fluttershy story. Don't work for those who like Th Color Pink I will not be deleting it. I just won't be associating it with the Romantic Equestria Series so stay tuned for the newest installment The Rainbow Dash Story in which you the reader are a Josh gates/ Nathan Drake kinda charecter since Rainbow

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I'm Going Away for a Few. · 1:02am Jul 6th, 2016

Ok so as you know over past few months I've been cranking out blogs and stories. Well sadly its time for me to take a hiatus. For how long i don't I'v reached a point in my life where I'm done with everything. I only drink liquids, i don't eat, and i'm never in a good mood. Again I don't know how long this hiatus will be and i expect to loose followers. I just can't go on like this...i need to take some time to...reflect on my lfe and my past transgressions. I love you all and i'll see you

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New "The World Inside Aurora Ray" Chapter 5: ("Training Day") · 1:49am Jul 13th, 2016

Ray takes Spitfire to the gun range to teach her how to fire his Glock handgun. Spitfire has been chosen by Princess Celestia to be Ray's bodyguard, so she's going to give it her all...

Story Description:

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Sirens Song (Work in Progress) · 12:56pm Jan 18th, 2016

[Female Vocalist] Ahhhh [Drawn out notes] (x4)
When oceans part and lands crumble into nothing
will you remember the day I took your hand in mine
As we walked hand in hand we lost track of time
Darling i wan't you to always be mine.

[Female Vocalist] Ahhhh [Drawn out notes] (x4)

Like a flame we conquered everything in our path
when days bled into nights i promised i would always be by your side
Now i sit here in the ruins of before wandering what went wrong.

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Hey everypony! I'm gay now! · 1:28am Jan 23rd, 2016

And look who I've gone gay for!

Nah, I'm still straight really. But if I did ever need to go gay, it'll be for this guy right here. Fuck off Superman. You've been replaced by the best OP hero of all time.

Sorry, I got that last part wrong.

I meant to say..."he's just a guy who a hero for fun."

A little bit of wee comes out at that line every time.

I must change my pants...

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vs the Forces of Evil · 5:56am Dec 3rd, 2015

So, guess what show I'm totally infatuated with, now?

Star vs the Forces of Evil!

I've seen clips and such for a while, but it wasn't until the EQG-fied clip of the booty shaking dance in PONIES the Anthology V that finally got me to check it out.

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So apparently some of you don't believe that fictional characters have feelings... · 3:14am Nov 8th, 2015

Watch this please if you are those people...


So the next time you decide to turn guys into gals for perverse reasons, or you just want to force them into relationships, remember Sonic and Tails.

Thank Faust for Unique.

And more so for his creator; me!

Oh, and RustyBuckets, you left your headlights on mate. And for the last time Officer Hot Pants, get your bloody hand out of my pocket! THAT'S NOT EVEN A POCKET!


And I have returned home! · 12:04pm Sep 9th, 2015

Now, I shall make preparations for my future endeavors, and also upload some holiday photos later on or tomorrow, depending on how things progress here. Our house hasn't been, well, watched entirely well by my brother, but at least he didn't burn it down so that's good I suppose, right?

Anyways, need to get these things sorted now so speak to you all soon as I can.

Peace out, my loyal minions!



If you like the Legend of're a bad person, apparently · 2:11pm Dec 16th, 2016

Who knew we were aiding an evil psychopathic sociopath murderer this entire time?


Writer Spotlight: Amethyst_Dawn · 2:56am Oct 14th, 2016


Pinkie Pie Day is Oct 7th! You can write a story for it for EQD! · 4:49pm Oct 6th, 2016


ORDER FORM - The Life and Times of a Winning Pony Mk. 2 · 1:14am Mar 21st, 2017


CastleManeia (animation by UniqueSKD) - Part One · 10:11am Mar 25th, 2017

Finally, UniqueSKD finishes his terrible awful piece of shit animation. Now I can do something else and continue the full video at a later date or something.

So until then, feel free to hate me for bringing this abomination into the fanbase and humiliating every living brony and pegasister with my garbage animation skills.

I hate myself infinitely more than any of you do.


Life and Times Print Run Reminder: 24 Hours Left · 3:17am Mar 27th, 2017

Just a reminder that there are 24 hours left before we close orders on the current print run for The Life and Times of a Winning Pony. If you haven't gotten your orders in yet, here's the link.


First Look At The MLP Movie · 3:14pm May 24th, 2017

A video has surfaced of the mane six exploring the underwater kingdom of the seaponies.

Put your finger on the video and scroll for a 360 degree view!

Note: You have to be on YouTube to use the 360 degree feature.


Happy Half Decade, Merry Christmas · 2:44am Dec 26th, 2017

Here I sit on the five year anniversary of when I first joined Fimfic. Wow. The site has changed so much; so have I. This site and the authors have become far more experienced, the stories far more nuanced, the comedy funnier, the drama sadder. We are all growing into true blue writers. 51 stories later, I am amazed and mystified at how much I was able to accomplish as a writer (350k+ words) but how much growing I still have to do. Some day I may re-write WestBoro in Equestria, My British Pony,

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Another MLP Movie (2017) Update (Major Spoilers) · 3:43pm Apr 12th, 2017

Another MLP Movie (2017) Update (Major Spoilers)

This post will contain spoilers so if you don't want to read some major plot points concerning the MLP Movie 2017, don't read beyond this point.

It was revealed at the New York Toy Fair that hippogriffs are now a part of Equestria's lore. There is an awesome hippogriff Guardians of Harmony toy that is set to be released at some point this year.

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The BEST Season Seven Promo · 1:26am Apr 13th, 2017

Oh my gosh guys. I just found the BEST season seven promo!!

Behold its glory!!


Winning Pony Print Edition Updates · 1:12am Apr 25th, 2017

First things first, I present Mount Book:

We're hard at work getting all the books ready to ship. I use only the finest unpaid labor from soulless minions.

Also, since lots of people were asking about it, yes. These books will be signed.


Got some jokes for the uninterested... · 2:49am Dec 23rd, 2016

1 - I went fishing with my good shoes. I caught myself a barra-boot-a

2 - I bought a universal remote yesterday. Now I am a Master of the Universe.

3 - I kicked a tree today. It barked at me. And then it bit me. The BARK was worse than the bite. Is this one funny? I dunno...

4 - I wished upon a star tonight for somebody to make me a plushie toy of my avatar as my ultimate Christmas gift this year. It didn't come true.

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Viewing 5681 - 5700 of 6,135 results