
Viewing 1 - 20 of 165 results

Story update · 4:05am Jun 16th, 2019

Hey, it's been a while and just want to assure every that I'm still writing. I'm just a few days behind because of some long days at work. But that's over. I'm hoping to get the next chapter of This is what we do out soon, before the end of next week hopefully, including some editing. I'm sitting at about 8k words for chapter length right now. So it'll be a long one at least.

Report Foxgear · 204 views · #sirens

Update and Artwork! · 8:18pm Oct 30th, 2022

Hey everyone! Wanted to give a new update on the story.

So as you are all aware, episodes are taking longer to get out. A mix of life and writers block are responsible for these delays. So for now, it's an update whenever the team can. But the next will be soon. 

For now, enjoy this artwork of the Sirens in their Equestrian forms by Tomiku!

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Report KrisstheScot · 119 views · #Sirens

I updated some art on Derpi · 7:49pm Mar 13th, 2018

It's NSFW, so I can link it here, but you can find it under my artist tag. Or with this: 1679266

Otherwise, just as a general update, I feel like death warmed over today. I am very tired and very much in pain. But I'm going to try to get some words down before I head out to Uber like my life depends on it. The next Beanis fic is like...90% done? So that should drop real soon.

Stay not disabled, kids.


Lil songfish~ <3 · 5:46pm Aug 19th, 2017

Guess what's coming out later today? :raritywink:

Guess what came out today? :raritywink: :heart:

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Report BlackWater · 423 views · #sirens #songfish

"My Jolly Sailor Bold" · 3:08am Oct 15th, 2020

This song is a common one we sirens use for sailors (particularly for captains) when we're feeling extra 'frisky' and just want to get our next kill by playing with our food. Observe some of my sisters' of the waves:

(Listen on speed 0.75)

See?....*starts singing*

Upon one Summer's morning

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Report Phoenix Heart 27 · 181 views · #siren #song

Last Summer Celebration 2017 · 11:48pm Sep 23rd, 2017

I'll say farewell to Summer with one more chapter of My Little Songfish~! :pinkiehappy: :twilightsheepish: :raritystarry: :yay:

That's right! A new chapter is up! Enjoy~! :raritywink: :heart:

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Report BlackWater · 382 views · #songfish #sirens

The Sirens Remorse New Edits · 6:55am Nov 24th, 2017

Dealing with a downed laptop which has microsoft word, until it is repaired I'm saving new chapters for my stories till later. In the meantime I am going back to the first installment of the series, The Sirens Remorse and not only fixing bad grammar and wording, but I am also bulking up character development and fixing plot holes I unintentionally left which were never answered. There were indeed many portions I left to detail explaination instead of characters doing the talking.

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Contest Closed! · 5:17am Oct 17th, 2017

Five entries, so that'll learn me.

Judging begins now! Since there's only a few, I'll be reviewing them thoroughly for the participants before the unveiling. If you don't want my notes, let me know, and I'll happily thank you for your submission.

Look for more soon!

Report EbonQuill · 453 views · #sirens #contest

"The Sunbutt Has Been Doubled!" is looking bright today!.... kinda... · 4:41pm Jul 5th, 2015

Yep. It has been updated!~❤

Report Julia · 539 views · #update #sunbutt #sirens #emotional

MOAR WEDDING PHOTOS!!! · 11:13am Jan 21st, 2016

Apparently everypony wanted more photos of me and Bitz's wedding, so HERE YA GO!!!!

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Full Fic Coming Soon | Sairenraifu: Siren Life #1 · 3:12pm Apr 17th, 2021

I had a brain blast while working on another fic related to the FetishVerse series. I'm trying my best to hold off until all 6 chapters are complete before releasing this. I already have one done and it only took me a couple hours, so hopefully I can finish within a week. I may wait after it's done to release it so I can get some work done on the second volume, reducing the wait time between releases.

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Weirdest dream ever... · 1:36am Dec 15th, 2016

As the title notes, I just had the weirdest dream in my entire life. And I've seen my fair share of the strange... Now, I don't remember all the details in mind but I can say with certainty that this all happened. Maybe it's just me being silly but who knows? Anyway, onto the explanation.

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Report PrinceUniversa · 444 views · #Dream #weird #Sirens #EQG

Sonata Sundays~! · 7:51pm Jul 30th, 2017

I was going to post about another lovely Sunset Sunday but then I happened across an overload of Sonata adorableness. Also doin a lil' work on My Little Songfish. Enjoy and have a beautiful Sunday~!

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Report BlackWater · 411 views · #siren #sonata #adorable #cute

Episode 15 Release · 9:40am Jul 10th, 2022


Hello again everyone!

My apologies again for the month long wait, but as you'll see, this episode was a looooong one. This is my first experience with an episode of this length, and I wanted to get as much detail in as possible. Hopefully you guys enjoy the longer episodes as there will be more in the future.

Next episode will be later this month as we go back to normal length for now.

Let me know how you guys feel about the longer episodes.


The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle · 7:33pm Sep 6th, 2020

Greetings and Salutations, my name is Wrex and this is my review. This will be on the second part of 'The Siren Song' storyline. It's 'The Siren Song: Razzle Dazzle'. This takes place during the Siren's elementary school years. This story gives a pretty good theory about the Sirens that probably explain a lot of stuff. This story proves emotions can be easily used against a person, that you never know who someone really is until you see the real thing, and that anyone can do the right thing no

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T.G.A.H.S Commission, Update, and Vote Winner · 2:33am Dec 9th, 2023

The next chapter of The General and his Steed is nearly complete! Until then, here's a sneak peek into a particular character: Allegro Suijin.

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Report Pomp-Neigh · 219 views · #Mane 5 #Siren

Sonata is Siren No More · 5:01am Jan 29th, 2017

I couldn't help it. :rainbowlaugh:

Just my opinion, but Sonata is best siren~! Well she is very adorable. I actually like Dagi quite a bit too and somehow Dagi and not Sonata had a major role in my story Twilight Shimmer. Anyways, here she is! Just finished this week! :heart:

Pony Sonata Dusk

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Report BlackWater · 455 views · #plushie #siren #sonata

Planned for MAY 2022 · 4:41am Apr 18th, 2022


Who Builds "The Iron Horse"? Meet the Editor! · 10:15pm Jul 19th, 2015

Since "The Iron Horse" is coming up on 20 chapters (well, technically it already has, if you count the short fake-out chapter), I thought I'd post a blog to discuss the contributions of my collaborators. This first one is about my editor, GaPJaxie!

The Great and Powerful Jaxie!

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Changing Artistic Depictions of the Sirens · 3:41pm Dec 29th, 2016

I have just submitted a short fun end-of-year story: Star Swirl the Bearded and The Sirens of Capri. This is adapted from something I did for a writeoff, and is my take on Star Swirl and the Dazzlings.

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Viewing 1 - 20 of 165 results